Event Details (Event Code:170301)

It’s Windows. Re-imagined.
With best-in-class developer tools, an enhanced user experience and a built-in app store, Windows 8 is the developer’s digital playground. Join us and Microsoft experts for this complimentary, hands-on lab to build your Windows Store app for Windows 8.
Experience the Windows 8 playground today. It’s Free. It’s Fun. It’s Interactive.
Register online @ TripleI.com. 
This event is for regional IT managers, programmers, developers, tech professionals and entrepreneurs who, like Triple-I, are focused on the application of emerging technology to simplify life’s complexity.
Thursday, June 20
Lab | 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Happy Hour | 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Microsoft Offices
10801 Mastin
Suite 620, Building 84
Overland Park, KS 66210



Friday, June 14, 2013
4:00 PM

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)
    39.039829 -94.612267

    We're in the old white brick Fisca Oil building on Rainbow
  • Tech entrepreneurs, join us for happy hour...
    Venture Friday returns in June after a three-month hiatus and is back… with a vengeance. Join us as we christen our Founders and Flounders Lounge (see how that rhymes), a tribute to the people that got us here (that would be the Founders) and the ideas that DIDN’T (that would be the flounders)– Laugh at our misadventures and network with all kinds of Kansas City entrepreneurs at this month's Speed Meet Venture Friday.

    Venture Fridays is a simple but fun concept: The startup culture of Kansas City and surrounding areas is invited to gather at our private office lounge to discuss what we’re all thinking about, working on, needing help with, and might do for each other. Existing or aspiring entrepreneurs of all types and ages are invited. Let’s raise our glasses to building the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves. Doors are open 4 to 6 p.m. (typically) on the 2nd Friday of every month. Sometimes Venture Fridays will be co-located with other events, sometimes not.
    No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; read more in Discussions).
    Under 21 entrepreneurs welcome, but please let us know in advance (contact the organizers for info).
    Want to present your idea, get feedback, or find testers? Have an idea for an awesome entrepreneurial jam? We invite startup stimulation. Contact Abby Madison (amadison@rednovalabs.com)
    Entrepreneurs are driven by a need to create something new or build something tangible under conditions of extreme uncertainty. They’re spontaneously creative, able and willing to make decisions from the gut, and generally risk-takers. Entrepreneurship is also largely about helping others achieve the goals they care about. Is that you? Are you a driven outsider, possessed of a unique genius, ready to take outrageous risks and work incomprehensible hours to beat the odds? Well then, we like you already. Welcome to the group!


    SharePoint Free Training Event in Kansas City: Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms

    Join SharePoint Workflow Expert Julie Muccillo for breakfast and a live demonstration and discussion about one of the hottest solutions in the SharePoint marketplace: Nintex Workflow and Nintex Form. You can register for this event at: www.protiviti.com/sharepointevents


    Tuesday, June 4, 2013
    6:30 PM to

    10234 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943424 -94.532524

  • Cerner is hosting IxDA KC's next Meetup event at its Innovation Campus where we'll be treated to an engaging discussion by David Hogue on one of the most critical and yet occasionally undervalued UX principles - interaction research – as well as an unprecedented tour of the new UX lab at Cerner. Anticipated research topics include:

    * Researching optimal user interactions,
    * Testing the learnability of a design,
    * Researching with a limited (or no) budget,
    * Measuring design success and more!

    Cerner is graciously providing us with food (and maybe a few prizes)!

    6:30 pm - Social & food
    6:45 pm - Welcome by IxDA & Cerner
    7:00 pm - Dave's talk
    8:00 pm - Lab tours & social time

    David Hogue, Ph.D. is VP of Experience Design at Fluid, a design and development agency specializing in eCommerce and online retail headquartered in San Francisco. Areas of interest include HCI, UX, usability, XD, ID, data visualization, and applying psychological theory and research to real design problems. He earned his B.S. in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University in 1989, his M.S. in Applied Psychology from the University of New Orleans in 1992, and his Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from the University of New Orleans in 1994. He speaks regularly on the topics of Information and Interaction Design, Usability, and Online Customer Experiences, and has been invited to present at SXSW, D2W Conference, InfoCamp, Mobile+Web DevCon, Web Experience Forum, Adobe MAX…to name just a few. Learn more at davehogue.com and twitter.com/davehogue

    Can't wait until our next event? Got a great idea for what we can do?

