Saturday, September 15, 2012

10:00 AM to

    707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.971147 -95.237180

  • This month we'll have two different topics rather than a theme day.
    First off, Sai Ramachandran is building an asynchronous server using Python/Django and wants to show it off. He'll also be soliciting feedback about this project.
    Secondly, Frank Siler will present on the different types of open software licenses, and what they mean to you.
    We look forward to having you there!


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled "Central control of your iOS Devices" Wednesday, September 5th , 7pm at Douglas County Senior Services at  745 Vermont  Street in Lawrence.


    John Welch, author of many Macintosh books and member of the Angry Mac Bastards podcast will join us remotely to talk about some tips and tricks about controlling and configuring a group of iOS devices for home or office.


    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to for more info or Contact Dave Greenbaum to be notified of upcoming meetings.


    6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting

    Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
    Presenter: Jonathan Mills
    Topic: Bring Order To Chaos, Visualize Your Work Stream With Kanban
    Sponsor: Ingenuity Consulting


    The site allows you to announce the schedule of your regular meetings.


    You might be asking, what's a code camp? Well, here are some of the basic ideas:

    • Community driven
    • Its for and by developers
    • No cost for attendees
    • Developer relevant content
    • Never during work hours - usually on a Saturday

    What a code camp is not:
    • Product placement
    • Corporate marketing

    We are looking for developers who want to tell other developers about cool things they are doing. Topics they really care about. If you are working with .Net, Ruby, PHP, Java, Rails, Python, SQL, and you want to tell other people about it, then consider submitting a speaking proposal.
    If you have questions about speaking at an event, contact Nick Parker and Jon von Gillern at speakers [at] iowacodecamp d0t com.
    If you want to help sponsor, contact Zac Harlan at sponsors [at] iowacodecamp d0t com.
    Remember this an event FOR developers BY developers, so we need you to help us make it succeed!


    Thursday, August 23, 2012

    7:00 PM

  • 1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO


    Thursday, August 23, 2012
    12:00 PM to

    1814, Westport Road, Kansas City, Mi (edit map)

    Another event at the fiber space this Thursday over lunchtime. Visit the link and scroll to the bottom to get secure your spot before going. There will be food & drinks provided:

    From the Google Fiber page:
    Small Business & Entrepreneurs - What Can Google Fiber Do For My Start-Up?
    The Google Fiber Business Team will showcase Fiber and the many ways it can enhance how we innovate and create. Thanks to 100x the speed & possiblities, start-ups will learn about opportunities available for the future.
    Refreshments & food will be provided. Attendees will also learn how they can become personally involved and how they can better influence and activate their community.
    Fiber Space Lounge
    1820 Westport Road
    Kansas City, MO 64111


    Thursday, September 6, 2012
    12:00 PM

    Where's a good place for a big group? Last time we had 8, we might just have more this next time...


    Greetings Kansas City OWASP chapter members:

    After a hot, quiet summer, we're gearing up for another busy cool
    falltime of chapter meetings.   Next up:

    Date: Wednesday, September 12.   Start time is 6:30PM.
    The topic is: Certifications and Training for Application Security

    The chapter will meet up to compare notes on local and national appsec training for everyone: newcomers and experts in the field.
    If there's one thing to learn about appsec, it is that there is always more to learn.

    Other agenda items:
      chapter membership drive - $50 per year, now is a great time to renew or join up
      password protection and web security topics in the news
      the fall Chapter schedule will be discussed, and of course, if you'd like to give a presentation for our chapter, we'd like to speak with you!

    The location will be: the Foundry at McCoy's    424 Westport Road
    Kansas City, MO 64111

    No need to RSVP.      See you there!
    Mat Caughron
    Kansas City OWASP volunteer leader
    (816) 866-0628


    Greetings all,

    Just a reminder that we'll be meeting tomorrow night (Tuesday Aug. 21, 2012) at 6:30 PM CDT at Centriq training.   Due to a scheduling request from this month's presenter we're moving the meeting up two days.  Refer to for the topic and a map if necessary.

    Hope to see you there!



    Tuesday, August 28, 2012
    12:00 PM

    14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.953758 -94.754463

  • Come join us for lunch as we watch current programming screencasts and conference videos, then join in the discussion!
    We'll be continuing our series on metaprogramming.
    You should bring:
    * something to eat for lunch (or, email Wes to get on the Chipotle group order list)
    * something to drink (we have water, both cold and hot!)
    Video(s) will start at 12:15.
    So, tell your boss you're going to an educational meeting, take a long lunch, and come spend it with us.


    The August meeting is canceled due to an unscheduled work priority.

