Tuesday, March 5, 2013

5:30 PM

We are meeting in the Francis Family Foundation Room on the lower level. Please let us know if you decide not to attend as we will be providing snacks and beer and wine and want to make sure we have at least a 6-pack and a full can of barbecue Pringles for everyone.

  • 30 West Pershing Rd, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • Speaker topics:
    1. Who benefits from Big Data?
    2. What are the economics of Big Data: should we spend thousands to answer $5 questions?
    3. What are the best (and worse) use-cases for Big Data?
    Anyone interested in speaking on one or more of these topics or if you know an expert who would like to speak please send me an email with an outline and/or contact info.


    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    6:00 PM

  • 1627 Main St. Floor 12, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • We'll be exploring a selected app built within the WIRE community and ask the developer to share the experience. Providing retrospect about designing and developing an app from start to finish.

    This month we will welcome the Development Team at Dewsly as they discuss their new App and their experience with WIRE.


    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    6:30 PM

    11550 Ash St., Suite 350, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Mobile UX is perhaps the most significant and easily recognized aspect of mobile solutions. Often, UX is the reason consumers embrace certain offerings while rejecting many others. While obvious mechanics of conventional web design are used to identify the specific factors for a good mobile offering, a successful web deployment also rides atop a superior mobile platform. Mobile life cycle solutions span the complete spectrum of mobile solution delivery, from web portal design and app development to platform integration and optimization. This session concentrates on mobile experience as it relates to smartphones and tablets, tailor-made apps, mobile browsing, and deployment platforms.

    Irv Badr is an architect at IBM Rational Software, specializing in mobile communications among industry apps within IBM’s Application and Collaborative Lifecycle Management solutions. Irv was the recipient of the European Union’s research grant for developing a multiprocessor platform for mobile devices, which he successfully delivered on behalf of IBM. He completed his education at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
    We'll meet in the Plaza Room - first room you'll see as you enter the office.


    Because of SNOMAGGEDON II, let's skip this month's Lunch & Learn tomorrow.


    Thursday, March 21, 2013
    6:30 PM
    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • There are very few people who are good at providing estimates and even less who enjoy doing so, but estimates are part and parcel of every freelancer's business.
    At this meetup, we'll be talking about techniques we use to improve our ability to provide good estimates, different ideas on providing estimates (by hour, feature, day, etc.), and might take a little time to vent about the whole idea of estimates.



    Hello All !
    Our next meeting will be held:
    6:30 PM, Wed, February 27, 2013
    Centriq Training Center
    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
    Sponsor: TBD
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's presentation is:

    HTML 5

    Presenter: Leslie Koorhan

    HTML5 is the latest incarnation of the standard markup language for the World Wide Web. It provides complete backward compatibility with HTML 4.01, XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2, while adding new features introduced by the latest browser software companies, and providing a path for future improvements. The ideas behind this “version” are simply to link the past with the present a! nd with the future of web development. In this brief presentation, Leslie will provide a quick history of HTML along with the changes, and mostly the additions provided with HTML5, as well as CSS3.

    Leslie Koorhan Mini-Bio:

    Leslie Koorhan is a Kansas City area developer who has specialized in the Microsoft .NET Framework for the past 10 years plus. Most of his time has been spent with Visual C# and Microsoft’s web development software, ASP.NET. He has mostly been an instructor, having worked most recently for Sitecore USA, teaching their web content management system, and Centriq Training, where he trained virtually all technologies around .NET and Visual Studio, all versions. He also has extensive experience with Microsoft SQL Server, knows XML/XSLT/XSD/XPath extremely well, and has even occasionally taught HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Currently, he has just taken an assignment with AT-Tech (@Tech) for Samsung.

    O! ur website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com
    See You The! re !!!
    Ray Harris


    In the anticipation of another metric butt-load of snow being dropped tonight and into tomorrow, tomorrow's .NET UG meeting will be cancelled. 


    We will see you all safely in March (the 26th). Same Bat time, same Bat channel!




    Registration: This will be a sponsor supported event.  Dinner will be served.  In order to help our sponsor plan accordingly and know how many guests to expect, please register for this meeting at Eventbrite  (http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5576900660)


    Meeting Topic:   How to Support Agile Development with Agile Ops


    Meeting Learning:  Overview of Stackify and how their tools support agile organizations.


