HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, September 19, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 245

 Beginner:  How to use the AccessUsersGroup WIKI


We have started a wiki to share information and presentation materials for our Access SIG.  It is named AccessUsersGroup and is stored at


A wiki is an interactive Web site (wikipedia is the largest and best known wiki) where members can add content to the Web site, upload files, and work in discussion threads.  "wiki" means "quick" as in "quick access to information".  The hosting web site,, is a free (for academic purposes) resource that should help the Access SIG track presentations, store and organize presentation material, communicate upcoming events, and support members.


In this hands-on presentation, Lisa will demonstrate how to find and use the AccessUsersGroup wiki. Each person will work on their computer to join the wiki, add content to existing pages, review recent changes, add new pages, upload files, and contribute to discussion groups.


Lisa is a professor at JCCC.  Her field includes database and Web technologies. She has a special love for Microsoft Access, FairTax, and Iowa State Cyclones.


 Advanced:  Lessons Learned from Recent Applications:  handling and avoiding compile, #type and #name errors.


Janet Gelsinger is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with project teams to expand and maintain Hallmark's Enterprise Data Warehouse.  Janet builds Access databases for small to medium-sized applications.  Active in the Heartland Access User Group for many years, as well as KC DAMA (Kansas City Data Management Association) and Central Region Teradata User Group.




Microsoft Access 2010 Advanced Video Training.  DVD with eight hours of training on new features in a detailed tutorial, self-paced learning format.  


Give-away drawing for HUG members only.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.



Hope to see you there.

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