SQL Server user group will not be meeting today, July 28, but will be rescheduled for a later date. Please check the site for updates.
We will send another email as soon as the next meeting date is finalized, thank-you!
SQL Server user group will not be meeting today, July 28, but will be rescheduled for a later date. Please check the site for updates.
We will send another email as soon as the next meeting date is finalized, thank-you!
Tue, Jul 26, 2011, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
Presenter: Darren Cauthon
Topic: MVC Turbine
Sponsor: Volt
Red Nova Labs is hosting an introduction to Clojure talk that I'll be giving on Fri, Aug. 26 at their offices at 4830 Rainbow Blvd.
I'll be covering the basics of Clojure and what makes it unique. BTW, Clojure targets the CLR as well as the JVM. So I'd like to let your group know about it. RNL hosts Venture Fridays, which is a lot of fun and they provide an open bar and good food, too.
Happy Anniversary, Kansas City IT Professionals!
As we approach 5800 members, we can say that it’s been an amazing journey so far and we’ve appreciated your support so much over the past 3 years! THANK YOU!!
Come be a part of the community & help us celebrate our anniversary @ our Summer Happy Hour!
Join us from 5:30 – 7:30pm on Wednesday, August 3rd @ The Waldo Well! Conveniently located at 75th and Wornall, it’s just minutes away from OP, the plaza and downtown!
Go here for more info & registration (*required*): http://www.kcitp.com/?p=2841
Why should I attend?
In addition to helping to celebrate this milestone, our happy hours are a great way to come connect with your fellow geeks and talk about the latest in technology trends.
Make connections: Find a mentor! Meet a business partner to help you execute on that startup idea you’ve always dreamed of!
This is an event you won’t want to miss, so make sure to register NOW (number of tickets is limited)! The Well serves some great food, so appetizers are included with your ticket!
Register today, space is limited! Go here for more info and registration (required) http://www.kcitp.com/?p=2841
Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/KCITP
August SMCKC Breakfast: iStart and the Alterra Alliance Project
Come join us at our monthly social media breakfast at the Kansas City Cafe. Networking begins at 7:30am. This month we'll be talking with Katie Petersen with The Kauffman Foundation about iStart and Jeff Chambers with Alterra Bank and the Alterra Alliance Project.
iStart.org is a single resource that allows student entrepreneurs to share ideas and gain access to an international network of competitions and mentors. For administrators, the platform helps with complex tasks, including managing and monitoring applicant entries, establishing judging criteria and conducting online judging. Since its launch in 2010, the website, hosted by the Kauffman Foundation, has gathered more than 1,200 businesses ideas from 44 countries, including Albania, Kenya, Afghanistan, Israel and Ukraine. Business idea categories include Internet (websites), Information Technology, Life Sciences, Social Entrepreneurship, Services, Green, Materials, Consumer Goods and Energy. We'll also get a chance to chat with Jeff Chambers with Alterra bank. The bank is preparing to utilize the iStart tool with the Alterra Alliance Project, where 1 lucky KC business will get a $10k grant amongst other prizes.
Find more about iStart here and more information about Alterra and the Alterra Alliance Project here.
We'd like to tell our membership about the July 28 KCNext's Summer IT Networking happy hour ($10 per person). Join us at the Muehlebach Suite at Boulevard Brewery on Thursday, July 28 from 5 to 8 pm and gain exclusive access to some of KC's top IT industry leaders and network with our regions brightest tech innovators. Don't miss a chance to win some popular tech gadgets and cool off from the summer heat with refreshing pints of Boulevard beer. Contact Mary Noulles for more information: noulles@thinkkc.com.
The Windows/Freeware Meeting on July 19th has been cancelled due to other committments by Bill Diamond.
The Access Meeting is scheduled for July 20th in JCCC, Regnier at 6:30 pm.
July 20th - Access SIG - 6:30 pm JCCC Regnier Bldg 2nd Floor
Two presentations.
Session 1. Split Forms - new in 2007 and 2010. Combine the best of the form and datasheet world with the new Split Form feature!
Jim Watkins of Heritage Computing
Session 2. See how Access has been applied to the real world problem of personal investment management. Bill Diamond of Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, July 27, 2011
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: VOLT
Food and door prizes will be provided by : VOLT
In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !
This month's topic is:
Search Engine Optimization (speaker: Vivian Pyle)
Topic Synopsis: We will discuss some quick and easy things you can do right now to improve your search engine results and make your business website ‘findable’ including: Which tags to use and why, How a site map and/or robots.txt can help, Things you should avoid in your web sites/pages, Things that will get you black-listed, and should you pay for SEO and/or getting listed.
Vivian Pyle's BIO:
Vivian has worked as an independent consultant for more than a decade helping small-to-mid-sized businesses become more efficient and increase the results of their marketing efforts. Part of that process is building and optimizing websites and/or automating business processes. Vivian is also a Microsoft Certified Instructor at Johnson County Community College, Center for Business teaching the ins and outs of the Microsoft Office applications as well as web design and marketing.
Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com
See You There !!!
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, July 20th from 5:30-7:30 at Innovation Cafe. This will be our chance to have a great discussion of some very cool projects in the Kansas City area over the past year. Heidi Van is a stalwart of the local arts scene with multiple Kickstarter successes and, on the eve of this year’s Fringe Festival, will talk about how Fringe and social media elevate collaborate for the arts.
Jeremy Fuksa is a local adman and SMCKC member who produces a video podcast, The Cocktail Napkin, a periodical of uncurbed ideas. Renee Kloeblen has turned her cupcake business from an idea to a food truck to a Westport storefront by leveraging the power of the Internet. And Mike Reinhardt and Nate Watson will be in the final push for funding for an “artistic nanobrewery.” (And with any luck, they’ll bring some product to sample!)
Come hear about the creative process, entrepeneurship, social funding, cupcakes and beer, and Fringe Festival. The event is July 20th, 5:30-7:30. $5 at the door, drinks, snacks, and entertainment.
Heidi Van (@theheidivan) Fishtank Performance Studio
Mike Reinhardt (@heavenlybrew) and Nate Watson, Wilderness Brewing Co.
Renee Kloeblen (@ms_nene) Takes the Cake Bakery, CoffeeCakeKC.com
Jeremy Fuksa (@3rdmartini) Cocktail Napkin Podcast
RSVP at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142981519113069