    Join our LinkedIn group: linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3773351

    Or post on our Meetup board: meetup.com/IxDAkc/messages/boards


    Tuesday, June 4, 2013
    7:00 PM

    401 N 2cd St, Lawrence, KS


    Thursday, May 30, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/Cowtown-Computer-Congress/events
    440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is [masked].


    Monday, June 3, 2013
    6:00 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • We are returning to Snow & Company this week as they roll out a new - very geeky! - happy hour system. Join us to learn more about the new specials which are based on metrics that involve who's ordering which drink and how many. What?! Sounds like you better plan to be there!
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!


    Greetings fellow OWASP chapter meeting attendees in Kansas City and beyond: 

    Our next local chapter meeting will take place on Thursday June 20 at 6:30 PM.
    Location: Johnson County Community College Regnier Center Room 344, there is typically plentiful parking in the area.

    Larry Slobodzian from LockPath will be presenting on risk analysis and KPI (key performance indicators) in reports of vulnerability and configuration scanning.

    As usual, a lively question and answer period will follow the presentation.

    See you there!
    Mat Caughron
    Kansas City OWASP chapter volunteer leader


    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, May 30th, 2012:
    Dean Richards from Confio Software will be presenting: Query Tuning - Getting it Right the First Time
    Please take a moment and fill out the questionnaire in the following URL.  This is also listed on the user group home page and that should only take a few moments to fill out.  I'm looking for preferences and potential improvements on how the user group operates, thank-you for your help!
    Note that the meeting time has changed considerably!  I wasn't able to get the meeting put together last month, so I'm playing catch-up this month.  We've also been talking about bringing back evening meetings due to the number of people that can't make the afternoon meetings.  This means we may be playing the meeting times by ear, for a little while anyway.  Confio has graciously offered to come speak and will be providing food and drinks for this meeting.  
    We will be meeting at the Centriq training facility in the Seminar room.  Once you get to the Centriq entrance (Second floor, Suite 200), the Seminar room is all the way at the end on the left side.  There should be someone at the desk up front that can direct you if have trouble finding us.
    • 5:30 - 5:45 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 5:45 - 7:00 - Query Tuning - Getting it Right the First Time
    • 7:00 - 7:15 - Door Prizes and wrap up
    We look forward to seeing you all soon!
    8700 State Line Road, Suite 200
    Leawood, KS 66206

    KC SQL Server User Group web site: http://kansascity.sqlpass.org/


    SMCKC June Breakfast with Mayor Sly James, June 7

    Buy Tickets Here

    SMCKC is proud to welcome Mayor James for a very special breakfast presentation from 7:30 to 9 a.m. on Friday, June 7, 2013, at Think Big Partners (1800 Baltimore). Mayor James will be joined by City Communications Director and SMCKC-er Danny Rotert to talk about how Kansas City is using social media to engage the public -- and how SMCKC has helped to shape that engagement.

    In addition to sharing some lessons learned from tweet-savvy public officials and giving a glimpse into the future of City Communications, Mayor James and Rotert will also discuss the partnership bond that SMCKC and KCMO have established and how it has brought about a great series of collaborations.

    So don't get left in the virtual cold this June 7, because Mayor James wants to deliver a big frosty "thank you" to all that SMCKC has done to make #KC best!

    Seating will be available to the first 80 to arrive.


    6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting
    Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
    Presenter: Timothy Wright
    Topic: Windows 8 App Development: Things you need to know.
    Sponsor: AdKore/MegaForce


    Monday, May 27, 2013
    6:00 PM

    Needs a location
  • Hi all! We need a venue for Monday, Memorial Day! Please share you ideas below. It must be locally owned, downtown/midtown/plaza/westport, with good wifi, and good food & drink. Please share your ideas in the comments and we'll pick something this weekend!
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.


