Lots of great talks next month.

SeckC is THE premier gathering of information security professionals in KC. Are you an information security professional? You are if you (ever) write firewall rules, read log files, apply patches, follow Bugtraq, help select products, rack and stack security appliances, find vulnerabilities, write secure code, test other people’s code, write policies, manage people who do any of these things, assist people who do any of these things, or just want to one day do any of these things.



Thursday, April 18, 2013
6:30 PM

1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091278 -94.585899

  • Everyone's always talking about finding clients, so I figure they must be lost (rimshot).
    Okay, dumb joke, but it's a topic that comes up enough among the members, that I think we need to revisit this topic somewhat regularly.
    This month, come with your questions, and your best techniques for finding those lost clients.


    What's a CityCamp?

    CityCampKC is KC region's installment of the wildly popular global unconference series connecting civic doers, makers and hackers together with local gov officials for a day of learning, discussing, imagining and building.
    Come hack your Kansas City. You are the change you've been waiting for. Help create the city you want to live in. The focus this year is on diversity in government, gov tech and civic engagement.
    CityCampKC 2013 is Saturday, April 20th at the Kauffman Foundation. The event runs from 9 to 5, with a social breakfast at 8am and cocktails afterwards from 5 to 7. Attendance is limited and last year's sold out, so reserve your space now.





    Also in April : on the 16-17th, SecureWorld rolls into town to the Kansas City Convention Center:


    Greetings fellow OWASP Kansas Citians:

    A brief reminder that we're one week out from the April meeting, which
    takes place at 6:15PM on April 4th.
    Location: Johnson County Community College Regnier Center Room 183 and
    there is typically plentiful parking in the area.
    FishNet will be presenting on Secure SDLC and OpenSAMM

    Also in April : on the 16-17th, SecureWorld rolls into town to the
    Kansas City Convention Center:
    If you are attending and would be interested in handing out or
    otherwise making OWASP chapter information available to the
    SecureWorld attendees, please drop me a note.

    Finally, we have had a presence at the KCDC event in the past.  Next
    KC dev.Conference is May 2,3.  http://kcdc.info/
    Interested in attending?  Contact me and we'll see about putting a
    booth together with OWASP give-aways like we did last time.

    Mat Caughron
    Kansas City OWASP chapter volunteer leader


  • Group: Kansas City IT Professionals
  • Subject: Hack The Midwest 2013 - Create Something Epic At Sporting KC Park!
  • Hey All - we're excited to announce Hack The Midwest 2013 - a hackathon in Kansas City which brings 100+ developers & designers together for a 24 hour code-fest focused on building awesome apps for a chance to win cool prizes!

    Developers & designers, join us June 15th-16th at a one of a kind venue - the Member's Club at Sporting KC park!

    A small batch of early bird tickets are available! Make sure you register, as our last 2 hackathons in 2012 sold out - don't miss your chance!

    To learn more, register or to get in touch about sponsorship go to:

    THANKS for being a part of this community of 10,500+...you're helping to make a difference in the technology community!!

    Things have come a long way in the past few years but we still have a long way to go....so let's keep moving things forward!

    Mike Gelphman
    Founder/President, KC IT Professionals
    Founder - The Disruption Institute

    P.S. Here are some other announcements:

    - One of our recent speaker videos from Compute Midwest was featured in Fast Company a few weeks back!!

    - If you've missed any of our videos from Compute Midwest, Hack & Tell KC , etc - check out our Youtube Channel:


    Thursday, March 28, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996

  • Come join us for our monthly meetup!
    We'll have a brief recap of PyCon 2013 and an eBook raffle courtesy of O'Reilly Media.
    This meeting will also be the start of our Python Module of the Month series, kicking it off we'll have:
    Jon Smajda: Data Structures Part I: (list, dict, set, tuple)
    Brian Hare: Random
    See you Thursday!


    Monday, April 1, 2013
    5:30 PM to

  • http://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Kansas-City/events
    10234 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943424 -94.532524

  • It's confirmed, Adam Jacob co-founder of Opscode and author of Chef will be in attendance so outlining agenda below will be tentative. Plan for an "unagenda" and time permitting we'll be sure to cover group logistics and thoughts on growing and keeping the group successful!
    Please be aware attendees will need to check in with the security guard at the front gate and visitor parking is the first lot on the right after the gate.
    The main entrance is next to the visitor parking lot and attendees will need to wait in the lobby for an escort to the event location in the building.
    5:30 – 6:15 – Meet, greet, and eat - Food will be provided.
    6:15 – 7:00 – Welcome, introductions, and agenda
    7:00 – 7:30 – Meetup group logistics
    Expectations and general thoughts
    Potential future topics we'd like to cover
    Determine how often we'd like to meet
    7:30 – 7:45 – Infrastructure as Code, short prezo
    7:45 – 8:00 – "Picks" and then wrap-up.
    Solidify next few topics to cover
    Pick topic(s) and speaker(s) for the next meeting


