Monday, July 1, 2013
6:00 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • Back to Snow & Company! We'll be here for the month of June, maybe longer. Their new "Drink Exchange" is a stock market style big screen that adjusts drink prices according to demand. Pretty cool stuff! And don't forget Happy Hour, which lasts until 7:00.
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!

    *A note for our tech recruiter friends: We get calls all day long from people trying to hire us away. Please respect the fact that we come to geek night to talk shop and geek out. You're welcome to do the same, but if you think you're going to recruit some devs, please look elsewhere.


    Thursday, July 4, 2013
    7:00 PM
  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Ubiquitous data collection by organizations has brought data science to the forefront of many industries. Data scientists are showing organizations how they can leverage data to optimize outcomes. It's time for KC data scientists to get together, share best practices, talk about tools/models and continue to push our profession forward! This group is geared towards data scientists doing statistical analysis, predictive modeling and visual representation. Not a data scientist, but interested in this type of data science? Attend the meetup and learn more about what data scientists do.


    Tuesday, July 2, 2013
    7:00 PM


    Thursday, July 18 2013

    3:00pm - 4:30 pm

    Johnson County Community College

    12345 College Blvd.

    Regnier Center Rm 101B

    Overland Park, KS 66210

    For our July meeting, we have invited a facilitator to guide us through LEAD (Listen, Empathize, Ask, Deliver).    This is an excellent customer service training refresher for any support desk associate.  It helps to build listening skills, teaches techniques for empathizing with the end-user, how to ask powerful troubleshooting questions and delivering the end result.  This is a perfect refresher course for team leaders and the support desk associate.


    Please bring yourself, and a group, to the upcoming networking event, Tuesday, May 7th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Cerner Corporation.


    Register Now and add this event to your calendar. 


    Thank you,


    Kim Manifold

    VP Communications

    HDI Heartland Chapter


    Monday, July 1, 2013
    6:00 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • Back to Snow & Company! We'll be here for the month of June, maybe longer. Their new "Drink Exchange" is a stock market style big screen that adjusts drink prices according to demand. Pretty cool stuff! And don't forget Happy Hour, which lasts until 7:00.
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!

    *A note for our tech recruiter friends: We get calls all day long from people trying to hire us away. Please respect the fact that we come to geek night to talk shop and geek out. You're welcome to do the same, but if you think you're going to recruit some devs, please look elsewhere.


    Hello All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, June 26, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: Power-IT

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : Power-IT

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's topic is:

    LIGHTNING TALKs on Personally Developed KOOL Projects (speakers: Those Who Volunteer) (roughly 15 or 20 minutes each)

    Siraj Konkader

    In-House Developed Test Framework for regression testing, user acceptance testing etc.
    The first version supports web application testing and uses the Selenium Webdriver.
    The test framework is table driven and does not require programming knowledge to create tests

    Hong Chen

    In-House Developed Car Registration project he did for the local school district

    Mark Short

    In-House Developed Facebook application :

    Steve Gardner

    In-House Developed MOBILE Application for customers to receive discounts and rewards from businesses :

    Our website URL is:

    See You There !!!


    Maker Faire: Kansas City celebrates things people create themselves — from new technology and electronic gizmos to urban farming and “slow-made” foods to homemade clothes, quilts and sculptures. This family-friendly event demonstrates what and how people are inventing, making and creating. It brings together Makers, Crafters, Inventors, Hackers, Scientists and Artists for a faire full of fun and inspiration. Come see what others are making and be inspired to tap into your own creativity!


    The next meeting of KC R Users group is coming up in ~ 2 weeks on Saturday, July 13th at 2pm at the plaza library large meeting room.

    Does anyone have a topic in mind or something you'd like to present?


    Monday, June 24, 2013
    6:00 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • Back to Snow & Company! We'll be here for the month of June, maybe longer. Their new "Drink Exchange" is a stock market style big screen that adjusts drink prices according to demand. Pretty cool stuff! And don't forget Happy Hour, which lasts until 7:00.
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!

    *A note for our tech recruiter friends: We get calls all day long from people trying to hire us away. Please respect the fact that we come to geek night to talk shop and geek out. You're welcome to do the same, but if you think you're going to recruit some devs, please look elsewhere.


