6:30 PM, Wed, May 22, 2012
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: TBD

Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Ray Harris ( kcwebpro1@kcwebpros.com">kcwebpro1@kcwebpros.com
) to indicate if you will be attending.  Thanks very much !

This month's topic is:
The Raspberry PI -- Setup and Usage (speaker: Ray Harris)

The Raspberry PI may well prove to be the next revolution in computing, and is taking off like a rocket.  It is a full-blown computer on a credit-card sized circuit board.

Ray will talk about and demonstrate:
-- what the PI consists of
-- setting up and configuring your PI using a Linux OS
-- basic input and output
-- programming on the PI
-- working with multimedia
-- working with webcams
-- working with existing software apps
-- setting up PI as a web server
-- and more !  (but wait...  now how much would you pay...)

Ray Harris Mini-Bio:
Ray has been in the IT industry for 19 years. He has functioned as a software analyst, developer, project manager and software architect in the transportation arena; mutual fund financial services arena; health provider and insurance arena; mechanical engineering arena; video, voice and data cable provider arena; and most recently, the IT Benchmarking arena. Currently, Ray is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at VMWARE, responsible for the benchmarking and assessment engine software.

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