    SMCKC April Happy Hour with TreeSwing at Anton’s Taproom | April 18
    Branch out with a new app that could help you grow some green! Join Social Media Club at Anton's Taproom Thursday, April 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for a happy hour sponsored by TreeSwing (the new Kansas City-grown app you should definitely know about). Enjoy complimentary drinks and appetizers and mingle with your SMCKC friends, too!
    TreeSwing is a new app that connects you with professionally managed mutual funds from some of the top financial brands—even if you've never invested before. 
    You can sign up free and invest as little as $1 at a time, as often as you want—no minimum investment, no transaction fees, no required monthly purchases. Add money and manage your account right from your smartphone or the web.
    The app will be available April 8th for iPhone and the web and is a product of DST Market Services, a member of FINRA and SIPC.


    SMCKC April Pro Lunch: Setting the Social Mood with Houlihan’s | April 11
    Join the Social Media Club of Kansas City on April 11 at 11:30 a.m. at Jack Stack in the Freighthouse District for a visit with Natalie Bass, Director, Digital Marketing at Houlihan's, to learn how social media is helping Houlihan's create unique and exciting experiences for customers online as well as in the dining room.
    Find out how the KC-based Houlihan’s has blended brand presences on social media and capitalized on local content and local social with a powerful new website as a hub.
    Forced sharing plug: Bring your smartphone, iPad or old-school laptop & connect your Facebook profile to houlihans.com & share with your peeps during the presentation ... those that do may just be rewarded (*wink, wink*).


    Adobe CreateNow event!

    What's in it for UX/UI folks?
    If you look at the speaker lineup, the keynote speaker is Serge Jespers who is going to talk about Adobe Edge Animate (the new HTML5 animation tool that [essentially] replaces Flash for mobile devices], Adobe Edge Reflow (for creating responsive web designs) and Adobe Edge Code (for web designers and developers who write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). Read Serge's blog at http://sjespers.com/
    Registrations are now available for the April event. Here are all the details. See you there!
    (RSVPs are closed on Meetup, so please go to the EventBrite link instead)
    This replaces our normal DPAC meeting for the month of April, 2013!
    Join us for a full evening of knowledge and networking, as industry experts and Adobe evangelists share how the Adobe Creative Cloud is revolutionizing creative workflows in digital publishing, web, photography, and video. Learn how these advances will impact you, and get an inside look at how you can enhance your productivity.
    Who Should Attend:
    • Creative professionals, students, and anyone who wants to know more about Adobe Creative Cloud, including the latest innovations in Adobe CS6 products, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, AfterEffects, and Premiere Pro.
    • Graphic designers who want to learn how they can leverage existing skills to publish websites or create iPad publications without writing code.
    • Photographers who want to learn about new features in Photoshop and Lightroom or share their work in exciting new ways with the other applications available in Creative Cloud.
    • Web designers who want to stay ahead of evolving standards and deliver content seamlessly across a wide range of screens and devices.
    • Video professionals who want to save time and money by streamlining their production and postproduction workflows with the powerful toolset in Creative Cloud.
    Speakers/presenters for the evening:

    Serge Jespers
    is an Adobe Evangelist and longtime Web enthusiast. For more than 14 years, he has been working with the latest Web technologies to develop award-winning online experiences, including projects for Belgium’s largest media company in support of numerous TV shows such as Idols, Big Brother, and Miss Belgium. After freelancing on projects for Sony Europe, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Playstation, MTV, … for a few years, he joined Adobe in 2007. Born and raised in Belgium, Serge now lives in the heart of San Francisco.
    Chana Messer is an Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe Partner, Adobe Community Professional, part of the Adobe Professional Freelance Team, and an Adobe User Group Manager. As such she has been invited to present at Adobe events at Mac World and AIGA, Adobe MAX and other events in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, New York and Tel Aviv. Chana provides specialized training in Adobe Photoshop & Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Elements, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat Connect. She’s a Fine Artist, Designer, Trainer & Software Evangelist. She’s been teaching at the university level for 25+ years in the fields of Fine Art, Digital Imaging in the Departments of Visual Arts at UCLA, and Digital instructor at the Walt Disney Company. Chana is an exhibiting artist. Follow @chanam on Twitter.
    Sally Cox is an Adobe Community Professional, certified trainer and community leader in the San Francisco Bay Area. Former Adobe Art Director and published author of books and video training for video2brain.com, Peachpit Press and Adobe Press, Sally's company, kreatable.com, specializes in eLearning development, production and instructional design. Sally also manages one of the largest Adobe User Groups in North America (meetup.com/creativesuitesanjose). Follow @kreatable on Twitter.
    05:30pm - 06:30pm Check-In & Networking (please have a printed EventBrite ticket with you for speedy entry)
    06:30pm - 07:45pm Edge Tools and Services with Serge Jespers Serge Jespers, Evangelist from the Adobe Web team, will be presenting bleeding-edge technology from Adobe including Adobe Edge AnimateAdobe Edge Reflow (for creating responsive web designs) and Adobe Edge Code(work fast, work optimized). Bring your questions and answers!
    07:45pm - 08:00pm Short Break0
    8:00pm - 09:15pm Creative Professional Workflows with Chana Messer and Sally Cox:
    Chana Messer and Sally Cox will demonstrate the flexibility and power of Creative Cloud workflow for designers, using Illustrator CS6 and InDesign CS6. They will show how easy it is to store project pieces in the cloud for collaborating with colleagues and clients. Chana will create a logo using Adobe Kuler and Illustrator, then share it with Sally via Creative Cloud. Sally downloads the logo, places it in InDesign and creates a few pieces with flexible layouts. To finish off their demo, they will show Photoshop Touch for tablets and mobile phones and talk about the advantages of uploading to Creative Cloud.
    09:15pm - 09:30pm Prize drawing and Q & A
    Cost: We are charging a minimal $10 fee to help defray event space costs and reduce "no shows." By committing to this nominal charge, you will receive way more than $10 worth of food, beverages, and Adobe goodies...plus a chance to win a Creative Cloud Membership. Seating is limited to 150 attendees.
    Content: The evening will consist of a networking / happy hour, followed by live presentations from our speakers. The event will be kicked off with an Adobe Evangelist keynote speaker, and we will conduct prize drawings for attendees at the conclusion of the event.
    Food: Appetizers, an adult beverage bar ticket, and soft drinks are included at no additional charge(covered by your admission cost).
    Parking: Entrance in back alley (east of the building) between Grand and McGee.
    Prize Drawing: We will have lots of giveaways that include Creative Cloud Memberships for some lucky winners. The first 100 attendees will receive a gift bag from Adobe. You must be present to win!
    Adobe & Check-In Tables: Please bring your EventBrite ticket when you check in. Registration will be located in the downstairs portion of the Berg Event Space.
    Social Media: Feel free to post pictures or comments to these social media sites or hash-tags (twitter)


    SMCKC April Breakfast: A Nonprofit Brainstorm for Community Capital Fund | April 5
    What happens after startup organizations successfully raise money through crowdfunding? That's a challenge facing three local nonprofits that have raised more than $50,000 combined through Indiegogo.
    Join us at the Kansas City Cafe (1532 Grand Blvd.) from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. on April 5 to help these community startups envision ways to use social media to get their efforts off the ground. We'll hear from the Community Meditation Center, Chestnut Street Model Block and REVEAL Historic Northeast, all of which are supported by Kansas City's Community Capital Fund. 
    Bring your thinking caps and let's channel our collective brain power to help these three deserving organizations! 


    March Meeting: Cory House Talks About Dependency Injection

    This month’s topic:

    Embarrassing Coupling Problem? Let’s Solve that with Dependency Injection

    We’ll discuss why DI is a key pattern for building scalable, maintainable, high performance applications. We’ll learn the importance of coding to an interface rather than an implementation, discuss why IoC containers are useful, and review how DI allows you to write loosely coupled and testable code.
    With this foundation established, we’ll dive into common DI anti-patterns, review lifetime scope alternatives, and learn how to compose objects via a composition root. We’ll wrap up with a quick review of how you can handle cross-cutting concerns like logging and security with dynamic proxies.
    Speaker: Cory House
    Cory has over 12 years of software development experience designing and implementing custom web based solutions in a wide variety of industries including government, finance, insurance, law, automotive and telecommunications. He works in both Unix and Windows environments with a variety of server-side solutions and currently specializes in C#.Net and jQuery. He is an avid technical reader, independent consultant, and development team manager. Cory maintains a blog at bitnative.com.



    Looking for some additional training for a really low cost?  If so, you need to check out the pre-con sessions that we're holding on Friday April 5th before our SQL Saturday event.  

    Here is an abstract of just one of the sessions!!

