Thursday, January 17, 2013

6:30 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • January is the month to look back on the past year, and to look forward to the new. At our next get together we'll do just that. We'll talk about our successes and failures over the past year, but also set some goals for ourselves for the coming year.
    We're gonna crush 2013!


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled
    "Welcome to Macintosh: All Questions and Answers" Wednesday, January 2nd, 7pm at DCSS 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence.

    Did you get a new Mac, iPod or other goodie for the holidays. This meeting is all Questions and Answers. Get all your questions answered for free by local experts. This meeting is ideal for PC "switchers" and beginners

    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to for more info or Contact Dave Greenbaum, 785-218-9676, to be notified of upcoming meetings.

    Note our inclement weather policy: if USD 497 is closed, our meeting will be cancelled. Check our website if there is a question about whether the meeting is cancelled due to weather.


    DECEMBER 17, 2012 — KansasFest 2013, the Apple II convention scheduled for July 23–28 in Kansas City, Missouri, comes on the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Disk ][ disk drive, Apple DOS, and Applesoft BASIC. To celebrate this anniversary, Randy Wigginton, Apple employee #6 and engineer who worked on all three of these innovations, will be the keynote speaker.
    In 1978, Wigginton was a brilliant young high school student working alongside Apple co-founder Wozniak. Wigginton was an early member of the famous Homebrew Computer Club, often caught rides to club meetings with Wozniak, and was there for the unveiling of the Apple I. At age 14, Wigginton started writing software for the Apple I. He assisted with the early design of and software for the Apple II and manned the booth at the West Coast Computer Faire introducing the Apple II. He was part of the all-night coding session in January 1978 that allowed Apple to introduce a working disk drive the following day at the Consumer Electronics Show. Later that year, Wigginton adapted Microsoft BASIC to become Applesoft BASIC and wrote the RWTS (Read/Write Track/Sector) software routines critical to the operation of Apple DOS and the new disk drive. The MacWrite software was among Wigginton's contributions to the company beyond the Apple II. Wigginton continues to work in the computer industry today, currently with Square.
    Wigginton's work on DOS and Applesoft contributed to the success of the Apple II computer. The low cost disk drive and DOS revolutionized data storage on the Apple II. The low cost disk drive and DOS revolutionized data storage on the Apple II. Previously, users had no choice but to use slow and unreliable cassette tapes to store and distribute their programs and data. Applesoft BASIC became the most widely used programming language for the Apple II and the foundation for much commercial and hobbyist software.
    KansasFest is an annual convention offering Apple II users and retrocomputing enthusiasts the opportunity to engage in beginner and technical sessions, programming contests, exhibition halls, and camaraderie. KansasFest was originally hosted by Resource Central and has been brought to you by the KFest committee since 1995. Any and all Apple II users, fans, and friends are invited to attend this year's event. Registration details will be announced on the KansasFest Web site in early 2013. For photos, videos, and presentations from past KansasFests, please visit the event's official Web site at


    Wednesday, December 26, 2012

    6:30 PM
    Plaza III -The Steakhouse
    4749 Pennsylvania Avenue, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • Hello Kansas City, MO C* (Cassandra) users! I'm proud to announce your very first C* meetup, being held at Plaza III - The Steakhouse in Kansas City, MO.
    Your group is very new and I look forward to helping you assist in its growth by providing quality speakers, food, beverage and Cassandra SWAG items, on behalf of DataStax.
    This meetup will be lead by Lara Shackelford, Vice President of Marketing at DataStax. Lara will be presenting a variety of Cassandra's business use cases from some big-name companies, including Netflix, HealthcareAnytime and Adobe. We hope you are able to make it and share your Cassandra story with the group!
    Appetizers and drinks will be sponsored by DataStax.


    The Windows Freeware SIG for December 2012 is canceled.


    You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
    Format: Lean Coffee topical formatWhen: Thursday, Dec. 20, 11:30 am
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS

    This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
    Starbucks coffee is provided!


