With some late cancellations for tomorrow's group gathering, and having many of our own attending a conference out of state this week, we will be canceling this week's meeting. We have yet to determine when a make-up meeting could be scheduled if necessary, but will certainly keep everyone informed.
30min Social -- Discuss tools, network, and discuss current issues
(2x) 30-60min formal presentation
Title: sqlmap demo
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.
Title: Love letters to Frank Abagnale (How do I pwn thee let me count the ways)
In previous talks I have shown how I have used emails to gain entry into places I should not have been. In this talk I give an in depth explanation on how I use emails not just for phishing but to gather intel & make a way in. I will go over the steps to recon your target. To find important information to make sure the email is not just believed but acted on in the way you desire. I will also show you how to create a convincing get out of jail free card. That will aid in avoiding being detained but will also get employees to aid you in your attack.
SeckC is THE premier gathering of information security professionals in KC. Are you an information security professional? You are if you (ever) write firewall rules, read log files, apply patches, follow Bugtraq, help select products, rack and stack security appliances, find vulnerabilities, write secure code, test other people’s code, write policies, manage people who do any of these things, assist people who do any of these things, or just want to one day do any of these things.
Please join us at our new Meetup time - 6:30 PM on the first Thursday of the month - and new Meetup location - Snow & Co. in scenic downtown KCMO - for a hands-on sketching workshop with France Rupert of Eight Shapes. Bring your favorite Sharpie and Moleskine journal (or use a Bic and some cocktail napkins) as you learn tips and tricks to embed sketching and sketchnoting into your workflow to quickly generate big ideas and facilitate stakeholder understanding.
Eight Shapes normally presents these skills through as a full-day class, so you're in for a big treat!
About France Rupert -
About Eight Shapes -
Instead of always meeting in Lenexa, we're going to start moving the meetings around Kansas City. If you have a space that we can meet in, please let us know.
This month, we'll be meeting at Barkley at 1740 Main St. Kansas City, MO 64108.
Parking details:
* Kevin Shekleton: Modularizing Rails Apps
Rails has a great modular architecture allowing you to take components and integrate them into your application. We'll walk through the various ways in which you can modularize and DRY up your shared functionality to best fit your needs.
We'll retire to Bulldog (1715 Main St, Kansas City, MO) across the street afterwards. If you can't make the meeting, come join us for a drink and some Ruby Talk.
ITS SPRING! Ignore the Snow Flurries!
6:30 PM, Wed, APRIL 24, 2013
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: CJK Consulting
Food and door prizes will be provided by : CJK Consulting
In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Ray Harris ( ) to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !
This month's presentation is:
Website Development using MVC (Model-View-Controller)
(speaker: Robert [Bob] Perry )
Bob will present on using MVC and how it can be applied to web site development. An example will be shown on how to set up a model, controller,
and view. Also, an example will be shown on how jQuery can be incorporated into an MVC application. Come and see how MVC can speed up web development .
Bob Perry Mini-Bio:
Bob recently finished the web developer track at Centriq. He has previous work experience as a computer programmer. He also has strong customer service/retail experience. Since Centriq he has been doing contract
project work developing web sites for small business owners. He has recently completed Cjk Software's Job Ready 90 day program.
See you there!
Our website URL is:
Topic: Continuous Integration for .NET
Sponsor: Robert Half Technologies
CCCKC will have a multi-project display setup in the main hall as well as a panel of speakers. If you would like to contribute a project, participate in the panel or just attend please contact CCCKC Communications VP at
Visit CityCampKC at for to get involved or find sponsorship details.
- Computer Basics
- Keyboarding skills
- Mousing Around
- Search for jobs online
- Apply for jobs online
- Intro to Social Media
- Intro to Google Drive and Docs
We will have a short orientation session to get to know our volunteers, & determine if you want to be a trainer or mentor. We also have need for PC refurbishing help.
Trainers will lead a class, assess the learners skills and ensure the learners complete at least 2 (two) class sessions.
Mentors will assist a trainer, by helping any learners that need assistance with current lesson, each mentor will help 5 learners. You may assist them with using the mouse, where to type the URL, how to save a file, graphic or bookmark a webpage.
We want to make sure we all follow a common theme when doing the digital literacy training for Connecting For Good.
Instead of always meeting in Lenexa, we're going to start moving the meetings around Kansas City. If you have a space that we can meet in, please let us know.
This month, we'll be meeting at Barkley at 1740 Main St. Kansas City, MO 64108.
Parking details:
* Kevin Shekleton: Modularizing Rails Apps
Rails has a great modular architecture allowing you to take components and integrate them into your application. We'll walk through the various ways in which you can modularize and DRY up your shared functionality to best fit your needs.
We'll retire to Bulldog (1715 Main St, Kansas City, MO) across the street afterwards. If you can't make the meeting, come join us for a drink and some Ruby Talk.
“How to use Evernote – share your ideas” Wednesday, May 1st, 7pm at DCSS 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence.
Kay Harper recently attended the course Coaching Agile Teams by Lyssa Adkins and Michael Spayd. In April’s meeting, Kay will lead the group through a brief, example exercise coaches can use to assist teams. She will then share Michael’s recently-developed model of Agile Coaching, share information on learning tracts that can be followed, and discuss various certification processes available.
Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 22 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.
Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
Spend some time this Saturday afternoon learning and sharing with your PHPeeps!
