Kauffman Labs Coding Workshop - Node.js

Friday, October 25, 2013  -  Saturday, October 26, 2013

Kauffman Labs
4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64110

Monday, October 21, 2013



Thursday, October 24, 2013
4:00 PM to

  • http://www.meetup.com/VentureLounge
    6220 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.914810 -94.657730

  • Welcome to the Venture Lounge! (formerly known as Venture Friday)
    The Enterprise Center of Johnson County (ECJC) and the Mid-America Angels (MAA) are excited to launch Kansas City's first Venture Lounge event. We are bringing together entrepreneurs and early-stage capital influencers (the investors, advisers, bankers, etc...) for an informal happy hour. We will have a brief program set up at the beginning of the event where:
    • Select entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to give a 90 second elevator pitch.
    • We will also be introducing the early-stage capital influencers in attendance.
    Drinks and light snacks will be available.
    Several sponsorships are available - Contact us to support the Venture Lounge
    Our host sponsor, Sprint, is generously providing their beautiful Winter Garden venue space for the launch of this event. 


    Saturday, October 5, 2013 10:00 AM

  • 30 West Pershing Rd , Kansas City, mo (map)
    39.085079 -94.585732

    We will be at the New Makers Studio in the back part of Science City!!
  • We are partnering with Lumi and Instructables.com the creator of a new DIY alternative to screen printing which uses photographic print dyes on textiles and natural materials, for our September build night.
    Instructables.com is sending us:
    (1) Print Fabric with Light kit (color tbd)
    (1) 16oz bottle of Inkodye (color tbd)
    (1) Inkofilm

    (sufficient materials for 15-20 people)


    Come listen to Kansas City IT professionals from multiple industries share advice and stories about their transitions to managed services in a panel discussion brought to you by LightEdge Solutions.

    • When: Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 7:30am-9:00am Add to my calendar
    • Where: KU Edwards Campus - BEST Conference Center
      12600 Quivira Road Overland Park KS 66213


    Tuesday, October 29, 2013
    6:30 PM

  • 12345 College Boulevard, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.924896 -94.726860

  • A Sip of Elixir - Will Gorman
    As systems continue to become more distributed and concurrent, Erlang can provide attractive solutions for reducing the complexity that often arises in these systems.  Erlang's syntax, however, may not be as attractive.  Elixir is a language that runs on the Erlang VM and provides a Ruby inspired syntax while still maintaining Erlang's strengths in dealing with concurrency.  In this talk we'll take a brief look at some of the features of Elixir.
    About the Speaker
    When not acting as a human jungle gym for his two kids, Will Gorman enjoys making artisanal handcrafted 0's and 1's.
    Big Data Processing on a Small Scale Using Scala - Sean Griffin
    Sean will discuss his academic experiment to use functional programming techniques and features in Scala, particularly lazy evaluation and parallel collections, to replicate a local solution commonly solved using map/reduce.  The theory is: Hadoop overhead might be overkill.  He'll discuss the project, his attempted solution, and its results, whether it be success or epic fail.
    About the Speaker
    Sean has been doing software development for over 13 years at Cerner Corporation, working primarily on server-side reporting, SOA, and most recently, large scale ETL within the Hadoop ecosystem.  In 2009, Sean started hearing about Scala and quickly got on a path to spread it through his teams and the rest of the company through adoption, tool development, and education.  He has presented on Scala both at the Kansas City Developer Conference and Cerner's internal Developer Conference.  He has also contributed code to the scalatest-maven-plugin and has worked with Artima president and Escalate Software co-founder Bill Venners to determine future Scala Test features.
    New Attendees
    Welcome!  This is an easy meetup to get involved with.  There are no functional programming experience expectations or prerequisites of any kind, though some talks are more advanced than others.  These events are generally well suited to help infuse functional programming ideas into an existing programming skill set.
    Event Location
    Johnson County Community College has been kind enough to host this event, so a big thank you to the staff!  Enter from the College Blvd/Oakmont entrance and park in the Student Center lots (indicated by the student walking icon) or near the Carlsen Center (CC), to access GEB from the north entrance. 
    Wifi at the Event
    1.  From a wireless device, go to SETTINGS and select JCCC-WIFI.
    2.  Open a browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox) and enter: www.jccc.edu
    3.  Once connected, click on SELF-SERVICE (bar under GUEST WIRELESS).
    Complete the name fields to generate a guest wireless userID/password to use while on campus.
    Additional Notes
    O'Reilly has provided us with a book from their functional programming collection to give out as a prize at this event.  If you have any clever ideas on a game we can play to pick a winner, please send me an email.
    I will update this post with food details when I know them.