    Monday, June 24, 2013
    5:45 PM to

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • We are set for 6/24/2013 at Snow & Company

    We are still looking for more Sponsors if you know any interested in the Kansas City area.

    Looking for suggestions on format.  We plan to do a more informal Social Mixer every 3rd meetup.  However if there are volunteers from the group to do 3 to 5 minute lightning talks on the subjects we gathered from last time, I would be more than happy to ensure we get a projector to facilitate this (if the venue doesn't have one already).


    Thursday, June 27, 2013
    7:00 PM
  • 4601 Madison Avenue, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.043865 -94.596970

    Park in the back lot (entrance on 46th St) and come in the back door. If you're stuck, tweet @josephahaden
  • In the year since we last had a beginners' WordPress MeetUp we've doubled in size. It's time to reach back out to the newest among us and help them to learn what it is about WordPress that makes us love it so very much.

    Join us at MMGY Global to walk through the basics (post-setup) and meet some like minded people!


    Thursday, June 27, 2013
    7:00 PM

    440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Thursday, June 27, 2013
    7:00 PM

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996



    Monday, July 1, 2013
    5:30 PM to

    414 East 12th Street, 1st Floor West Conference Room, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.099728 -94.578568

    1st Floor West Conference Room
  • Join us for the first Brigade meeting!


    Thursday, July 18, 2013
    6:00 PM

    31st & Gillham, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.070740 -94.577713

  • For round 2 of our #CSKC meetup, bring your biggest content challenge! In our first meetup, it was great to hear all the different perspectives of each group member and it's obvious that we have a bunch of smart, experienced content practitioners in KC. Let's leverage these perspectives to help each member solve big content challenges.
    Sidenote - If you know of other content practitioners/co-workers who would benefit from this group, pass along the invite!
    Looking forward to seeing you on the 18th!


    This months meeting will be held at the Cerner Innovation Campus on June 27, 2013 at 6:30 PM.   Please visit for a map.  
    Cerner will be sponsoring a pizza dinner at this event.  To help provide an accurate head count please register at via Eventbrite if you plan to attend.
    Meeting Topic:   Managing Multiple Scrum Teams Across the Enterprise
    Meeting Learning:  
    As organizations move to an agile model across the enterprise many things have to change.  A couple of examples of such changes might be the PMO and Architecture groups incorporating rolling wave planning and the introduction of the role of a Scrum Master to the HR team.  At this months meeting we'll learn first hand of some of the challenges and rewards that Cerner has encountered in its evolution.
    Meeting Description: 
    In the past 4 years, Cerner's development culture has transformed with the adoption of Agile practices. We will go over our experiences of how Scrum Masters and Technical Project Managers organizationally fit in as well as the pros and cons of having multiple scrum teams and how teams determine who will be a scrum master.
    We would like to encourage participants to come prepared with questions, as we would like to guide the presentation to your interests.
    About the Speakers: 
    Shahzad Zafar and Rachelle Wright are both Technical Project Managers at Cerner Corporation and are Agile Champions. They facilitate Cerner’s Agile Boot Camp courses and have been leading agile web development teams since 2009


    Tuesday, June 25, 2013
    6:00 PM


    At the Coffee House at DEG in Corporate Woods.  11:30 to 1:00pm.


    Tuesday, June 25, 2013
    6:00 PM to

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.050659 -94.607025

  • Introduction to Functional Programming - Jim Duey
    Jim Duey will be providing the first in a series of talks to introduce functional programming. Jim is an experienced FP mind that can often be found speaking at conferences on various topics like clojure, monads, etc. We are lucky to have him at the event and you won't want to miss this series.
    Why I still use Haskell - Andy Gill
    Andrew (Andy) Gill was born and educated in Scotland, and has spent his professional career in the United States. Andy received his Ph.D. from the University of Glasgow in 1996, then spent three years in industry as a compiler developer, and a year in academia as a principal project scientist. He co-founded Galois in 2000, a technology transfer company that used language technologies to create trustworthiness in critical systems. In 2008 he returned to academia and research, joining the University of Kansas and the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center.
    Andy believes that functional languages like Haskell are a great medium for expressing algorithms and solving problems. Since returning to academia, he has targeted the application areas of telemetry and signal processing, specializing in generating high performance circuits from specifications. His research interests include optimization, language design, debugging, and dependability. The long-term goal of his research is to offer engineers and practitioners the opportunity to write clear and high-level executable specifications that can realistically be compiled into efficient implementations.

