Last month you heard Curtis Wilson discuss what can happen when viruses, malware and spyware get into your system.
He also mentioned a couple of products he now uses to help prevent/discover such problems in the future. We also added to the discussion with other thoughts but what we did was talk. This month we show and tell. We will download the products and install then run them. Since this takes time and time is finite we will do our best to get in what we can. If you have equipment you think needs cleaned then bring it in with you. Laptops are the easiest for an off-site meeting but if you feel you need to, bring in a desktop. Please email me at so we can be prepared. For desktops we can most likely use a monitor at the meeting location but the keyboard and mouse will probably have to be brought in with the desktop.

While we are waiting for some of the products to download/install/run we can talk about how to formulate a good plan to protect our PC equipment and expand our experience. The term BEST is not always the same for each individual. Maybe we can help define that term for you. As always, the more people involved in the discussion the more beneficial it is to all so bring in your experiences/opinions. In this arena there is no such thing as a best way; the choice is from a number of better ways. What is best in this point in time changes with product offerings but most importantly from your knowledge and experience. The more you grow in each of these areas the more your viewpoint changes. Come help be a change in someone else's PC experience.

As usual, there will be a question and answer session and other topics discussed you may find interesting so come and bring your expertise.

Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Metcalf South Shopping Center 96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS (Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the center area.)
Room: 6 see a map at

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