KCITP is excited to present our latest event - Big Data: The Future Of Insights.

We're bringing together thought leaders & experts such as industry executives, engineers, and analysts to learn more about Big Data technologies.

The event, hosted by Johnson County Community College, will take place in the Regnier Center on August 30th from 2:00 – 4pm.

You’ll hear from expert data scientists, engineers and data analysts from companies like Adknowledge and Cerner about how Big Data helps organizations find new business opportunities & make smarter decisions.

More info, agenda & registration (Register TODAY, space is limited!!!):


In conjunction with the upcoming Kansas City SQL Saturday #159, SQL Server MVP Thomas LaRock with Confio Software has agreed to present for an early KCSSUG meeting this Thursday, August 2nd. If you haven't signed up for SQL Saturday #159 yet, click the following link for details and registration. Remember SQL Saturday is a full day of best in class training at absolutely no cost to our attendees, sign up now!

This week's meeting is sponsored by Confio Software.
Meeting Schedule for Thursday, August 2nd, 2012:
Microsoft SQL Server MVP Thomas LaRock will be presenting "Database Design Throwdown: The Trailer"
Please note that both the meeting time and location has changed this week! We will be meeting at the Centriq training facility in the Seminar room.
  • 3:45 - 3:50 - Greeting and Housekeeping
  • 3:50 - 5:00 - Database Design Throwdown: The Trailer - Thomas LaRock
  • 5:00 - 5:15 - Door Prizes and wrap up
8700 State Line Road, Suite 200
Leawood, KS 66206

KC SQL Server User Group web site: http://kansascity.sqlpass.org/


Go back to school—your college days, that is—put on your alma mater garb and join us for happy hour at 75th Street Brewery (520 W. 75th St.) from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m on Thursday, August 16th. We'll give away a free admission pass to one of our upcoming Social Media Club breakfasts. Admission is free! Click here to register with EventBrite.


Free IT training is available next week from New Horizons at their SpecTechular Event. Check it out at http://www.spectechular.com/kansas-city/2012-agenda.html


hosted by DST SYSTEMS
You're invited to network with other local Java professionals and share good conversation, good food, fun and prizes!
Thursday August 16th
Granfalloon-Country Club Plaza
(mezzanine level)
This event is open to any Java developer in the KC area interested in networking with other developers skilled in Java.
Food and beverages will be provided.
Space is limited. RSVP before August 13th


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6:00 PM

Selected By: Don Peterson


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

6:30 PM

8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS (map)
38.969131 -94.609184

Selected By: David Templeman

Join us as Fred Bloom shares how to manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information using Maven.
Maven is a powerful Project Object Modeling (POM) tool with features like:
  • Simple project setup that follows best practices - get a new project or module started in seconds.
  • Consistent usage across all projects means no ramp up time for new developers coming onto a project.
  • Superior dependency management including automatic updating, dependency closures.
  • A large and growing repository of libraries and metadata to use out of the box, and arrangements in place with the largest Open Source projects for real-time availability of their latest releases.
  • Extensible, with the ability to easily write plugins in Java or scripting languages.
  • Instant access to new features with little or no extra configuration.
  • Ant tasks for dependency management and deployment outside of Maven.
  • Model based builds into predefined output types such as a JAR, WAR, or distribution based on metadata about the project.
  • Coherent site of project information.
  • Release management and distribution publication.
  • Dependency management.
I'm sure there will be a lively discussion and plenty to learn - we hope you join us!
Meeting Sponsor - TriCom Technical Services. Tri-Com is headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas and has services over 200 clients in 24 different states, providing more than 2000 programming/support staff in a contract, contract-to-hire, or permanent placement capacity.


Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, July 25, 2012
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: MODIS
Food and door prizes will be provided by : MODIS

In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month has 3 presenters:

Show Off Your Portfolio (speakers: Those who volunteered)

Presenter: Clint Brown, Major Partner in a startup company, EnergyThings, LLC

Web Storage is an underutilized feature of HTML5. A comparison between web storage and cookies is presented, as well as the difference between session and local storage. A demonstration of the practical use of web storage on the essets.com web site is given by its vice president of development,

Presenter: Karen Sorensen, Internet Projects Manager, Johnson County Wastewater

Karen just completed a 12 week Emerging Leaders Academy at the University of Kansas. As a final project, She created 'Options for ePortfolios', a variety of quick, easy, and affordable solutions you may not already be aware of. Yes, they are either cheap or free.
Technologies include:
Prezi - a custom-made presentation; great for the 'Wow' factor.
Adobe PDF Galley - For example, the 'Wave' option is similar to Prezi's effect.
PowerPoint/iSpring - turning PowerPoint into Flash presentations with various interfaces to choose from; great for recording audio with, as well.
The 'Minimalist' webpage - the one page site is becoming popular for various reasons ranging from protecting your work to ease of maintenance.

Presenter: Scott Rider, Web developer for 10years; Currently working for Ericson.

Topic: Regular Expressions; Beyond! Form Validation

Our website URL is: http://w! ww.kcwebpros.com
See You There !!!
Ray Harris


6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting

Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
Presenter: Tim Wright
Topic: What's Next?: A Developers Perspective
Sponsor: Addecco


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6:30 PM to

7900 State Line Road, Prairie Village, KS (map)
38.985258 -94.608380

Selected By: paulb

Since this is our first meetup, this will be an informal meeting where we can meet each other and plan future meetups. If you are new to CakePHP or an experienced developer, this will be a great place to learn about CakePHP to use it to rapidly develop web applications.

Do you have something to say about CakePHP? We are looking for presenters for future events.

Is there something you want to learn about CakePHP? Let us know, and we will try to find someone to present on that subject.

New to CakePHP? Then checkout cakephp.org and its documentation resources. Give the Blog Tutorial a try!


1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091053 -94.576996

Selected By: Andrew Schoen

django CMS: Friends don’t let friends use Drupal.
There are literally thousands of CMS options out there, so why not choose one that’s built with Python and on the amazing Django web framework. In this talk we’ll discuss the basics of django CMS and how to use it to build a great CMS solution for your clients. We’ll go over templates, menus, settings, user permissions, asset management, front-end editing, plugins and extending the CMS with your own Django apps.
Presented by: Andrew Schoen (@andrewschoen)

Gloo - A Data Project Management Tool
Presented by: Trent Hauck



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

12:00 PM to

Selected By: Wes Garrison

14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.953758 -94.754463

Come join us for lunch as we watch current programming screencasts and conference videos, then join in the discussion!
You should bring:
* something to eat for lunch (or, email Wes to get on the Chipotle group order list)
* something to drink (we have water, both cold and hot!)
Video(s) will start at 12:15.
So, tell your boss you're going to an educational meeting, take a long lunch, and come spend it with us.
If there's a recent video you'd like to share with the group, add it to the comments and we'll pick the favorites.



The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled
"Getting Going with Garmin" Wednesday, August 1st , 7pm
at Douglas County Senior Services at 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence.

Johan-Till Broer of Garmin will show us not just Garmin's iPhone products for navigation, but devices for fitness and exercise.

Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to http://www.laugks.org for more info or Contact Dave Greenbaum, , dsg @ mac.com to be notified of upcoming meetings.


Meeting: July 2012 Kansas City User Group Happy Hour

Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meeting Agenda:

July Salesforce User Group: Happy Hour When: July 26th from 5:30pm - 8pm
Where: The Well (7421 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111)
Sponsorsed by ReadyTalk and Tinderbox

Enjoy cold drinks and great food as we learn more about how ReadyTalk and Tinderbox help customers get more out of Salesforce.com. 


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

6:30 PM

1815 Central Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091396 -94.587128

Selected By: Joe Longstreet

Appcelerator has been around for a few years and has changed quite a bit since it's initial release. The framework has recently gained ground and has over 300,000 registered developers. An updated API, training resources, and available plug-ins/modules have aided in it's recent growth in popularity.
At this meetup, I'll aim to show how easy it is to get started with Appcelerator and try and answer the following questions:
* What are the proper use cases for Appcelerator, is it an end all be all solution?
* Using a compiled cross-platform framework always "sounds good", but rarely works out in real life. What kind of issues will I run into, how can I fix them?
* How does Appcelerator compare to other popular mobile frameworks, especially CoronaSDK and PhoneGap?
You don't have to be a professional JavaScript programmer to understand most of the concepts discussed at this meetup, although it would help.
Look forward to seeing you there!



