911 Massachusetts Ave. / #a, Lawrence, KS (edit map)
Selected By: Michael Beasterfeld


As we approach 9,000 members, we want to say thank you for being part of this awesome community!

Join us for our 4th anniversary Happy Hour at Snow & Company for an evening of high fives, food & drinks on Wednesday, July 18th @ 6PM.

For more info and registration, see: http://www.kcitp.com/2012/06/26/kansas-city-technology-event-happy-hour/

The entire bar has been reserved exclusively for our event..but space is EXTREMELY limited - register TODAY!

Also, a limited # of early bird tickets are available at a discount! Don't miss out!

***Other announcements****

With over 100 developers & 25+ ideas submitted, our first hackathon , Hack The Midwest was extremely successful!

In case you missed some of our coverage, the event & one of the winners (Qup.TV) were mentioned on The Next Web, GigaOm and other awesome tech blogs.

If you're a developer - DON'T MISS OUT on the next one, make sure you go to http://www.hackthemidwest.com to sign up & get notified!


Next AgileKC Meeting

The next meeting of AgileKC will take place on Thursday June 28, 2012 -- 6:30 PM at:

Centriq Training Center

8700 State Line Road
Suite 200
Leawood, KS 66206

The meeting topic: Why Agile Works; Theoretical Explanations and Experimental Evidence to Lay Before Skeptics
Agile works, but can you explain to a skeptic why? Anecdotes are fine, but what experimental evidence would you present? Can you throw equations on the board and speak intelligently about them? Mark Randolph will provide persuasive experimental and theoretical evidence to lay before the most hardened skeptic demonstrating why Agile succeeds. Here are his talking points:
* Pair Programming: After extensive and carefully conducted field research published in peer reviewed journals, it is possible to say with near certainty that using peer programming doesn't hurt and might help ... occasionally.
* End arguments about story sizes: If estimates are within a hand grenade's radius of accurate, the forecast is close enough. Here is the formula to prove it.
* Queing theory and probability: If your opponent advocates waterfall, take the bet. The deck is stacked in your favor.
One last freebie to take home; a calculation for evaluating risk that you can do in your head.
Bring a calculator! See you there!
Our speaker, Mark Randolph, is best known as the Agile Programming “go-to” guy at his current job where he has been advocating the approach since his arrival 4 years ago. Prior to that, Mark was responsible for piloting Scrum (an Agile Programming method) at the SAIC Lenexa facility, where he arranged training for 12 team leads, and organized and ran 7 Scrum teams, not all of which were successful, an experience which Mark found profoundly instructive. Mark is also very active in the KC Agile User Group where he is a frequent presenter, and has published articles on the Scrum Alliance web site. Mark was certified by Mike Cohn as a ScrumMaster 6 years ago. Interestingly,
Mark is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Missouri, and possesses MSc and BSc degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois. Despite that inauspicious start, this slacker has accumulated a fair amount of experience in software engineering. At one time or another, Mark has been a team lead for Test planning and management; Software Configuration Management; Document management; Process re-engineering, and is a former computer programming instructor. His skill set includes master level knowledge of Object Oriented Analysis & Design with UML (OOA&D); Master level knowledge of C++; and he is a Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP 6.0). Mark currently works for the Federal Government as a Senior IT specialist.
We'll save some time for questions and answers at the end so bring your questions and a friend.
Hope to see you there!


* 6:30 Networking

* 7:00-8:00 Presentation

* 8:00-8:30 Open forum.


Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
Presenter: Jeff Julian
Topic: MVC4 and the WebAPI
Sponsor: PowerIT



Group: Kansas City Web Professionals

6:30 PM, Wed, JUNE 27, 2012

Centriq Training Center

8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD
In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Ray Harris  to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month's topic is:

SQL Injection and XSS: How to and How to prevent (Speaker: Rob Kraft)

SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) are frequently listed as the two top web site vulnerabilities being exploited by hackers. In this session you will learn exactly what these exploits are, see how hackers use tools to automate this hacking, and most importantly, learn the steps you can take to minimize the risk of falling victim to these exploits.