    Bill Diamond
    SIG Leader


    The National Association of Government Webmasters ( is hosting a webmasters conference at the Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza Sept. 12-14, 2012. It's inexpensive, but offers tons of sessions for every webmaster (not just for government). More information:


    Sorry to have to change things but I need to be out of town next Wednesday and Thursday. We will reschedule for Wednesday September 19th same time, same place. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

    If you're jones'ing for more Big Data check out the KCITP event on Aug 30th at JCCC. KC Big Data Meetup members are offered a 15 percent discount off of the registration price. Use promo code BIGDATAKC when you register.

    Kansas City IT Professionals - Big Data: The Future Of Insights Thursday, August 30, 2012 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM (CDT) Overland Park, KS


    Hello All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, August 22, 2012

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: RiverPoint

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : RiverPoint

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's topic is:

    Interview/Resume/Job Hunting Tips and Pointers (speaker: Dave Templeman)

    -- Differences between recruiting / headhunter companies
    -- What sets RiverPoint apart from the rest
    -- Interview Attire
    -- Interview Pointers, Do's, Dont's
    -- Resume Pointers, Do's, Dont's
    -- Job Attitude/Performance
    -- How to not shoot yourself in the foot on the contract/permanent transition and salary demand! s
    -- Transitioning between contracts
    -- Technology strengths/weaknesses
    -- What technology is hot/not
    -- Additional technology education

    Dave Templeman is the Director of Recruiting at RiverPoint.

    Our website URL is:


    Wednesday, August 22, 2012
    6:00 PM


    Hi KC R users,

    Our next meeting is Saturday, August 25th at 2pm at the Plaza Library. I
    don't currently have anything on the agenda, does anyone have something to

    I can come up with a few minutes of stuff about analyzing my fitbit data,
    making radial plots, or using rollapply...

    Please reply or RSVP on groupspaces if you're planning on coming and if you
    have anything interesting to show.


    Tuesday, August 21, 2012
    7:00 PM

    Needs a location Coming soon!

  • We'll chat a bit about debugging NodeJS applications.
    This will be a "review" style meetup. Leave a message in the comments or tweet @nodekc to be added to the agenda!


    SharePoint Saturday Ozarks is moving to Branson, Missouri!

    Come learn about SharePoint from the experts at this free one day event at a gorgeous resort in Branson, MO.
    Just check out some of these SharePoint Saturday Ozarks statistics:
    • An entire track is devoted to attendees who are brand new to SharePoint so they can learn what it is and how to get started in one of the hottest technologies ever
    • Over 30 speakers from all over the country and even a couple of Canadians 'eh
    • 8 SharePoint MVPs and 1 SharePoint MCM
    • Over 30% of speakers have authored books on SharePoint
    • Keynote address by former Microsoft SharePoint Product Manager Chris Johnson and Microsoft SharePoint Technology Specialist Matthew Bremer
    • This Modern Station from Nashville will be playing for the attendees after the event
    Where else can you get free SharePoint training from over 30 talented speakers at a fabulous resort, free food, door prizes including tablets and even free live music??

    So, come spend the day learning about SharePoint from the very brightest and relax the rest of the weekend at a world class resort at a discounted room rate (call the resort to reserve discounted room rate of $129 per night (417)334-1161)

    Located near two airports (BKG and SGF), Branson, Missouri hosts over 8,000,000 visitors a year and is THE vacation destination for the Midwest. Featuring live music, dining, amusement parks, shopping, and a host of other activities, Branson offers a unique experience for sponsors and attendees alike.
    This year, the event will be held at Chateau on the Lake Resort and Conference Center. The resort has generously discounted its room rates to $129 and is offering this rate for a total of six days (September 5th – 10th).

    Keep an eye on for more information including speakers and schedule as it becomes availalble.


    Wednesday, August 29, 2012
    6:30 PM
  • 6450 Vista Drive, Shawnee, KS (map)
    39.010735 -94.818283

    Walk past reception area towards the hallway to back offices
  • Hi Everyone,

    We are meeting at Sean's office at Adaptive Software
    on Wednesday, August 29th @ 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    This will be an open forum discussion on I.T. and Software Development
    issues and topics.

    See you there,

    Assistant Organizer
    KC Software Developers


    At the August 14th WEB SIG, Alex Weber is going to walk you through making changes to the new WordPress-based Heartland Users Group Website. Everyone present will be able to login and add content in this hands-on session. If you are new to WordPress this will be an excellent opportunity to learn how to navigate the dashboard, add pages, posts, media, widgets, plugins, and more.

    So please bring your HUG ideas and contents (records, files, notes, memories, pictures)!

    Tuesday, 8/14/12

    6:30 – 8:30 pm

    RC 236


    Hi KC R users,

    Our next meeting is Saturday, August 25th at 2pm at the Plaza Library. I don't currently have anything on the agenda, does anyone have something to share? 

