Join us for a free day-long conference focused on the best ideas for improving computer performance and the latest thinking about data visualization. Denise Kalm, a nationally-known and highly-entertaining speaker from the Computer Measurement Group, will join local practitioners to supply experience-based and tested tips for improving performance on virtual and stand-alone servers. Expect to find some old ideas challenged -- and some re-validated. No matter what your level of capacity and performance experience, there will be useful information that can immediately be applied to your enterprise.

Lunch provided by Metron-Athene.

For more information, including details on the talks and the speakers, visit our web page:
Sprint Campus Salon A 6050 Sprint Pkwy Overland Park, KS 66211

Thursday, November 15, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (CST)


SMCKC November Breakfast with Go Comics, November 2

Just days before this year’s presidential election, we’ll gather at Kansas City Café (1532 Grand Blvd., Kansas City) for our November breakfast with Go Comics. The KC-based company is home to some of the most popular comics and editorial cartoons in the world, and you’ll find out how the GoComics team leverages social media to raise their comic creators’ profiles and connect with audiences hungry for political humor, both red and blue. 

Breakfast will be held on November 2 from 7:30-9 a.m. Please RSVP on EventBrite. Admission is $5. If you’d like to eat breakfast, a flat fee of $15 will cover your admission, meal, beverage and gratuity. Hope to see you there!


KCUX Tues.-Kickback & Mobilize Event

on the heels of our successful July bash...

