Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, May 26, 2010
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

Sponsor: Robert Half Technology
Food and door prizes will be provided by : Robert Half Technology
In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month's topic is:

Presentation: Websites, So Easy (and cheap) a Caveman Can Do It! (speaker: Michael D. Newby)

This presentation will cover the basics of getting started to create your own website. A discussion of the technologies and lessons Michael learned in creating his websites: www.recursivecreativity.com and www.excelusersgroup.org. It might surprise you how little it costs, the free resources available and things you s! hould consider before getting started.

Short outline:
o Web Hosts (1&1, GoDaddy, etc.)
o Domains, domain names
o Using Templates (free and Commercially available)
o Web Pages, Web Technologies (basic discussion of what I use; there are too many to discuss all)
o Cascading Style Sheets, HTML, ASP.NET
o Validation
o Basic Scripting (JavaScript)
o Search Engine Optimization, Google, Bing
o Backups
o Web Site Management Software overview
o E-mail

Michael's Bio:
Michael's background is in accounting and finance but has always leveraged technology to facilitate reducing the level of effort and the man hours involved in all processes. Michael is a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), has led the local Windows Freeware User Group and regularly presents at User Groups on a wide variety of subjects.


WHERE: Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS
WHEN: 6:00 PM
TOPIC: Stop Drowning in Technical Debt!

Technical Debt is a metaphor introduced by Ward Cunningham to describe
the result of “Quick and Dirty” Software Design. Eventually,
software projects will incur either accidental or strategic Technical Debt. What is the price of accumulating to much technical debt? How do we measure our Technical Debt? How do we pay down our Technical Debt? This session will provide the answers to these questions through a balance of presentation and real-world examples using various code analysis and metrics available within Visual Studio 2008.

SPEAKER: Dennis J. Bottjer
Dennis J. Bottjer is a solutions architect, consultant, teacher, blogger and speaker. As a three time Microsoft ASP/ASP.NET MVP, he specializes in SharePoint and Web Development. Dennis has over 12 years of industry experience with an emphasis on the Financial and Banking Sectors. As an associate for a Fortune 100 Financial Services Company, Dennis was a key contributor during the development of an underwriting system and fulfillment system. Dennis builds community by regularly participating in user groups and community events. He has been a user group president and is currently an INETA.org membership mentor. Dennis lives in Tulsa, OK with his wife Carrie, daughter Kate, son Will and three cats.

SPONSOR: Volt Technical Resources
Volt delivers integrated workforce consulting, technology management consulting, and database services that will improve your company's
Human Capital Solutions
Data Management
IT Infrastructure & Support
Outsourced Project Solutions
Customer Care Resources
Directory Printing


Event Overview
Nothing demonstrates the power of Visual Studio 2010 than getting hands-on with the product! Join us after the Launch 2010 Highlights session, and take Visual Studio 2010 for a test drive. At this free event, you’ll learn about Visual Studio 2010, see some cool demos and load an evaluation copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on your laptop machine. We’ll provide you with instructor-led training on installing Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate including hands-on training covering the products' main basic features - PLUS, we’ll introduce you to Windows Azure and walk you through the process of building an Azure application.

Every Attendee will receive:
· an evaluation copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.
· a free, temporary, full-access account to work with Windows Azure for a period of 1 week
(accounts will be emailed to all registered attendees 24-48 hours in advance of each event).

Register today! Space is limited to 25. Register and attend and you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a full version copy of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate along with some other great prizes.

Food & Beverages will be provided.
Go here: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032452957&Culture=en-US for more information


When: May 20, 2010
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: Johnson County Community College
Regnier Center, Room 255
12345 College Boulevard
Overland Park, Kansas 66210

Please check Event monitors when entering building due to the possibility of room changes.

Speaker: Michael D. Newby
Resources: No material has yet been submitted for discussion. Thus, any resources will be posted after meeting.
Description: This will be the kickoff meeting for the Kansas City Excel Users Group.
Points for discussion:
1.Question and Answer session.
2.The different versions of Microsoft Excel.
3.Demonstration of some basic and high level development.
4.Functions. Too many people overuse VBA and the key is to know when and when NOT to use VBA. The mistake I see a lot is that people try to write VBA code for user defined functions (UDF).....and the function already exists in Excel.
We will close with a discussion of what users expect and would like to get out of the group.