    Thursday, May 30, 2013
    7:00 PM

    440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Tuesday, June 25, 2013
    6:00 PM to

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.050659 -94.607025

  • Jim Duey will be providing the first in a series of talks to introduce functional programming. Jim is an experienced FP mind that can often be found speaking at conferences on various topics like clojure, monads, etc. We are lucky to have him at the event and you won't want to miss this series.
    We are looking for a speaker for our second talk. The talk should be in the 45 minute range and relate to functional programming in some way. If you have something you would like to present, contact me with a brief synopsis.
    Please RSVP so we can get as close to an accurate headcount as possible. Cerner has been kind enough to sponsor pizza for this event, and a headcount will help ensure no one leaves hungry.


    Hey everyone!
    Had a couple typos and missing links in my original post, and didn't see an edit
    function. Sorry for the double post.

    Autodesk is sending one of their own, uber teacher Gary Davis, to do a demo of
    the updated 2014 Entertainment Creation Suite. In addition to that, someone from
    Trinity 3d will be on hand to talk about their new material libraries. And
    finally we'll have indie filmmaker David Matheny talk briefly about his upcoming
    project, The Runaway Sun, and its indiegogo campaign. You can check out their
    campaign here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-runaway-sun

    Join us at HNTB 715 Kirk Dr., Kansas City, MO 64105 at 6:30pm for pizza and
    more! We'll also have some Sybex books on hand, some T-shirts, and some hats as
    door prizes and giveaways.

    Like us on our Facebook page
    (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aauga-in-KC/144293655589074) to easily RSVP or
    you can email me at "admin AT aaugakc.com" if you don't have Facebook.

    Can also follow us @aaugakc on Twitter!

    See everyone there!


    Thursday, June 20, 2013
    6:30 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/KC-Freelancers/events
    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    • As freelancers, we're always looking for more work, but should you really take on that next client? What are they going to be like to work with? Are they going to pay their bills? Are you going to drown in email and indecision?
      We're going to talk about these questions, red flags, bad experiences, and more at this meetup. Come with your questions, tips and tricks you use to separate the wheat from the chaff, and anything else you got.
      See you then


    Wednesday, May 29, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/Connecting-For-Good-Kansas-City/events/
    1624 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.050163 -94.604950

    We are east of 43rd & Stateline rd. 1 1/2 blocks- please click name for a map.
  • Join us at Connecting For Good, Inc. for our:
    Bi-monthly Digital Literacy meeting for Trainers & Mentors.
    Help teach people how to connect to and use the Internet.
    Some of the topics we cover are listed below:
    1. Computer Basics
    2. Keyboarding skills
    3. Mousing Around
    4. Search for jobs online
    5. Apply for jobs online
    6. Intro to Social Media
    7. Intro to Google Drive and Docs
    We provide one on one or group sessions at our training lab to give people the skills they need to find resources online to continue educating themselves so they can better their lives.
    We will have a short orientation session to get to know our volunteers, & determine if you want to be a trainer or mentor. We also have need for PC refurbishing help.
    Trainers will lead a class, assess the learners skills and ensure the learners complete at least 2 (two) class sessions.
    Mentors will assist a trainer, by helping any learners that need assistance with current lesson, each mentor will help 5 learners. You may assist them with using the mouse, where to type the URL, how to save a file, graphic or bookmark a webpage.
    We want to make sure we all follow a common theme when doing the digital literacy training for Connecting For Good.
    Questions: please call Dan @ 913.608.9392  8a-5p.


    Next week's meeting is sponsored by Confio Software.

    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, May 30th, 2012:
    Dean Richards from Confio Software will be presenting: Query Tuning - Getting it Right the First Time
    Please note that the meeting time has changed considerably!  I wasn't able to get the meeting put together last month, so I'm playing catch-up this month.  We've also been talking about bringing back evening meetings due to the number of people that can't make the afternoon meetings.  This means we may be playing the meeting times by ear, for a little while anyway.  Confio has graciously offered to come speak and will be providing food and drinks for this meeting.  
    We will be meeting at the Centriq training facility in the Seminar room.  Once you get to the Centriq entrance (Second floor, Suite 200), the Seminar room is all the way at the end on the left side.  There should be someone at the desk up front that can direct you if have trouble finding us.
    • 5:30 - 5:45 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 5:45 - 7:00 - Query Tuning - Getting it Right the First Time
    • 7:00 - 7:15 - Door Prizes and wrap up
    We look forward to seeing you all soon!
    8700 State Line Road, Suite 200
    Leawood, KS 66206
    KC SQL Server User Group web site: http://kansascity.sqlpass.org/


    National Day of Civic Hacking, June 1-2

    While some may associate “hacking” with malicious software geeks, in the current context, this whole email list is composed of “civic hackers”—citizens who worked hard and independently to effect the change they want to see in their community during the rally period last summer.

