Nicole Feltz was just 8 years old when she was first placed in the Salvation Army Children’s Shelter at 101 W. Linwood Blvd. Today, Nicole is now a successful financial analyst for Cigna Healthcare in Overland Park. Join us as we hear her story and how the Children's Shelter made a positive difference in her life. Amanda Waters, the Divisional Director of Community Relations with her team from Salvation Army and their partner, 610 Sports will discuss the Salvation Army Larry Stewart Memorial Radiothon that will be held this August and directly benefits the Salvation Army Children's Shelter.
Be prepared to share your ideas and learn from others on how social media can be instrumental in giving a voice to non-profit campaigns! The presentation team will consist of:
Salvation Army - Nicole Feltz, Children's Shelter Advocate, Amanda Waters, Divisional Director of Community Relations, Amanda Buehler, the Director of the Shelter and Chris Ruhnke, e-communications Manager
610 Sports - Ryan Maguire, the program director and Dustin Boehm, the promotions director


I just wanted to send out an email to let everybody know that we've finalized the details for our next meeting. Juan will be giving a talk on google app engine. I just saw him give this talk at KCDC this last Saturday and it was really great. We're hoping to keep it conversational and hopefully get into a bit more depth on GAE, seeing how most of us already know python to some degree.
Here are the details:
When: July 9th at 2pm
Where: Salva O'Renick 1810 Cherry St. Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64108
Parking: Street parking at 1810 cherry and a parking lot (40 car lot) around the block at 19th and Locust.
Please RSVP at the page if you plan on coming - it really helps us plan the event when we know how many people plan on being there.
Looking forward to seeing everybody there!


The St. Louis .NET User Group meets every month and offers free sessions -- mostly targeted towards software developers that use the Microsoft .NET Framework in some way. Imagine taking 2 years of user group meetings and putting them together into one big event. Throw in a keynote address by a Microsoft Director of Product Management for Developer Platforms, some food, some music, some social time with your peers and lots of prizes -- then you have the makings for this event. Our Day of .NET is so big it has to be spread out over 2 days.


This is a great place for software developers in Kansas City. This group is also for professionals involved in planning and implementing applications as well as those wishing to learn more about new technologies, development tools, programming languages and/or (open source) projects. We get together few times a month to have fun, motivate each others and share knowledge, projects and opportunities. This group is open for everyone. Experienced developers, newcomers, and people with ideas are all welcome.


Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, June 22, 2011
1102 Grand
Downtown Kansas City
Sponsor: 1102 Grand
Food and door prizes will be provided by : 1102 Grand


NOTE: Location for this month's meeting is :: Downtown Kansas City :: 1102 Grand

This month's topic is:
1102 Grand Internet Provider / Data Center (speaker: Greg Elliott)

Companies from around the world utilize 1102 GRAND for data center operations, colocation services, and to connect to our impressive list of 32 carriers and internet providers. Bootstrapping startups to Inc. 500 and Fortune 500 companies count on 1102 GRAND around the clock to grow their business and successfully achieve operational objectives.

Long haul fiber- Met! ro fiber- Dark Fiber- Lit services- MPLS Networks? 1102 GRAND is a major Midwestern internet hub and the most fiber dense network neutral interconnection and colocation facility in the Kansas City region. Being uniquely positioned essentially equidistant between New York and Los Angeles as well as Chicago and Dallas provides network advantages for our customers. Major cross country fiber routes pass through Kansas City, and the majority pass through our carrier neutral Meet Me Room.

Information about the meeting: 1102 GRAND will provide dinner and drinks. There will also be giveaways and door prizes.

Parking suggestions and directions to the 1102 GRAND conference room: 1102 GRAND conference room is on the 20th floor (1102 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106). You can enter through 11th Street or Grand lobby doors. We lock down the lobby so please be patient if there is not someone there to let you in right away. After 5:00 PM the meters are n! o charge downtown, so feel free to park there. If you cannot ! find street parking, you can park in the parking garage just south of us (Wall Street Towers Garage / 1112 Grand). Be advised, large SUVs and Trucks may not fit in the garage. Other parking options include a self-pay surface parking lot on the east side of Grand across from the garage or another surface lot on the northeast corner of 11th and Grand. Google Maps has occasionally led people to the wrong location a couple miles north of our actual location. 1102 GRAND is two blocks north of the Sprint Center on the corner of 11th and Grand. If you have any questions or problems, please call me, Greg Elliott, at 816-213-7731.


