Thursday, May 31, 2012, 6:30 PM

Selected By: Kunjan Shah

10551 Barkley, Suite 400, Overland Park, KS (map)
38.938714 -94.663191
Both Government and the Private sectors are starting to really pick up in App development with the growing prevalence of mobile devices hitting the market. Already, more internet enabled mobile devices are being sold every month than laptops and personal computers. We'll start with a discussion on the rapid growth of mobile and some research projections of the next few years. Then we'll talk about some trends we're seeing in the industry and with clients we're working with on securely managing data and the distribution of mobile apps for enterprise and government.

6:30 - 7: Socializing, getting snacks, announcements
7 - 8: Presentation
8: Q/A, Networking, Socializing

Food and space provided by JMA-IT.


The Web SIG meeting will be 5/8/12 at 6:30 PM Johnson County Community College, Regnier Center Room 250. Information on Paige Cahill the presenter and the presentation is below:

Paige's Bio:

Paige is the Constant Contact Regional Development Director for Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, & Arkansas. Paige is Constant Contact Small Business marketing expert who coaches and connects small businesses and non-profits to online marketing tools and strategies to help them “Rev Up Their Relationships, Referrals, and Results!” The last business Paige owned was a direct mail firm that allowed her to coach thousands of small businesses in their marketing success. Paige delivers real-world examples, tools, and strategies that drive stellar results immediately!

* Constant Contact Seminar Promo

Getting Started with Email Marketing

Creating Your First Email Marketing Campaign with Constant Contact You want to implement an email marketing campaign into your marketing plan, but don’t know what to do or where to start? You have heard of Constant Contact but not sure what it does? If you have these questions and want to learn more than this seminar is for you. This seminar will help you create your first email campaign - we'll provide tips, techniques, and strategies to you while we guide you through the tools and features in Constant Contact.

This seminar is great for beginners that want to know how to start creating an email marketing campaign for their business or non-profit.

We will cover….

• Create your first email in Constant Contact • Work with graphics (import, size, and link) • Add, edit, and format text • Insert attachments, YouTube, social media buttons • Modify your email template (color, blocks, and spell check) • Add or Import your contacts or customer names •Schedule and send your email • Analyze your email reports to see if your email campaigns are successful

This is NOT a hands-on computer seminar. No computers are needed.

Contact Information for Paige Cahill

Regional Development Director KS, MO, & NE Constant Contact, Inc.

P: 913.515.9268 | 877.461.1698


Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 6:30 PM

Selected By: casey justus

250 NW Richards Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.120640 -94.590271

Selected By: casey justus

Come join Jerrod Long for a Functional Programming discussion and a primer on the UnderscoreJS JavaScript library. We’ll discuss what makes JavaScript a functional language and the benefits of such. Then we’ll dive into real world examples from bootstrapping your application to some advanced uses of the UnderscoreJS library.


Developers...are you up for the challenge of building a web, mobile or cloud app in 24 hours? It's time to Hack The Midwest!

Join us on June 2nd and 3rd at the Heartland Club (8200 Hillcrest Road, Kansas City Missouri) with 200+ of awesome coders/designers & get ready to dominate! Bring your laptops, phones, and dev tools.

Build your idea solo or with a team of up to 5 people. Present it to compete with some of the midwest's best developers for mad props and great prizes!

We'll be announcing more EXCITING prizes, judges, etc stay tuned!!

More info & registration:

Register TODAY as early bird pricing will run out soon. Your fees go towards covering food & beverage for the whole event, and include a t-shirt!!

Not a developer? Help us spread the word to some of the best coders you know!!!

Thank you for your continued support of KCITP....we appreciate it so much!