Saturday, July 21, 2012

2:30 PM

Selected By: Daniel Holmes

12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.970943 -94.734400

Conference room in the back
Most people who actively work with PHP every day rarely confine themselves to just PHP.
PHP Developers have access to a nearly dizzying array of tools, packages, language features, QA tools and countless frameworks and styles to develop with. In this Tour of the PHP Ecosystem, long time PHP enthusiast Dan Holmes will attempt to highlight many of the projects and developments that have come of age in recent years.
Whether you have long settled on one particular style or framework for development, or just looking at PHP for the first time, we are sure you will spot something fresh you hadn't seen before.
    • Have you wanted to give a talk before, but just didn't know what topic to pick?
    • Are you from another meetup and think PHP development is limited to adding snippets of code to an HTML file?
    • Do you want to just hang out and shout "Why didn't you add my favorite thing?" at the speaker?
You should not miss this meeting.

Our Standard Meeting Format
We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into

  • Meet and Greet new members!
  • John Kary presents his "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights of new happenings in the PHP Universe
  • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other things of interest

All Developers Welcome!
We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Slim, FuelPHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

10:00 AM to

707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS (edit map)
In the gallery, across from the DVD section.
Selected By: Eric J. Gruber
Heroku, dotCloud, Engine Yard, AWS, etc? It's all about the cloud these days. Let's talk about other's experiences and possibly show deployment processes.
If you would like to speak on this topic, we're looking for presenters! Contact Eric at ericjgruber @ gmail.com.


"Technology trends and how they drive demand for IT resources"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

6:30 PM to

8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS (map)
38.969131 -94.609184

Selected By: Frederick Bloom

Presented by:

David Templeman - Director of Recruiting

RiverPoint Group LLC

3 Corporate Woods 
8700 Indian Creek Parkway Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66210


Thursday, August 9, 2012

5:00 PM to

1810 Cherry St. Suite 150, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091053 -94.576996

Come to the intersection of 18th and Cherry and look out for the big silver 1810 sign around the corner on Cherry St.
Selected By: Ashok

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay on getting info about our next meetup out. It's Summertime, we're all dealing with the heat, trying to stay hydrated, and already starting to anticipate the fall. We've been working hard at coordinating some exciting new upcoming meetups and our next one is no exception. So here are finally the details on it!
Join us for a night of showing some current mobility projects our members have been working on as well as a short discussion and presentation on jQuery Mobile:http://jquerymobile.com/. We'll discuss how and when to use jQuery Mobile as well as certain use cases in active projects right now from our members.
If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about(jQuery mobile or not), please contact us before July 15th as we want to finalize who all will be presenting by then. Everyone else who has already expressed interest I'll be sending out an e-mail to you to shortly to help coordinate your presentation and work through anything you may need from us to present.
Also, we're going to be having this event at a new location down by the Crossroads district. It's in a new collaborative space called Ingenology with innovative technology companies working together to share resources on their diverse range of projects they are involved in. If you have never been down to this Crossroads part of Kansas City, it is a very up and coming entrepreneurial hot spot and many exciting ventures are being started and developed in a short radius from each other. It's worth checking out just to surround yourself in the sea of inspiration down there.
We're also going to be having a short "after party" afterwards for anyone that wants to grab a bite to eat or something to drink next door at the Grinders West Pizzeria and Bar and continue any discussions that were brought up: http://grinderspizza.com/index.php?/grinderswest/.
Hope to see you all there! Mark your calendars now!
1810 Cherry St. Suite 150
Kansas City, MO 64108


HUG Windows Freeware SIG 7/17/2012 New Horizons Room 6

In the last session we dealt with freeware covering viruses and malware. As part of that discussion, recommendations were made for products in the various areas. In the meeting announcements it was mentioned that these products change over time and not always for the better. In a recent update I have withdrawn my support for one of the products discussed. We will continue this discussion as part of the this meeting

Comments emailed after the meeting suggested looking into increasing PC performance. We will look into actions that can be done in this area and look at a freeware product that can help in this area and discuss other actions that can speed up start up and shut down times.