    Friday, April 5th – Pre-Conference Class (1 of 3)

    Practical Self-Service BI with PowerPivot 2012 for Excel (Bill Pearson)

    SQL Server MVP and Business Intelligence Architect Bill Pearson leads this full-day, hands-on introduction to using PowerPivot 2012 for Excel to deliver self-service business intelligence. The focus of the course is to help those new to PowerPivot to become familiar with the assembly of data from diverse sources into models that deliver business intelligence upon demand. Participants will gain exposure to accessing and relating data, and to employing the Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language, to construct and share PowerPivot applications that support analysis and reporting throughout the enterprise. The intended audience is information workers (business- or IT-based) involved in analysis and reporting of data, intermediate - to - advanced Excel users, practitioners that want to gain familiarity with PowerPivot to build compelling analysis and reporting applications to deliver self-service BI.

    Course Hardware and Software Requirements: Course material will be provided on thumb drives. A laptop is not necessary but will help you take advantage of the course better. If you wish to bring a laptop, requirements are as below.

    The class will be held at the Blue Cross Blue Shield facility.  Sign up now!  

    Also, don't forget to register for the SQL Saturday event!  We have a great list of sessions & speakers lined up for you! Don't delay! http://sqlsaturday.com/197/eventhome.aspx


    Team SQL Saturday 


    Parameter Security hosts premiere hacking and offensive cyber security conference
    (March 13, 2013) Saint Louis, MO Famous Chinese military general, Sun Tzu, once said, “Know thy self, know thy enemy.” Parameter Security, a St. Louis-based ethical hacking firm, echoes Tzu’s sentiments by bringing the very first hacking and offensive cyber security conference to St. Louis – TakeDownCon. The 2 day conference, which will run from June 3rd through June 4th, will amaze, frighten and educate event-goers as they get an up-close look into the minds of hackers.
    “We couldn’t be more excited about hosting TakeDownCon in the gateway city,” said Renee Chronister, co-founder and CEO of Parameter Security. “This conference is geared toward IT and security professionals who fight the war against hackers on a daily basis. Through presentations, demonstrations and training, attendees will better understand the minds and motives of hackers so they can effectively defend against attacks – whether internal or external.”
    Parameter Security has been at the forefront of the hacking and offensive cyber security community for several years, exposing vulnerabilities in networks and human behavior worldwide. Over the course of the 2 days conference, attendees will be able to witness real-world attacks and experience “deep dive clinics” in an effort to drill down with experts for an in-depth understanding of mobile attacks, footprinting, powning IPs, incident analysis, web attacks, webshells and more.
    In addition to witnessing real-world hacks, TakeDownCon St. Louis will feature a total of 10 speakers including professional hacker and co-founder of Parameter Security, Dave Chronister. Furthermore, Twitter’s very own Charlie Miller, best known for hacking a Mac using only the power supply, will be the keynote on the first day of the conference.
    The panel of experts will tackle a variety of specialized topics, such as leveraging mobile devices in pen tests, cryptanalysis, hacking phones with near field communications, how the most protected systems can be breached, defending your systems, computer forensics and more.
    “Hackers are winning the war on cyber security. The only way to win is to get inside their minds and understand the enemy.” said Chronister. “It is our goal to help empower the good guys and give them the resources to take their information security to new heights.”
    Preceding the conference is a four day training bootcamp. TakeDownCon | Academy, which will be conducted by Hacker University, will offer technical training and certification classes on a variety of subjects including, but not limited to: CEH, CHFI, Advanced Penetration Testing, Advanced Mobile Hacking & Forensics, Advanced Network Defense, Hacking Secure Encryption and Countermeasures and much more.
    TakeDownCon St. Louis will be held at Ameristar Casino in St. Charles, Missouri. For more information on the conference, the bootcamps or to register in advance, please visit http://www.takedowncon.com/stlouis.
    About TakeDownCon St. Louis & EC-Council
    This highly technical IT security conference is a no-frills and topic focused conference that is targeted toward IT and security professionals of all levels. The topical theme of this unique event is broken up into two days and exposes some of the most talked-about security issues such as Web Application Security, SCADA and Critical Infrastructures, Cloud Security, Mobile Hacking and more. TakeDownCon St. Louis is organized by the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council), which is a member-based organization that certifies individuals in various e-business and security skills. EC Council is the owner and developer of the world-famous E-Council Certified Ethical Hacker, Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator, Certified Security Analyst, License Penetration Tester programs and various others offered in over 60 countries around the globe. For more information about EC-Council or TakeDownCon St. Louis, please visit www.eccouncil.org or www.takedowncon.com/stlouis.  
    About Parameter Security & Hacker University
    Hosting and sponsoring TakeDownCon St. Louis is St. Louis-based, ethical hacking firm Parameter Security™ and its training counterpart Hacker University™. Parameter Security is comprised of Certified Ethical Hackers who emulate the minds and behaviors of malicious hackers to test the security of your systems and employees. Parameter Security offers IT compliance audits, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, social engineering, wireless security audits, secure code reviews, computer forensics and much more. Parameter Security’s subsidiary, Hacker University, is an EC-Council Accredited Training Center (ATC) for IT professionals and non-IT professionals who desire education and training regarding information security and malicious hackers. Our EC-Council Certified Instructors (CEI) offer a variety of courses from end-user security awareness training to IT security professional certifications such as C|EH, E|CSA, C|HFI, CISSP and more. For more information about Parameter Security and/or Hacker University call 314.442.0472.