    Bill Fellows, BI Consultant with Valorem Consulting will be presenting: Type More, Click Less: Programmatically build SSI

    Overview: Developing repetitive strain injury (RSI) from all those mouse clicks in Business Intelligence Development Studio/SQL Server Data Tools? Longing to automate the tedium in SQL Server Integration Services package creation? In this session, we’ll explore the Integration Services object model and learn how to create rich packages without ever clicking our mouse. You’ll learn about the basic object model, the EzAPI wrapper for it, as well as using BIMLScript to build moderately complex packages.


    Please note, this will be an evening meeting at the Cerner Riverport Campus (where we just had SQL Saturday), drinks and snacks will be available.  You'll want to park in the same parking garage you did for SQL Saturday and head across the skywalk.  We'll be meeting in the Sports Bar on the lower level.

    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, October 3rd, 2013:

    • 6:00 - 6:10 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 6:10 - 7:10 - Type More, Click Less: Programmatically build SSI
    • 7:10 - 7:30 - Door Prizes and wrap up

    We look forward to seeing you all soon!



    Cerner Riverport Campus
    6711 NE Birmingham Rd
    Kansas City, MO 64117


    Wednesday, October 2, 2013
    6:00 PM

  • 7285 West 132nd Street #140, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.888622 -94.670265

  • KC's PHP User Group now has a Weekday Evening edition!
    We are excited to announce the kick off to the new evening sessions of the PHP User Group!  Our new sponsor TekSystems will be hosting and bringing the Pizza.  Come join us for food, friends and plenty of sharing at this inaugural event!
    Lightening Talks
    To kick off our new evening series, this his month's theme will be around "I Love PHP and..." where we will showcase several different styles and development philosophies in the PHP ecosystem.  PHP continues to offer so much more than blogging platforms and sloppy code. Come join the discussion and see why PHP continues to power 80% of the web.
    Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but for the evening sessions we will try:
    6:00-6:30 pm Pizza and Socializing
    6:30 pm Meet and Greet new members!
    • Review the "Last Month in PHP"
    • Prepared talks, demos, etc
    • Open group discussion on any development topic, concern or question

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand PHP Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than only PHP. Whether you're curious or just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla, our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a more formal presentation to the group, or demoing something new and cool you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting and tell us your ideas!


    Wednesday, October 16, 2013
    6:30 PM to

  • 4801 Rockhill Rd, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.039837 -94.577682

  • We have the date and place set for the next meetup.  Pizza and soda will be provided.  We are looking into alcohol.
    The September Meetup seemed to go well with a lot of great contributions from members of the group.  Please post and let us know if you want to do that again or if you think another format would work.


    Saturday, September 28, 2013
    10:00 AM to

  • 30 West Pershing Rd , Kansas City, mo (map)
    39.085079 -94.585732

    We will be at the New Makers Studio in the back part of Science City!!
  • We are partnering with Lumi and Instructables.com the creator of a new DIY alternative to screen printing which uses photographic print dyes on textiles and natural materials, for our September build night.
    Instructables.com is sending us:
    (1) Print Fabric with Light kit (color tbd)
    (1) 16oz bottle of Inkodye (color tbd)
    (1) Inkofilm

    (sufficient materials for 15-20 people)


    Tuesday, October 1, 2013
    6:30 PM

  • 3101 Troost Ave. 2nd floor, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.070419 -94.571190

    3101 Troost (Corner of 31st & Troost-east side)
  • Join us at Connecting For Good, Inc. for our:
    Monthly Digital Literacy meeting for Trainers & Mentors.
    Help teach people how to connect to and use the Internet.
    Some of the topics we cover are listed below:
    1. Computer Basics
    2. Keyboarding skills
    3. Mousing Around
    4. Search for jobs online
    5. Apply for jobs online
    6. Intro to Social Media
    7. Intro to Google Drive and Docs
    We provide one on one or group sessions at our training lab to give people the skills they need to find resources online to continue educating themselves so they can better their lives.
    We will have a short orientation session to get to know our volunteers, & determine if you want to be a trainer or mentor. We also have need for PC refurbishing help.
    Trainers will lead a class, assess the learners skills and ensure the learners complete at least 2 (two) class sessions.
    Mentors will assist a trainer, by helping any learners that need assistance with current lesson, each mentor will help 5 learners. You may assist them with using the mouse, where to type the URL, how to save a file, graphic or bookmark a webpage.
    We want to make sure we all follow a common theme when doing the digital literacy training for Connecting For Good.
    Questions: please call Dan @ 913.608.9392  8a-5p.


