June ICCA Dinner Meeting
Click Here to make your reservation online. Walk-ins are welcome.
Topic: Recession Proof Your Business -- GROW and OWN More Market Share While Everyone Else Downsizes
Who: Independent Computer Consultants Association - Kansas City Chapter
What: June 2009 Dinner & Chapter Meeting
When: June 23rd, 2009 - 4th Tuesday of the month.Networking: 5:30PMDinner : 6:30PMProgram : 7:30PM
Where: KC Masterpiece Barbecue & Grill 10985 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS 66210 (I435 & Metcalf Ave.) Click here for map and directions Free parking is available in the restaurant's lot.
Speaker: Alan Boyer

To be covered: The secret to growing a business in any economy.

Discover why businesses believe that they will lose business in a recession like this (wrong headed thinking). It’s the belief that causes them to lose business, NOT THE ECONOMY.
How to grow a business to ANY SIZE rapidly during ANY ECONOMY.
Grow your business BECAUSE of the RECESSION; don’t be at the mercy of it.
How to market your business like you’ve never marketed before
The secret to not only GROWING, but to take your business to places most people can’t imagine, while reducing the number of hours.
How to design a DREAM business that makes more than most people ever dream about, and do it in less than 6 hours a week.
While everyone else is complaining about the recession and losing clients, now is the time for you to OWN a larger market share.
More about our Speaker:
Alan Boyer’s main purpose in life is “exploding business results” by 5-10 times every time he touches one, even if he touches that business owner only one and briefly, even if he isn’t a client.
At this point about 80% of his clients double their entire business, revenues, profits, clients, efficiency, in 4-8 weeks. In fact, he has a $100,000 This Year OR ELSE mastermind group, with a guarantee that they will make either their first $100,000 or an additional $100,000. Within the first 1 ½ months they are on track.
Carpet cleaner is on track to an additional $60,000
Web developer $70,000 a month (not a year, a month)
Sign company owner is trying to figure out how to hire people to keep up.
A Mary Kay lady who got only 1 new client from her website ALL of last year, within 2 weeks was already getting 72 times more people than she did all of last year.
A consultant made his first $50K sale in 3 weeks, and acquired two VERY LARGE clients, Logitech, and Coca Cola. He had not been able to get ANYTHING prior to this even though he had hired other “experts.”
Although Alan’s clients range from single proprietors on up through companies like Saudi Arabian Oil, Aramco, his main focus is helping coaches, consultants, and highly technical companies such as engineers and IT consultants. His education is in electrical engineering, software development so he understands what is missing from most of the highly technical thinker’s businesses. There is a thinking pattern that just plain gets in the way, and how to turn that around Quickly! He’s found that their technical focus frequently gets in the way of the breakthroughs they need in reaching more clients, and how to apply the way they think that will cause them to leap forward by a factor of 5 to 10 times within weeks.
He’s been to the top executive level in large international corporations, and owned his own small businesses. Been there, struggled, and turned them around. One of his larger clients who was in the World Trade center and got a major setback, went from 1 new major client a month to 51 a day. Stop and figure what that business multiplier is . .. and within such a short time!!!
He’s worked with some of the top marketing coaches in the world and will share some of those concepts with you. So, if you’d like to learn some of his secrets that he shares with thousands of his followers be sure to come to the ICCA dinner.
* Dinner meeting pricing!!! *
$25 for both members and guests that reserve online by * June 20th AT NOON *, $30 at the door
Students with a valid student ID are always $20
Walk ins are welcomePre-payment online by credit card (for on-line reservations) or payment by check at the door are preferred. Non-members are encouraged to attend.
More information available online at: http://www.icca-kc.org/
Click Here to make your reservation online.


Topic: Understanding the Procedure Cache
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 6:00 pm
Speaker: Bill Graziano

Bill Graziano is a partner in ClearData Consulting and and a SQL Server MVP. He specializes in SQL Server performance tuning, database administration and database application development. Bill serves on the Board of Directors of PASS and is a regular presenter at their annual conference. Bill is a founder of SQLTeam.com, a web site for SQL Server professionals and has taught classes in SQL Server, Visual Basic, MSF and Windows Server.

Understanding the Procedure Cache: Writing Efficient, Reusable Queries When is a query plan reused? When will dynamic SQL give better performance results than stored procedures? What are the benefits of a compiled query plan? When should you turn on forced parameterization? What is the most efficient way to write SQL for reports that might have wildly different WHERE clauses? Why is my stored procedure very slow somtimes? How effecient is the SQL from LINQ? How effecient is the SQL from ORM tools?