    Please RSVP so we can get as close to an accurate headcount as possible. Cerner has been kind enough to sponsor pizza for this event, and a headcount will help ensure no one leaves hungry.


    Next week's meeting is sponsored by Valorem Consulting.

    Frank Kearney from Valorem Consulting will be presenting: New BI Features in Excel 2013
    Overview: Excel has traditionally been seen as the tool for bringing data together via “swivel chair integration” and a lot of v-lookups. With Office 2013, Microsoft is looking to expand on the native features of Excel with new and exciting add-ons to enhance the business intelligence functionality with tools such as Power View, Data Explorer and Geo Flow and features such as Flash Fill and Quick Explore.
    This presentation will demonstrate these new features to give you a better understanding of how Microsoft is taking a very familiar technology and making it new and exciting for the world of business intelligence and data analysis.
    Centriq was not able to accommodate our group this month, so the meeting location will be at the Microsoft office.   Also, please note that this will be another evening meeting beginning at 5:30PM.
    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, June 27th, 2013:
    • 5:30 - 5:45 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 5:45 - 7:00 - New BI features in Excel 2013
    • 7:00 - 7:15 - Door Prizes and wrap up
    We look forward to seeing you all soon!
    10801 Mastin St.
    Suite 620
    Overland Park, KS  66210

    Also, if you are planning to attend the   2013 PASS Summit in Charlotte, NC (October 15-18), use the following discount code when registering (SUM899CH).  
    This code entitles you to $150 off the registration fee and will help to raise funds for our local chapter.


    Monday, June 24, 2013
    5:45 PM to

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • We are set for 6/24/2013 at Snow & Company

    We are still looking for more Sponsors if you know any interested in the Kansas City area.

    Looking for suggestions on format.  We plan to do a more informal Social Mixer every 3rd meetup.  However if there are volunteers from the group to do 3 to 5 minute lightning talks on the subjects we gathered from last time, I would be more than happy to ensure we get a projector to facilitate this (if the venue doesn't have one already).


    Monday, June 24, 2013
    6:00 PM
  • 1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • Back to Snow & Company! We'll be here for the month of June, maybe longer. Their new "Drink Exchange" is a stock market style big screen that adjusts drink prices according to demand. Pretty cool stuff! And don't forget Happy Hour, which lasts until 7:00.
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!

    *A note for our tech recruiter friends: We get calls all day long from people trying to hire us away. Please respect the fact that we come to geek night to talk shop and geek out. You're welcome to do the same, but if you think you're going to recruit some devs, please look elsewhere.



    I won't rehash the entire thing, just that there will be 4 rounds and if you live and/or work in the KC area you are eligible to participate.



    RTanque is a game for programmers. Players program the brain of a tank and then send their tank+brain into battle with other tanks. All tanks are otherwise equal.



    Rounds will be run on Sunday nights, starting June 23, 2013. We will do a fresh pull of every bot that has been submitted, run each bot against each other bot, and post the results.

    We'll have 4 weekly rounds, where you can change your code to make your bot better. Average placement will determine the winner!

    We're planning on recording the matches so that you can playback and watch your bot's performance.

    Bot code will not be made public by default.


    TOPIC: BBQ Party & Networking Event - Western Auto Rooftop

    NOTE: I've updated this Meetup with a new Date, 06/25/2013. For more details, see the full listing:

    When: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:30 PM

    Where: TooBaRoo Internet Marketing Offices &  Western Auto Building Rooftop
    2107 Grand Boulevard #208
    Kansas City, MO 64108

    If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

    You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

    HOSTS: TooBaRoo Internet Marketing and Vizion Interactive

    Details: Join the Web Analytics Group on Tuesday June 25th, at the Historic Western Auto Building, 2107 Grand Blvd, in the Midtown/Crossroads District for a Rooftop Summer Event with the Kansas City Search Marketing Association. This is great opportunity for the Web Analytics Group to enjoy a nice evening of networking amidst the KC skyline and meet the Kansas City Search Marketing Group Members.  BBQ and refreshments will be provided.

    We hope to see you June 25th at the Western Auto Building starting at 6:30PM!


    - Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both sides or the street.