    Meeting Description: 

    To keep up with agile development, companies now need more agile operations. They need a new mix of processes, platforms, and tools to improve deployment speeds and application support. Discussion around how to overcome some common agile problems and stop production fire fighting.

    Matt Watson of Stackify, a local KC startup focused on helping developers support their applications, will discuss how Stackify provides an innovative tool set to help developers manage, monitor, and troubleshoot their production applications. http://www.stackify.com 

    After Matt's presentation Josh Roberts and Lionel Alva, of Waddell and Reed will lead the group in a retrospective of the session.  The goal of this activity will be to tie into last month's presentation and help the group see how a facilitated review might be conducted and to determine specific actions that your organization might want to pursue with respect to ideas presented.


    About the Speaker:

    Matt Watson is the founder & CEO of Stackify. He is a jack of all trades and a  Microsoft developer for about the last 13 years. Previously the  he was the founder and CTO of VinSolutions.  He can be reached at mwatson@stackify.com.


    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    6:30 PM

    2107 Grand Boulevard #208, Kansas City, MO(map)

    Located in the Historic Western Auto Building 2107 Grand Blvd
  • TooBaRoo Internet Marketing & Web Development will be hosting the Kansas City Web Analytics, Google Analytics & Marketing Metrics Group.
    Each month we have one or more guest speakers discussing Google Analytics, Web Analytics and Marketing Metrics.

    Meeting Agenda*

    6:45 - 7:00 Welcome and Networking with food and drink
    7:00 - 7:30 Google & Web Analytics Topic 1
    7:30 - 8:00 Google & Web Analytics Topic 2
    8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers To Previously Submitted Questions
    8:30 - 9:00 Informal Breakout sessions for specific Q&A among group members

    * The actual agenda is flexible depending upon speaker's presentations and length of Q&A.

    All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at kcanalytics@toobaroo.com.

    Parking: Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both east a west sides of the street.


    Wednesday, April 10, 2013

    6:30 PM

  • 8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Agenda TBD - We may do a Tech Open discussion if there is no formal presenter.


    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    6:30 PM

  • 8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Presenter: Billy Korando
    Sponsor: TBD
    Begin presentation with a demonstration of a simple web application that uses spring webflow.
    Present a spring webflow config file, give explanation of what is going on
    Show how to configure validation for a page
    Show how webflow can alter the flow an user follows depending criteria
    Show how webflow events cans be intercepted to allow actions (like saving state) to be performed automatically
    Show how to setup subflows/flows within a flow


    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    6:30 PM

  • 8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Android - Mixtio Birds and my journey
    Mixtio Birds is my "Hello World" project that I am working on for Android. This application is designed to work on both phones and tablets. What I want to discuss in this presentation is how I designed and developed this application. This application will have a lot of images, reference text and be local, so no internet is required to use it. It will be database driven using SQLite and also have other features of Android.
    What is Mixtio Birds? This application in its current form is about the US State Birds and the US State Game Birds. There will be information about the birds, and also some information on how they became the official state birds. I mentioned current form because I will be expanding on it to include even more information in the future. This information could come in the form of in app purchase or possibly a web service.


    Thursday, February 28, 2013

    7:00 PM

  • 208 W. 19th St, Kansas City, MO(map)

    We're on the JavaPort side of OfficePort. The door will be ajar so come on in.
  • A lot changed in the world of WordPress last year and, hopefully, many more things are going to change in 2013. Join us as we discuss the ever evolving platform we all love so much; Make, Mobile, Responsive, Core, and updates for the coming year.
    If you've been building your WP connections or have decided you'd like to join in with WordCamp, stop by and we'll tell you all about it!


    Due to current weather, we are canceling the meetup for this evening.
    If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup. You can also send an email to kc-freelancers-list@meetup.com if you want to discuss rescheduling. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll probably just reschedule this for next month.


    Tuesday, February 26, 2013

    12:00 PM

  • 14539 W 96th Terr, Lenexa, KS(map)

  • Come join us for lunch as we watch current programming screencasts and conference videos, then join in the discussion!
    You should bring:
    * something to eat for lunch (or, email Wes to get on the Chipotle group order list)
    * something to drink (we have water, both cold and hot!)
    Video(s) will start at 12:15.
    So, tell your boss you're going to an educational meeting, take a long lunch, and come spend it with us.