We have meetings on the second Thursday of every month. Our group meets at the Johnson County Community College Regnier Center. Our normal room is room #236 but check the visual displays when you arrive to confirm.
In an ongoing attempt to make the content presented useful to our members we start each meeting with a short Q&A session. Unless noted in the meeting notes the schedule for each meeting will be:
6:00 - 6:30 - General Q&A session & Announcements
6:30 - 7:30 - Presentation(s)
7:30 - ?? - Door prizes and Question & Answer session
12345 College Blvd Overland Park Kansas 66210-1299 913-469-8500 Once you arrive the Regnier center is the red brick building next to the large white building. Parking is available under the center as well as on three sides. Once inside please check the room displays as the college frequently changes our room assignment. If you cannot find us please call Neil Watkins @ 913-515-1404http://www.jccc.net/home/site.php/welcome/maps/fullcampus


Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 - 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Topic: Highlights from Mix 2009

This month Lee Brandt and Clint Edmonson will be demonstrating highlights from the MIX09 conference! You’ll get to see some of the great new technologies that were introduced at MIX09 as well as detailed information and in-depth demonstrations on the upcoming release of Silverlight 3 and Expression Blend 3. Plus we’re giving away an Xbox 360 and Zune. You don’t want to miss this special meeting!


At this month's meeting we are going to let you do the talking. The subject is favorites. What is your favorite software, utility, application etc. Where are the best places to find the best hardware, software, bargains. When you go shopping for you computer needs whatever they may be, do you have favorite sites or stores you frequent first?
What methods do you do/use to find the best price at the time? When you decide to get/purchase an item/program you do not normally purchase or possess little knowledge where do you go to educate yourself before you make your commitment. You get the idea. If you want, send links or subject matter to diabill@sbcglobal.net so they can be incorporated into an agenda.

If you have comments about this subject forward those also and I will incorporate them also before the meeting.
Hope to see you there.

Meeting Date: 6/16/2009 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Metcalf South Shopping Center 96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS (Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the center area.)
Room: 6 see a map at
Please patronize our sponsor - Take a course - They do a great job at increasing your job skills.
Catalog of Classes: http://www.newhorizonskc.com/catalog/index0.htm


Our next meeting will be held:

6:30 PM, Wed, June 24, 2009

Centriq Training Center

8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)


Food and Door Prizes will be provided by : YET TO BE DETERMINED


Monthly attendance is increasing! We are averaging 35 to 45 people per month. In order to ensure that we have enough food for you this month, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

The topic is: The Wonderful World Of Web Maps (speaker: Kurt Loudon)

1. Introduction to Web Maps Via Google
Use Google to monitor alarms in a large geographic area.
2. Web Maps Cornucopia Via ESRI
A. Tour de Flex: Web Maps & how to access some sample code B. ESRI: Flex API with service area geoprocessing
C. ESRI: Javascript API with some geoprocessing code (ie how to find service area driving time from a particular location – accesses same ArcObject(COM) code as the Flex API)
D. http://www.batchgeocode.com/ ; Geocode web page & code...
3. Questions & Answers, etc...

Kurt Loudon BIO:

Kurt W. Loudon serves as a Data Systems Architect for Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc. Kurt is a 17-year technical expert in the diverse field of information technology. Design and development of Databases, GIS, & Web systems are his main areas of expertise, using cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to deliver first-class products and services in formats such as ArcSDE, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MS Visual Basic, PHP, Google Maps/Earth, ColdFusion, ASP, MS Access, Satellite Forms, ER/Studio, Er! win, ArcIMS, and more! Kurt has a bachelor’s degree in G! eography from the University of Missouri – Columbia. He also has earned a master’s in Public Management & Policy from the top-ranked Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University. Kurt has been instrumental in designing, developing, and implementing the integration of GIS, Database, Web, and Asset Management technologies for the following clients: City of Westminster CO; Kansas Department of Health & Environment; Department of Defense; Union County Conservation District; Department of Homeland Security; Tele Atlas; Department of Agriculture; City of North Kansas City MO; Oklahoma Natural Gas; and more.


Eyual Getahun of CJK Software will be presenting at the Sharepoint Heartland Users Group on Tuesday June 9th.

He will demonstrate how to implement a Dashboard using Sharepoint.
Meeting is open.

Meeting starts at 07:00PM and will be held at a meeting room which will be posted

On Lcd Screens in the Regnier Center of Johnson County Community College. It is usually on the 2nd floor. The College is located in Overland Park Kansas on 12345 College Blvd. Additional information can be found on the HUG web site http://www.hugkc.org/

If you are interested in Sharepoint come and share with us.


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