A suggestion was also made to discuss wireless router setup and if time permits we will try to get into that discussion or collect specific needs in this for the next presentation.

As usual there will be a question and answer session for general or specific questions.

Date: 7/17/2012 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
96th&  Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
(Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
center area.)
Room: 6 see a map at


Limited WIP Society KC July Lunch

You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
Format: Lean Coffee topical formatWhen: Thursday, July. 19, 11:30 am
Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
If you will be attending or bringing guests, let me know how many by RSVP. This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event. Starbucks coffee is provided!


Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, July 25, 2012
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: TBD
Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

In order to ensure that we have enough food for you,let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month's topic will be:

Show Off Your Portfolio (speakers: Those who volunteer)

-- We will have multiple presentations by multiple presenters (roughly 15 minutes long each)
-- If you would like to present your website/portfolio, please contact [Ray Harris at: kcwebpro1@kcwebpros.com] or [John Krysztow at: johnk@cjk-consulting.com] -- with a brief synopsis of your topic
-- Please volunteer early and quickly
-- Present your website or project th! at you have worked on that you are really proud of
-- Websites / Projects can have been developed in: Open Source / Perl / TCL / Java / PHP / ASP.NET / Ruby-Rails / Flash / CMS / etc.
-- Demonstrate what you built, what technologies you used, and what you learned
-- This gives you a chance to show off your work and knowledge
-- First come first served -- we will pick between 4 to 5 presenters out of all the volunteers
-- Get presentation experience in a non threatening environment -- which you can place in your resume
-- We might pick a winner of what was most interesting or most helpful to attendees -- and award a prize

Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com
See You There


Meeting Topic: 10 Practices Every Team Should Employ

The heat and 4th of July mid-week holiday have us discombobulated here at Agile KC HQ.   So much so the next meeting announcement was not sent out last week.  No worries though, here’s what we have on tap for Thursday July 19, 2012 at 6:30 PM.

Martin Olson will return to the lectern to share 10 agile practices that should be the mainstay of any team whether they are following an agile, waterfall or chaos methodology.   It’s a good bet that your team is doing at least a couple of these practices, but may not have much definition and\or discipline around them.  So since you’re doing the work anyway (and incurring the cost), and the practices in question are central to any process, you might as well figure out how to leverage them moving forward.  That’s what we’re all about this month.

This presentation should have something for everyone.  If your team is mature in various agile practices come and share your experiences and insights and discuss ways your team might continue to improve.  If you’re working through an agile transition this session should help provide a baseline to measure your team’s progress to date.  If you’re just starting in implementing agile practices (or thinking about starting) this meeting will help clarify some of the practices your team should be considering as part of their activities.

As usual we’ll engage in a lot of Q&A during the presentation and save time for other topics at the end of the meeting so bring your questions, problems and friends.  Also feel free to bring your questionable, problematic friends.  Hope to see you Thursday!


HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, July 18, 2012, 2011 at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 378
Beginners Presentation:
Presenter: Earl Long
Topic: String Functions and how they might be used in your Access Application
Earl Long is one of the original founder of the Heartland User Group.
He has been retired from business and now focuses on Political Advocacy and Consulting.
Advanced Presentation:
Presenter: Bill Diamond
Topic: Comma & Quotes in Strings
Most of us, experienced or novice, have had problems with Access when data contains a quote or apostrophe within the data. We may have been able to come up with solutions that got us around this event. What complicates this situation is a DAO solution most likely fails with an ADO call or heaven forbid, what happens if there is a quote and apostrophe within the same string element.
We will demonstrate a solution at the meeting which should account for all the above circumstances. Also, we will show coding that makes direct calls to elements on a form and alternate coding that makes the calls as variables which makes code much more versatile for reuse in other/future circumstances.
Bill Diamond in the past was a heavy user of Microsoft Access and picked up a few tricks along the way which he is willing to share with the rest of the group.
Microsoft Access 2010 24-Hour Trainer by Geoffrey L Griffith, Truitt L Bradly the lessons within the book are each accompanied by an instructional demonstration on the DVD - nearly 5 hours of video tutorials.
Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
Arlene Watkins
Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
7700 Wedd Suite 100
Overland Park, KS 66204
FAX 913-660-0362


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

6:30 PM to

Selected By: JavaSigLeader

8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS (map)
38.969131 -94.609184

This will be a planning meeting followed by informal tech/industry chat if time allows.