    SMCKC January Breakfast: A Hangout with Brian Solis, sponsored by H&R Block


    Come sit in on an intimate virtual conversation with best-selling author, blogger, speaker, and social thinker Brian Solis.


    Some of you have read Solis' earth-moving books "Engage" and "The End of Business as Usual." Others have been lucky enough to see Solis speak (such as his recent keynote at Social: IRL in Des Moines). Now, you'll get the chance to engage in dialogue with one of the world's leading new media prophets. Live and in the pixel, Solis will beam into the Google Fiber Space to chat with @SMCKC at our January 4, 2013, breakfast.

    Best of all, you can have a voice in the discussion! There will be ample opportunity to ask questions live, but if there's any topics you especially want Solis to address, please email your questions in advance to


    Thanks to generous sponsorship by H&R Block, complimentary copies of Solis' most recent book, "The End of Business as Usual"  will be given to the first 100 attendees who register on Eventbrite (must be present to collect book).

    A breakfast buffet and copious amounts of coffee will be provided by Google Fiber to all attendees.


    SMCKC December Happy Hour at Kill Devil Club, Dec. 20

    Catch the holiday spirit while catching up with your SMCKC friends during our December happy hour, to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 20 at Kill Devil Club (61 E. 14th St., Kansas City). While you’re there, be sure to try Kill Devil Club’s hand-crafted cocktails and delicious small plates. Admission is free. Register on EventBrite so we can plan for space.


    Presentation: Samsung Slate Tablet running Windows 8 with Office 2010 and Office 2013 Demo
    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, December 19, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 253

    A demo on how Office 2010 (including Access 2010) works on a tablet PC along with a short demo of Office 2013.

    David Blackwell will demonstrate the possibilities for using a tablet for clients who travel and/or work in the field…Heritage has a pilot program with a client who is using a PC tablet to enter data into an Excel worksheet, transferring the data to an Access backend. This process has eliminated the need for the professionals to record something on paper, and then enter the data into their laptop in a motel room at night.

    David is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 21 year Computer Consulting located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.

    Followed by Annual Christmas Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange

    Arlene Watkins


    Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.


    Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    7:00 PM

  • Needs a location Coming soon!
  • Two for one! We'll be discussing:
    1. Using different data storage mechanisms and services with node.js
    2. Using node.js with embedded devices (Raspberry Pi, Arduino)


    The next meeting of AgileKC will take place on Wednesday December 12, 2012 -- 11:30 AM at:
    75th Street Brewery

    520 W. 75th Street
    Kansas City, MO 64114

    Registration: To help us know how many guests to expect, please register for this meeting at Eventbrite here

    Meeting Learning: An Overview of Jira

    An overview of Atlassian’s Jira, an issue and project tracking software. You can see more at

    Meeting Description:

    Angela Boardman and Shahzad Zafar will lead a discussion of how their organizations are using Jira and go over some of the software’s features. Other Jira users are encouraged to attend and share how the software supports their process too. We’ll save time for questions and answers, so make plans to attend!

    This will be a lunch meeting at 75th Street brewery and attendees will be responsible for purchasing their own lunch.

    About the Speakers:

    Angela is a consultant for Advanced Technology Group - she focuses on Agile development, process improvement, project management and coaching. Her passion is coding (Java), but the majority of recent demands have her serving primarily as Scrum Master. Angela is CSM/CSP certified; she advocates Agile anywhere and everywhere it can be applied, thrives on educating others, and even applies Agile principles outside of work where possible.

    Shahzad Zafar is a Sr. Team Lead and Technical Project Manager at Cerner Corporation and is an Agile Champion at Cerner as well as a frequent JIRA user. He started as a software engineer before transitioning to project management. He has experience with multiple project management tools such as MS Project, VersionOne and JIRA.


    Tuesday, January 15, 2013

    6:30 PM

  • Needs a location Coming soon!
  • The emotional battle between HTML5 and Native is often misguided, with dialog focused on a future of unknowns or personal fears of skill set deficiencies. We will work to define the benefits of both and how together, HTML5 and Native, can produce a more certain future and immediate business value to clients.