~Mobile Prototyping
~~Panelist from Sprint & Useagility
~~~Tuesday 10/30, 5:30-7pm

@ Level Five Solutions
7301 W 133rd St., Suite 301, Overland Park, KS 66213

RSVP for there is limited space

5:30 - NETWORKING: mingling with FOOD & DRINK
6:00 - DISCUSSION: mobile prototyping w/SPRINT & USEAGILITY
7:00 - WRAP-UP: after hours venturing to local-hole-in-the-walls

Details & RSVP


Understanding Resistance to Agile with a “Tribal Leadership” Framework
Meeting Learning:
In order to implement, follow and further agile practices in and organization it is important to consider the cultures present in the team and the organization at large. This session will present why the relationship between culture and practices is important and how cultures evolve.

Session Description:
Brett Gibson will lead a discussion on why traditional company structures and cultures can prevent high-performing teams. He’ll premise the discussion with the observations in the book “Tribal Leadership”. Software delivery is a function and product of unique company cultures and practices. Furthermore company cultures take particular patterns that may challenge the four values of the Agile Manifesto.
Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan et al, affords us 10 years of research with some new perspectives on tackling the perennial issues of people and change. The concept of Stage-4 cultures aligns nicely with what the Agile community is trying to achieve in Software.
About the speaker
Brett Gibson is the CEO of SilverFern Software and an advocate of Agile approaches to Software delivery. He has been developing code, Consulting and managing teams for 30 years. He has decades of experience with the waterfall processes that provoke much of the cultural challenges that clients face in adopting newer approaches
The next meeting of AgileKC will take place on Thursday October 25, 2012 -- 6:30 PM at:
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Road
Suite 200
Leawood, KS 66206


6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting

Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
Presenter: Ed Kosek & Ryan Skorupan
Topic: Building a BI Solution with LogiXML
Sponsor: Adaptive Solutions Group


  • Group: Kansas City Web Professionals
  • Subject: KCWebPros: NEXT NOVEMBER!!!! OCT Cancelled

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)


    CHECK BACK WITH US SOON. NEXT MEETING most likely NOVEMBER 28th at 6:30pm.....IT will be our End of Year Holiday Event, etc....CHECK BACK HERE for further details in the next few weeks....!


    Thursday, November 1, 2012

    6:30 PM
    10551 Barkley, Suite 400, Overland Park, KS(map)

  • Brian Cody, the creator of Experience Mars, will be demonstrating and presenting about his Augmented Reality iPad app that was just recently launched in the App Store! Learn how each part of the App was designed, the tools used, and the possibilities in the Augmented Reality space for interactive design!
    If you want to check out Brian's App, simply find it here:
    And watch the video here:
    Brian touched many mediums when creating this including print, graphic design, video production, and 3d modeling while tying it together with an Augmented Reality experience that teaches users about the Red Planet on the iPad.

    6:30 - 7: Socializing, getting snacks, announcements
    7 - 8: Presentation
    8: Q/A, Networking, Socializing
    When we started this group we wanted to focus not just on current mobile app technologies but look ahead at the emerging markets. With products such as Google Glasses expected around 2014, we're moving into a time when the interface we interact with with also be as mobile as the devices we use. Many projects like LEAP ( are already moving the interfaces we interact with into our physical space and Augmented Reality is bound to be a larger development arena to help craft experiences around these new technologies.
    So join us to learn more about Brian's Experience Mars App and the development tools and services available to us today to begin creating our own Augmented Reality experiences!
    Sidenote: Also, if anyone in this group has had experience working with AR technologies in the mobile space and would like to talk about their experiences during this event as well, please let me know!


    Greetings KC OWASP Chapter:

    Seemed to be general consensus that the middle room of McCoy's Foundry
    in Westport was a convenient spot to get together.
    They can provide food and drink plus there is a large monitor for
    presentations. I'll confirm the November 14 meeting for the same
    location with the restaurant.

    As we discussed, Zap is included in main BackTrack distro


    Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    6:30 PM

    2107 Grand Boulevard #208, Kansas City, MO(map)

    Located in the Historic Western Auto Building.

  • ABOUT THE GROUP: This Kansas City Web Analytics Group is for anyone whose job, passion or business involves setting up, managing or interpreting web analytics or marketing metrics. Our group welcomes Product Managers, Brand Managers, Agencies, Consultants, Bloggers, Business Owners and Webmasters who need to be able to better manage and utilize web analytics and marketing metrics in their professions.

    MEETING GOALS: Our goal with each meeting is to impart Actionable Knowledge involving the setup, capture, management, interpretation or application of web analytics data and traditional marketing data.

    TOPIC: Google Analytics Dashboard & Report Customization

    6:30 - 6:50 Networking, Food & Drinks
    6:50 - 7:00 Welcome!
    7:00 - 7:30 Google Analytics Dashboard Intro & Customization
    7:30 - 8:00 Custom Analytics Reports for Different User Types
    8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers To Previously Submitted Questions

    LOCATION & HOST: TooBaRoo Internet Marketing & Web Development will be hosting this meeting of the Kansas City Web Analytics, Google Analytics & Marketing Metrics Group on Tuesday October 16, 2012. TooBaRoo's Offices are located in the Western Auto Building in the Crossroads Area of Kansas City.


    All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at


    HUG Windows Freeware SIG 10/16/2012 New Horizons Room 6
    Hopefully we have the room problem resolved that marred last month's meeting.

    Recently we dealt with freeware covering viruses and malware and improving PC performance. We can continue looking into these areas.

    Have you ever asked yourself, where did Windows 7 hide some of the things I used in the past? Have you found them or just decided Windows did away with them. We can look into this area this upcoming meeting.