Rob Kraft's Mini-BIO:
Rob Kraft is an independent project manager, architect and developer from Lee's Summit, MO. He was a certified trainer on SQL Server and Visual Basic and co-authored a few books about SQL Server and network security. He has been developing software 25 years. He created
http://www.SimpleSQL.net/ and http://www.KansasCityUserGroups.com/ and he blogs occasionally at http://csharpdeveloper.wordpress.com/. His company web site is http://www.KraftSoftware.com.
See you there!

Our website URL is:


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

4:00 PM to

Selected By: C.J. Moore

One Royal Way, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.054717 -94.486266

Entrepreneur Day at the K is June 26. This got us thinking… We like entrepreneuring. We like drinking. We like drinking games. We like preparing meat over fire (mmmmm meat!). We even like watching baseball. It sounded like the perfect opportunity to get together our Venture Friday folk and have a big tailgate party with plenty of booze, plenty of entrepreneurs and plenty of MEAT!

So here’s the deal. Red Nova Labs has rented a space in the Kauffman Stadium parking lot (Lot N; Space B:1) for the June 26 game against the Devil Rays. We also got a tent because someone told us it gets hot in late June in Kansas City. (Entreprenerds are known to melt in the sun.)
Update: We're co-hosting (or tri-hosting?) with KC Roundtable and Under 30 CEO.
Details below. Or as the hipsters in the office call them, the “dets”.

Who: Venture Friday/KC Roundtable/Under 30 CEO members and family/friends
What: A tailgate party (Meat and drinks provided by Red Nova Labs. Feel free to bring additional tailgating dishes.)
When: June 26 from 4 p.m. to 7:10 p.m. (Game time is 7:10 p.m.)
Where: Kauffman Stadium parking lot, Lot N; Space B:1.
Why: Entrepreneur Day at the K is the final event for One Week KC, which is the kickoff to the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Big 5 Entrepreneurial Initiative. Venture Friday on June 22 is one of the sponsored events. For more info on One Week KC, check out the website.



Friday, June 22, 2012

11:30 AM

Selected By: Eric J. Gruber
129 East 10th Street, Lawrence, KS (edit map)
I have trouble making it to most Shop Talk because of family obligations. Anybody interested in lunch? India Palace, Jefferson's, Burger Stand, Chipotle, etc?



Thursday, June 21, 2012

12:00 PM

Selected By: Tom Jenkins

3205 Main Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.069084 -94.585274
This Thursday, 6/21/12, you're invited to a BBQ Geek Lunch at Gates on Main at Linwood Blvd. See you there at noon!
This lunch has no set topic. It's just a way for us to get together and enjoy some BBQ. The OpenKC google group has been meeting for lunch once a month regularly.



Our Limited WIP Society KC meets once per month (every 3rd Thursday) for lunch. Join us for a stimulating discussion on improving software development environments.


The June 19th Windows/Freeware SIG Meeting is cancelled.

Due to scheduling conflicts which could not be resolved, the Windows/Freeware SIG is canceled. We should resume on July 17, 2012.

Bill Diamond
SIG Leader


Friday, June 22, 2012

4:00 PM

Selected By: C.J. Moore

4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)
39.039829 -94.612267

We're in the old white brick Fisca Oil building on Rainbow
Selected By: Carrie Royce

Tech entrepreneurs in and around KC, join us for happy hour!
Venture Fridays is a simple but fun concept: The startup culture of Kansas City and surrounding areas is invited to gather at our private office lounge to discuss what we’re all thinking about, working on, needing help with, and might do for each other. Existing or aspiring entrepreneurs of all types and ages are invited. Let’s raise our glasses to building the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves.
Doors are open on Rainbow Boulevard (Westwood, Kan.) 4 to 6 p.m. on the 2nd Friday of every month. Who are your hosts? We’re a web marketing metacompany, still whiffing the baby powder of our start in 2009. We work hard, and we play hard. Sometimes Venture Fridays will be co-located with other events, sometimes not. Either way, we’ll be here drinking and thinking. Will you? Drop in.
No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; read more in Discussions).


