Tuesday, May 21, 2013
6:30 PM

    2107 Grand Boulevard #208, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.086819 -94.581566

    Located in the Historic Western Auto Building 2107 Grand Blvd
  • Topic: Installing and Using Lucky Orange.
    Lucky Orange (http://luckyorange.com) is a tool that lets you quickly see who is on your site and, if desired, interact with live users. It was designed to help marketers and publishers quickly and visually understand what is happening on a website, identify problem areas & observe and test possible solutions.

    Lucky Orange is a great tool that lets marketers see how site visitors actually use your website. One of the Lucky Orange tool records and archives videos of user movements and interactions with your interface.  Unlike traditional analytics tools, that just tell you who is on your site, Lucky Orange shows you what they are doing by recording videos of actual site visitor's behaviors. (watch a demo: http://luckyorange.com/watch_demo.php)
    Event and Group Organizer: TooBaRoo Internet Marketing & Web Development will be hosting the Kansas City Web Analytics, Google Analytics & Marketing Metrics Group.
    Each month we have one or more guest speakers discussing Google Analytics, Web Analytics and Marketing Metrics.

    Meeting Agenda*

    6:45 - 7:00 Welcome and Networking with food and drink
    7:00 - 8:00 Speakers: The makers of the Analytics Tool, Lucky Orange, will Demo & Provide instructions on how to use the product's many features.
    8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers with the makers of Lucky Orange
    8:30 - 9:00 Informal Breakout sessions for specific Q&A among group members

    * The actual agenda is flexible depending upon speaker's presentations and length of Q&A.

    All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at kcanalytics@toobaroo.com.

    Parking:  Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both east a west sides of the street.
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