    As usual there will be a question and answer session for general or specific questions.

    Date: 10/16/2012 6:30 PM - 9 PM
    Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
    Metcalf South Shopping Center
    96th& Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
    (Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
    shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
    center area.)
    Room: 6 see a map at


    Limited WIP Society KC October Lunch

    You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
    Format: Lean Coffee topical formatWhen: Thursday, Oct. 18, 11:30 am
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
    This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
    Starbucks coffee is provided!


    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    6:00 PM

    112 E Missouri Ave, Kansas City, MO(map)

    (Above Harry's Country Club)
  • RareWire Demo & Wire Clash
    6pm "Appy Hour"
    6:30 Event
    Tuesday October 23
    Engage Mobile • 112 E Missouri Ave, KC, MO 64106 (Above Harry's Country Club)

    Join Kansas City's own RareWire, as they
    showcase their award-winning apps and demo the production version of their App Creation Studio and the XML-based WIRE language. They'll also announce their Wire Clash Contest to see who can build the most killer app on the RareWire Platform in the weeks following the demo.

    Pshaw you say? The toolset offers valuable features for mobile
    developers and your clients, such as Real Time Device Testing, Content Management, Live App Updates, an Extensible API and access to native elements like Animations, Camera, Maps and others. You can also integrate with datasources using XML, SQLite, JSON and social media APIs like Twitter and Facebook. You should really check it out, I
    believe it's a tool that can save time/increase profits when the
    project fits.

    But wait, there's more - the winner of the contest will be eligible for a $7500 development contract to work with RareWire on a project and 12 months of
    free apps (1 per month).

    We're still working on the terms/criteria but hey, it's the opportunity to win a $7500 contract, an excuse to support a great local company, enjoy some food&beverages and see how your skills match up to the best in the city.

    RSVP now and stay tuned for more details regarding the contest.

    Beverages and Food provided by Covenant Consulting


    Thursday, November 8, 2012

    7:00 PM

    12 Corporate Woods, Suite 200 10975 Benson Drive Overland Park, KS 66210 , Kansas City, MO(map)

  • Copyright & Software
    Presented by: Frank Siler (@fsiler)

    Who cares about copyright? You should care because your decisions influence such factors as:
    • How others can legally use your software.
    • If your own projects become “infected” by a license you didn’t choose.
    • Whether you must distribute source code if you distribute or even use software to serve up content.
    • How others can use your photos on Flickr and other sources.
    • Understanding how Wikipedia and other open references work.
    • Whether you get sued for a LOT of money.
    Frank will help us understand the basics of copyright and licensing and how it affects our lives and specifically our work as software developers.


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, October 17, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 234


    Beginner:  Lisa Friedrichsen

    A Handful of Helpful Level 1 Report Builder Tips

    --how to create flexible parameter reports that prompt the user for a date range

    --how to apply conditional formatting to highlight important data

    --how to use the Format Painter and themes

    --how to create a summary reports and insert it as the first page of a detailed report


    Lisa Friedrichsen is a professor in the Computer Science and Information Technology department at JCCC where she teaches database and Web technologies classes. 

     Advanced:  Bill Diamond

    Book Capitalization for the oddball and not so oddball exceptions

    Last month we were introduced to an excellent method to ensure book capitalization within a field or form entry. While this approach covers the situation in the vast majority of cases, there are circumstances that arise where we need to take a different tact. While brown becomes Brown mcdonald becomes Mcdonald and not McDonald as desired. Then there are the designed variances such as IBM and eBay, both of which are problems for the simpler method. We will demonstrate an approach that will account for almost any exception and when it does not, can be updated as exceptions are discovered.  What's more, this approach can be added to almost any database and by splitting the code from the table it becomes available to as many applications as desired. Even if you are not a coder, the code is so simple that a cut and paste will give you the same results as you will see in the demo.


    Microsoft Access 2010 Illustrated Series (Introductory) by Lisa Friedrichsen.  Features step-by-step instructions on how to get started using Microsoft Access 2010, including creating a new database, and creating tables, queries, forms and reports as well as modifying database structures, improving queries, and analyzing data. 


    Give-away drawing for HUG members only.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.


    Tuesday, November 6, 2012

    6:30 PM

  • 12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS(map)

    We'll add a room once we get one set up.

  • Our first meetup!
    So much to talk about, but lets kick things off with getting to know one another and talking about the prototyping for mobile. Do you use a particular tool? Come with tools ready. We want to see what you are using. I'll have a Mac laptop available, so lets try things out and see what new prototyping tools are out there!
    We are a new group, so we'll also discuss what day you'd like to meet, and times, and what you want out of this meetup and most of all, future topics! We are also an official Adobe group, but all tools are welcome here.We'll get to give away software 2 times a year, and have amazing speakers available to us.
    We are planning a UI / UX workshop in March, and we'll discuss that also.

    Can't wait to meet you all!


    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    6:30 PM
  • 8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Ana Duncan will be presenting on JUnit & TDD at this month's meet-up. She will share her expertise with JUnit and how it is being implemented by the USDA here in Kansas City.
