Happy new year!

On January 11th we're ringing in 2013 with Venture Friday's popular Speed Meeting format. With fifty or more conversations taking place in under two hours, you're sure to find that special someone who will support your startup dreams.

If you're not familiar with the format, here's how it goes: Four people are seated per group. Each person has one minute to talk, followed by two minutes for open group Q&A, then we switch to a completely new group of four. Afterward everyone will have up to an hour of casual chat time as usual. We find that Speed Meeting is a terrific way for all types (vigilant, outspoken, aloof, watchful, reserved, sensitive, demure, shy, etc) to connect.

Bring plenty of business cards; you may meet more than one lucky man or woman you'll want to join in a long-term business relationship. We also encourage you to keep an open mind; just because someone isn't "the one" you're looking for today doesn't mean you can't be friends and share expertise/connections down the road. Get ready to make some great first impressions. Overuse of cologne not encouraged, but optional.

Red Nova Labs' first floor doors open at 4. Speed meeting starts at 5. Be sure to RSVP so we can built an accurate matrix of fresh meets.


See you next week.

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