Inaugural meeting of the KC EE meetup

Monday, June 25, 2012
7:00 PM

Selected By: Doug Niccum
1810 Cherry St #150, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091053 -94.576996

The door to Suite 150 is the right of the main door when you walk in. If you see the logo for "Ingenology" on the door, you are in the right place!
Welcome to our very first meeting of the KC EE meetup!
Because this is our fist meetup, we will use this to get a feel of what types of information you are looking for to further develop your skills. However we do have a brief outline of what we have planned, but is open to modification:
  1. Who's using EE
  2. Installation process
  3. Resources
  4. Plugin's/Addon's
  5. Additional Platforms
New to Expression Engine? Great! We will have some materials put together for you to get started on learning and developing on this great platform.
We hope to see all of you there!


Kansas City User Group Meeting - June 20th

When: June 20th @ 11:00am
Where: American Century (4400 Main, Kansas City, MO 64111)

Meeting Agenda
11:00 am - Lunch and networking

11:05 am - Introduction

11:15 pm – Visual Flow Designer and Partner Management presented by Issac Barcz, Senior Salesforce.com Sales Engineer.
  • What is Visual Flow?
  • Examples of Visual Flow.
  • Designer and Configuration Demo
  • Partner Portal - What's the difference?
  • Partner Portal Examples and Use Cases

12:00 pm – Treasure Hunting in Your Salesforce Data presented by Tim Geier, Cloud9. Learn benchmarking techniques for turning Salesforce.com data into actionalble management insights.
12:15 pm – Customer Use Round Table: Need volunteers.

12:45 pm - Birds-of-the Feather Breakouts
  • Sales/User Adoption Track
  • Marketing/Demand Generation/Reporting Track (Issac Barcz, Salesforce.com)
  • Administrator Track
  • Force.com Platform /Developers/ Data/Integration
  • Analytics, Reporting and Dashboards
1:30 PM - Birds-of-a-Feather Whole Group Review

2:00 pm – End of event

Please contact Jason Kort at jasonkort1 @ gmail.com if you have any interest in leading a Birds-of-the Feather Breakout session or presenting during Customer Use Roundtable.


HUG - Access Users Group Meeting; June 20, 2012 6:30 p.m.; Regnier 2nd Floor - Room RC250

 This month we are privileged to have two veterans present applications being used in the field and lessons learned during the development cycle of those applications. Please join us for the following Microsoft Access presentations.

 Presentation 1:

Billie Lenz:   Application Demo 

Billie Lenz will demo an application written in Access 2010 with permission from the client. It’s an electrical repair company in another state which means equipment information, service tasks etc. We’ll be able to nose around about what, why, how we’ve done things to help them manage their business. We’ll look at how we created a report that has info and then a section with lines but no real data for them to write in manually. We’ll talk about the ATTACHMENT new data type and issues there. We’ll talk about filtering with or without the CAPS LOCK key being on. Interesting results. We’ll talk about the fact that Access 2010 doesn’t refresh a 3rd down subform’s data. It’s done it from version 1.0 to 2003.

Presentation 2: 

Janet Gelsinger:   Lessons Learned in Recent Applications.  For example, code that works in one version of Access may need tweaking to work in the next version of Access.

Janet Gelsinger is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with projects on Hallmark's enterprise data warehouse.  Janet builds Access databases for small to medium-sized projects and has been active in the Heartland Access user group for many years.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

7:00 PM

Selected By: Sean Schbley

12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.970943 -94.734400

Hey everyone, I'd really like to get more people involved in coming so i'm thinking the next meetup will be on a weekday and be around security. I'm open to exact times so please let me know what works for everyone.