    Tuesday, October 1, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)


    The meeting this week will be rescheduled for next Thursday, October 4th.  More information to follow as soon as venue and speaker topic are finalized.


    The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and Think Big Partners would like to invite KCITP members to attend iKC: The Unconference (www.ikctheunconference.com). iKC: The Unconference is an open format conference to facilitate collisions between innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and connectors. We are striving for a variety of people to attend the conference for maximum collision density and want you to join. Unlike most conferences, attendees submit and vote on topics valuable to them to create the agenda for the day. It’s unscripted. It’s unexpected.

    iKC: The Unconference will take place on October 3, 2013 from 8:00AM-6:30PM at H&R Block World Headquarters in vibrant downtown Kansas City. The unconference will be followed by a closing session at Alamo Drafthouse and the world premiere of Tech Trek: A Glass Documentary, exploring America's most innovative cities, startups and entrepreneurs all through the frames of Google Glass (a limited number of complimentary passes to Tech Trek are available to iKC conference pass holders- RSVP is required.)

    Join Kansas City innovative thinkers on October 3! We’d like to offer you a $15 discount code on iKC tickets. Use discount code: "KCITP" during registration.

    If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Snyder or Emily Leeper at ikc@thinkbigpartners.com. Look forward to seeing you on October 3!


    Software Craftsmanship North America 2013

    8th Light, Inc

    Friday, November 8, 2013 at 8:30 AM - Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 4:30 PM (CST)

    Chicago, IL



    Monday, September 30, 2013
    5:30 PM

  • 115 W. 18th St., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091625 -94.585350

    We're on Floor 3 of the Bauer Building on 18th. We will try to have the front door open. If locked, please look us up on the phone box and we'll buzz you in.
  • Due to a scheduling conflict with the Mayor's Challenge Cabinet tonight, our regularly scheduled biweekly meeting is being moved back a week. Join us at the new Luminopolis HQ in a crazy old building down in the Crossroads. Drinks & snacks furnished.

    Hack Night in the New Lumi HQ. Let's start prioritizing and mapping out project teams.


    Monday, September 30, 2013
    6:00 PM

  • 1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.094872 -94.582489

    Look for the laptops and introduce yourself!
  • The bar seats at Tannin go fast! Come early for happy hour which features half price starters and 25% off glasses of wine from 4-6pm. Seats at the bar are great for working, and the patio is lovely as long as the weather is to. Power outlets are difficult to come by; charge up before you head over.
    Tannin is where Geek Night originated! Join us here on Monday nights during the entire month of September. See you on Monday!


    Our presenter for this meeting on Wed 25th at 06:30 will be Neill Horton. This is a must see presentation for all serious .net developers. Please RSVP so we can get a food count.
    Neill has been in the IT industry for over 13 years. He is experienced in developing .NET and Java applications and transfers his knowledge to students in Centriq’s Application Developer Career Track. His passion for technology and learning are visible in his always-energetic classroom environments. He currently specializes in teaching C#, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, WCF, javascript/jQuery, SQL, HTML/CSS, AJAX, LINQ, and Entity Framework.
    MVC - from MSDN:
    The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The ASP.NET MVC framework provides an alternative to the ASP.NET Web Forms pattern for creating Web applications. The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication.
     The MVC pattern helps you create applications that separate the different aspects of the application (input logic, business logic, and UI logic), while providing a loose coupling between these elements. The pattern specifies where each kind of logic should be located in the application. The UI logic belongs in the view. Input logic belongs in the controller. Business logic belongs in the model. This separation helps you manage complexity when you build an application, because it enables you to focus on one aspect of the implementation at a time. 
    John J Krzysztow "John K"
    "We Finish What Other Companies Start"
    President/CEO Cjk Software Consultants, Inc.