    Tuesday, December 11, 2012

    7:00 PM

    14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS(map)

    2nd door from the right, up the stairs
  • Short notice, but we're going to have a holiday hangout this month.
    Bring your dinner or your drinks at 7 on Tuesday night!
    Show up and bring your laptop with a Ruby trick or question and we'll have a hack session. I'm sure some people from coderetreat will want to share their experiences if you're interested.
    Also, if you're interested in helping out with KC Ruby next year, we'll have a short discussion about it tomorrow night. If you're curious but can't make it, email me directly and I'll make sure that you're included.
    See you soon!


    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    10:00 AM

  • 707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS(map)

  • No formal presentations, no set agenda. Join your fellow local coders for some shop talk over coffee and donuts instead of burgers and beers for a change.
    We'll be in the Gallery room at the Lawrence Public Library; enter through the east and find us in the little room to your left.
    Also, donuts.


    Saturday, December 15, 2012

    2:30 PM
  • 4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS(map)

    We will be in the amazing gathering space downstairs

  • More details on our December meetup are coming soon!

    Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into

    • Meet and Greet new members!
    • John Kary presents "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights and happenings in the PHP Universe
    • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other items of interest

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

    We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!


    Friday, December 14, 2012

    4:00 PM
  • 4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS(map)

    We're in the old white brick Fisca Oil building on Rainbow
  • White Elephant (also known as Stealing Santa, the Kamikaze Gift Exchange, and Yankee Swap) is a snarky party game played during the holiday season. We love playing games here at Red Nova Labs (can’t you tell by now?), and we thought it would be a fun idea to incorporate this casual theme at December's Venture Friday.

    The game will double as a speed intro event; everyone who brings a gift will introduce him or herself and will take a minute to say what they’re working on or looking for.
    Also, anyone who shows up in a holiday sweater or some kind of festive outfit will win a door prize.

    How to play White Elephant:
    • Everyone brings an inexpensive gift
    • All gifts must be wrapped with no exterior markings
    • Everyone puts their gifts in one pile
    • Everyone draws a number (1 to # of people playing)
    • Number 1 goes first, picks and unwraps a gift
    • Number 2 can pick another gift or “steal” any unwrapped gift
    • If an unwrapped gift is “stolen,” the person it is stolen from can either “steal” another gift or pick an unwrapped gift
    • The next person’s turn occurs after a wrapped gift is opened
    • The game ends when all gifts are unwrapped

    Now let's all play nice!
    • Gifts cannot cost more than $25 and no less than $5
    • Gifts cannot be overly offensive or illegal
    • A gift cannot be immediately stolen back
    • All gifts must be kept in plain sight

    The game is meant to be entertaining and fun; no sore-sports allowed. The price limit ensures that everyone wins and has a good time. Not sure what to bring? Here are some gift ideas: a pet rock, a bacon-scented car air freshener, or canned unicorn meat.

    As usual, we will be providing the food and beverages. Snowtinis (Carrie's own recipe) will be served instead of Red Nova Labs' signature Raspberry Lemonade in celebration of the holiday season.
    Bring your holiday spirit and entrepreneurial vibe.

    No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; read more in Discussions).
    Under 21 entrepreneurs welcome, but please let us know in advance (contact the organizers for info).
    Want to present your idea, get feedback, or find testers? Have an idea for an awesome entrepreneurial jam? We invite startup stimulation. Contact Carrie at Red Nova Labs.



    1800 Balitmore Ave., Fifth Floor #520, Kansas City, MO(edit map)
    18th and Baltmore Avenue. Across the street from Art of Pizza and next door to Pizzabella. Lots of pizza to choose from, I guess.

  • This is the kickoff. The origin. The time before time began. This is where we start.
    Anyway, this is largely going to be a meeting about if what cool things we want to do moving forward. Let's plan on a healthy discussion then let things dissolve into anarchy. Sound good?