    Tuesday, February 26, 2013

    7:00 PM

  • 933 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS(map)

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Your Assistant Organizer, Sara Heins, sent the following message to some members of Venture Fridays:

    Venture Friday: Canceled for March, scheduled to occur on Friday, March 8, 2013 4:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.
    This month, we're channeling our inner college student and taking our own spring break (from life). Like midterms exhaust the collegiate mind, building websites and Startup Crawls exhaust those who run Venture Fridays. While we're away working on our tans (errr…going home to bed), why not engage in other Friday night activities your peers usually enjoy, such as:
    Watching a sad movie by yourself
    Hanging out with your kids
    Finishing your novel (writing or reading)
    Wine tasting
    We're sorry for the inconvenience and will miss the entrepreneurial community, but will see you in April. Promise, no April Fools, but may have to have an IRS themed party.
    If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.

    To protect Sara Heins's privacy, you cannot reply directly to this email.
    If you want to reply to Sara Heins, simply click this link:
    To visit Venture Fridays, go here:


    Monday, February 25, 2013

    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/Kansas-City-Code-Artisans/events
    4151 N. Mulberry Dr. Suite 240, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • Let's talk about papers or talks we find interesting.


    Your Organizer, Troy Tuttle, sent the following message to some members of Limited WIP Society of KC:

    Due to the snow storm forecast for Thursday, A Kanban Story, At Fred Pryor Seminars, scheduled to occur on February 21, 2013 11:30 AM has been postponed to a later date. We are working on a make-up date and will notify everyone once it's been confirmed.
    If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.

    To visit Limited WIP Society of KC, go here:


    Nebraska Code Camp 3

    Nebraska Code Camp is a free, community-driven developer conference. Our second annual event featured 48 sessions, and drew an attendance of over 350 people! But we're still only getting started. This year, we're adding a full day of hands-on workshops on the Friday before the code camp. We're also moving to a larger venue - Southeast Community College - which will accomodate our ever growing attendance with room to spare.
    Join us for the third annual Nebraska Code Camp at the Lincoln campus of Southeast Community College March 15-16, 2013 for even more first-rate developer content.



    BrandLab event (rescheduled from February) — they've decided to release some free VIP passes for KCDesignCore and anyone we invite. Instead of the $15 fee, it's now free to you...sign up before Wednesday, and tell your friends! Info about the Event: Sign up info is at screenland.eventbrite.com or brandlabkc.com.  Signup for free with promo code brandlabVIP.

    • Screenland Armour Theatre
      • 408 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO
    • Friday, March 22 - 6:30PM - ?
      • VIP KICKOFF Party at Screenland Armour
      • RSVP before 2/20 (grab your tickets here on eventbrite)
      • Come network & hang out - 1st drink is on us
    • Saturday, March 23
      • 9am - registration & breakfast
      • 10am - start time
      • 12pm - lunch
      • 6pm - dinner
      • 10pm - movie break with milk & cookies
    • Sunday, March 24
      • 10am - pencils down
      • 10:30am - presentations start
      • 12pm - judging & prizes


    • CASH PRIZES for 1st, 2nd and 3rd
      • $1,000
      • $500
      • $250
    • Other Swag Up for Grabs
      • VIP Passes to Screenland for the rest of 2013 (pass for you and a guest, valid for any Screenland movie through 12/31/2013)
      • $100 in gift cards (VISA or AmEx)
      • Movie posters
    • Additional prizes TBD

    What is Brand Lab? The goal of Brand Lab is to take the hackathon concept and apply it directly to businesses in our community.  We want to connect real brands with local creatives.  Our first test project is for Screenland Theatres.  Screenland will be releasing a new gourmet popcorn in KC later this year.  Think Topsy's or Garrett's out of Chicago if you're familiar.  They want to sell their new gourmet popcorn during the holiday season and also target corporate gift-giving.  They want everything, from their logo to the packaging, to be completely unique and to be the result of local creatives.  Basically, we're inviting designers, developers, etc. to compete for cash prizes in a 24 hour hackathon on Saturday, 3/23.  More info at brandlabkc.comscreenland.eventbrite.com.  We're also on Twitter: http://twitter.com/scrnlandpopcorn. FAQs Some questions that have come up are who will own the end product?  For those who win a cash prize in the design category (i.e. for logo, packaging, etc.), the design would be the property of Screenland in terms of the right to use.  For those who win a cash prize for developing a website, app, etc., it would be shared code.  In other words, Screenland would want the right to use the code, but they have no problem with the developer reselling or reusing the code in another way for a different client.  Any subsequent work needed would be the result of a separate financial or other arrangement worked out by Screenland and the designer/developer. Other Info We have Butch Rigby (owner of Screenland), Ramsey Mohsen (director of social for Digital Evolution Group), and Dee Sadler (KC Design Core) as judges.  Mentors will also be available to help with coding or design.  Attendees will be fed (breakfast, lunch, dinner, milk & cookies) on Saturday, and we're also taking a movie break in the evening. Please feel free to share info about the event with anyone you'd like.