    I can come up with a few minutes of stuff about analyzing my fitbit data, making radial plots, or using rollapply... 

    Please reply or RSVP on groupspaces if you're planning on coming and if you have anything interesting to show.


    You're invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.

    Format:  Lean Coffee topical format
    When: Thursday, August 16, 11:30 am

    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS

    If you will be attending or bringing guests, let me know how many by RSVP. This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event. Starbucks coffee is provided!


    Saturday, August 18, 2012

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.970943 -94.734400

    We usually meet in the conference room towards the back

    Come join us! Learn what's new, get help from others, make friends, geek out!

    Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into

    • Meet and Greet new members!
    • John Kary presents his "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights of new happenings in the PHP Universe
    • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other things of interest

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Slim, FuelPHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

    We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!


    The meeting topic:  Vision & Visibility: Strategies for Applying Agile @ Scale

    Has Agile software development brought you higher productivity and better quality? Do your teams deliver software that better meets customer needs?  How do you amplify those benefits by applying Agile at scale?

    This month's topic will have Andy Carlson addressing these questions and answering yours.  Some of the topics of the session will include:

    ·         Apply Lean and Agile principles to your strategic planning

    ·         Add scaling structures so you can deliver on initiatives that make a real impact on the bottom line

    ·         Implement visibility tools that enable strategic steering to react quickly to learnings from Agile teams

    ·         Align your whole organization to vision and strategy and enable your teams to deliver real results

    Andy Carlson is a technical account manager and product expert at Rally Software and is based in Denver, CO. Andy has over 12 years of experience working with Agile teams. In his role he spends time with customers and prospects selling and implementing Rally's agile solutions. He is most passionate about working with large organizations who strive to receive the benefits of agile and lean at scale. Recently, Andy was certified as a Program Consultant by the Scaled Agile Academy. At the end of the day his true passions are making work more fun, meetings less boring, and helping teams and organizations become happy, healthy and successful.


    Saturday, August 18, 2012
    7:00 PM
    4101 Main St, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.051554 -94.586018

  • Let's talk about papers or talks we find interesting.


    Wednesday, August 15, 2012
    6:30 PM to

    7900 State Line Road, Prairie Village, KS (map)
    38.985258 -94.608380

    Since this is our first meetup, this will be an informal meeting where we can meet each other and plan future meetups. If you are new to CakePHP or an experienced developer, this will be a great place to learn about CakePHP to use it to rapidly develop web applications.

    Do you have something to say about CakePHP? We are looking for presenters for future events.

    Is there something you want to learn about CakePHP? Let us know, and we will try to find someone to present on that subject.

    New to CakePHP? Then checkout and its documentation resources. Give the Blog Tutorial a try!


    Tuesday, August 14, 2012
    7:00 PM
    14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.953758 -94.754463

  • Show up early with some dinner if you want, doors open at 6:30.
    Afterwards, plan to stay around! Bring something to drink and be prepared to chat it up and hack on something cool.
    Doors open about 6:30, bring your dinner and drinks early!


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, August 15, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 253
    Beginners Presentation:Presenter: Silvia Siren
    Topic: Tip #4 - A Single query to Do Both Updates and Insertions
    Silvia will be presenting Access Solutions Tip 4 - Single Query to do Both Updates and Insertions. This is a beginner level presentation which will demonstrate the use of a query to update information in a table in order to keep two sources of data synchronized. Please join us for this presentation and for a discussion of different types of queries!
    Advanced Presentation:
    Presenter: Bill Diamond
    Topic: Null Propagation
    When placing text in a form or report we often need to add elements that are not a part of the text itself. This is usually punctuation such as the period after the middle initial, the comma after city in an address and the double space after the state and before the zip code as desired by the poatal service. There are simple means to do this and they work all the time as long as the data has every field filled. In the case of a missing middle initial or left out city leaves a . where the middle initial was expected and a comma where the city is supposed to be. In the case where there is no second address line leaves a noticeable gap in the address label.
    With the presentation we will show a method that lets Access do the things it wants to do but trick it into doing them the way we desire. This involves a method known as Null Propagation This operation lets us format the text and it also has a side benefit, the ability to squeeze more data onto an address label which can often relieve the need to switch to a larger label.
    Bill Diamond in the past was a heavy user of Microsoft Access and picked up a few tricks along the way which he is willing to share with the rest of the group.
    Monthly Give-Away: Microsoft Access 2010 All-in-One for Dummies by Alison Barrows, Margaret Levine Young & Joseph C. Stockman. This reference shows how to take advantage of Microsoft Access 2010's new features and capabilities so you can, well, access the information you need. You'll breeze through everything from tables, queries, and forms to database administration and Visual Basic for Applications as you learn this program.
    Give-away drawing for HUG members only.
    Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
    Arlene Watkins


