WHERE: Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS

WHEN: 6:00 PM

TOPIC: Stop Drowning in Technical Debt!

Technical Debt is a metaphor introduced by Ward Cunningham to describe the result of “Quick and Dirty” Software Design. Eventually, software projects will incur either accidental or strategic Technical Debt. What is the price of accumulating to much technical debt? How do we measure our Technical Debt? How do we pay down our Technical Debt? This session will provide the answers to these questions through a balance of presentation and real-world examples using various code analysis and metrics available within Visual Studio 2008.

SPEAKER: Dennis J. Bottjer
Dennis J. Bottjer is a solutions architect, consultant, teacher, blogger and speaker. As a three time Microsoft ASP/ASP.NET MVP, he specializes in SharePoint and Web Development. Dennis has over 12 years of industry experience with an emphasis on the Financial and Banking Sectors. As an associate for a Fortune 100 Financial Services Company, Dennis was a key contributor during the development of an underwriting system and fulfillment system. Dennis builds community by regularly participating in user groups and community events. He has been a user group president and is currently an INETA.org membership mentor. Dennis lives in Tulsa, OK with his wife Carrie, daughter Kate, son Will and three cats.


Meeting Topic: About Teams and Team Building

We read a lot about how to do Agile - from ways to make better burn down charts to the latest and greatest tool on the market. But when do we work on our teams and making them better? Join is at the next Agile KC meeting where Erik France will help us focus on building better teams. Erik will explore some of the things that have worked for his organization in the past and some of the things that have not. Given the complexity of the topic and the situational nature of teams and team building, audience participation will not only be encouraged but required for a productive session. So bring a couple of colleagues from your organization and take a stab at critiquing what you're doing well and what you might want to change from a team perspective.
Hope to see you on the 30th.


Our next meeting will be on October 5th 6:30pm at Centriq Training again. Please RSVP to “admin AT aaugakc DOT com”. This month we have Matt Kaustinen of Boomer Labs showing some of his latest and greatest plugins.
Also, I’ll be doing a demo of Max2Ae which allows you to paste 3ds Max keyframe data directly in After Effects. You can also bring in many light types, object position, and some particle support.

In addition, there will be some more pizza and soda. There will also be 6 shirts this time and we’re going to do a take on an old Price is Right favorite using the PhsyX engine again.

Meeting will be at Centriq Training:
8700 State Line Road
Leawood, KS 66206

For more info: http://www.aaugakc.com/2010/09/20/meeting-tues-oct-5th-630p/


Kansas City Excel Users Group September 2010 meeting is cancelled and the group suspended until I can get someone interested in assuming leadership of the group. Sorry for the late notice, I will be in Houston longer than I expected.....most likely indefinately! (Michael Newby)


Come strengthen the largest Kansas City area IT community and create real life connections from this virtual group! Bring your 30 second pitch + business cards and start building your network BEFORE you need it!
Not much of a networker? What else could be easier than to discuss your passion for technology amongst others who have similar interests? Rest assured, it’s a very friendly atmosphere…everyone is looking to make new connections! For more info, see our blog post
You are invited to the following event:
KC IT Professionals: September Happy Hour Networking Event (9/21)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (CT)

The Well
7421 Broadway Street
Kansas City, MO 64114

Can you attend this event? Click here to register at EventBrite


Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, September 22, 2010
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: CJK Software
Food and door prizes will be provided by : CJK Software

In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month's topic is:

Getting Employed in Challenging Times (speaker: John Krzysztow)
Struggling in a tough economy to get employment requires a strategy or plan. What is your strategy or plan? John will explain techniques and tasks that will help attendees start on their plan. He will draw from some attendees on what has worked for them. It will be and informative and collaborative meeting to help attendees get on the Fast Track to Employment. !
John Krzysztow's BIO:
John is a couple decades veteran in IT. He worked in several technology positions for RCA Computer Division, Unisys and (DEC) digital equipment corporation. John started Cjk Software Consultants, Inc in 1993 after accepting DEC's transition opportunity to start a custom software company. He received an ASC from Dean Junior College and BAC from Clark University in MA with a double major Math/Computer Science in 1991. He has observed and benefited from user groups in MA and KC. He is also on Technology Advisory commitees for Van Horn High and Olathe High Schools. John is also a Toastmaster. He has led several IT non-profit organizations and user groups in KC. He is anxious to start and grow this group as well.
Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com


Greetings, KCIIBA Members and Friends

Please join us for the next meeting of the Kansas City Chapter of the IIBA. Serena Software will be our sponsor and keynote speaker this month, and will share best practices for using protopying to communicate with stakeholders during enterprise analysis and business analysis activities.

WHEN: Thursday, 9/16/2010 at 6:30pm
WHERE: Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

Please RSVP by emailing recruiting@kansascity.theiiba.org or via our website: http://kansascity.theiiba.org/index.php/general/rsvp?view=ckforms&id=6

We hope to see you there!


Windows/Freeware: 9/21/2010 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center

We will be disussing more information about Windows 7 and information about laptops and batteries. If you know questions you want the answer to please email them to me at diabill@sbcglobal.net so I can ensure I have the best answer I can find.

As usual, there will be a question and answer session and other topics discussed you may find interesting so come and bring your expertise.
Also, if you have found some interesting utilities that may be of interest to the rest of us bring those also.

If you have some interesting topics for future discussions/presentations or of you can update some presentations you have presented in the past then bring that to the meeting or email me at diabill@sbcglobal.net.

Hope to see you there.

Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
(Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
center area.)


15th at 6:30 pm JCCC Regnier 2nd Floor
Presentation #1 is on something new from Access 2007, Split Forms by Jim Watkins.
See the creation of a Split form in Access 2007. Yes, I said split forms. No, you don't need scissors. Double your viewing pleasure and double your database fun w/ split, split, split forms. (my apologies to Wrigley's)

Presentation by Jim Watkins, MCP CCP CDP, Vice President of Heritage Computer Consulting and Services, Inc. 7700 Wedd #100, Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 529-4227 www.hccsinc.com E-mail: hccs@hccsinc.com.

Presentation #2 is on an advanced Access topic by Bill Diamond.

PS - Lisa has a stack of computer books donated by publishers which are piling up in her office. She might bring a few dozen to give away. Catch - You must be a paid up member to have first choice. I will collect any volunteer membership payments at the meeting before any books are given away.


SharePoint: Sep 14th at 7 pm JCCC Regnier 2nd Floor
Move to SharePoint 2010 for all its greatness
Presenter: Leonard Mwangi
You have SharePoint 2007 or even 2003, wants to move to SharePoint 2010 for all its greatness. What do you do? Leonard Mwangi a Microsoft Information worker will take you through the upgrade process and things to consider before and during the migration process. The session will mainly demo focused with the following agenda:-

• What you should know before the upgrade (best practices)
• Different upgrade methods
• Downtime mitigation ideas
• Demo
o Database upgrade process
o Visual Upgrade UI
o PowerShell upgrade
o Upgrade improvement


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