    Interested in celebrating this year's National Day of Civic Hacking in Kansas City? Here are three ways you can get involved:

    1) Join a team to help tackle a specific community problem. 

    2) Attend a civic technology expo that features application demos to help you build the community you want.

    3) Participate in a Write-A-Thon, an event that unites neighborhood experts, leaders and residents to provide content for the community site, WikiKC.org. The Write-A-Thon will be led by Andrew Hyder, our 2013 Code for America Fellow. 

    Check out the Hack Kansas City | National Day of Civic Hacking website for a complete schedule and online registration. 


    Welcome Reception for FTTH Council, May 28

    Register Here

    SMCKC, we know you love a good happy hour, and that's why we wanted to give you a heads-up about next week's Fiber To The Home Council welcome reception, to be held from 8 to 11 p.m. on May 28 at Snow & Co. (1815 Wyandotte). The council will be in town for the Community Toolkit Conference, so this is a great opportunity to meet and mingle with tech-minded guests who are staunch advocates of frictionless Internet and are excited about what's happening in Kansas City. Hope to see you there!


    May 28th: Smarter SharePoint KC


    Monday, May 27, 2013
    2:00 PM to

    440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

  • MEMBER EVENT for CCCKC & Hammerspace. Members bring your families or a friend and enjoy good food and company.
    DETAILS (see below):
    BOTH CCCKC & HAMMERSPACE MEMBERS: If you bring one or more people with you, please bring a pack of hot dogs & hot dog buns or hamburger patties & hamburger buns to share.
    CCCKC: Please bring a side dish to share (or chips & dip).
    HAMMERSPACE: Please bring a dessert to share.


    The next Agile KC meeting will be Thursday May 23, 1013 at 6:30 PM at Centriq Training Center. 

    Registration: This will be a sponsor supported event.  Dinner will be served.  In order to help our sponsor plan accordingly and know how many guests to expect, please register for this meeting at Eventbrite at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6700414119

    See www.agilkc.org for a map.  


    Meeting Topic:   Agile Cultural Evolution an Experience Report

    Meeting Learning:  

    During last month’s meeting on coaching, several of the members expressed that they would like to hear what some organizations have done and experienced in their adoption of agile practices and cultural changes.


    Meeting Description: 

    This meeting will be a panel discussion format.  Tom Westervelt, Nathan Lagergren and Steve Toalson will share their organizational backgrounds and experiences around the adoption of agile practices and changes in the team and organizational culture.


    The trio will discuss what has worked, what has not and what they have learned from the experience.  This will be an excellent opportunity to share your thoughts and observations on the topic as well as bring your questions for the community at large. 


    About the Speakers: 

    Steve Toalson is an Agile Team Coach at Hallmark Cards (learning and practicing agile for 1+ year).  He has also been a Project Manager (formerly PMP Certified) at Hallmark for 5 years.  He knew what he wanted to do when he was a freshman in High school.  He earned his BA in Computer Science from Washburn University and went to work for Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for 8 years.  He then relocated back ‘home’ to Lawrence from the east coast to work at Payless ShoeSource for 12 years prior to joining Hallmark.  Steve has a passion for working with people, which probably makes him suspect as a PM, but serves him well as an Agile Coach.

    Tom Westervelt has over 25 years of IT experience in the healthcare and financial industries, ranging from design to programming to project leadership.  He is currently the lead Scrum Master for the Business Process Solutions division of DST Systems, Inc. and has been one of the leaders of their Agile transformation for the past five years.