    Please join us for the Kansas City Storage User Group meeting
    Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

    IBM Office
    Plaza Room
    11550 Ash Street - Suite 350
    Leawood, KS 66211

    Richard Spurlock from Starfire Technologies will discuss his experiences with TSM 6.3 Node Replication. He will also compare Node Replication to other TSM replication approaches including TSM HA-DR. After lunch, we will dis
    cuss the new features delivered in TPC v5.1. We will then open the floor to discuss storage challenges and observations in a round table format. The agenda for the meeting is below:

    10:00 - 10:15 Introductions
    10:15 - 12:00 TSM 6.3 Node Replication - Richard Spurlock, Starfire Technologies
    12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
    12:30 - 1:15 TPC v5.1 Update - Dan Crouse, IBM
    1:15 - 2:00 Storage Round Table


    Friday, August 10, 2012

    4:00 PM

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)
    39.039829 -94.612267

    We're in the old white brick Fisca Oil building on Rainbow

  • Entrepreneurs join us for Startup Trivia Night
    During One Week KC, Silicon Prairie News hosted Trivia Night at the Beacon. Tragically, my team didn’t win. I blame the guys for believing startup-fetishist Ashton Kutcher has more Twitter Followers than meat-suitist Lady Gaga. I doused my humiliation with an IPA and some jeers at the competition, but I wouldn’t say I went home empty-handed. It was a great atmosphere for making a few new friends.
    That’s why the next Venture Friday meetup is taking inspiration from SPN’s event. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself to justify the added expense of prizes. Truth be told, we just want to have some fun this time. Summer is winding down and people are heading back to school, it’s kind of a bummer.
    August 10th we’ll host Startup Trivia Night at Red Nova Labs, with questions tailored around local and national entrepreneurship—including a lot of you. Winning teams of each round will split $100, with more exotic prizes going to those individuals who answer bonus trivia.
    As usual, doors will open at 4 p.m. Since a lot of you can’t get to our place that early, the Startup Trivia game will begin just after 5 p.m. and run until about 7 p.m. A lot of our members have requested a repeat of our Rapid Intros format, so we’re thinking about experimenting with a hybrid event, mixing up the teams between trivia rounds.
    Later this fall we’re looking forward to hosting another Startup Roundup as well as a Rapid Intro. And we’ve invited Blue Valley CAPS out to speak about their goal to partner with local intelligences on various immersion programs for their students. If you’d like to be involved in the Startup Roundup, email me at
    Brush up on your startup knowledge and we’ll see you in a couple of weeks.

    No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; see Discussions).
    Under 21 please notify us before attending (contact the organizers for info).

    Venture Fridays is a simple but fun concept: The startup culture of Kansas City and surrounding areas is invited to gather at our private office lounge to discuss what we’re all thinking about, working on, needing help with, and might do for each other. Existing or aspiring entrepreneurs of all types and ages are invited. Let’s raise our glasses to building the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves.
    Want to present your idea, get feedback, or find testers? Have an idea for an awesome entrepreneurial jam? We invite startup stimulation. Contact Carrie at Red Nova Labs.


    IdeaMensch Kansas City – August 2 at Think Big Partners

    Ideas by themselves are of little value. Whether your idea is an app, a nonprofit, a book, a website or an invention – what matters is how you bring it to life. And really it doesn’t matter whether the idea you’re bringing to life is a business, a project or a cause – the one thing that connects all people with ideas are our passions, struggles and ways we go about bringing our ideas to life.
    Our mission is to help people bring their ideas to life. That’s what we try to do through our daily interviews with folks ranging from Seth Godin to Tony Hsieh to Craig Newmark, and that’s what we’re trying to do with our 48-state road trip across America.
    And that’s what we’re going to do with our event in Kansas City. At every event, we we bring in a wide range of awesome speakers who then spend 10 minutes talking about an idea they brought (or are bringing to life), how they did and what you can learn from it. And then you’ll have 10 minutes to ask them questions and continue the conversation. We try to create an intimate setting that allows for the audience to really engage with our speakers.
    We promise you’re going to walk away with at least five super valuable nuggets of information to put to use for your own idea. This isn’t a networking event, but you’re sure to meet some fascinating people.
    The event will start at 6pm and go until about 9pm, and will be held at:
    Think Big Partners
    1800 Baltimore | 4th Floor
    Kansas City, MO 64108
    The following speakers will share with us their insights, struggles and lessons learned from bringing to life their ideas.


    Blog Archive