The Kansas City SQL Server user group will not be meeting tomorrow, April 26, but will be rescheduled for a later date. We are tentatively aiming for May 24rd. Please check the site for updates.
Please email me at if you are interested in presenting in future meetings.
We will send another email as soon as the next meeting date/topic is finalized, thank-you!
    KC SQL Server User Group web site:


    The Iowa Code Camp coming up on Saturday, May 5th, 2012 has some interesting sessions lined up.  Sign up and take a short trip to Cedar Rapids, IA:


    Save the Date, 9/5/2012 - 9/7/2012, the Heartland Developer's Conference returns in Omaha at the Embassy Suites in LaVista. This is one of the best, affordable conferences in the region.
    twitter hash tag: #hdc12


    Yes, let's get together on the 8th of May (the 2nd Tuesday) at 75th Street Brewery. I'd love it if you could share your experiences about mobile stuff. We're pretty relaxed about speakers these days, so I'd love it if someone like you would step up and keep us entertained for a few moments. Please let me know what I can do to help.

    KC Perl Mongers


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled "Get your head into the iCloud.  All about the iCloud transition" Wednesday, May 2nd , 7pm at Douglas County Senior Services at  745 Vermont  Street in Lawrence.

    MobileMe is set to close down on June 30, 2012.  This meeting will tell you everything you need to know about moving to iCloud, especially if you don't move to Lion.

    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to for more info or Contact Dave Greenbaum, to be notified of upcoming meetings.


    Hello All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, April 25, 2012

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: TriCom Technical Services

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TriCom Technical Services

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's topic is:

    Transforming the Web with WordPress (speaker: Dr. Rusty Meigs)

    In this presentation he will demonstrate the basics of using WordPress to create pages, posts, upload media, manage
    menus, and utilize widgets. He will also discuss the development of WordPress sites in terms of mobile readiness.

    Dr. Rusty Meigs's Mini-Bio:
    Dr. Rusty Meigs is currently the senior web archit! ect for the Olathe Public Schools where he oversees web services for the district. With over 15 years of public school teaching experience and a decade of higher education teaching experience at Rockhurst, MidAmerica Nazarene, and Baker Universities, he continues to serve as an adjunct professor at Baker University offering courses in the field of educational technology and at JCCC where he teaches web design and development for the Web Applications Department.

    In addition, Ray Harris will finally be able to end the many-months-long-saga of secrecy, and reveal which company purchased the company (ITHC) that he used to work for.


    Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
    Presenter: Lee Brandt
    Topic: Drinking From the Firehose: Web Edition
    Sponsor: AdvantageTech


    For our first meetup on April 26, we present on:

    Designing for multiple screen sizes and aspect ratios on Android.

    Thursday, April 26, 2012, 6:30 PM

    10551 Barkley, Suite 400, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.938714 -94.663191

    - Number of Android devices out there with different resolutions and pixel densities, screen sizes, and aspect ratios.

    - Understanding Android layouts

    - Writing adaptive layouts to handle any resolution, future proofing it as much as possible.

    Food and space provided by JMA-IT


    Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 7:00 PM

    Selected By: Eric J. Gruber

    933 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.966602 -95.262566

    Selected By: Eric J. Gruber

    Bring code, questions, or just come and join in the discussion.


    Just a reminder that we'll be meeting this Thursday (4/19/12) instead of next Thursday (the 4th Thursday as our usual cadence would have it.)  With the KCDC occurring on 4/27 -  4/28 I took the liberty of moving the meeting up one week for this month.  Since the IIBA also meets on this date, we'll be in a different room that we usually are.

    RM 210 is what I'm told we'll use, but look for familiar faces.


    Save the Date, 9/5/2012 - 9/7/2012, the Heartland Developer's Conference returns in Omaha at the Embassy Suites in LaVista.  This is one of the best, affordable conferences in the region.
    twitter hash tag: #hdc12


    The event is free. Sign up at

    Microsoft patterns & practices symposiums are held regularly in the U.S. and abroad, with top speakers on current topics. Most of the speakers are from Microsoft patterns & practices (p&p) team. The event is aimed primarily at software architects, developers, and technical managers. Patterns & practices develops applied engineering guidelines to help software developers and architects build great solutions on the Microsoft platform.