    Date: 12/05/2012

    Subject: SharePoint Users Group Open House

    I want to invite you all to the SharePoint User's group that will be meeting at 11320 W79th St in Lenexa, KS on Dec 11th at 07:00 - 08:30 PM. This was originally the group that would meet at JCCC.

    If you are interested in learning more about SharePoint, please join us. If you have a specific introductory topic you want to hear, please suggest one.


    John K


    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    6:30 PM

  • 250 Northwest Richards Road, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • We'll discuss this hot topic, review different coding options, discuss different ways to deploy images, and much more - all from a UX/UI perspective.
    We'll be in VML's office at 250 Northwest Richards Road, Kansas City, MO - - and someone (or signs) will help you find your way.
    Oh, and in case you haven't heard, we're also now an IxDA professional group! YAY! Big thanks to Tyler Hilker, who is co-manager. See you on Tuesday!
    The URL to join us live via Connect is:
    After, I'll post another link for the recording.


    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    6:30 PM
    6220 Sprint Pkwy, Overland Park, KS 66211, Overland Park, Ka(map)

    Parking Garage P off 119th - We'll be in the UX's Concept Realization Center

  • This is a hot topic. We'll discuss, look at some code, discuss how to deploy images for both, and much more. All from a UX/UI perspective.
    In case you haven't heard, we are also an IxDA professional group! YAY! All thanks to Tyler Hilker, who is co-manager.
    Parking Garage P off 119th - We'll be in the UX's Concept Realization Center (CRC), and someone will be downstairs to let you in.


    We're scheduled for a week from Saturday in the SMALL meeting room this
    time at the Plaza library, 2pm.

    I can show the results of the survey and we can discuss it. So far, I'm
    not intent on changing anything, although I should decide about spending
    money either on <> or a small projector.

    Maybe I could briefly talk about the coursera Mathematical Biostatistics
    Boot Camp online class, and in particular some R-related high points
    from the lectures on the following:
    * jackknife/bootstrap
    * working with log-normal distributions
    If anyone is interested in it, I can talk about how to run BUGS (Bayes Using Gibbs Sampling) within R. It's a rather specialized topic though.

    The other thing I could talk about instead is developing graphic animations in R.

    If you plan on coming, please RSVP here, I know it's a busy time of year...


    The Lawrence Coders user group is hosting a hack day tomorrow (Thursday) evening at the Lawrence Public Library from 6-9pm. For those getting off work at 5 and would be driving to Lawrence, we are free offering pizza and soda too!

    This is a casual event, so bring your laptop and come hang out to both learn from each other and teach people what you know! More details at the link below. We would love to have you out!


    Catch the holiday spirit while catching up with your SMCKC friends during our December happy hour, to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 20 at Kill Devil Club (61 E. 14th St., Kansas City). While you’re there, be sure to try Kill Devil Club’s hand-crafted cocktails and delicious small plates. Admission is free. Register here on EventBrite so we can plan for space. See you there!


    *****  Receive continuing education credits towards your ISACA and
    ISC^2 credential renewal by attending this talk    ******

    Kansas City Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) chapter meeting announcement:

    When:   Thursday, December 13, 2012 from 6-8pm

    Presentation Title: Implementing Security Testing within the SDLC.

    Speaker:  Based in Joplin Missouri, Stephen Jensen is presently a consultant with British Telecom's global services unit, and has been performing web application security assessments for over 9 years. With a background as a software developer, it was his experiences within the software industry that led him to shift his focus more towards the security aspect of software.  Steve will be covering:

    1) Overview of different software development models (traditional models never had security in as a requirement)

    2) What is the purpose of an application assessment?

    ????? Automated assessment

    ????? Manual assessment

    3) What is the purpose of a code review?

    ?? ?? Automated review

    ?? ?? Manual review

    4) Benefits of doing conjunctive testing versus doing one or the other.

    Steve is a great speaker and this is an important topic for any company that produces or uses software.