    iKC: The Unconference | October 3rd
    iKC: The Unconference is an open format conference to facilitate collisions between innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and connectors. Unlike any other event in Kansas City, iKC is all about taking great ideas and turning them into action. Attendees have the opportunity to submit and vote on ideas they want to hear as the session topics for the day.  
    The conference will held at H&R Block World Headquarters on Thursday, October 3 from 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., followed by a closing reception at Alamo Drafthouse and the world premiere of  “Tech Trek”, a local documentary exploring America's most innovative cities, startups and entrepreneurs all through the frames of Google Glass.
    SMCKC attendees get a $15 discount on all tickets! Use discount code: SMCKC15 during registration. Register at http://www.ikctheunconference.com/


    SMCKC October Breakfast: Linda Buchner with MINDDRIVE | 
    October 4th
    MINDDRIVE is an educational program that uses experiential methods to
    teach at-risk urban high school teens through hands-on work in its
    automotive design and contemporary communication classes. The
    automotive class builds prototype ultra-high-efficiency alternative
    fuel plug-in electric vehicles designed to drive efficiently. The
    communications class teaches students how to write, present,
    photograph, video, construct and manage web pages and use social media
    Linda Buchner, the President & Cause Marketing/Public Relations
    Director of MINDDRIVE and Eric Looney, Group Creative Director at VML, will discuss how they teamed up to develop and execute the MINDDRIVE'S Social Fuel Tour.
    The SFT was a social media-fueled drive this past summer, where they built an
    electric car, connected to an Arduino device that monitored the social activity about MINDDRIVE
    and their sponsors to govern their car's power. The students went on an incredible journey from K.C. to D.C. with their "social fuel" and a strong message about the hands-on learning methods of MINDDRIVE. The students and mentors of the program were sponsored by our state's Congressman, Emanuel Cleaver and they met with legislators and government officials to help drive change in education.
    COMPUTER DRIVE AT OCTOBER BREAKFAST: This is your opportunity to bring used desktop or laptop computers to be donated to Connecting for Good. We'll have a collection at the October 4 breakfast at ThinkBig with tax receipts available. Click here for more information! 


    The Lawrence Apple Users' Group 2.0 will be having a meeting entitled
    "iPhoneography: Using your iPhone to take and manipulate photos "Wednesday, October 2nd,7pm
    at DCSS at 745 Vermont Street in Lawrence, KS.

    Robbin Loomas, an award winning photographer and digital artist, will present on what mobile photography is and how it has changed photography forever. Robbin will show you why the camera app that came with your phone is not the best to use. She'll show you the best processing apps, when and how to use them. Amazing art and photography can be created with a mobile device and she'll share why, after years as a professional photographer with a DSLR and hours logged in on Photoshop, she now reaches for her iPhone first.

    Meetings are always free and questions are always welcome, even if it isn't about the topic being discussed. A door prize will also be given out to an attendee. Go to http://www.laugks.org/ for more info


    Sep 24
    6:00 PM - Monthly Meeting
    Centriq Training, 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS 66206
    Presenter: Rob Reynolds
    Topic: Puppet on Windows
    Sponsor: PowerIT


    Thursday, September 26, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    Thursday, September 26, 2013
    5:30 PM to

  • 12610 Quivira Rd., Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.899780 -94.723854

  • After a long hiatus, we are happy to announce that we are bringing back regular meetups. Our September meeting will take place on the 26th at KU Edwards Campus at 5:30 pm.
    Its the perfect time to discuss new iOS 7 features, specially related to location awareness that were announced today. We will discuss CoreLocation updates and CoreBluetooth and use iBeacons.
    A lot of us use APIs and sometimes we just need a good way to draft up a good API interface specification. We will discuss API documentation and mock up APIs using Apiary.
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about, please contact us before September 20th as we want to finalize who all will be presenting by then. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the group know!
    Food and drinks will be provided, so please RSVP if you plan on attending so we can get proper amounts of each.
    Regnier Hall - Room 153

    KU Edwards Campus
    Regnier Hall
    12610 Quivira Rd.
    Overland Park, KS 66213

    5:30-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members. We'll have some snacks until they're gone.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8 - Follow-up discussions with members.
    8:15-10 - Informal gathering at Barley's Brewhaus (11924 W 119th St, Overland Park, KS 66213)
    Looking forward to seeing everyone!


    KCWebPros: SEPTEMBER Mtg. 9/25/2013.....FOR OUR 610+ MEMBERS!!!