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

7:00 PM

Selected By: Andrew Schoen

1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091053 -94.576996

Getting Started with wxPython, a GUI toolkitby Royce Haynes (@roycehaynes)
Talk discusses basics of creating a wxPython application and provides information needed to start building your own cross-platform Python application.
Mustache Templates in Pythonby Seth Verrinder (http://sethverrinder.com/)
Python on the BeagleBoneby Juan Gomez (@_juandg)



Tuesday, June 19, 2012

7:00 PM to

Selected By: Andrew Dunkman

1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (edit map)
We’ll discuss testing in NodeJS. Want to hop on the schedule and talk about your experience with testing? Contact @nodekc on twitter and we’ll add you.
This event is a part of One Week KC: a week full of local events that help educate, inspire, encourage and celebrate entrepreneurship in our quest to make Kansas City America's Most Entrepreneurial City. One Week events include technical meetups, classrooms, conferences, networking, speakers, parties and fun activities.



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

12:00 PM to

Selected By: Wes Garrison

14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.953758 -94.754463

Come join us for lunch as we watch current programming screencasts and conference videos, then join in the discussion!
You should bring:
* something to eat for lunch (or, email Wes to get on the Chipotle group order list)
* something to drink (we have water, both cold and hot!)
Video(s) will start at 12:15.
So, tell your boss you're going to an educational meeting, take a long lunch, and come spend it with us.
If there's a recent video you'd like to share with the group, add it to the comments and we'll pick the favorites.



1740 Main St. K.C. MO 64108, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.092484 -94.583572

Selected By: Casey Justus

JavaScript can be both awesome and terrible. We’ll talk about the history of generating JavaScript and then work through some quick exercises in two languages that can produce JavaScript as output: CoffeeScript and Dart. Then, we’ll compare the two and look where they are headed.
This is an interactive talk, so plan to bring alaptop and code along. At the end, you'll at least have run a bit of CoffeeScript and Dart. You don’t have to be an experienced developer, as we’ll keep it super-high level.
About your presenter:
By day, David Mitchell is a mild mannered Group Technical Director at VML, where he is more likely to review JavaScript code than write it. By night, David is a polygot programmer, exploring languages like JavaScript, Smalltalk, and Lisp. David has presented nationally and at regional conferences and has taught programming at Sprint, Centriq, and at workshops for kids through local schools and homeschool groups.
This talk will be a part of One Week KC, an exciting week full of grassroots events that help educate, inspire, encourage and celebrate entrepreneurship in our quest to make Kansas City America's Most Entrepreneurial City. One Week events include technical meetups, classrooms, conferences, networking, speakers, parties and fun activities. More details to come.


The monthly meetup for the Kansas City Rubyists is tonight (June 12th) at 7PM at

Databasically, Inc
14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)


Perl Mongers monthly meeting is tonight at 7PM at the 75th Street Brewery.



Please join us on Thursday, June 21, 2012, 6:30 to 8:00 at the Centriq training facilities, 8700 State Line Road (across from Ward Parkway Mall), Leawood, KS 66206, Suite 200, for the KC IIBA General Meeting.

Topic this month:

Getting Requirements Right Making the User Tell All

Presentation by Brian Hattaway

Sponsored by OTSI (Object Technologies Solutions, Inc.)

Please RSVP via the following link:

You are welcome to forward this invitation to others you think may be interested. We always welcome new faces. You don't have to be a member to attend your first 2 meetings, so come check us out!


