Monday, June 18, 2012, 6:30 PM

1740 Main St. K.C. MO 64108, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.092484 -94.583572

Selected By: Casey Justus

JavaScript can be both awesome and terrible. We’ll talk about the history of generating JavaScript and then work through some quick exercises in two languages that can produce JavaScript as output: CoffeeScript and Dart. Then, we’ll compare the two and look where they are headed.
This is an interactive talk, so plan to bring alaptop and code along. At the end, you'll at least have run a bit of CoffeeScript and Dart. You don’t have to be an experienced developer, as we’ll keep it super-high level.
About your presenter:
By day, David Mitchell is a mild mannered Group Technical Director at VML, where he is more likely to review JavaScript code than write it. By night, David is a polygot programmer, exploring languages like JavaScript, Smalltalk, and Lisp. David has presented nationally and at regional conferences and has taught programming at Sprint, Centriq, and at workshops for kids through local schools and homeschool groups.
This talk will be a part of One Week KC, an exciting week full of grassroots events that help educate, inspire, encourage and celebrate entrepreneurship in our quest to make Kansas City America's Most Entrepreneurial City. One Week events include technical meetups, classrooms, conferences, networking, speakers, parties and fun activities. More details to come.

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