    ITS FALL! So Let's get back into KC WEB PROS MODE!

    6:30 PM, Wed, SEPTEMBER 25, 2013

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: GDH Consulting
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : GDH Consulting
    In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to Kurt Loudon ( kwlinc1988@yahoo.com) to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's presentation is:

    MVC - from MSDN:

    (speaker: Neill Horton )

    The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The ASP.NET MVC framework provides an alternative to the ASP.NET Web Forms pattern for creating Web applications. The ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that (as with Web Forms-based applications) is integrated with existing ASP.NET features, such as master pages and membership-based authentication.

    The MVC pattern helps you create applications that separate the different aspects of the application (input logic, business logic, and UI logic), while providing a loose coupling between these elements. The pattern specifies where each kind of logic should be located in the application. The UI logic belongs in the view. Input logic belongs in the controller. Business logic belongs in the model. This separation helps you manage complexity when you build an application, because it enables you to focus on one aspect of the implementation at a time

    Neill Horton Mini-Bio:

    Neill has been in the IT industry for over 13 years. He is experienced in developing .NET and Java applications and transfers his knowledge to students in Centriq’s Application Developer Career Track. His passion for technology and learning are visible in his always-energetic classroom environments. He currently specializes in teaching C#, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, WCF, javascript/jQuery, SQL, HTML/CSS, AJAX, LINQ, and Entity Framework. Currently, Neill is on a HOT Streak with WINNING Centriq's INSTRUCTOR OF THE YEAR Award the LAST 4 YEARS!


    Tuesday, September 24, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.094872 -94.582489

  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


    Our next meeting it coming up on Tuesday, September 24th. Now you can register for the event here: https://smartersharepointkc.eventbrite.com/ This meeting will be a demo Waddell & Reed's extranet.

    SharePoint Consultant at DEG
    WHEN: Tuesday, September 24th, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    WHERE: Microsoft Office, Corporate Woods, 10801 Mastin Blvd Ste 620, Overland Park, KS, 6210

    Waddell & Reed Presents…

    This meeting will demonstrate how another great local Kansas City company utilizes SharePoint as their extranet. Please join us as they walk us through their site demoing the following features:
    Custom branding with responsive design
    Role-based content (more than just audience targeting!)
    Switching dynamically between roles
    Message notification center using Neudesic Pulse
    Related content displayed based on metadata tagging
    …and much more

    Lunch will be provided as always.

    Please register for this event at: https://smartersharepointkc.eventbrite.com


    Your Organizer, Daniel Holmes, sent the following message to some members of Kansas City's PHP User Group:

    Hello Kansas City!

    I'd like to thank Andrew and VML for allowing us to meet at their offices this month.  If you haven't been out to VML, it's very cool--and in the Downtown Airport to boot!  I hope to see you this Saturday at 2:30!

    Please don't forget to RSVP we know know you are coming!



    Just posting a reminder that our meeting is next week and to ask that you register if you plan on attending.


    This should be a great presentation\discussion.  I met with Craig last week and he gave me a preview of what he's thinking.  This presentation is well beyond the typical 'velocity and burn up charts' are good agile metrics.  I won't spoil it, but if you're on the fence on whether to attend or not or if your organization is struggling with agile adoption do yourself a favor and join us on the 26th.  If you think your organization has Agile in its DNA and can sneeze meaningful metrics, join us and share your insights. 


    Also, I humbly recommend that you BRING YOUR PM'S, PMO PERSONAS AND LEADERS.  They'll get a good dose of the importance of understanding what Agile metrics really are and what they are not.

    See you on 9/26/13!



    Wednesday, October 2, 2013
    9:00 AM to

  • Needs a location
  • Price: $100.00/per person
  • Introduction to Responsive Web Design for Designers
    This one-day seminar for designers covers how to apply the principles of good user and experience (UX) and interaction design (IXD) across a range of devices, from smartphones to tablets to laptops, and it prepares you to craft designs that work seamlessly across different screen sizes. We will discuss using grids and breakpoints, navigation, content layout and scaling, and effective responsive design patterns in the context of a hands-on project where you'll create a simple responsive prototype.
    Dave Hogue, was here in