    - Additional Street Parking is available in the Crossroads District on 20th Street near the Cashew

    About the Group: Overview: This group is for anyone whose job, passion or business involves setting up, managing or interpreting web analytics, Google analytics or marketing metrics. Our meetings focus on practical discussion and learning.

    Who Should Join: Product Managers, Brand Managers, Bloggers, Business Owners and Webmasters should find the groups focus and content valuable for better capturing, understanding and reacting to the increasing amount of valuable web analytics and marketing data capable of being measured.


    Thursday, June 20, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Thursday, June 20, 2013
    6:30 PM
  • 1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    • As freelancers, we're always looking for more work, but should you really take on that next client? What are they going to be like to work with? Are they going to pay their bills? Are you going to drown in email and indecision?
      We're going to talk about these questions, red flags, bad experiences, and more at this meetup. Come with your questions, tips and tricks you use to separate the wheat from the chaff, and anything else you got.
      See you then


    SMCKC 5th Birthday Bash at Boulevard, June 27

    Buy Tickets Here

    It's our birthday--and we'll party if we want to! Join us, won't you? The festivities kick off at 5:30 p.m. on June 27 at Boulevard Brewing Company. Mingle and network as you enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres, Boulevard beer and wine and music. We'll celebrate past leadership and SMCKC's evolution with a multimedia presentation, after which the party kicks into high gear -- until 9 p.m., anyway.
    Grab your spot on EventBrite now, and don't forget your dancing shoes! 


    Buy Tickets Here

    We're excited to welcome funny man and Internet whiz Travis Wright as the featured speaker at our June Pro Lunch, to be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on June 20 at Lidia's (101 W. 22nd St.).

    Wright, a Digital Disrupter and Social Media Awesomizer for Norton and Symantec (among other roles, including stand-up comic), will offer his entertaining and insightful take on dos and don'ts of SEO, social media and content marketing.

    Sure, he'll chat about the Kansas City Chiefs Twitter debacle. He'll also share a wealth of other information, including tools to help you manage your business relationships online, content and video SEO strategies and a ton of social and content resources. 

    RSVPs are due by Monday, June 17, so head over to EventBrite and secure your spot now. Lunch is $25 for registered professional members and $35 for non-pro members. We hope you'll join us -- this is a can't-miss event!


    Thursday, June 20, 2013
    11:30 AM to

    10801 Mastin Street #130, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.932846 -94.702248

  • We have the privilege to host Daniel Vacanti, the person who first implemented Kanban for software on a project. Dan is one of the top Kanban trainers and Lean software thinkers in the world. And we have him for 90 minutes!
    Questions/topics for Dan will be solicited ahead of time, and JIT at the event. If you are interested in submitting topics before the event, add them to this thread on our Meetup discussion board.
    Bring a friend or coworker, they won't be disappointed!

    Format: Lean Coffee topical format
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
    This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
    Starbucks coffee is provided!


    Saturday, June 15, 2013
    2:30 PM

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.970943 -94.734400

    Probably big table--but if it's beautiful outside, we may be out on the patio
  • PHP Friends - With so many of us visiting family, attending hackathons, or on summer vacay, KC PUG is staying informal again this month.
    While the conference room is still under re-construction, we will be at Black Dog Coffeehouse in Lenexa.  If you would like to drop by, grab some tea or coffee and hang out, I'll be there.
    I'm hoping to try a more "open lab" format so bring your laptop and questions, but I have no doubt there will be plenty of discussion as well.
    Hope to see you Saturday!


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled "Stump the Experts:  Free Apple Tech support "Wednesday, July  3rd, 7pm at DCSS at 745 Vermont  Street in Lawrence, KS.


    Got a problem with your iPad, iPhone, Mac or otherApple device and want to save money and time?  Come to this meeting and ask all your questions to a panel of distinguished experts from a variety of fields for free.  This meeting we'd love beginners to ask questions and if you are an expert, please come and share your knowledge.



    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to for more info or contact Dave Greenbaum, 785-218-9676, to be notified of upcoming meetings.


    Hello All !

    Our next meeting will be held:

    6:30 PM, Wed, June 26, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: TBD

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

    In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please click *REPLY* to this email, and let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !


    This month's presentation is:


    LIGHTNING TALKs (speakers: Those Who Volunteer)



    We are REQUESTING for YOU to SPEAK about what YOU are DOING via a [LIGHTNING TALK] !