    The Lawrence Apple Users’ Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled
    “How to get rid of your cable company” Wednesday, March 6th, 7pm at DCSS 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence.
    This discussion topic will be about how to use your Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, desktops and laptops) to watch TV instead of paying for cable each month, commonly known as cord cutting. Share your experiences and bring your TV related questions.
    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn’t about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to http://www.laugks.org for more info or contact Dave Greenbaum, 785-218-9676, dsg@mac.com to be notified of upcoming meetings.
    Note our inclement weather policy: if USD 497 is closed, our meeting will be cancelled. Check our website if there is a question about whether the meeting is cancelled due to weather.



    KCDW is a week-long celebration of the thriving culture and diverse practice of design in Kansas City.



    Consumer Electronics Show - http://www.cesweb.org/



    National Association of Federal Credit Unions - http://www.nafcu.org/technology/

    Kansas City Design Week - http://www.kcdesignweek.org/



    Nebraska Code Camp - http://nebraskacodecamp.com/

    DevConnections - http://devconnections.com

    Coders For Charities - http://coders4charities.org



    Application Security - http://www.sans.org/

    City Camp KC - http://citycampkc.org/

    Iowa Code Camp - http://iowacodecamp.com/



    IEEE Symposium on Privacy and Security - http://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2012/index.html

    WordPress Kansas City - http://www.wckansascity.org/



    Hacking the Midwest - http://www.hackthemidwest.com

    Kansas City Maker Faire - http://www.makerfairekc.com/



    Apple II - Kansas Fest - http://www.Kansasfest.org



    StampededCon St. Louis - http://stampedecon.com/agenda/



    Oracle Open World - http://www.oracle.com/openworld

    Heartland Developers Conference - http://www.heartlanddc.com

    ISC Security Congress - https://www.isc2.org/Conferences.aspx

    National Association of Government Webmasters - http://www.nagw.org



    Iowa Code Camp - http://iowacodecamp.com/



    Agile Development Conference East - http://www.sqe.com/conferences

    Software Craftsmanship North America - http://scna.softwarecraftsmanship.org/



    Hey all - we're extremely excited to announce a new event series we've been working on!

    It's entitled "Hack & Tell - Kansas City". Think of it as a show & tell for developers.

    Have you built a tool, hack or cool library? It’s time to get off the Internet and tell your peers about it face to face.

    Join us for our First Hack & Tell

    8:30 – 9:30a Feb 28th, 2013 @ Barkley (Downtown KCMO)

    Space is limited! Come meet other awesome developers & hackers & hear about cool things people have built, reserve your spot today!

    Learn more and register here (required) http://www.kcitp.com/2013/02/14/hack-and-tell-kansas-city-a-show-tell-for-developers/

    Mike Gelphman
    Founder/President, KC IT Professionals
    Founder - The Disruption Institute
    http://www.disruptioninstitute.com )


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, February 20, 2013, at JCCC, Regnier Center - 3rd Floor, RC 353
    Beginning Presentation:
    Come take a look at a different learning approach to SQL. Get inside Lynn Beighley’s book (and head).
    We will examine the first few chapters of her book entitled Head First SQL. Data tables, SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements. TERMS: Relational, Normal, Atomic, Single Quote and Delimiters
    Lynn has a unique approach to a technical manual. She makes it both interesting and fun. She places as much emphasis on the learning process as the material being learned. I am sure you will come to appreciate her own brand of SQL humor. We will also be giving away a copy of her book to one lucky HUG member.
    Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 22 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.
    Advanced Presentation: Prototyping with Microsoft Access
    Access can be used to generate quick prototypes for:
    · Ideas and brainstorming
    · Possible projects
    · Large projects, even if they will be created on different database platforms
    Janet Gelsinger is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with projects on Hallmark's enterprise data warehouse. Janet builds Access databases for small to medium-sized projects and has been active in the Heartland Access user group for many years.
    Head First SQL by Lynn Beighley. In today's world, data is power, but the real secret is having power over your data. Head First SQL takes you to the heart of the SQL language, from basic syntax queries using INSERT and SELECT to hardcore database manipulation with subqueries, joins, and transactions.
    Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.