    Where:  Room 183 in the Regnier Center at Johnson County Community College
     12345 College Boulevard Overland Park, KS 66210-1299

    See you there!
    Mat Caughron
    KC-OWASP Volunteer Chapter Leader


    6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting

    10801 Mastin Blvd., Suite 620 Overland Park, KS 66210
    Presenter: Clint Edmonson
    Topic: What’s New in Windows Azure
    Sponsor: Adkore / MegaForce


    The Fedora Linux Users and Developers Conference will be held at the University of Kansas in January. It's free to attend for those interested.


    Tuesday, November 27, 2012

    7:00 PM
  • 933 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS(map)

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Hello All !
    Our next meeting will be held:
    6:30 PM, WED, November 28, 2012
    Centriq Training Center
    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : *Many Sponsors*

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    It's time for our Annual Christmas/Holiday Party!

    6:30 PM, WED, November 28, 2012

    We will collectively celebrate the year, count our blessings, remember the many things we are thankful for, thank our many sponsors, and have great fellowship, food and good cheer!
    We'll also have several recruiting companies attending so that everyone can network together, and get ready for the New Year!
    (there is no regular meeting the week of Christmas due to the! holiday)

    Our website URL is:
    See You There !!!
    Ray Harris


    Due to the holiday week, the scheduled meeting is cancelled. Keep an eye out for the Dec. Meeting

    Bill Diamond
    Windows/Freeware SIG Leader


    We are excited to announce that a Salesforce Developer User Group has formed in Kansas City! The group's first meeting is next Wednesday; November 28th, 2012. This is your opportunity to connect with and learn from Salesforce Platform Developers in the area.

    When: Wednesday, November 28th, 11:00am
    Where: Le Peep Restaurant
    7936 Quivira Road, Lenexa, KS
    Please RSVP to reserve your spot in the MeetUp. Also be sure to join the group on to receive first notices of upcoming events.

    Thank you,
    Salesforce Developer Relations Team


    Be Prepared for SharePoint 2013
    Free one- day online conference on SharePoint 2013

    Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 at 11:00am ET/ 8:00am PT

    Schedule of Sessions:

    Overview of What's New and Compelling in SharePoint 2013: During this session, we cover the major architectural changes, including the integration of FAST Search, new service applications, and how SQL Server 2012 changes data tier architecture for SharePoint 2013. We'll cover enhanced claims-based authentication options and new best practices around SharePoint extranet models, and we'll discuss and demonstrate the new Site Mailbox integration options with Exchange 2013. SharePoint architects, administrators, and developers will gain valuable insight into this new, powerful version of SharePoint and will be able to immediately use the best practices presented within their own environments.

    Getting Ready for SharePoint 2013 Development: With the release of SharePoint 2013 this year, new development features coupled with the software include app development, Azure powered workflows, and Windows Phone 7 OS integration. In this session we will discuss the latest development options such as the newer client object models as well as OData, OAuth, and Napa. In addition, we'll present the basics for developing and deploying applications to the new SharePoint 2013 App Store.

    From Blueprint to Picture Perfect: Rightsizing Your SharePoint Environment: This session will cover proven strategies and best practices for creating a blueprint to develop the SharePoint-based solution that will best meet your organization's needs. We'll cover topics such as creating an actionable set of goals and vision for the project; drafting a governance plan for the solution; and choosing third-party tools to assist with migration, disaster recovery, and management of the environment. We'll discuss key development challenges involving forms and workflows, as well as branding options for different types of solutions. We'll give attention to key differences between SharePoint 2010 and 2013, along with adding cloud capacity to your SharePoint environment.

    Governing and Managing Hybrid SharePoint Environments: As cloud-hosting options for SharePoint mature, organizations are hoping to capitalize on cloud benefits while mitigating many of their risks. One way to hedge your bet is to incrementally migrate certain workloads to the cloud, while keeping others on-premises. In this session, we'll walk through a number of hybrid scenarios and consider how governance plans and compliance policies may be affected and how to maintain a hybrid-healthy security posture. Whether your plans are for Office 365, Amazon, Azure, or other providers, we'll share practical guidance to help you vet your hosting strategy.