    Nathan Lagergren is an Enterprise Scrum Master at JP Morgan Chase, currently responsible for reengineering the software development process to ensure a successful transformation from waterfall to agile software development methodologies across multiple lines of business.


    Kansas City is joining the National Day of Civic Hacking and you can too on June 1st and 2nd at:


    Here is the information for the Leading SAFe Lunch and Learn on May 24, 2013 at Pierpont’s in Union Station. 


    Pierpont’s in Union Station

    Registration is required.  Register at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6284173131


    This presentation will help the executives, managers, and agile change agents responsible for leading Agile | Lean initiatives in larger software enterprises understand what the Scaled Agile Framework is and how it might help their organizations take the benefits they see at the team level and apply to the program and enterprise levels.  

    This will be a lunch and learn session.  Pierpont's has agreed to support Agile KC by providing a limited fixed price menu to the group.  Seating will be limited so please make sure you register for the event and if your circumstances change before the 24th, please cancel your order.

    The restaurant will provide separate checks for the attendees.  Lunch including gratuity will be around fifteen dollars per person.  You will be responsible for paying for your own lunch.  

    You can learn more about the Scaled Agile Framework at www.scaledagileframework.com.  You can learn more about leading the Scaled Agile Framework in your organization at www.leadingsafe.com.


    Friday, May 24, 2013 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

    Hope to see you there!


    Thursday, May 23, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Wednesday, June 12, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1600 Northwest Circle Drive, Blue Springs, MO (map)
    39.035286 -94.270218

    Located just a 1/2 mile north of I70 on Route7 in Blue Springs across the street from o'reily's 1600 NW Circle Dr Blue Springs MO. 64015

  • Joe's was nice for our 1st meeting and introductions, but I have moved the meetup over to the Blue Springs Country Club where we will have our own Hall and privacy so we can converse, share and work uninterrupted. The club has great Food and drinks and should be the perfect place to make progress
    Look forward to seeing you there, 
    Neil Bassett


    Tuesday, May 21, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.094872 -94.582489

  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


    Monday, May 20, 2013
    6:00 PM to

    1809 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO


    Monday, May 20, 2013
    6:00 PM

  • 31st & Gillham, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.070740 -94.577713

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • We're continuing on at Haus tonight for Geek Night. (The Green Lady Lounge is closed on Mondays, and no other suggestions came through.) So if you'd like to see us change venues, please chime in. But either way, we'll be enjoying sausages from The Local Pig and great beer specials until 7:00pm at Haus this evening.
    See you there! Bring a friend, bring whatever you geek out on.


    Saturday, May 18, 2013
    2:30 PM

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.970943 -94.734400

    We have the meeting room, but if it's beautiful outside, we may be out on the patio

  • My apologies everyone!
    I've dropped the ball, and let the third Saturday sneak up on me again this month.  I've had a number of our regulars let me know they won't make it this month, but I'm very excited to see all the new faces who have joined the group recently!
    I'm going to give our friends over at Red Nova labs their afternoon back, and have reserved us a spot at Black Dog Coffeehouse in Lenexa.  If you would like to drop by, grab some tea or coffee, and hang out, I'll be there.
    We can chat about your new project, set up your laptop or just hang out and meet your fellow developers.
    Hope to see you Saturday!


    6:30 PM, Wed, May 22, 2012
    Centriq Training Center
    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
    Sponsor: TBD

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

    In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Ray Harris ( kcwebpro1@kcwebpros.com">kcwebpro1@kcwebpros.com
    ) to indicate if you will be attending.  Thanks very much !

    This month's topic is:
    The Raspberry PI -- Setup and Usage (speaker: Ray Harris)

    The Raspberry PI may well prove to be the next revolution in computing, and is taking off like a rocket.  It is a full-blown computer on a credit-card sized circuit board.

    Ray will talk about and demonstrate:
    -- what the PI consists of
    -- setting up and configuring your PI using a Linux OS
    -- basic input and output
    -- programming on the PI
    -- working with multimedia
    -- working with webcams
    -- working with existing software apps
    -- setting up PI as a web server
    -- and more !  (but wait...  now how much would you pay...)

