Kansas City SQL Server User Group Members,

This is a reminder that the Kansas City SQL Server User Group will be meeting this Friday August 27, 2010 @ 2:30PM. This month Leonard Mwangi will be speaking on SQL Server BI solutions.

Leonard Mwangi is a Principal Consultant with e Tek Global Inc. concentrating mostly on Information Worker Solutions and applications Integration. Leonard has over 8 years of experience in IT Industry and has been working with SQL Server since SQL 7.0 and SharePoint since SPS with end-to-end client solutions. Leonard is also a regular contributor for MS forums and a presenter at different Special Interest Groups regarding SQL Server and SharePoint.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Don't forget SQL Saturday is coming up in just over a month here in Kansas City, sign up here for a day of free training and networking with some of the top SQL Server experts in the country.

Meeting Details: http://kansascity.sqlpass.org/


I thought this month we might have an open spaces meeting.

The way it would work is:
1. Everyone will be given 10 minutes to put topics on the board on a sticky note.

2. We will take a few minutes to let everyone on the (3 or 4) topics they'd like to discuss.

3. The top n topics (depending on our attendance) will be picked, we will
break into groups to discuss those topics. (probably 20 mins or so)

4. Each group will have a moderator (usually the person who submitted the
topic) who keeps the discussion on track and a secretary (could be same
person) who writes down the main points (target 7 points) of the

5. Then each group will take just a few minutes to present to the group what their group talked about and what conclusions or points they recorded.

Topic: I submit: How can I reduce my carbon footprint?
I will moderate the discussion and just keep in on topic, and John will
right down the salient points as they come up.
After all discussions are done, I will present out discussion an points:
"We were discussing how to reduce your carbon footprint. These are the
suggestions we cam up with:
Recycle, drive a hybrid, buy locally grown food, install
long-life/low-engery lighting, Energy-star appliances, turn appliances,
lights and A/C off while at work."

If no one submits any topics I will bring some to kind of "seed" the list. :0)

We'll get started about 6:00.
Food will be provided by Robert Half International.
Hope to see you all there!


Come to our September meeting, 9/14 at 7:00 at Leawood Pioneer Library. Topic is DNN skinning. Bring your skinning questions and your favorite skin examples. Hope to see you there!


The next Agile KC meeting will be at 6:30 PM on Thursday August 26, 2010 at the Pizza Shoppe.

Martin Olson will present his reflections on Agile 2010 that occurred in Orlando Florida at the beginning of the month (www.agile2010.com) and will also show an innovative method to get your entire team involved in a decision without saying a word. If you're intrigued, please plan on attending and see what it's all about.

The second half of the meeting will be centered around the group answering your questions about implementing an agile process in your organization and specifically looking at any problems you are encountering. These sessions have been very valuable in the past for novices and experts alike. So bring your hardest problems and your best solutions and join us on the 26th.

Hope to see you there!


Join Better Software Magazine, Rally, and ATSC as we discuss proven approaches and best practices for Agile transformation. This complimentary collaborative half-day event is ideal for software and IT managers and directors who are looking to understand:

How to build a roadmap for adopting Agile and Lean practices within your organization

What other successful Agile organizations are doing to adopt and scale Agile practices

The appropriate metrics for measuring your organization's Agile success

How to empower your teams through a variety of Agile training and consulting approaches

How Agile enables distributed development for your own teams and any outsourced resources

How Agile ALM solutions enable quality, collaboration and visibility for development teams
This event is ideal for software and IT managers or directors and their teams.
For more info go to: http://forms.sqe.com/forms/KansasAgileTransformationWorkshopSQE


ITEC Conference 2010 - A single day focused on the changes in the IT landscape including more conference sessions, more peer networking, and more answers!



The August 19th meeting for the Excel User Group has been cancelled.


Greetings, KCIIBA Members and Friends!

The next meeting of the KCIIBA will be held on Thursday, August 19th, 2010. This month, Sharon Weaver, President of JSW Consulting and VP of Recruiting for the KCIIBA, will lead a facilitated discussion about BA Roles and Responsibilities called BA 101. During this session, attendees will learn about a number of different roles on the Business Analyst spectrum.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm at Centriq Training at 8700 State Line Road in Leawood, KS.

We hope you will join us for this session. To RSVP for the meeting, please visit http://kansascity.theiiba.org/index.php/general/rsvp?view=ckforms&id=6 or email recruiting@kansascity.theiiba.org


Diana K. Alt
Kansas City Chapter of the IIBA


Windows/Freeware: 8/17/2010 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center

Due to the violent weather last meeting attendance was greatly affected so we decided to call it off and carry the subject to this month's meeting.