Those of you that use or are interested in Expression Engine can find others with the same interests at the new meetup: http://www.meetup.com/KC-EE-Meetup


Saturday, July 21, 2012

10:00 AM to

707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS (map)
38.971147 -95.237180

In the gallery, across from the DVD section.
Selected By: Eric J. Gruber

Heroku, dotCloud, Engine Yard, AWS, etc? It's all about the cloud these days. Let's talk about other's experiences and possibly show deployment processes.
If you would like to speak on this topic, we're looking for presenters! Contact Eric



Saturday, June 16, 2012

10:00 AM to

707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS (map)
38.971147 -95.237180

Sometimes it's difficult to display projects we're working on from the far end of a restaurant table on an iPad. This month is a slight departure on our usual speaker track, where you are invited to bring a project you're working on for show and tell.
Maybe you just want to show something off. Perhaps you have questions and you need answers. How about some helpful feedback? This is the time - show us what you've got.
If you're going to be presenting, please email Eric at eric j gruber@gmail.com just to give a heads up.


Tuesday June 12th WEB SIG
RC 252
6:30 - 8:30 pm

Facebook for Business Purposes

Here's a description of the program:

It is an axiom of marketing to go to where your customers are.  Well, today they’re in social networks!  If Facebook were a nation, its 900 million users would constitute the third largest population in the world.  Half of those members visit the site daily and this represents a tremendous marketing opportunity.  Join us as we discuss the process of forging strong customer relationships through social media vehicles such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yelp, blogs and more.  The discussion will include the content, frequency and variety of posts with the goal being that prospective customers will read, save and share them with their own networks, thus dramatically increasing a marketer’s reach.


John Addessi is a Consultant with Johnson County Community College's Kansas Small Business Development Center.  The Small Business Development Center at JCCC offers individualized, confidential and comprehensive consulting at no charge to prospective and existing small business owners in Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties in Kansas. John teaches business seminars and provides consultation on topics such as financing, business plans, marketing, e-commerce and more.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6:00 PM to

1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091278 -94.585899

Selected By: Andrew Schoen

It's been a full year now since we've started the group and we owe thanks to everybody for making it such a great year. So, let's celebrate!
Cerner has been nice enough to sponsor the happy hour for us at Snow & Company.


Event Code: 160755
08:15 AM - 06:00 PM
Welcome Time: 08:00 AM
Microsoft Corporation
10801 Mastin Blvd. Ste. 620
Overland Park, KS 66210
driving directions

General Event Information

Featured Product/Topic: Microsoft Azure

Recommended Audiences: IT Managers, IT Professionals, Solution Architects, Software Developers, Software Tester

Spend a day with experts, learning how to build a web application that runs in Windows Azure. You will learn how to sign up for free time in the could, and how to build a typical web application using the same ASP.NET tools and techniques you already use today.

We will explore web roles, cloud storage, SQL Azure, and common scenarios.

Plenty of time for Q&A, as well as frank discussion about applications that could, and those that should not be, moved to the cloud.

This will be a hands on event where you will need a laptop configured with the required pieces. We will have ehlp onsite to get the right bits installed as well. Lunch will be provided.

Session Requirements:

  • A computer or laptop installed with one of the following: Windows 7 (Ultimate, Professional, or Enterprise edition), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista (Ultimate, Business, or Enterprise edition) with either Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2
  • One click install of Windows Azure SDK and required software
  • Consider bringing a power strip or extension cord
  • Sample code and the handbook for the labs will be provided at the event

About Oakwood Systems Group, Inc.

Oakwood is passionate about business and equally passionate about how technology can be leveraged to help organizations achieve their business goals.

We are one of Microsoft’s oldest partners, Gold Certified, Managed, BlackBelt, and Award-winning, with fifteen Microsoft competencies and twelve Microsoft Virtual Technical Specialists. We architect, plan, implement, support, and manage projects across the Microsoft technology stack.

We are a team of individuals, made stronger by being together. We help each other achieve success so that we can help our clients do the same. We are enthusiastic business people and technologists. And, while we aren’t perfect, we have some of the highest customer satisfaction scores of any Microsoft partner, anywhere.

You should know us.

For more information, visit www.oakwoodsys.com, and to read more about our points of view, visit http://oakwoodinsights.blogspot.com/.


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