Calling all webmasters. The National Association of Government Webmasters is hosting a webmasters conference at the Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza Sept. 12-14, 2012. It's inexpensive, but offers tons of sessions for every webmaster (not just for government). This association was started by a small KC group and now is large.

Let me know if you have any questions or check out the website. www.nagw.org

Early bird registration ends July 11.


Important note before we get to the meat and potatoes of this week’s Venture Friday: we are once again going off-site this Friday to the Lenexa Conference Center. Also, doors open at 5 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. So DO NOT show up to Red Nova Labs on Friday unless you’re a loner and want to hang out in our parking lot for fun. (See directions and map to Lenexa Conference Center at the end of this email.)

Now, to the fun stuff... Fresh off One Week KC, do you smell the entrepreneuring in the air? For those unfamiliar with the scent, I believe it's a mix of vodka and cinnamon. Anyway, if One Week KC taught us anything, it’s that making Kansas City an entrepreneurial city is a team effort. In that spirit, we want to be the anti-Kobe Bryant. This Friday we are sharing the ball and co-hosting Venture Friday with the Enterprise Center of Johnson County (ECJC).

We are quite fond of the folks over at ECJC. In fact, several of our founders worked on another project at ECJC that in a roundabout way led to the formation of Red Nova Labs. So thanks to ECJC, I eat macaroni instead of ramen, have a 401K and own a couple leather-bound books.

What is ECJC? The premise is to help KC entrepreneurs turn ideas into profitable businesses through an incubator program at their headquarters in Lenexa. On Friday, two of the success stories, EyeVerify and Innovadex, will show off their products and speak about the process of going through the ECJC program.

EyeVerify (http://eyeverify.com), a current incubator tenant, enables mobile users to authorize transactions and access information in a manner that is secure, scalable, and convenient. Innovadex (http://www.innovadex.com/) is a search engine in the Life Science, Chemical, Food and Beverage industries. The company is a graduate of ECJC and President Jim Dodd is the current chairman of the ECJC Board of Directors.

Come learn more about ECJC, these two great KC companies, and as always, eat, drink and mingle with fellow entrepreneurial-loving folk. Doors open at 5 p.m.; we are legally obligated to kick everyone out at 7 p.m.

To get to the Lenexa Conference Center from the north, take I-35 S to I-435 W. Take the first exit onto Lackman Rd. Turn right onto W. 101st Terrace. Turn right onto Sante Fe Trail Dr. Drive 1.4 miles and turn right onto Lackman Rd. The Lenexa Conference Center will be on your left.

From the south, take I-35 N to 119th St. Turn right on 119th St. Turn left onto S. Strang Line Rd. Turn left onto 111th St. /College Blvd. Turn left onto Lackman Rd. and the Lenexa Conference Center will be on your left.

And if that confused you, here’s a map of the Lenexa Conference Center.




Saturday, July 14, 2012

10:00 AM

12 Corporate Woods, Suite 200 10975 Benson Drive Overland Park, KS 66210 , Kansas City, MO (map)
38.930054 -94.687599

Selected By: Andrew Schoen

Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and hang out. Bring your own project or work on one of the suggested projects below. We'll have members available to help beginning Python programmers with language basics and practice.

Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.
Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop and power cord

Need some project ideas? How about:
Learning Python
Projects and competitions


Alex Weber of Regina Web Solutions, www.reginawebsolutions.com,  will unveil the new Heartland Users Group Web site built on a WordPress engine. 

The new Web site will feature interactive blogs as well as connections to Linked In, Facebook, and Twitter.