    JUnit is the de facto standard unit testing library for the Java language. JUnit 4 is the first significant release of this library in almost three years. It promises to simplify testing by exploiting Java 5's annotation feature to identify tests rather than relying on subclassing, reflection, and naming conventions.
    This month's meeting sponsor: Ecco Select
    Since 1995, ECCO Select has provided local and national clients - including several Fortune 500 - with quality, highly trained and savvy people who adopt your vision as their own and are prepared for the challenges ahead. As a locally-owned company, ECCO Select is uniquely equipped to understand the marketplace and has culled a talent pool that is prepared to meet your contract, contract to hire and direct hire needs.


    October 9th, 6:30 - 8:30 @ JCCC
    2nd Floor Regnier Center
    Presentation: Fixed, Fluid, and Elastic Web page layouts

    In this presentation, we'll take a small Web page and apply three different style sheets to demonstrate the difference between fixed, fluid, and elastic layouts.
    We'll show the html and css code from both an html 4 and html 5 perspective to highlight some of the new html 5 tags and how that simplifies both the html and css.
    Presenter: Lisa Friedrichsen
    Lisa is a professor in the Computer Science & Information Technology department at JCCC where she teaches database and Web technology courses.
    Lisa Friedrichsen
    Professor - Computer Science & Information Technology
    Johnson County Community College
    Overland Park, KS


    Saturday, October 20, 2012

    2:30 PM
  • 4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS(map)

    We usually meet in the conference room towards the back
  • This month, John Kary will demonstrate a process for refactoring some basic procedural code into an object-oriented style. Then, he will refactor it again to use the Observer pattern with Symfony2's EventDispatcher component. No matter your preferred style of development, you are certain to spot something interesting.
    Come join us! Learn what's new, get help from others, make friends, geek out!

    Meeting at Red Nova Labs in October
    I'd like to thank our new friends at Red Nova Labs for hosting us in October! They have generously offered the use of their big, open space. Just go down the stairs when you walk in the door--you can't miss it! Thanks Gang!

    Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into
    • Meet and Greet new members!
    • John Kary presents his "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights of new happenings in the PHP Universe
    • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other things of interest

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Slim, FuelPHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

    We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!


    I plan to talk about how I am using Plack to build/host multiple apps including my works CPAN::Mini mirror.



    DBIx::Class a good use case for semi-dynamic created in-memory SQLite databases or is straight DBI the best?

    Moving all test files into a database verse text files.

    using stat() when you mean to use File::stat and your test is failing and not sure why?!

    Types of testing methods.


    Jonathan Otsuka


    Saturday 10/6 - Lincoln SQL Saturday

    The Lincoln User Group is hosting their first SQL Saturday in Lincoln, Nebraska. If you haven't already registered for the event, this is a great way to get some outstanding FREE training as well as to network and meet your fellow SQL Server colleagues. I highly recommend attending these events if at all possible. You can still register!

    The schedule is full of great sessions, from both national & local speakers. Come get your learn on!

    For further information & to register for the event, please go here:

    Tuesday 10/9 - SQL Skills
    This will be our meeting for October and we are excited to have the SQL Skills team once again in Omaha to do a presentation. Kimberly, Paul, Joe and Jonathan will all be presenting on some Tips & Tricks that they have learned over the years. They will also be bringing some books that their team has written as raffle prizes! Please make sure to RSVP for this event so that we can have an accurate head count for food. Don't wait, RSVP now and come learn from the best!

    These folks are probably some of best trainers of SQL Server in the world so don't miss out on this great opportunity!!

    For further information & to RSVP, please go here:


    John Morehouse
    Leader, Omaha SQL/BI User Group

    Naras Jayachandran
    Leader, Omaha SQL/BI User Group


    Friday, November 2, 2012 7:00 PM


    Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, MO(map)

    Price:$10.00/per person

  • Come join us, member of NodeKC or not, as we take an introductory look at Node.js.
    On Friday (optional) from 7–9pm, we'll help setup your laptop for Saturday and get one-on-one time with your instructors in a free-format open house.
    On Saturday from 9:30am–5:30pm, we'll learn Node.js in a lecture/recitation style, just like college. We’ll have instructors on-site to help with your questions. Lunch will be provided.
    Cost: Free, ish. We're asking for a $10 deposit when you RSVP, which we'll refund to you upon showing up on Friday or Saturday. If you don't show up, you won't get your money back (we're not a fan of no-shows or wasting a good lunch!).
    Who should attend? Those with little to no experience with Node.js but have a programming background. Obviously, you should be willing to learn.
    What is Node.js? Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses event-driven, non-blocking I/O that makes it efficient and perfect for data-intensive real-time distributed applications.
    Sponsored in part by Cerner, Pollenware, CodeSchool, and Softek Solutions.


    If you’re an entrepreneur or have interest in the Kansas City startup scene, then you probably love Venture Fridays. And if you like beer and you’re willing to try something other than Michelob Ultra (Matt…), then you probably love Oktoberfest.

    Venture Fridays is all about bringing together the startup culture of Kansas City and sharing our ideas and experiences. Oktoberfest is all about bringing together people interested in German culture (or just beer) and sharing beer, brats, and more beer. On October 12th let’s clink our mugs to extending the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves as we celebrate Oktoberfest.

    Das boot!

    In Germany, Oktoberfest begins September 22nd and ends October 7th, but here at Red Nova Labs we are extending the holiday for Venture Friday.