    Time: December 11, 2012 from 11:30am to 1pm
    Location: Microsoft Office
    City/Town: Overland Park
    Website or Map: https://clicktoattend.microso…
    Event Type: lunch, and, learn
    Organized By: Dennis Chepurnov
    Latest Activity: 20 hours ago
    Export to Outlook or iCal (.ics)

    Event Description

    Office 365 delivers the best of breed productivity solutions in the cloud with unmatched experience across the devices. Join us for an overview of the upcoming Office 365 release and learn how EA customers can receive subsidy up to $40 per seat for Office 365 deployment and migration.
    • The new Office 365 web and Admin interfaces
    • Included applications
    • New Streaming Office apps
    • Top changes in the Office 2013 suite core applications
    • Office / SharePoint Store
    • Licensing options
    • Deployment subsidy offer


    Don't miss this special chapter event where we will be recognizing our local Analyst of the Year and Desktop Support Technician of the Year Finalists during a social event at the Boulevard Brewery

    This event will include appetizers, drinks, a tour of the brewery, and networking with your peers. There is limited space, so don't wait to register!

    Wednesday, December 5
    6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
     2501 Southwest Blvd
    Kansas City, MO 64108


    We look forward to seeing you there!


    HDI Heartland Chapter


    Saturday, November 17, 2012

    2:30 PM

  • 4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS(map)

    We will be in the amazing gathering space downstairs

  • More details on our November meetup are coming soon!
    Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into

    • Meet and Greet new members!
    • John Kary presents "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights and happenings in the PHP Universe
    • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other items of interest

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

    We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!


    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    6:30 PM

    1627 Main St. Floor 12, Kansas City, MO(map)

    1627 Main St. Floor 12th - located in the Crossroads.
  • We'll be exploring a selected app built within the WIRE community and ask the developer to share the experience. Providing retrospect about designing and developing an app from start to finish.


    Saturday, December 8, 2012

    8:30 AM
  • 10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • Price:$20.00/per person
  • Come and practice your programming. Learn some new things and try out something you'd never do at your day job.
    What is coderetreat?
    Coderetreat is a day-long, intensive practice event, focusing on the fundamentals of software development and design. By providing developers the opportunity to take part in focused practice, away from the pressures of 'getting things done', the coderetreat format has proven itself to be a highly effective means of skill improvement. Practicing the basic principles of modular and object-oriented design, developers can improve their ability to write code that minimizes the cost of change over time.
    Details on the website:
    Specifics on what a typical coderetreat day is:

    The coderetreat day consists of 5-6 sessions, each session's learnings building upon previous sessions. The morning focuses on becoming comfortable with the problem domain, breaking old habits and beginning focused self-discovery. The afternoon pushes the envelope by challenging pairs to stretch their skills and understanding of abstractions, modular design and test-driven development.

    Global Day of Coderetreat joins cities across the world in coderetreat, all on the same day.
    Location sponsored by Cerner, thank you!
    Money is to reserve your spot and will be refunded when you show up. If you don't show up, it will be donated to some programming related cause.


    Join us for a free day-long conference focused on the best ideas for improving computer performance and the latest thinking about data visualization. Denise Kalm, a nationally-known and highly-entertaining speaker from the Computer Measurement Group, will join local practitioners to supply experience-based and tested tips for improving performance on virtual and stand-alone servers. Expect to find some old ideas challenged -- and some re-validated. No matter what your level of capacity and performance experience, there will be useful information that can immediately be applied to your enterprise.

    Lunch provided by Metron-Athene.

    For more information, including details on the talks and the speakers, visit our web page:
    Sprint Campus Salon A 6050 Sprint Pkwy Overland Park, KS 66211

    Thursday, November 15, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (CST)


    Greetings all:

    Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts, we will be pushing the Kansas City chapter meeting to January 9.

    No December meeting is currently planned. Anyone on this list want to  volunteer to speak to the chapter?

