May 17th 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Metcalf South Shopping Center 96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS (Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the center area.) Room: 6 see a map at

This month we will catchup on a number of things. We will look at revised ratings for Windows security utilities, Windows 7 updates and other general Windows subjects. Since we are at the start of the summer traveling season we can look at ways of powering our laptops when a AC socket is not available. Maybe you are considering buying a camera and would like to discuss what features you should look for or compare features and price to best fit your needs to your budget. Another need might be how to get your pictures off your camera to your computer particularly without having to drag a suitcase of camera accessories to accomplish this goal. You can add your own needs to this list. Be sure to show up and lend your voice to any discussion.

As usual, there will be a question answer period where we can discuss other issues as you see fit. Please email known questions to Bill Diamond at before hand.
Bill Diamond
Windows/Freeware SIG leader

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