HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, October 17, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 234


Beginner:  Lisa Friedrichsen

A Handful of Helpful Level 1 Report Builder Tips

--how to create flexible parameter reports that prompt the user for a date range

--how to apply conditional formatting to highlight important data

--how to use the Format Painter and themes

--how to create a summary reports and insert it as the first page of a detailed report


Lisa Friedrichsen is a professor in the Computer Science and Information Technology department at JCCC where she teaches database and Web technologies classes. 

 Advanced:  Bill Diamond

Book Capitalization for the oddball and not so oddball exceptions

Last month we were introduced to an excellent method to ensure book capitalization within a field or form entry. While this approach covers the situation in the vast majority of cases, there are circumstances that arise where we need to take a different tact. While brown becomes Brown mcdonald becomes Mcdonald and not McDonald as desired. Then there are the designed variances such as IBM and eBay, both of which are problems for the simpler method. We will demonstrate an approach that will account for almost any exception and when it does not, can be updated as exceptions are discovered.  What's more, this approach can be added to almost any database and by splitting the code from the table it becomes available to as many applications as desired. Even if you are not a coder, the code is so simple that a cut and paste will give you the same results as you will see in the demo.


Microsoft Access 2010 Illustrated Series (Introductory) by Lisa Friedrichsen.  Features step-by-step instructions on how to get started using Microsoft Access 2010, including creating a new database, and creating tables, queries, forms and reports as well as modifying database structures, improving queries, and analyzing data. 


Give-away drawing for HUG members only.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

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