An interesting question from a group member established this months meeting discussion. The question concerned a modem that was not working and asked if the modem could be faulty and if it could be replaced or were there other suggestions for resolving the problem. The member was later able to fix the situation and I hope the solution is brought to this month's meeting.

The question however started me thinking. How do you start fixing a hardware item problem? That line of thought led me to a broader question. What if you want to keep your present equipment but it needs updated to accelerate performance, increase storage amount or add a feature it presently does not have? Is a laptop very much different from a desktop? Come to this month's meeting and join this discussion. Most everyone has had hardware failures or wanted to update present equipment. All should have opinions, questions and experiences in this area.

If you know questions you want the answer to please email them to me at diabill@sbcglobal.net so I can ensure I have the best answer I can find.

As usual, there will be a question and answer session and other topics discussed you may find interesting so come and bring your expertise.
Also, if you have found some interesting utilities that may be of interest to the rest of us bring those also.

If you have some interesting topics for future discussions/presentations or of you can update some presentations you have presented in the past then bring that to the meeting or email me at diabill@sbcglobal.net.

Hope to see you there.

Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
(Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
center area.)


SharePoint: Aug 10th at 7 pm JCCC Regnier 2nd Floor
Forms Authentication in SharePoint 2010.
Presenter: Ameet Phadnis
Assistance with the demo: Ambar Nirgudkar

In this presentation we will be discussing
a. Options for SharePoint Authentication.
b. Forms Based Authentication with LDAP and SQL Server Authentication.
c. Security for Extranet and Web Applications.
d. Bonus demo will be allowing CAPTCHA image validation with Forms Based Authentication.

Ameet Phadnis, MCTS has over 14 years of IT industry experience with major focus on Microsoft Technologies. He is the President of e Tek Global a premier Microsoft Gold Partner company based in Overland Park, KS. Ameet has presented at SharePoint Connections, SharePoint Users Group in Kansas City and India. He has worked with major companies like Farmland Industries, CSC, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP, Lathrop & Gage etc. He has been working in SharePoint since 2005 and has worked on various complicated applications using SharePoint.


AAUGA stands for Autodesk Animation User Group Association. It is an Autodesk sponsored national user group that has chapters in other cities (Austin, Boston, Chicago for instance) and now has a KC chapter (www[DOT]aaugakc[DOT]com). Even though the name Autodesk is in the title, the meetings don't always have to be 100% Autodesk related. We will eventually get to the point of having Lightwave, Rhino, C4D, and Adobe stuff.

Our first meeting is going to be Tuesday Sept. 7th from 6:30-8:30pm. Subsequent meetings will be the 1st Tuesday of every month. Pizza and soda will be provided but PLEASE RSVP by emailing me at admin[AT]aaugakc[DOT]com or comment on the blog post at www[dot]aaugakc[dot]com (must be registered to post) so we know about how much to get. Loose agenda 6:30-7 pizza and meet some people, 7-8 3ds Max 2011 new features by yours truly, Chip Weatherman of HNTB, (mainly slate material editor and some of the graphite modeling tools and if anyone else has something they want to see or show, let me know), and 8-8:30 future of the group.

Meeting will be at Centriq Training:
8700 State Line Road
Leawood, KS 66206


The newest chapter IASA Kansas City (IASAKC) will hold its inaugural event at the Johnson Count Library in Overland Park, KS, on September 8th. The free event will take place from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, and will introduce the community to the IASA mission, activities and offerings.
To register for the event please visit www.iasa982010.eventbrite.com.
For information on KCIASA visit www.iasakc.org.


Access: Aug 18th at 6:30 pm JCCC Regnier 2nd Floor
First Session - Cindy Wilson will bring an event registration database that she has developed over time & focus the talk on using union queries to combine info between tables found in a subform & those from the master lists?

Second Session - What the heck is Event Driven Programming? Do I need a ticket to participate in these Events? The demo will be using VBA in Access 2007. This demonstration will include Building Cascading Combo Boxes; VBA Code examples using the Before and After Update event; VBA Code examples using the On Click event.

Presentation by Jim Watkins, MCP CCP CDP, Vice President of Heritage Computer Consulting and Services, Inc. 7700 Wedd #100, Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 529-4227 www.hccsinc.com E-mail: hccs@hccsinc.com.

Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
7700 Wedd Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66204
FAX 913-660-0362


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