    We are in need of about 3 - 5 people to give a [LIGHTNING TALK] about their latest KOOL Project!

    A [Lightning Talk] is a VERY short presentation - They would each be roughly 15 minutes in length. The subject is on one of your KOO! L projects that you have done or are currently involved in now. It could be a website that you show-off to us or a KOOL app or game that's part of a bigger website. In other words - what's the KOOLEST that you have done and present it with a powerpoint OR NO powerpoint. Here is your chance to show off your work without having to prepare a huge formal really long presentation!

    PLEASE click REPLY to this email and/or send your idea to Ray Harris so that we can outline the meeting ASAP!

    Our website URL is:

    See You There !!!

    Ray Harris


    Thursday, June 27, 2013
    7:00 PM

    4601 Madison Avenue, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.043865 -94.596970

    Park in the back lot (entrance on 46th St) and come in the back door. If you're stuck, tweet @josephahaden
  • In the year since we last had a beginners' WordPress MeetUp we've doubled in size. It's time to reach back out to the newest among us and help them to learn what it is about WordPress that makes us love it so very much.

    Join us at MMGY Global to walk through the basics (post-setup) and meet some like minded people!


    Beginning Presentation:

    Description: Tip #4 - A Single query to Do Both Updates and Insertions from Microsoft Access Solutions by Arvin Meyer and Douglas J. Steele.

    The beginner topic for June is Tip 4 from the Microsoft Access Solutions book, presented by Silvia Siren. This topic will demonstrate how to use a query to keep table data synchronized. We will talk about different types of joins in a query and the data that results from them. Hopefully this topic will give us a different insight into ways that we can extract data for different purposes!

    Silvia works at Olathe Medical Center and uses Access for different projects within the Laboratory

    Advanced Presentation: Prototyping with Microsoft Access

    Description: VBA Error Handling:

    Have you ever wanted your VBA code display a more informative error message to your users? Well, we at the Access SIG would like to address that wish.

    Jim Watkins, a senior developer with Heritage Computers will address different methods of error handling to better inform your users how to 'fix' their own problems. We will also address how to do error logging in this presentation. There will be a sample database available for HUG member


    Microsoft Access 2010 In Depth by Roger Jennings. Do more with Microsoft Access 2010-in less time! This is the world’s most expert, complete, and practical guide to succeeding with Access 2010! Renowned Access expert Roger Jennings presents today’s best solutions for everything you need to do with Access 2010.

    Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

    Arlene Watkins, President


    Tuesday, June 18, 2013
    6:30 PM

    2107 Grand Boulevard #208, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.086819 -94.581566

    Located in the Historic Western Auto Building 2107 Grand Blvd
  • TooBaRoo Internet Marketing & Web Development will be hosting the Kansas City Web Analytics, Google Analytics & Marketing Metrics Group.
    Each month we have one or more guest speakers discussing Google Analytics, Web Analytics and Marketing Metrics.

    Meeting Agenda*

    6:45 - 7:00 Welcome and Networking with food and drink
    7:00 - 7:30 Google & Web Analytics Topic 1
    7:30 - 8:00 Google & Web Analytics Topic 2
    8:00 - 8:30 Group Discussion - Q&A and Answers To Previously Submitted Questions
    8:30 - 9:00 Informal Breakout sessions for specific Q&A among group members

    * The actual agenda is flexible depending upon speaker's presentations and length of Q&A.

    All attendees are encouraged to email questions to be answered at the event to Breht Burri at

    Parking:  Free Parking on Grand Blvd on both east a west sides of the street.


  • Group: Kansas City Web Professionals
  • Subject: KCWebPros: JUNE Meeting...Need LIGHTNING Talk Speakers!!!
  • KCWebPros: JUNE Mtg. 6/26/2013.....FOR OUR 600 MEMBERS!!!

    6:30 PM, Wed, JUNE 26, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: TBD

    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

    In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Ray Harris ( ) to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !


    We are REQUESTING for YOU to SPEAK about what YOU are DOING via a "LIGHTNING TALK"!:

    We are in need of about 3 - 5 people to give a "LIGHTNING TALK" about their latest KOOL Project!