    Thursday, March 28, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Thursday, March 28, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)


    Monday, April 1, 2013
    5:30 PM to

    10234 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943424 -94.532524

  • It's possible we will have a surprise guest appearance by one of our key founders in which case the agenda will remain an "unagenda" and be open and flexible starting at 6:15ish.
    Please be aware attendees will need to check in with the security guard at the front gate and visitor parking is the first lot on the right after the gate.
    The main entrance is next to the visitor parking lot and attendees will need to wait in the lobby for an escort to the event location in the building.

    5:30 – 6:15 – Meet, greet, and eat - Food will be provided.
    6:15 – 7:00 – Welcome, introductions, and agenda
    7:00 – 7:30 – Meetup group logistics
    Expectations and general thoughts
    Potential future topics we'd like to cover
    Determine how often we'd like to meet
    7:30 – 7:45 – Infrastructure as Code, short prezo
    7:45 – 8:00 – "Picks" and then wrap-up.
    Solidify next few topics to cover
    Pick topic(s) and speaker(s) for the next meeting


    Thursday, March 28, 2013
    7:00 PM
  • 1800 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091663 -94.584831

    Take the elevator to the fourth floor and then take the stairs to the 6th floor.
  • **Note this month's change in venue**

    Join us as Craig Paddock of Plaza Digital teaches about the ins and outs of running your own PPC campaigns.
    Craig Paddock is an authority in the SEO field with multiple Fortune 100 clients ranging from hotel chains to software developers. Since 1998 Craig has consistently delivered top returns for clients in an ever-changing online field. His research-driven approach focuses on dollars for clients, as opposed to just rankings. Craig contributes search articles to the ClickZ network and has presented at national SEO conferences. Craig received his bachelors degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. He blames his ROI obsession on his previous experience in the direct response industry.
    Bring note taking things and all your questions! Beer is also welcome if you feel like PPC is a party.


    Hello All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, March 27, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: ECOM

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : ECOM

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !


    This month's presentation is:


    RareWire - Mobile App Creation using App Creation Studio

    Presenter: Adam Jones

    The world of App development is becoming more and more saturated. RareWire cuts through all the noise by providing one of the strongest platforms on the market today. We offer true cross platform native Apps built in our WIRE XML. WIRE does not require XCode, Javascript or any advanced programming skills. No other App Building tools ! can claim as much without the use of complicated App development languages or cumbersome tools. RareWire prides itself on a competitive advantage over virtually any alternative company or technology. The RareWire App Creation Studio makes it substantially easier to build native Apps for iOS and other mobile devices. RareWire has built an engine that requires the base skill set of a web designer, not a developer, to build native Apps that would typically take a developer weeks or more to build, in a matter of days. Our primary focus is to provide the greatest platform on the market for developing native mobile Apps. RareWire will continue to leverage our App Creation Studio development platform, offering its core application engine, templates, documentation, training, support and content management to provide you Creation Studio development platform, offering its core application engine, templates, documentation, training, support and content managemen! t to provide you everything you need to develop Apps on today’! s popular tablet and mobile devices.

    Adam Jones Mini-Bio:

    Adam Jones, Vice-President of Creative Services for RareWire, is responsible for the implemention of over 70 clients mobile initiative on iOS and Android. RareWire has created over 170 apps during the companies first three years. Adam oversees strategy as well as leading the roadmap for RareWire’s App Creation Studio. Prior to RareWire, Adam was the first employee of PatientBuilder.com. A patient education and marketing platform for physicians, serving as the Operations and Development Manager. He has also had roles at Cerner Corporation and Saepio Technologies in a product development role. Adam serves as mentor and advisory board member for the Johnson County Community College and enjoys teaching mobile development and design at Kansas University, Kauffman Labs and Lees Summit CAPS program, as well as curating WIREKC. Adam Jones holds a bachelors degree from Templ! e University and resides in Smithville, MO with his wife and two sons. Who happily serve as a test-kitchen for his pet-project apps TapTeach Baseball and StreamBox.

    Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com

    See You There !!!

    Ray Harris


    Aureus Group Sponsors Infotec 2013

    Aureus Group Systems is proud to be the Mobile Track Sponsor and an Exhibitor at Infotec 2013: Magic Explained on April 16 and 17, 2013 at the CenturyLink Center Omaha.

    We want to connect with you. Aureus Group Systems understands the strength of technology lies with the people behind it and our talented staff speaks your language. As Infotec is the Midwest’s premier IT and business conference, it will bring together professionals from across the region to network with one another and learn about the latest trends in business technology from nationally-recognized experts.

    The Mobile Track has four great breakout sessions with speakers who will address this hot topic.
    • Anthony Krumeich, CEO of Bloodhound will address the lessons he has learned while building a mobile app business.
    • Learn the do’s and don’ts when it comes to building a modern business from creating the mobile applications to the overall branding, and the marketing/IT team needed to be successful with Joe Olsen, President and CEO of Phenomblue.
    • Joe Shields, President of IP Pathways, LLC will offer a hands-on session exploring a virtual desktop and mobile devices complete with a traveling data center lab.
    • Get up to speed with the HTML5 platform and learn some of specific features it has to offer with Dustin Tauer, VP of Training and Development at Easel Solutions.
    For a complete schedule or more information on the breakout sessions, click here.
    Don’t forget to stop by Aureus Group at Booth 20 for a chance to win great prizes! Follow us on Twitter, for opportunities for other special cash giveaways before and throughout the conference!
    Aureus Group will be giving away a number of great prizes including passes to Infotec 2013 and cash prizes before and during Infotec.

    For an opportunity to win, the steps are pretty simple:
    1. Follow us on Twitter at @Aureus_Systems.
    2. Stay tuned for opportunities to win (the first chance to win is on April 4 with the prize, an Infotec conference registration pass, announced April 5 via Twitter).
    How do you win?
    We will tweet a question with #infoprize, respond with a direct message to @Aureus_Systems with your answer and your contact information(name, email, company, phone) and you will be entered into the drawing.

    Be sure to keep following Aureus Systems because on April 8 through 12, we will pose a daily question with #infoprize. The first to respond with the correct answer will win a cash prize to be collected at our booth (number 20) at Infotec. You must be registered to attend Infotec to win the prize.

    Then, on the first day of the event, April 16, we will pose four questions during the day with #infoprize. The first to respond with the correct answer will win a cash prize. On the last day we will pose a final question with #infoprize. The first to respond with the correct answer will win the grand cash prize. All prizes awarded during the event must be picked up at our booth (number 20) before the end of the event on April 17.


    Tuesday, March 26, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 933 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.966602 -95.262566

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!



    BOYS vs GIRLS takes on a whole new meaning as we promote gender diversity in technology and compete to develop practical, open source solutions to civic problems in the tech and entrepreneurship community in Kansas City.

    Hosted at the Kauffman Foundation on April 26-27th!



    The next KC IIBA General meeting is Thursday, March 21st.

    Topic is "Keys to Better Requirements" by Mike Schopper.

    We will talk about how we can drive ambiguity out of our requirements. Mike will outline some types of keywords that can lead to ambiguity in requirements. He will use real-world examples to explore these questions and other guidelines in reviewing requirements from the perspective of a QA professional.

    Potential members of the KC IIBA can attend 2 meetings. Potential members and members can RSVP and get more details via the KC IIBA Web Site: http://kansascity.iiba.org/index.php/general


    Smarter SharePoint March 26 Meeting Agenda

    SharePoint 2013 Search: We'll review key points on how you can improve SharePoint Search. Search is a key element in the success of your overall website.

    Open Forum: This is an open forum to speak amongst your SharePoint peers.