Please plan on joining us next week for a special webinar to be presented jointly to the St. Louis Gateway and Kansas City Heartland HDI chapters.

"Managing the Generational Gap - An Introduction" will be presented by Mary Kausch, president of HR etc!! and we're very excited to have her. Click on the "get more information" link below to visit the event home page and learn more!

This webinar will introduce you to what drives the attitudes and values prevalent at work today - all impacting success! Age stereotypes will be dispelled as participants learn the effect generational "reference points" have had on shaping the differing values, attitudes and behavior between themselves and each other - and they're all different!


The Windows/Freeware Meeting on June 21st has been cancelled due to unexpected travel committment by Bill Diamond. This SIG will have a meeting on July 19th.


Quick Reminder of our first meetup of the Kansas City Python Users Group (KCPy)

Date: Saturday, June 11th, 2011
Place: Liquid 9 Studio - 515 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO - 64110

This is a great chance to get to meet Pythonistas of the KC Metro Area and surrounding towns and share ideas about Python-related activities for the group and future meetings.

I really hope you have a chance to join us and help us build a great Python Community that we can all benefit from.

This is an open meeting and developers from all levels of experience or even just "python-curious" are more than welcome to attend. Feel free to invite your friends and co-workers.


June 21st 6:30 PM - 9 PM

Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center Metcalf South Shopping Center 96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS (Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the center area.) Room: 6 see a map at

This month let us have some fun and everyone contribute. Details will follow. As usual, there will be a question answer period where we can discuss other issues as you see fit. Please email known questions to Bill Diamond at before hand.


June 15th - Access SIG - 6:30 pm JCCC Regnier Bldg 2nd Floor
Two presentations.
Session 1. Janet Gelsinger of Hallmark will be doing Tip 3: Filling a Table with Numbers
Sessions 2. Jim Watkins will be doing Tip 35: Building an Access Web Application


June 14th - Share Point at 7:00 pm JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor
John Krzysztow: What do you want to know about SharePoint?

SharePoint is a lot of things to many businesses. What problems can SharePoint solve? What does a successful implementation do for a business? Can I get started on my own?
How do you get started?
Biographical Sketch for John Krzysztow - John is a couple decades veteran in IT. He worked in several technology positions for RCA Computer Division, Unisys and (DEC) digital equipment corporation. John started Cjk Software Consultants, Inc in 1993 after accepting DEC's downsizing opportunity to start a custom software company. He received an ASC from Dean Junior College and BAC from Clark University in MA with a double major Math/Computer Science in 1991. He has observed and benefited from user groups in MA and KC. He participated on Technology Advisory committees for Van Horn High and Olathe High Schools. John is also a Toastmaster. He has led several IT non-profit organizations and user groups in KC.


Hey all, wanted to let you know about our upcoming Career fair. 9 awesome companies will be recruiting for mid to senior experience level IT jobs: Cerner, Commerce Bank, Digital Evolution Group, DST, Perceptive Software, MultiService, Red Nova Labs, Service Management Group, and Sprint.

There are lots of software engineer jobs (.NET, Java, PHP, etc), as well as IT Project Managers, Software Quality Assurance, Systems Engineers, Database Administrators, Business Analysts, etc. So, if you know any experienced IT people that are looking for a new opportunity - please tell them about it!

For the less experienced, we have a career enhancement segment, which will allow developing technology professionals to learn how to build their IT careers. They will receive advice from experts in the IT community on how to: build your resume/personal brand, become better software developers/project managers, and utilize social media to find new opportunities. Participating individuals/organizations include:
David Templeman, AdventureTech and The Social Media Club of Kansas City.

You can find more info/registration(required) here:


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