    The April 24th online p&p symposium program 2012 will include keynote sessions and technical sessions focusing on building scalable applications in Azure, mobile development, node.js, CQRS, .NET Gadgeteer and a general overview of p&p roadmap.*
    Planned Schedule: *

    09:00-09:05WelcomeSoma Somasegar
    09:05-10:10KeynoteUdi Dahan
    10:15-11:10A Journey into CQRSJulian Dominguez, Grigori Melnik
    11:15-12:10Windows Azure App Scaling to NeedGrigori Melnik, Julian Dominguez
    12:30-13:25Hybrid Cloud ApplicationsScott Densmore
    13:30-14:25node.js on AzureYavor Georgiev
    14:25-15:25Non sequitur: GadgeteeringPete Brown
    15:30-16:25Building testable phone applicationsFrancis Cheung
    16:30-17:25Bringing WOW to the mobile webChristopher Bennage
    17:25-18:30Keynote: Big transitions in small stepsKent Beck

    All sessions will be streamed live, but we will also record them all for those unable to attend the event.
    * Currently planned and approved sessions. Topics and times subject to change. All times pacific.
    Twitter hashtag #pnpsym


    April Happy Hour w/ LiveOn, April 24: Join SMCKC for our April HH, which will feature a discussion with Jonathan Whistman, founder of LiveOn, a service that helps users better preserve the memories of their loved ones. The event will be held at Think Big Partners (1800 Baltimore, Suite 400, Kansas City, Mo.) from 5:30-7:30  p.m. Drinks and appetizers will be served and admission is $5. 


    Saturday, April 21, 2012, 7:00 PM

    Needs a location Coming soon!

    Let's talk about language development, including tools to implement languages, interesting language features, and any projects you might want to show off.


    I have created a list of the twitter accounts of 24 user groups in the KC metro. Now you can follow the announcements from all the groups by following this list ( And it will be updated as the twitter account for other groups are discovered.

    Please let me know if you have a twitter account for a group that I don't already have on the list.


    Kansas City User Group Meeting - April 25th

    April Salesforce User Group Meeting
    When: April 25th @ 11:00am
    Where: American Century (4400 Main, Kansas City, MO 64111)


    Meeting Agenda
    11:00 am - Lunch and networking

    11:05 am - Introduction

    11:15 pm – Project Management Solutions for Salesforce presented by Andy Williams, The Bond Consulting Group. Learn about managing projects using native Salesforce apps like Milestones and DreamTeam and other external cloud based project management options like Daptiv and AtTask. Presented by Andy Williams from The Bond Consulting Group.

    12:00 pm – Business Intelligence on Steroids presented by Brian McCarthy, Birst. A quick look at what characteristics define whether or not a company might want to look beyond SFDC’s native reports to enhance and improve sales insight.

    12:15 pm – Customer Use Round Table - NEED VOLUNTEERS!

    12:45 pm - Birds-of-the Feather Breakouts
    • Sales/User Adoption Track (Sarah Lamberto, Bukaty Companies Retirement Plan Services)
    • Marketing/Demand Generation/Reporting Track
    • Administrator Track
    • Project Management (Andy Williams, The Bond Consulting Group)
    • Platform /Developers/ Data/Integration (Ryan Sieve, ProResources)
    • Analytics, Reporting and Dashboards (Brian McCarthy, Birst)
    1:30 PM - Birds-of-a-Feather Whole Group Review

    2:00 pm – End of event

    Please contact Jason Kort at if you have any interest in leading a Birds-of-the Feather Breakout session or presenting during Customer Use Roundtable.


    Tech entrepreneurs in and around KC, join us for happy hour!

    NOTE DATE CHANGE: This month's meetup has been moved from the second Friday to the third Friday so that it doesn't conflict with Startup Weekend April 13th-15th.

    NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE: This month we're taking Venture Friday on a "field trip." The meetup will be sponsored by Red Nova Labs at Snow & Company cocktail lounge and will feature a "Speed Meeting" theme for entrepreneurs. Drink tickets will be issued, snacks will be served, space will be limited.

    Venture Fridays is a simple but fun concept: The startup culture of Kansas City and surrounding areas is invited to gather at our private office lounge to discuss what we’re all thinking about, working on, needing help with, and might do for each other. Existing or aspiring entrepreneurs of all types and ages are invited. Let’s raise our glasses to building the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves.

    Doors are open on Rainbow Boulevard (Westwood, Kan.) 4 to 6 p.m. on the 2nd Friday of every month. Who are your hosts? We’re a web marketing metacompany, still whiffing the baby powder of our start in 2009. We work hard, and we play hard. Sometimes Venture Fridays will be co-located with other events, sometimes not. Either way, we’ll be here drinking and thinking. Will you? Drop in.

    No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; read more in Discussions).

    Want to present your idea, get feedback, or find testers? Have an idea for an awesome entrepreneurial jam? We invite startup stimulation. Contact Carrie at Red Nova Labs.


    Due to extended family emergencies there will be no meeting this month. 
    Hopefully, we will pickup next month.
    Bill Diamond
    SIG Leader.


    Meeting Topic:  A Voice from the Real World, Implementing Lean at Hallmark Cards

    Hallmark is a household name throughout the nation and sells its products in over 100 countries.  In business for over 100 years and privately held, Hallmark has always held itself to a high standard of quality in both its team members and its products.  It has withstood the tests of time by adapting to the market when needed yet not falling for the latest business trend.   This is no easy feat.  Some of the dynamics associated with all that is Hallmark; distributed manufacturing and distribution facilities, multi-national supply chain management, corporate oversight and management, several wholly-owned subsidiaries and thousands of retail outlets selling their products.

    Even with Hallmark’s size and complexities, they are consistently named "One of the Best Places to Work" as was the case as recently as 2010.

    But it can't all be unicorns and rainbows can it?  Alas no. As a 100- year old organization, it takes a lot of hard work and diligence to sustain such a track record.  One such aspect is in its adoption of Lean principles.  At this month’s meeting Kathy Hallberg, Lean Strategy and Implementation Manager at Hallmark, will share her experiences and some lessons learned in the last five years.  Kathy's background includes24 years at Hallmark with positions in Finance, Hallmark International, Global Procurement, and most currently, the Business Process Management organization.  She has a B.S. from the University of Central Missouri and a Masters of International Management from Thunderbird in Arizona.  Kathy was one of four individuals in 2007 asked to learn and implement Lean at Hallmark.

    She has spent time teaching and coaching Lean thinking and approaches in the Lawrence manufacturing facility, the Creative division, Global Procurement, and Accounts Payable.  She is currently working with the Technology and Business Enablement and the Demand and Inventory Planning divisions.  She is an extended member of Hallmark’s Agile proof of concept team and is excited about the possibilities resulting from the combination of it and Lean.

    We'll save some time for questions and answers at the end so bring your questions and a friend.


    Dennis Chepurnov has invited you to the event 'Top 8 Lessons Learned Migrating to the Cloud with Office 365' on Kansas City Cloud Computing User Group!