    A "Lightning Talk" is a VERY short presentation - It could be ~5 minutes long or at a MAX of 15 minutes in length. The subject is on one of your KOOL projects that you have done or are currently involved in now. It could be a website that you show-off to us or a KOOL app or game that's part of a bigger website. In other words - what's the KOOLEST that you have done and present it with a powerpoint OR NO powerpoint. Here is your chance to show off your work without having to prepare a huge formal really long presentation!

    PLEASE send your idea to John K . or myself or Ray so that we can outline the meeting ASAP! Check out our URL below for contact information!


    See you there!

    Our website URL is:


    Monday, June 17, 2013
    6:00 PM

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

    Look for the laptops, pull up a chair, introduce yourself.
  • Back to Snow & Company! We'll be here for the month of June, maybe longer. Their new "Drink Exchange" is a stock market style big screen that adjusts drink prices according to demand. Pretty cool stuff! And don't forget Happy Hour, which lasts until 7:00.
    Bring a laptop, bring a friend or co-worker, and by all means bring whatever you're working on. We all come from different development backgrounds but historically this group plays well together. We help solve challenges (code and otherwise) and often wander into the latest tech news conversations as well.
    See you at Snow!

    *A note for our tech recruiter friends: We get calls all day long from people trying to hire us away. Please respect the fact that we come to geek night to talk shop and geek out. You're welcome to do the same, but if you think you're going to recruit some devs, please look elsewhere.


    The E2 conference is next week:

    Attend our Monday workshops to engage in focused discussions and dive deep into topics including big data, mobility, designing processes to spur innovation, and more.

    Conference Tracks | Tuesday - Wednesday


    Big Data & Analytics »

    The promise of Big Data is to give companies Big Insights: The ability to make game-changing decisions quickly. But implementing a Big Data... Read more »

    Cloud, SaaS & APIs »

    Software is being deployed, delivered and consumed in the enterprise in fundamentally different ways -- ways that offer more agility,... Read more »

    Mobility »

    In 2013, Companies are moving beyond simply providing employees with mobile email and calendar access to redesigning existing business processes and... Read more »

    Social & Collaboration »

    Social technologies — encompassing social networking for business and enterprise social software — are a powerful force changing the face of... Read more »

    User Experience & Design »

    If User Experience (UX) is not a top priority of your enterprise digital strategy, you are about to get left in the dust. The importance of a great... Read more »


    The technology surrounding our personal lives is infusing the workplace. The devices, services and tools available to consumers can have a... Read more »


    Today's technology leaders are under mounting pressure from executives and the broader workforce for near frictionless communications and... Read more »


    Drastic changes are occurring in enterprise application technology today as the demand for collaborative ideology, cloud, and mobile technologies... Read more »


    Just wanted to give a quick reminder and some direction for the meeting THIS Thursday June 13th.

    The meeting for will be in Conference Room 434. You can park in the parking lot closest to the entrance. When you come in, say you're with AAUGA and you're going to Room 434. You can either take the stairs or elevator to the 4th floor, then when you exit the stairs or elevator, go to your right and it's next to the big central staircase in the middle of the building.

    If need be, you can have them page me and I can come downstairs.

    Thanks and see everyone there!


    ****HACK THE MIDWEST - June 15th - 16th*****

    Over ONE HUNDRED developers have registered to create awesome apps in 24 hours for a chance to win over $3500 in prizes ($1000 in cash, iPad Minis, Lego Mindstorm, Raspberry Pi Kits & More)!!

    We only have room for 3 -4 more teams in this LIMITED 2nd batch of regular priced tickets. DON'T wait until the last minute and miss out on the opportunity, go register:

    We're also happy to announce that we've selected a group of fantastic judges this year, real entrepreneurial minded founders & tech leaders in Kansas City:

    - Naithan Jones, Founder - AgLocal

    - Vercie Lark, Chief Information Officer - DST

    - Dennis Ehrich, Chief Information Officer - SMG


    Monday, June 24, 2013
    5:45 PM to

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • We are set for 6/24/2013 at Snow & Company

    We are still looking for more Sponsors if you know any interested in the Kansas City area.

    Looking for suggestions on format.  We plan to do a more informal Social Mixer every 3rd meetup.  However if there are volunteers from the group to do 3 to 5 minute lightning talks on the subjects we gathered from last time, I would be more than happy to ensure we get a projector to facilitate this (if the venue doesn't have one already).


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