    Ray Harris Mini-Bio:
    Ray has been in the IT industry for 19 years. He has functioned as a software analyst, developer, project manager and software architect in the transportation arena; mutual fund financial services arena; health provider and insurance arena; mechanical engineering arena; video, voice and data cable provider arena; and most recently, the IT Benchmarking arena. Currently, Ray is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at VMWARE, responsible for the benchmarking and assessment engine software.

    Our website is:


    Thursday, June 6, 2013
    6:30 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • Meeting at Snow & Co. on our regular date for those who didn't go to see Dave Hogue on Tuesday. Lets get to know each other better and have some UX and UI discussions.


    Wednesday, May 22, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996

  • It's been two full years since we started PythonKC and we want to celebrate this great milestone.
    Come hang-out with us and enjoy some food and conversation.


    Wednesday, May 22, 2013
    7:00 PM
    4101 Main St, Kansas City, MO (edit map)


    Tuesday, May 21, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/nodekc/events
    250 Northwest Richards Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.120640 -94.590271

  • We'll be chatting about concurrency with node.js, covering the parallel.js library, using the core modules to fork a process/create a child process, and using the experimental cluster core module.


    Tuesday, May 21, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/Lawrence-Coders/events
    933 Iowa Street, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.966602 -95.262566

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Tuesday, May 21, 2013
    6:30 PM

    2107 Grand Boulevard #208, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.086819 -94.581566

    Located in the Historic Western Auto Building 2107 Grand Blvd
  • Topic: Installing and Using Lucky Orange.
    Lucky Orange (http://luckyorange.com) is a tool that lets you quickly see who is on your site and, if desired, interact with live users. It was designed to help marketers and publishers quickly and visually understand what is happening on a website, identify problem areas & observe and test possible solutions.

    Lucky Orange is a great tool that lets marketers see how site visitors actually use your website. One of the Lucky Orange tool records and archives videos of user movements and interactions with your interface.  Unlike traditional analytics tools, that just tell you who is on your site, Lucky Orange shows you what they are doing by recording videos of actual site visitor's behaviors. (watch a demo: http://luckyorange.com/watch_demo.php)
    Event and Group Organizer: TooBaRoo Internet Marketing & Web Development will be hosting the Kansas City Web Analytics, Google Analytics & Marketing Metrics Group.
    Each month we have one or more guest speakers discussing Google Analytics, Web Analytics and Marketing Metrics.

    Meeting Agenda*

    6:45 - 7:00 Welcome and Networking with food and drink
    7:00 - 8:00 Speakers: The makers of the Analytics Tool, Lucky Orange, will Demo & Provide instructions on how to use the product's many features.
    8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers with the makers of Lucky Orange
    8:30 - 9:00 Informal Breakout sessions for specific Q&A among group members

    * The actual agenda is flexible depending upon speaker's presentations and length of Q&A.

    All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at kcanalytics@toobaroo.com.

    Parking:  Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both east a west sides of the street.


    Thursday, May 16, 2013
    5:30 PM to

    111 W 10th Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.102234 -94.584335

    Downtown at Wyandotte and 10th
  • Free parking on the SE corner of Wyandotte and 10th. Awesome new iCafe site with cool digs and nice amenities. We are now at nearly 100 members. It's very important that you RSVP. If you RSVP "yes" and then decide "no" please, please let us know.


    Monday, May 20, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • http://www.meetup.com/DevOps-Kansas-City/events
    1814, Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.050659 -94.607025

  • Last time we were able to see an awesome presentation from Adam Jacob from Opscode on Globalization, Devops and not being a jerk. So we will try to do the agenda from last time, this time.

    5:30 – 6:15 – Meet, greet, and eat
    6:15 – 6:45 – Google Fiberspace Presentation
    6:45 - 7:00 - Welcome, introductions, and agenda
    7:00 – 7:30 – Meetup group logistics
    Expectations and general thoughts
    Potential future topics we'd like to cover
    Determine how often we'd like to meet
    7:30 – 7:45 – Infrastructure as Code, short prezo
    7:45 – 8:00 – "Picks" and then wrap-up.
    Solidify next few topics to cover
    Pick topic(s) and speaker(s) for the next meeting
    8:00 Wrap-up


    We're excited to tell you about some key updates with regard to our Hackathon (Hack The Midwest) - including prizes & judge selection.