    Check out "Top 8 Lessons Learned Migrating to the Cloud with Office 365" on Kansas City Cloud Computing User Group

    Dennis Chepurnov

    Top 8 Lessons Learned Migrating to the Cloud with Office 365
    Time: April 24, 2012 from 10am to 11am
    Organized By: Dennis Chepurnov
    Event Description:
    Presenter: Scott Cameron, Cloud Solutions Consultant - Valorem Consulting
    The ROI, user adoption, and costs of migration to the cloud depend greatly on understanding and selecting the right deployment model and licensing plan for your environment. Join us for this insightful webinar bringing you the best practices for preparing for, evaluating, and migrating to the cloud the right way for your organization. We will show you tips and tricks that will save you time and money in migrating to Office 365.
    Register at

    See more details and RSVP on Kansas City Cloud Computing User Group:


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, April 19th, 2011 at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor  RC238


    Beginner Presentation:

    Presenter:  Lisa Friedrichsen: 

    Topic:  Using a form to pass criteria to a report

    Lisa Friedrichsen, Computer Science Professor at JCCC, will present on how to customize the information on your reports by first entering or selecting criteria in combo boxes or text boxes on a form.

    In this way, you can create only one report, but make it very flexible. You can run the report as many times as desired to view different data, as determined by the criteria you've entered on the form.

    Advanced Presentation:

    Presenter:  Jim Watkins

    Topic: Using a Cartesian Product to Generate a Calendar…from Access Solutions book Tip #5

    Have you ever needed to produce a row on a report even when you have no data? In other words, I need to show every day within the month on the report even though I have no data for some of the days. Well, your prayers have been answered. Jim Watkins will explore the realms of Access (good) Magic to demonstrate how to generate something out of nothing.            

    Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 21 year Computer Consulting located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.


    Illustrated Course Guides Microsoft Access 2010 Advanced by our own Lisa Friedrichsen

    “Master computer skills easily with the full-color Illustrated Course Guides!  Our unique design presents each skill on two facing pages, with steps on the left, and illustrations on the right.”

    Please note:  The give-away drawing for HUG members only. 

    Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.


    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996

    Street parking at 1810 Cherry St. and a parking lot around the corner at 19th & Locust that can be used
    Functional Programming in PythonPresented by: Josh Bohde (@joshbohde)
    Python has taken quite a bit from functional languages. In this talk, we'll discuss the functional aspects of Python, how we can use them to produce elegant solutions, and how to apply them to our everyday programming. Also includes bonus live-coding.

    Lightning Talks
    • Writing docs with Sphinx and - Andrew Schoen (@andrewschoen)
    • Python on the BeagleBone - Juan Gomez (@_juandg)

    Book Raffle
    We'll also be having another book raffle. We have another copy of 'Core Python Applications Programming' by Wesley Chun and an O'Reilly ebook certificate which let's you pick your book of choice from a subset of their catalog


    Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 6:30 PM

    Selected By: casey justus

    250 NW Richards Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.120640 -94.590271

    Selected By: casey justus

    Come join Jerrod Long for a Functional Programming discussion and a primer on the UnderscoreJS JavaScript library. We’ll discuss what makes JavaScript a functional language and the benefits of such. Then we’ll dive into real world examples from bootstrapping your application to some advanced uses of the UnderscoreJS library.


    The collective 100 members representing 82 different organizations that make up the Topeka Technology Leadership Forum and the Council of IT Executives (CITE) wish to thank you for your participation in the 12th Annual Kansas City IT Symposium. Last year 200 IT leaders attended the one day event and when you attend this year you will find the Symposium experience to be beneficial through the information you receive and the relationships you generate. The goal of the Symposium is to create an environment conducive to peer networking amongst IT Executives, their respective management teams and a select few vendors. Through peer-driven content addressing relevant topics the Symposium proves to be very productive for the region’s IT leaders. The ability to discuss opportunities and challenges facing all of us and to capture actionable information from peers in a no-hype environment makes attending the Symposium rewarding and productive.

    Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your peers on April 18th.

    About the Forums
    The Council of IT Executives (CITE) and the Topeka Technology Leadership Forum were created by leading IT Executives from many of region’s leading organizations. Since their inception, the Forums have grown in membership and value per member. Forum members meet monthly to share information in a confidential, comfortable and productive environment. For more information on the Forums go to or email


    April 7th at 2pm, KC public library plaza branch, large meeting room.