    You read that right, we are having a special Thursday edition of our monthly breakfast. Sponsored by Aristocrat Motors and Porsche, we will be having the breakfast at Bartle Hall before the Kansas City Auto Show.
    Lizzy Nephew, Social Media Manager for Porsche North America will be in to speak about how an iconic sports car brand markets on various social channels.
    After the presentation, guests will be allowed a free VIP tour of the auto show prior to it opening for the public.
    Admission will be $10, with proceeds going to local charity Sleepyhead Beds.
    More details on parking/content to come, so check back often!

    Time: March 7, 2013 from 7:30am to 9:30pm
    Location: Bartle Hall
    Event Type: breakfast, meeting
    Organized By: Kristopher Nielsen


    Make a stop to network with SMCKC friends at Kansas City and the Midwest's first craft beer tasting bar and bottle shop, Bier Station. The new attraction in Waldo has already gained a solid social media following with craft beer lovers. Check out their Facebook and Twitter pages and give them a like or follow.
    Their menu includes 21 beers on tap plus a large variety of bottles and beer-friendly appetizers like Farm to Market Bread Co.'s soft pretzels with dipping sauces (1 pretzel w/ one sauce for $4.50; 2 pretzels w/ two sauces for $8), a cheese and charcuterie plate for $11 and a roasted nut trio for $4, plus desserts.
    Beer prices average at about $5 or $6.




    New innovations present immense opportunities for growth and efficiency gains, and now is the time to reset your technology strategy. Attend McGladrey's sixth annual Emerging Technology Conference to learn how to benefit from new technologies that range from greater agility and scalability to lower costs and less on-premise maintenance. Learn best practices and share success stories in an open exchange of ideas and information.
    Executives are acutely interested in adopting emerging technologies to increase productivity and efficiency at all levels of the business. However, it is difficult to determine which of a growing number of options bring the greatest benefit and develop a road map to guide implementation. Advances in mobility, data storage, cloud computing and business intelligence are emerging at a rapid pace and companies must be aware of their ability to truly transform the business.
    The event's keynote speaker is acclaimed global futurist, and best-selling author Jack Uldrich. Uldrich will share his insights on emerging technologies and how they will change the business world as well as everyday life. His past works include, The Next Big Thing is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business; Jump the Curve: 50 Strategies to Help Your Company Stay Ahead of Emerging Technology; and Unlearning 101:101 Lessons in Thinking.
    The conference will focus on six hot topics that will drive improved innovation throughout the organization. These sessions include:
    Enabling mobility within your organization
    In today's ever-changing world of mobility, it is very difficult to identify what are the best mobility choices for your organization. In this session, you will learn how to manage upcoming mobility trends and identify what mobility options provide optimal value for your organization.
    The new converged data center
    Join us for a discussion regarding why organizations are moving towards a more flexible, virtualized IT architecture that can improve responsiveness and lower costs.
    Business intelligence – utilizing technology to make better business decisions
    Attend this session to learn how leading organizations are leveraging the core pillars of business intelligence to improve profitability, reduce costs and better manage risks in their organization.
    Cloud computing – why it matters to your business
    Cloud computing is mainstream today. How can CEOs and CFOs align the business to a cloud platform and impact profits and the bottom line? This in-depth session will give you a practical guide to answering these questions and help you adopt a realistic cloud strategy.
    The new workplace – Office 365 and Lync®
    The way we work is changing. Office 365 and Lync are putting people in the center of the communications experience. Discover how your business can embrace these easy to use and powerful communication solutions.
    Enabling an efficient enterprise with today's technology
    Today's technology allows you to extend your enterprise in new ways. Learn how tablets, mobile phones, the cloud and today's business applications can work together to provide information to your employees, partners and customers in new ways.
    Attendees will have a chance to win a Windows tablet!


    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    11:30 AM

  • 10801 Mastin Street #130, Overland Park, KS(map)

  • This month we will depart from the traditional LWS KC format. We will hear an experience report from a software group at Fred Pryor Seminars about their journey with Lean-Agile development and Kanban for software development. They will provide an informal group presentation followed by a Q&A session.
    We will hear about their challenges of working in a low trust and low collaboration environment where deadlines were arbitrarily assigned. We will also learn about the importance of WIP Limits and the cultural changes that ensue when the focus is on Lean-Agile principles.
    Some team roles represented will be:

    Web Development and Design Supervisor
    Web Architect Software Engineer(s) Consultant(s)
    Hope you can join us!