Our Standard Meeting Format
We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into:
- Meet and Greet new members!
- John Kary presents "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights and happenings in the PHP Universe
- Members bring forward issues, concerns or other items of interest
All Developers Welcome!
We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.
We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!
Instead of always meeting in Lenexa, we're going to start moving the meetings around Kansas City. If you have a space that we can meet in, please let us know.
This month, we'll be meeting at Barkley at 1740 Main St. Kansas City, MO 64108.
Parking details:
* Kevin Shekleton: Modularizing Rails Apps
Rails has a great modular architecture allowing you to take components and integrate them into your application. We'll walk through the various ways in which you can modularize and DRY up your shared functionality to best fit your needs.
We'll retire to Bulldog (1715 Main St, Kansas City, MO) across the street afterwards. If you can't make the meeting, come join us for a drink and some Ruby Talk.
Format: Lean Coffee topical format
Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
Starbucks coffee is provided!
Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.
Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop and power cord
Need some project ideas? How about:
Learning Python
- The official Python tutorial:
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python:
- An introduction to Python through writing games:
- Learn Python the Hard Way:
- Python coding exercises:
- Contribute to an open-source project that uses Python. If you contribute to an open source project that uses Python and want to help new contributors, let us know in a comment!
- Use Python to participate in space exploration:
- Unleash your inner DJ with the Echo Nest and Echo Nest Remix APIs
- Want to learn a Python web framework? Check out the Django tutorial:
About the Group: Each month we have one or more guest speakers discussing Google Analytics, Web Analytics and Marketing Metrics.
Speaker: Marc Richard, Director, Digital Analytics & Insights at Evolytics
Topic: Introduction to Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Speaker Marc Richard's Linkedin:
About Evolytics:
Resources: About Google Tag Manager:
Meeting Agenda*
6:45 - 7:00 Welcome and Networking with food and drink
7:00 - 8:00 Topic 1 - Introduction to Google Tag Manager
8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers To Previously Submitted Questions
8:30 - 9:00 Informal Breakout sessions for specific Q&A among group members
* The actual agenda is flexible depending upon speaker's presentations and length of Q&A.
All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at
Parking: Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both east a west sides of the street.
Bring along a project or two you'd like to share with the group—be it in node.js or not—and we'll give you a few minutes to give us the rundown on how it works.
Precedence will be given to projects using node.js, though. :)
The place will open up at 10:00am and be available for use until 7:00pm. Oh, and it's totally free for you!
There will also be two 15 minute presentations, for those of you who want to get introduced to something you may not be familiar with. One presentation will be based around a language, library, or tool. The second presentation will b...e based around a methodology, best practices, or anything that could apply to developers of almost any language.
Some basic snacks will be provided, such as soda, chips, and fruit (bananas and apples). If you want anything else, feel free to bring it. There's a refrigerator in the space, so we can keep it cool for you.
If there's anything you feel that we need to add or include, then let me know.
If you're interested in presenting on anything, please let me know that, too.
Come and join us April 9th,
07:00 – 09:00 PM in the main training room at the office of Cjk Software and
The EBS Group, 11320 W79th St., Lenexa, KS. to learn more about SharePoint with
a facilitated white board team meeting environment to discuss concerns clients
have in using SharePoint. This should be a good spirited discussion with much that
can be learned from the experiences of the professional attendees.
If you have an interest in
either learning more or sharing knowledge about SharePoint — come and join us.
John J Krzysztow
Facilitator/User Group Leader
April 11th: KC Code Artisans: Interesting data structures, stochastic computing, and dedicated hardware
"Innovative Women, Innovative Entrepreneurs" Thursday, April 11, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m, at the Central Exchange, Downtown Kansas City
Entrepreneurism can be an exciting path to success for women working in STEMM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine), following naturally from their skills as visionaries, collaborators and problem-solvers.
This Central Exchange event, "Innovative Women, Innovative Entrepreneurs", will explore entrepreneurism as a bold choice for STEMM women with two successful Kansas City STEMM entrepreneurs: Maria Flynn, President and CEO, Orbis Biosciences, and Chrys Sullivan, Founder, Useagility, about how they moved on from their corporate careers to channel their considerable expertise into innovative businesses.
Join us for a panel discussion facilitated by CiCi Rojas, President and CEO, Central Exchange:
Register Here:
When: Thursday, April 11, 11:30 a.m. - Noon: Networking and Lunch Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Central Exchange, 1020 Central, Kansas City MO
Program Cost: No charge Central Exchange members; $25 non-members
Orbis Biosciences is a company that has revolutionized the delivery, efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals. Flynn holds a M.S. in engineering as well as an M.B.A. Prior to joining Orbis, she was a director at Cerner Corporation. She was recognized this year as one of 2013’s Entrepreneurial Women to Watch by Entrepreneur magazine.
In 2008 Sullivan founded Usagility, an IT company with the idea that technology should be easy to use. Her business model was built around the notion that user-centered design is critical to business success. Before founding Useagility, Sullivan led client experience at H&R Block, responsible for leading user experience and client experience strategy company-wide.
This event is sponsored by the Women in STEMM initiative (WiSTEMM) at the Central Exchange, that seeks to shine a spotlight on careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine, and on women in Kansas City who are working in these industries. The series is sponsored by the Central Exchange Education Foundation through a grant from Spencer Reed.
8700 State Line Road #200
Leawood, KS 66206