    Hope to get Ariel and Earl to speak about something, but it's pretty casual if anyone has something else they want to show


    Windows Azure Kick Start

    Event ID: 1032508249

    Microsoft - Overland Park Office
    10801 Mastin Blvd - Suite 620Overland ParkKansas66210United States
    Register by Phone: 1-877-MSEVENT 9AM-7PM EST M-F
    Language(s): English.
    Product(s): Windows Azure.
    Audience(s): Pro Dev/Programmer.
    Spend a day with some of the nation’s leading cloud experts in learning how to build a web application that runs in Windows Azure. We will show you how to sign up for free time in the cloud, and how to build a typical web application using the same ASP.NET tools and techniques you already use today. We will explore web roles, cloud storage, SQL Azure, and common scenarios. We will save time for open Q&A, and even cover what should not be moved to cloud. This will be a hands-on event where you will need a laptop configured with the required pieces. We will have help onsite to get the right bits installed as well. Lunch and prizes will be provided.
    ACTION ITEMS PRIOR TO ATTENDING THE EVENT to make the best use of your time at the Windows Azure Kick Start Event, we recommend you prepare the following requirements before the event:
    • A computer or laptop:Operating Systems Supported: Windows 7 (Ultimate, Professional, and Enterprise Editions); Windows Server 2008; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Vista (Ultimate, Business, and Enterprise Editions) with either Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2
    • Install the freeWindows Azure SDK and required software using Web Platform Installer.
    • Download theFree Windows Azure Platform Trial.
    • The sample code and handbook for the labs will be provided at the event.
    • Consider bringing a power strip or extension cord to stay charged all day.
    Starts: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 9:00 AM
    Ends: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:00 PM
    Time zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    Welcome Time: 8:30 AM


    Lawrence Coders

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012
    7:00 PM

    Johnny's Tavern
    401 N 2cd St
    Lawrence, KS 66044


    Unfortunately one of our presenters is unable to attend. This will be rescheduled soon. Open Source Hardware and Software: Two Great Techs That Go Great Together, scheduled to occur on Friday, April 6, 2012 6:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.


    The event is free.  Sign up at

    Microsoft patterns & practices symposiums are held regularly in the U.S. and abroad, with top speakers on current topics. Most of the speakers are from Microsoft patterns & practices (p&p) team. The event is aimed primarily at software architects, developers, and technical managers. Patterns & practices develops applied engineering guidelines to help software developers and architects build great solutions on the Microsoft platform.

    The April 24th online p&p symposium program 2012 will include keynote sessions and technical sessions focusing on building scalable applications in Azure, mobile development, node.js, CQRS, .NET Gadgeteer and a general overview of p&p roadmap.*
    Planned Schedule: *

    09:00-09:05WelcomeSoma Somasegar
    09:05-10:10KeynoteUdi Dahan
    10:15-11:10A Journey into CQRSJulian Dominguez, Grigori Melnik
    11:15-12:10Windows Azure App Scaling to NeedGrigori Melnik, Julian Dominguez
    12:30-13:25Hybrid Cloud ApplicationsScott Densmore
    13:30-14:25node.js on AzureYavor Georgiev
    14:25-15:25Non sequitur: GadgeteeringPete Brown
    15:30-16:25Building testable phone applicationsFrancis Cheung
    16:30-17:25Bringing WOW to the mobile webChristopher Bennage
    17:25-18:30Keynote: Big transitions in small stepsKent Beck

    All sessions will be streamed live, but we will also record them all for those unable to attend the event.
    * Currently planned and approved sessions. Topics and times subject to change. All times pacific.
    Twitter hashtag #pnpsym


    Yes, believe it or not, the annual conference for users and programmers of Apple II computers meets at Rockhurst for nearly a full week of fun, sharing, and education.  To learn more or to sign up go to

    July 17th through July 22nd.


    Saturday, April 21, 2012, 10:00 AM

    Selected By: Eric J. Gruber


    Blog Archive