    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    6:30 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO(map)

  • There are very few people who are good at providing estimates and even less who enjoy doing so, but estimates are part and parcel of every freelancer's business.
    At this meetup, we'll be talking about techniques we use to improve our ability to provide good estimates, different ideas on providing estimates (by hour, feature, day, etc.), and might take a little time to vent about the whole idea of estimates.


    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    6:30 PM

  • 8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS(map)

  • Title: The JBoss Way
    Jason Milliron is a Solutions Architect at Red Hat. Prior to his role as SA he worked in the Red Hat Consulting group as a project lead on multiple BRMS projects.
    Summary: The JBoss Way focuses on making sure developers are as productive as possible and enabling them to do great things. It's a development approach that provides developers a more productive and simple way to develop modern applications. The JBoss Way introduces a new set frameworks, tools and architectural designs. While JBoss is introducing new technologies, rest assured that you can reuse existing investments and integrate them while building modern applications that can leverage cloud and mobile capabilities.
    What differentiates The JBoss Way from other initiatives is its enablement aspect. Besides technology, The JBoss Way provides a series of tutorials, quick-starts, maven archetypes, screencasts and reference architectures that allow developers to quickly generate modern applications.
    Sponsors: RedHat and JBoss


    Are you ready for a weekend of doing not talking?
    On March 1st-3rd Global Service Jam is held for the third time in Kansas City and in cities all over the world. Come and collaborate with other dedicated people to design a completely new service! The result is shared with other jams worldwide. It is not necessary to know anything about service design. The most important thing to bring is interest and creative openness!
    The first jam was held in 2011 with nearly 800 participants in 40 cities across globe and resulting in over 100 new service concepts. The event continues to grow each year with over 100 locations scheduled to host a Jam in 2013.


    March 1st, 2013, 5:00pm - March 3rd, 2013, 5:00pm.
    Where: Friday and Sunday venue has not been locked down yet, but we assure you it will be in Kansas City.
    Saturday venue will be at Google Fiber Space (1820 Westport Rd, KCMO 64111)https://fiber.google.com/cities/#fiberspace

    What to bringYour passion, imagination and inner rock-star. Also, a notebook, possible service prototyping supplies such as a computer, camera, video camera, play-dough, legos, etc.

    Is it a start-up weekend? A hackathon? Kind of, but not quite…Imagine 48 hours to come up with an idea and bring that idea to life…but instead of creating lines of code or a new business (although you may end up doing those things), you will be creating new services and experiences. Throughout the weekend, teams will work collaboratively to concept, develop and prototype ideas.  By the end of the weekend, the teams will bring those ideas to life!

    Is it a conference? A workshop? A networking event? Nope!
    This weekend, it’s all about DOING and MAKING. It’s a chance for creative people, entrepeneurs, social innovators, professionals, students and academics to work together to solve problems.  It is a hands-on, practical event, aimed at bringing passionate people together, in order to create new solutions to a common challenge, using the tools of service design.

    Why should you attend?

    • You want to learn more about a design-based approach to creative problem solving
    • You are interested in service design and want to gain some hands-on experinece
    • You have no clue what service design is, but want to find out
    • You will pick up a load of new ideas and work practices
    • You will design something that may become a real business
    • You want to meet a lot of cool people, at all levels of experience and from a variety of backgrounds
    • Your work and ideas will be reviewed by your peers, and presented to the world, where they can be seen by potential customers or employers, or by people who could make them real
    • You will have an awesome time and connect with people from your community, and from all over the globe

    Is there a fee?
    There is no fee to attend the jam, but we would appreciate donations that we hope will cover some of the costs for food, drinks, materials, and other jam necessesities. This is a non-profit, all volunteer event, so any support from participants and sponsors is crucial for its success.
    Do I have to be there ALL weekend?
    We do have ONE requirement for our participants, and that is commitment and presence (ok, I guess that is two..) during the weekend. This is to ensure that all teams can work fully and continuously throughout the 48 hours. This does not mean being there 48 hours straight (we wouldn't want that either), but being with your group when the group has decided to work. This is usually Friday night, all Saturday and half of Sunday.

    Sign up today and let's jam!


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