    Hannover, Germany is actually a sister city of Kansas City and not only do they share our love for beer in Hannover, they also share our love for startups. Every year they hold the Hannover Messe – an enormous trade fair where entrepreneurs and businesses, large and small, get to share their newest ideas and endeavors.

    This year at Oktoberfest, Germans are paying on average 9.30 € per pint (or $12.50 USD), but at Red Nova Labs the beer is on us. Come join us for the fun as we channel the German spirit with beer tastings and food. Bring your startup ideas and a somewhat functioning liver. Prost!


    Databasically, Inc

    14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS(map)

  • Show up early with some dinner if you want, doors open at 6:30.
    This month:
    The Cincinnati Ruby Brigade will be joining us to hear a talk by Jim Weirich on rake. Don't miss it!
    Afterwards, we'll head to Barley's Brewhaus on Midland ( ) for late-night drinks and discussion. If you can't make the meeting, join us there afterwards!


    October 10th 2012 @ 6:30pm

    Location: Gert’s Grille | 12018 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS


    Think Big Partners has teamed up with Microsoft to create and host Azure Cloud and Windows 8 App Kickstarts to educate startups and developers how to effectively utilize and build on Microsoft Azure and Windows 8 platforms. The free event (tickets are limited) will take place at Think Big Partners’ coworking space, bizperc, on October 15-17, 2012. And trust us when we say that is a developer's dream event come true.

    These App Kickstarts will be a key opportunity for developers, hackers, coders, entrepreneurs and startups to learn how to build apps on Windows 8 and deploy to the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform before the Windows 8 becomes generally available to the public on October 26, 2012. With over 90% of the market share, the Windows operating system has remained one of the top platforms for development to date. This limited event will provide attendees with a head start on building new, innovative applications on one of the most powerful operating systems and cloud platforms in the world, Windows 8 and Microsoft Azure.

    On October 16, 2012, the first official day App Kickstarts, participants are invited to learn how to build, deploy and manage applications across the Microsoft Azure platform. Attendees will be educated on how emerging businesses can best leverage Azure through CMS systems, how to create and scale customer websites in PHP and Node.js, how to deploy code updates using GIT, how to run Azure Windows and Linux VM’s, how to store data in Azure, and how to use Azure’s many platform services including Queues, Service Bus, and Authentication. Microsoft engineers will also be on hand to provide consulting, insight, and mentoring for participants. Attendees must bring a laptop and sign up for Azure prior to the event. Developers may sign up for the Azure 90 day free trial. Startups and entrepreneurs who qualify for BizSpark should sign up for BizSpark and activate an Azure account prior to the event.

    Startups and entrepreneurs are also invited to learn about the Microsoft BizSpark Program and how to use its 2,000 partners in order to connect with incubators, investors, advisors, government agencies and hosters.

    On the second day of App Kickstarts, participants will be invited to learn how to build Windows 8 Metro style apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Attendees will be educated on Windows 8 navigation, user experience patterns, inherent async design and integration. The day will be focused around building new applications on the Windows 8 platform. Microsoft engineers will also be present at the event to provide insight, mentorship and expertise in order to help participants. Attendees must bring a laptop and install the RTM version of Windows 8 prior to the event.

    Before the official event on October 16, attendees and the Kansas City tech community are invited to attend a cocktail hour on Monday, October 15, 2012 from 6:00-9:00pm. At the cocktail hour, attendees will have access to technical evangelists and representatives from Microsoft who will answer Windows 8, Azure and BizSpark questions. Event attendees are also encouraged to bring a laptop if assistance is needed loading the Azure or Windows 8 trial platforms.

    On October 18, 2012, attendees are also invited to participate in a one-on-one question-and-answer session with Taylor Cowan, Microsoft’s startup evangelist. Taylor will be available to answer questions about Windows 8, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizSpark and how to engineer a product over the multiple Microsoft platforms.

    “Given Microsoft’s rich history and technological power, this event will truly give developers and hackers a leg up in the industry,” said Blake Miller, local Kansas City developer at Think Big Partners. “In the startup world, things move pretty fast. Having the opportunity to be one of the first to develop on Windows 8 and Azure while being able to ask questions and receive answers directly from the source will not only put the startups we work with on the map, but all of Kansas City on the fast track to success."

    This free event offers the Midwest an opportunity to "get in front of" the technology curve, or at least keep pace with parts of the country like Silicon Valley, NY, Boston and Austin. According to Gartner & Morgan Stanley research, smart phone technology adoption moves very fast. "A few years ago, there was no real "smart phone" market - it was an iPhone market. Apple owned the space. Android changed all that. Today, there are legitimately 2 platforms for developers to roll out apps that get used by the world's consumers," said Herb Sih, Managing Partner of Think Big Partners. "We believe Microsoft will create the 3rd platform that will disrupt the app marketplace. There is room for another player, and I would not bet against them given their focus, talent and market presence in the world of today's consumer. Smart developers ultimately figure out that it matters what their customers think, what they do and where they go. That is what drives app revenue."

    The Microsoft Azure Cloud and Windows 8 App Kickstarts will take place October 15-17, 2012 at bizperc, located at 1800 Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri. This event is free to register. Space is limited and we expect to have high demand. Entrepreneurs, startups, developers, and hackers are invited to register for the free limited event at


    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    12:00 PM

  • 20 E. 5th Street, Kansas City, MO(edit map)
    Time once again for another OpenKC lunch! Suggested topic of discussion: security.


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