HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, November 14, 2012, at JCCC, Regnier 2nd Floor, RC 253

Beginning Topic: Creating VBA code that updates multiple fields prior to saving the current record.

Presenters: Caren Grandgenett & Jim Watkins

Caren and Jim will demonstrate developing the code that updates multiple fields prior to saving the current record; and will share a few nuggets learned through the process.

Caren develops and maintains databases that allow clients to track their clients and competitors.

Jim is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 21 year computer consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas, specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.

Advanced Topic: Tips from Favorite Access Book

Presenter: Janet Gelsinger

Janet is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with project teams on Hallmark's Enterprise Data Warehouse. She also builds Access databases for small to medium-sized applications. Active in the Heartland Access User Group for many years, as well as KC DAMA (Kansas City Data Management Association) and Central Region Teradata User Group.


Data Analysis with Microsoft Access 2010 by Larry Rockoff. An introduction to Access with an emphasis on topics relevant to data analysis. Access queries are covered in detail both in terms of the mechanics of their design, and how they can be used for typical data analysis tasks.

Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

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