Come to this meeting to see the new HUG site,  You will also get hands on WordPress training so that you can interact with the new HUGKC Web site as well as build your own WordPress site .

6:30 – 8:30, Tuesday, July 10th.   RC 236


Hi KCers -

Our July meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening. We'll get together at 7pm at 75th Street Brewery in Waldo. I'll grab a high-top table or two in the front bar area.

Let me know if you're coming and I'll make sure to grab enough tables and seats.

See you tomorrow at the brewery!



Thursday, August 9, 2012

8:00 PM

440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.013630 -94.582695

Selected By: Hal Gottfried

The idea behind this is to allow members with an excess of books and others with a deficit of books will find something they are interested in.
Now the books don't have to be computer books or even tech books but considering the audience you should try to stay along the Hacker Space theme.
This will happen in our classroom after the meeting or at 8pm which ever comes first. If you are bringing books before please put on the marked table in the classroom (which I will label books) , thanks!!


KC UX 'Talk Shop'
July 12, 2012 at 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
The Well, 7421 Broadway St, Kansas City
Meet and network with other UX professionals or come see what UX is all about.
- Ad Agency UX
- Corporate UX
- Small Biz UX
- Freelance UX
- UX Jobs/Projects
- No topic/networking tables
TekSystems - will be providing appetizers.
Table Topics - If you would like to sponsor a table topic (just be there to get a topic rolling). Contact us to give yourself, work and company some notoriety (possible topic list will be provided), before we reach out to others. See Cara Miller of BoxSpring Design or Per Jorgensen for more details.
Labels: graphic design, information architecture, information technology, usability, user experience
Event Organizer: Susana B (Bruhn) (UI, UX, Web, Mobile & Software Consultant)


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

7:00 PM

Selected By: Wes Garrison

14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.953758 -94.754463

Show up early with some dinner if you want, doors open at 6:30.
Afterwards, plan to stay around! Bring something to drink and be prepared to chat it up and hack on something cool.
Doors open about 6:30, bring your dinner and drinks early!



Kantcon, an annual gaming convention will be held this week July 6-8 at JCCC.  There is open gaming, board game events, RPGs, costume contests and more.  It's a great time and a fun way to spend the extended weekend.

KantCon is being held at:

Johnson County Community College
Regnier Center Room 101
12345 College BlvdOverland Park, KS 66210


Download the PDF will all the details including the event list, slot times and admission:  http://kantcon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/KantCon_Events_2012_online4.pdf

The web site is http://kantcon.com.


The Kansas City Internet Entrepreneur's Group was started to create networking opportunities for individuals looking to exchange ideas on starting and growing successful internet businesses including mobile apps.



Web frameworks that aren’t ExpressJS

7:00 PM

Needs a location Coming soon!

No offense ExpressJS, but you’re old news. You’ve got good guides available online and a great user base—but what about all those other frameworks? You know, the ones you tell people about and they say “huh?”
This will be a “review” style meetup—leave a message in the comments or tweet @nodekc to be added to the schedule (plug your favorite never-been-publicized framework).



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1:00 PM to

Selected By: Hal Gottfried

440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
Welcome friends. Let's do a BBQ/picnic potluck style! Feel free to add what you're bringing to this thread so we can all keep track and reduce duplicate dishes.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

2:00 PM

Lenexa KS

Selected By: Dale Maxfield

"Laser Mission." Ernest Borgnine? Check. Brandon Lee? Check. Lasers? No lasers. But there is a blue dress. And a generic military guy that seems to die in every action scene. Rifftrax's version is funny, though this one barely needs it.


"Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1" continually begs the question, why did this need to be two movies long? Almost nothing happens in this movie, much like the previous movies in the series. But then it goes way, WAY off the rails. Vampire C-Section? Yes, and it's even more horrifying and ridiculous than you can imagine. And that's not even the creepiest moment. Again, we'll let the guys at Rifftrax sugar-coat this trip into the author's tenuous grip on sanity. I've screened this one too - and it may be my favorite Rifftrax of all time!

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=WyCjatiO4oY

RSVP and feel free to bring anyone along. Note that both movies contain adult content and may not be appropriate for the kiddos.



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