Hi Perl Mongers -

Since we're working around Valentine's Day this year, our February meeting will be one week early on Tuesday, February 7. As usual, we'll meet at 7pm at Barley's in Shawnee. I'll grab a couple of high-top tables in the back room by the pool tables.

In the past few meetings, we've learned some great stuff from each other about managing builds, maintaining local module collections, and deploying code. It's been a pretty good roundup of many of the common practices of setting up a perl development environment.

I'm hoping we can trade some information and tips about the front-end of web development. So, if you have a favorite jQuery plugin or slick way to serve up JSON from your catalyst application, get ready to share it.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all one week early on Tuesday the 7th at 7pm at Barley's in Shawnee. It's helpful to let me know if you're planning on attending so that I can make sure I stake out enough chairs.

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