    Best regards,

    Mat Caughron


    LWS KC November Lunch – Special Edition

    Special Edition!

    You’re invited to join us for lunch and a Q&A session with Daniel Vacanti of Corporate Kanban on Lean software and Kanban. Daniel is providing Kanban training this week in KC, and has graciously agreed to answer our questions about Kanban for software.
    Note: our meeting has changed from our regular Thursday meeting date/time to Friday to accomodate Daniel’s schedule.
    Format: Q&A for guest speakerWhen: Friday, Nov. 16, 11:30 am
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS


    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    7:00 PM

    12345 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS(map)

    watch the monitor on the 2nd floor
  • This is a hot topic. We'll discuss, look at some code, discuss how to deploy images for both, and much more.


    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    6:30 PM

    8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Presenter: John Gonzalez
    This Meet-Up will focus on Spring Batch, a lightweight, comprehensive batch framework designed to enable the development of robust batch applications vital for the daily operations of enterprise systems.
    Spring Batch builds upon the productivity, POJO-based development approach, and general ease of use capabilities people have come to know from the Spring Framework, while making it easy for developers to access and leverage more advanced enterprise services when necessary.
    John will also cover other Spring topics of interest to the group.
    This month's sponsor is Bradford & Galt.
    Founded in 1984 Bradford & Galt Bradford & Galt offers a full range of IT services through a business model that allows for customized and flexible deployment of world class IT talent and solutions. They serve Midwestern clients with offices in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Central Illinois (Peoria).


    An Architect's Take on Lean

    WHO: Romano Nickerson, AIA
    WHEN: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
    4:30 - 5:00 Check-in
    5:00 - 7:00 Speaker/Networking
    WHERE: AIA Kansas City
    1801 McGee Street
    Kansas City, MO
    RSVP BY: Friday, November 9, 2012
    PRESENTATION: Practitioners of lean construction have become identified as agents for change in our industry, including the way we work, behave, and even the way we think. However, most work to date has focused on tools, methods, and thinking geared toward contractors. Come hear Romano Nickerson, AIA, speak about his experiences with lean as a principal architect at Boulder Associates. He will offer his understanding of lean within the construction industry, with specific interest given to impacts to the design process. Romano will provide examples of project work conducted in a lean manner while also highlighting ways in which Boulder Associates has undergone a lean transformation.
    SPEAKER: With a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Minnesota, Romano Nickerson is a Principal with Boulder Associates, an architectural firm specializing in healthcare design. A special, long-term relationship with a progressive healthcare client exposed Romano to concepts of lean project management. An early interest quickly grew into a passion for Romano as he began transforming concepts initially meant for the production of cars into principles that could be applied to the design environment. He has developed and implemented innovative systems for applying lean production controls to architectural practice and project management and has helped clients to begin and sustain their own lean transformation. Romano has presented lean concepts for design and project management nationally on numerous occasions.
    This event is free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors.


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, November 14, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 253

    Beginning Topic: Creating VBA code that updates multiple fields prior to saving the current record.

    Presenters: Caren Grandgenett & Jim Watkins

    Caren and Jim will demonstrate developing the code that updates multiple fields prior to saving the current record; and will share a few nuggets learned through the process.

    Caren develops and maintains databases that allow clients to track their clients and competitors.

    Jim is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 21 year computer consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas, specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.

    Advanced Topic: Tips from Favorite Access Book

    Presenter: Janet Gelsinger

    Janet is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with project teams on Hallmark's Enterprise Data Warehouse. She also builds Access databases for small to medium-sized applications. Active in the Heartland Access User Group for many years, as well as KC DAMA (Kansas City Data Management Association) and Central Region Teradata User Group.


    Data Analysis with Microsoft Access 2010 by Larry Rockoff. An introduction to Access with an emphasis on topics relevant to data analysis. Access queries are covered in detail both in terms of the mechanics of their design, and how they can be used for typical data analysis tasks.

    Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.


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