    SMCKC April Breakfast: Brainstorm with Community Capital Fund, April 5
    You've heard of crowdfunding sites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter. They help startup organizations raise money through many donors pledging small amounts. 
    But what happens once the goal's been met? 
    Marketing a successfully crowdfunded startup is a challenge being faced by three local nonprofits that have raised more than $50,000 combined through Indiegogo.
    On Friday, April 5, 2013@SMCKC invites you to come help these community startups envision ways to use social media to get their efforts off the ground. We'll meet at Kansas City Cafe (1532 Grand Blvd.) from 7:30 to 9 a.m.
    Featured Guests:
    • The Community Meditation Center raised $20,416 for its Preventing Headlines By Changing Lives program, which provides a conflict resolution training experience to more than 30,000 Kansas City residents in areas that are high risk for conflict and violence.
    • Chestnut Street Model Block raised $20,000 in its quest to fight back against blight and deterioration in an area of Kansas City, Missouri abandoned and neglected by city, state, and national government. 
    • REVEAL Historic Northeast raised $12,144 to organize existing civic initiatives in the Historic Northeast KC around a common goal of uplifting the community.
    Each of the organizations is supported by Kansas City's Community Capital Fund. CCF supports innovative and measurable community development in Kansas City's historically under-resourced and underinvested communities through thoughtful and targeted programming.
    CCF has partnered with Indiegogo to bring innovation to traditional grants through crowdfunding. In addition to helping these campaigns meet their crowdfunding goals, CCF gives technical assistance, seed money, a dollar-for-dollar match, and a bonus for meeting their target amount. 
    With their fresh dose of capital in hand, CMC, Chestnut Street, and REVEAL are ready to make their plans a reality. But they need YOUR help in integrating social media into their marketing and communications strategy. 
    So come early to this special SMCKC opportunity. Bring your thinking cap and your head for doing good! 


    Saturday, March 23, 2013
    11:00 AM

  • 1622 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.050232 -94.604919

  • Friday March 29th is our Grand Opening Celebration but our office isn't exactly celebratory yet. We have a number of projects that need finishing. Will you come and help?


    The DevIntersection Conference brings together Visual Studio, ASP.NET, Open Web, Mobile and Cloud developers to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas April 8-11, 2013. Featuring over 125 sessions and more than 60 speakers, DevIntersection, co-located with SQLIntersection, will be an intersection of the best technology and best speakers. We are offering a great Show package that will include a Surface with Windows RT tablet and a full-day workshop. DevIntersection features great seminars, well-known keynote speakers, a full-blown expo hall and all located on the Las Vegas strip in a 4-star resort. Whether you are getting started with a new development tool or pushing the boundaries to new platforms, DevIntersection combines excellent learning opportunities and peer networking to take your programming skills to the next level. DevIntersection attendees can cross over to attend sessions in the co-located tracks that include SQL Server, SharePoint, and open web standards.

    The SQLIntersection show is going to bring together real-world experts presenting problem solving techniques and technologies that you can implement today. The show will focus mainly on best practices for SQL Server versions 2012, 2008R2 and 2008 but also highlight the critical new technologies in SQL Server 2012. Our tracks will apply to almost anyone that works with SQL Server and will be hosted by experts in the community. Our hosts: Kimberly L. Tripp, Brent Ozar and Aaron Bertrand, will help guide you through the topics and sessions and help you find solutions!
    If you want practical information delivered by speakers that know not-only the technologies but are competent and consistently, highly rated speakers - this is the show for you. You will understand the RIGHT features to troubleshoot and solve your performance and availability problems now!



    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, March 20, 2013, at JCCC, Regnier 3rd Floor, RC 353
    Beginning Presentation:  
    Title:  Office 365/SkyDrive
    Description: Venture into the Cloud - A Demonstration Microsoft's Cloud Product - Office 365 - Focusing on Collaboration Capabilities and Limitations
    Caren Grandgenett is an Adjunct Assistant Professor  - Business Entrepreneurship and Technology at Johnson County Community College
    Advanced Presentation:   
    Title:  Tip #39 "Detecting Whether You've Got Internet Connectivity"
    Description:  Discover a way to validate a URL connection before your Access form tries to open.  Avoid freezing because of bad URLs or launching Internet Explorer only to find out that URL does not exist.   This is Tip #39 "Detecting Whether You've Got Internet Connectivity"  from our book "Microsoft Access Solutions" by Arvin Meyer and Douglas J. Steele.
    As an added bonus;  have you ever been frustrated by your edits to data not appearing on a report only to find out that the changes you thought you made really did get made?  Come discover how this happens and even better.... see how fix it .
    Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 22 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.
    Pro Access 2010 Development by Mark Collins.  Shows you how to develop business applications that take full advantage of all Access 2010 has to offer.  Practical and hands-on, author Mark Collins explains all the facets of developing Access-based solutions, including data modeling, complex form development, and UI customizations.  You'll even find out all you need to know to deploy your solution to the web and integrate it with other external data sources.
    Give-away drawing for HUG members only.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
    Arlene Watkins, President              

    FAX:   913-660-0362

    Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
    10104 W 105th St.
    Overland Park, KS 66212


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled "How to improve your health with your iPhone" Wednesday, April 3rd,  7pm at DCSS 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence.