Access Meeting
May 19th at JCCC Regnier 2nd floor 6:30 pm - Two presentations:
Presentation 1 - A brand new Access database is born for church record management by Toni Berry, Access student of Lisa Friedrichsen's

Presentation 2 -- Using Access as a tool to import, archive, and manage emails with attachments by Kay Schallenberg of Sprint


Windows/Freeware SIG
Meeting Date: 5/18/2010 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
This month we will talk about freeware for 64 bit processors and how to determine if your equipment has a 64 bit processor. Both Intel and Microsoft are transitioning to 64 bit processing as well as peripheral suppliers with new/updated drivers. We will investigate where development of 64 bit software is presently and if 64 bit applications will run on 32 bit processors.

As usual, there will be a question and answer session and other topics discussed you may find interesting so come and bring your expertise.
I have received some information there are questions on some of the freeware we have discussed in the past. Also if you have found some interesting utilities that may be of interest to the rest of us bring those also.

If you have some interesting topics for future discussions/presentations or of you can update some presentations you have presented in the past then bring that to the meeting or email me at diabill@sbcglobal.net.

Hope to see you there.
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
(Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
center area.)
Room: 6 see a map at


Meeting Topic: ScrumBut and Fragile; What to do when your Agile introduction stalls

It's a fact. Most organizations that claim they are "Agile" are not.
They have adopted practices that are convenient, but fail to embrace the essential. They accept improvements not breakthroughs. These organizations believe they have adopted Agile Programming and Scrum, but actually they have adopted "ScrumBut" and "Fragile." Are you one of them? Need a reality check?

Come by and get your ego bruised at the next AgileKC meeting to be held at 6:30 pm Thursday May 20, 2010 (05/20/10) at the Pizza Shoppe in Overland Park, KS (5285 W. 95th St which is on the south side of 95th street just east of Nall Avenue). For $8 you get all-you-can-eat pizza and soft drinks.

We'll start with a brief reminder of the nine core practices separating saints and sinners, followed by a moderated conversation on topics of concern to fragilists:

* You've plateaued; How do you push the rock up hill?
* Death bed confessions; Where have you failed utterly?
* How to say something useful and avoid felony arrest
* Allies and enemies; If you want a friend on this job, get a dog

By the end of the evening, expect to know how to use an Agile "dashboard" to identify those things that have to happen to move forward.

Get the word out. Invite friends and foes.
Hope to see you on the 20th!


The annual election of directors and officers was held April 21. 2010 at JCCC Regnier Center. The new officers and directors of HUG are:

President - Bill Diamond
Vice President - John Kyzysztow
Treasurer - Earl Long
Secretary - Curtis Wilson

SIG Leaders:
Access - Lisa Friedrichsen
Share Point - John Kyzysztow
Windows/Freeware - Bill Diamond
WebMaster - Bruno Vizcarra


HUG SharePoint Meeting on May 11th at 7 PM. Regnier 2nd Floor. ECM & SharePoint2010 by Sandeep Khandelwal

Topic: ECM & SharePoint 2010
Come and learn on ECM capability in SharePoint 2010.

Speaker Bio:
Sandeep has been working with SharePoint since early days of STS. He specializes in implementing medium to large scale SharePoint farm, creating custom solutions using InfoPath form & Workflow, building BI dashboards using PerformancePoint & Excel Services, integrating LOB applications with SharePoint and migrating Lotus Notes databases to SharePoint. Also, whenever time permits, Sandeep presents at SharePoint conferences and local SharePoint users group.

Company Bio:
IntegrationNow is a leading SharePoint solution provider specializing in intranet, extranet and internet solutions built on SharePoint platform. Services includes WCM, branding, customization, custom workflows, browser based InfoPath forms development, BI dashboarding, integrating with SAP, Siebel, Oracle Financials and implemenation of highly scalable ECM solutions.


Here is a list of some of the groups having meetings in May 2010 and beyond:
05/06 CCCKC
05/06 KC Design Core
05/11 Arc Info
05/11 Ruby
05/12 Java
05/13 DotNetNuke
05/13 ISACA
05/15 PHP
05/20 Excel
05/25 .Net Sig
05/26 DAMA
05/26 Drupal
05/26 KC LIG
06/03 MSDN 2010
06/03 SAS
06/03 Technet 2010
06/11 VMWare
07/29 SQL Server


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