    We're also happy to announce our fourth monthly showcase of innovation, entitled "Hack & Tell".... coming up on May 24th!!

    Don't forget, we've got some awesome events planned for 2013, so stay tuned for future announcements :)

    ****HACK THE MIDWEST - June 15th - 16th*****

    Over ONE HUNDRED developers have registered to create awesome apps in 24 hours for a chance to win over $3500 in prizes ($1000 in cash, iPad Minis, Lego Mindstorm, Raspberry Pi Kits & More)!!

    We only have room for 3 -4 more teams in this LIMITED 2nd batch of regular priced tickets. DON'T wait until the last minute and miss out on the opportunity, go register: http://www.hackthemidwest.com

    We're also happy to announce that we've selected a group of fantastic judges this year, real entrepreneurial minded founders & tech leaders in Kansas City:

    - Naithan Jones, Founder - AgLocal

    - Vercie Lark, Chief Information Officer - DST

    - Dennis Ehrich, Chief Information Officer - SMG

    ****HACK AND TELL - Friday, May 24th *****

    This monthly innovation showcase keeps getting more momentum!! In April we some great talks on locally built projects: a reverse proxy built in Node.JS, A Data Visualization API & Raspberry Pi (video below)

    Are you interested in hearing about other cool tools, libraries & hacks that other local developers, makers & hackers have built?

    Join us Friday, May 24th at CoWork Waldo - space is extremely limited, DON'T wait to register: http://www.kcitp.com/hackandtellkc/

    Mike Gelphman
    Founder/President, KCITP
    Founder - The Disruption Institute http://www.disruptioninstitute.com


    Tuesday, June 4, 2013
    6:30 PM to

    10236 Marion Park Dr., Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943123 -94.530838

  • Cerner is hosting IxDA KC's next Meetup event at its Innovations Campus where we'll be treated to an engaging discussion by David Hogue on one of the most critical and yet occasionally undervalued UX principles - interaction research – as well as an unprecedented tour of the new UX lab at Cerner. Anticipated research topics include:

    * Researching optimal user interactions,
    * Testing the learnability of a design,
    * Researching with a limited (or no) budget,
    * Measuring design success and more!

    Cerner is graciously providing us with food (and maybe a few prizes)!

    6:30 pm - Social & food
    6:45 pm - Welcome by IxDA & Cerner
    7:00 pm - Dave's talk
    8:00 pm - Lab tours & social time

    David Hogue, Ph.D. is VP of Experience Design at Fluid, a design and development agency specializing in eCommerce and online retail headquartered in San Francisco. Areas of interest include HCI, UX, usability, XD, ID, data visualization, and applying psychological theory and research to real design problems. He earned his B.S. in Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University in 1989, his M.S. in Applied Psychology from the University of New Orleans in 1992, and his Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from the University of New Orleans in 1994. He speaks regularly on the topics of Information and Interaction Design, Usability, and Online Customer Experiences, and has been invited to present at SXSW, D2W Conference, InfoCamp, Mobile+Web DevCon, Web Experience Forum, Adobe MAX…to name just a few. Learn more at davehogue.com and twitter.com/davehogue

    Can't wait until our next event? Got a great idea for what we can do?

    Join our LinkedIn group: linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3773351

    Or post on our Meetup board: meetup.com/IxDAkc/messages/boards


    Eastern Jackson County's Premier Entrepreneur and Business Event

    StartFEST is making its second appearance in Lee's Summit!  This high energy event is a must see for anyone who has seen the TV show SharkTank. Throughout the evening 10 entrepreneurs from the BOOST Lees Summit program will be demonstrating their innovations and ultimately conducting a 60 second live pitch for their business concept. This is your chance to see live the area's business up-and-comers.
    In a room filled with investors, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and community leaders this is a great opportunity for these new businesses to establish connections, stimulate conversation and witness possibly the next big thing in the eastern Jackson County business community.
    Complimentary wine, beer, and soft drinks will be served with a selection of hors d'oeuvres to ticketed guests. Tickets are free and should be ordered online through this invitation. 


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