    This discussion topic  will be about how to use your Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, desktops and laptops) to improve your health with devices from Fitbit, Lark and other companies.   Dave Greenbaum will lead the discussion showing off his devices and be sure to bring your questions and tips.


    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to http://www.laugks.org for more info or contact Dave Greenbaum, 785-218-9676,  dsg@mac.com to be notified of upcoming meetings.


    Note our inclement weather policy:  if USD 497 is closed, our meeting will be cancelled.  Check our website if there is a question about whether the meeting is cancelled due to weather.


    Meeting Topic:   Working Session and Small Group Breakout

    Meeting Learning:  

    Working meeting for the Agile KC members to strategize on topics and speakers for 2013 and to review the group's out reach activities for members to strengthen the community.


    Meeting Description: 

    This month’s meeting will be based on the continuation of the ideas we generated in February during the Agile KC retrospective.  We’ll use the meeting as a working session to strategize how the group can make sure its members are getting value from their participation.  

    We’ll dig deeper into the speakers and presentations you’d like to see in 2013 and we’ll review our outreach and support to new and existing members to help further the community.  In addition, we’ll have a breakout conversation or two about agile practices and questions that are of interest to the attendees, should you rather not participate in the working session.

    This meeting is an excellent opportunity for you to help refine the mission of Agile KC and support the agile and lean community in the Kansas City metropolitan area.  Whether you are a regular or new to the group, your thoughts and opinions matter.  Please plan on joining us on the 28th and help shape the future of Agile KC.

    Hope to see you there!


    This will be a sponsored meeting.  In order to assist our sponsor with knowing how many attendees will be eating, please register via Eventbrite (http://www.eventbrite.com/edit?eid=5889949999)


    Saturday, March 23, 2013
    10:00 AM to

  • 201 East 75th St. , Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.992004 -94.586433

  • We are hosting Digital Life Skills Training sessions at the Waldo Branch of the KCMO Public Library.
    KCMO Lib Waldo Branch
    201 East 75th Street
    Kansas City, MO 64114
    Date & Time:
    March 23rd at 10am-2pm
    We will be needing several people to assist as mentors during this session.
    You will help assist people using a PC, connecting to the Internet, and signing up for Google Fiber.
    A trainer will lead the session, each mentor will assist 5 people. The turn out is unknown at this time. We will have an orientation meeting prior to the events. Anyone who has at least a couple years using the Internet/web can be a mentor.
    We will meet at the Library where the sessions are taking place 1/2 hr before session begins, to setup the Mobile Computing Lab.


    llo All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, March 27, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: ECOM

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : ECOM

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !


    This month's presentation is:


    RareWire - Mobile App Creation using App Creation Studio

    Presenter: Adam Jones

    The world of App development is becoming more and more saturated. RareWire cuts through all the noise by providing one of the strongest platforms on the market today. We offer true cross platform native Apps built in our WIRE XML. WIRE does not require XCode, Javascript or any advanced programming skills. No other App Building tools ! can claim as much without the use of complicated App development languages or cumbersome tools. RareWire prides itself on a competitive advantage over virtually any alternative company or technology. The RareWire App Creation Studio makes it substantially easier to build native Apps for iOS and other mobile devices. RareWire has built an engine that requires the base skill set of a web designer, not a developer, to build native Apps that would typically take a developer weeks or more to build, in a matter of days. Our primary focus is to provide the greatest platform on the market for developing native mobile Apps. RareWire will continue to leverage our App Creation Studio development platform, offering its core application engine, templates, documentation, training, support and content management to provide you Creation Studio development platform, offering its core application engine, templates, documentation, training, support and content managemen! t to provide you everything you need to develop Apps on today’! s popular tablet and mobile devices.

    Adam Jones Mini-Bio:

    Adam Jones, Vice-President of Creative Services for RareWire, is responsible for the implemention of over 70 clients mobile initiative on iOS and Android. RareWire has created over 170 apps during the companies first three years. Adam oversees strategy as well as leading the roadmap for RareWire’s App Creation Studio. Prior to RareWire, Adam was the first employee of PatientBuilder.com. A patient education and marketing platform for physicians, serving as the Operations and Development Manager. He has also had roles at Cerner Corporation and Saepio Technologies in a product development role. Adam serves as mentor and advisory board member for the Johnson County Community College and enjoys teaching mobile development and design at Kansas University, Kauffman Labs and Lees Summit CAPS program, as well as curating WIREKC. Adam Jones holds a bachelors degree from Templ! e University and resides in Smithville, MO with his wife and two sons. Who happily serve as a test-kitchen for his pet-project apps TapTeach Baseball and StreamBox.

    Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com

    See You There !!!

    Ray Harris


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