    Monday, September 30, 2013 9:00 AM

  • 401 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.039452 -94.592346

  • Price: $149.00/per person
  • [RSVPs go on the D2WC site, not here...]
    D2W & MuraCon2013 September 30 & October 1.
    D2W, the 4th annual Designer, Developer and Workflow Conference — and MuraCon, the only user conference focused solely on Mura CMS — have paired up to make the conference even bigger this year. A new location this year, too: the Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza. It's all about community...the heart of every open source project. From newbies to power users, D2W/MuraCon gives you the opportunity to share and learn from all of them! We have a great location, comfortable rooms, and some of *the* best speakers in the country.
    Date: Monday, September 30 through Tuesday, October 1, 2013
    Designers, Developers and mobile teams are all welcome this year. We have the best lineup of speakers around from 9am to 5pm with 60-minute sessions throughout the day.
    You get 2 conferences for the price of 1. 
    D2W & MuraCon is the only user conference where workflow knowledge is a key part of every session. You'll get 2 days of presentations by both Mura Team members and the best the Mura Community has to offer. Visit getmura.com to learn more about the Mura CMS).
    There's only one place in Kansas City where a community of designers, developers, mobile and UX'ers gather, and it only happens once a year. Take advantage of the unique networking opportunities D2W/MuraCon presents. 

    Use code usergroup-KC for a $99 discount. We will count on seeing you in September! 

    RSVPs are turned off here on the Meetup site; please visit D2WC.com for all the details, and http://d2w-muracon.eventbrite.com/ to register!


    Wednesday, September 25, 2013
    5:30 PM to

  • 10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943122 -94.530841

  • Hope you enjoyed your summer vacation.  We took the month of August off due to lack of planning.  
    Looking for ideas from the community on talks.  Please post openly in this forum or contact Aaron Blythe directly if you have ideas for talks or lightning talks you would like to present.
    Please suggest topics. 
    For parking, attendees will need to check in with the security guard at the front gate and visitor parking is the first lot on the right after the gate. The main entrance is next to the visitor parking lot and attendees will need to wait in the lobby for a Cerner associate to escort them to the Game Room.
    Pizza and soda will be provided.


    Monday, September 23, 2013
    6:00 PM

  • 1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.094872 -94.582489

    Look for the laptops and introduce yourself!
  • The bar seats at Tannin go fast! Come early for happy hour which features half price starters and 25% off glasses of wine from 4-6pm. Seats at the bar are great for working, and the patio is lovely as long as the weather is to. Power outlets are difficult to come by; charge up before you head over.
    Tannin is where Geek Night originated! Join us here on Monday nights during the entire month of September. See you on Monday!


    Come and join us for our next HDI Heartland Chapter event!

    We will be sponsoring a BBQ in the great outdoors. Meat, condiments, plates, napkins, utensils, and drinks will be provided. We just ask that you bring a side dish of some sort (chips, etc.).


    We will also have door prizes available, but you have to attend to win. 


    Please come and join us for this informal networking event.


    Register Now and add this event to your calendar. 


    Thank you,


    Kim Manifold

    President/VP Communications

    HDI Heartland Chapter


    When & Where


    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    3:30pm - 5:00pm


    Macken Park

    1000 Clark Ferguson Dr.

    Shelter #2

    North Kansas City, MO 64116  
    Register Now  


    Your Organizer, Breht Burri, sent the following message to some members of Kansas City Web Analytics & Marketing Metrics:

    Google Fiber will be installing at our building and possibly our unit starting tomorrow. Consequently, the Web & Google Analytics Monthly Meeting, scheduled to occur on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 6:30 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly and join us next month. Thanks.
    If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.

    To visit Kansas City Web Analytics & Marketing Metrics, go here:


    Saturday, September 21, 2013
    2:30 PM

  • Needs a location

  • Our Standard Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into...
    • Meet and Greet new members!
    • Review the "Last Month in PHP" - Highlighting the latest happenings in the PHP Universe
    • Open group discussion on any development topic, concern or question

    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand PHP Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than only PHP. Whether you're curious or just starting out, only dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla, our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.

    Interested in giving a more formal presentation to the group, or demoing something new and cool you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting and tell us your ideas!


    Saturday, September 21, 2013
    4:30 PM to

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

  • We are partnering with Lumi and Instructables.com the creator of a new DIY alternative to screen printing which uses photographic print dyes on textiles and natural materials, for our September build night.
    Instructables.com is sending us:
    (1) Print Fabric with Light kit (color tbd)
    (1) 16oz bottle of Inkodye (color tbd)
    (1) Inkofilm

    (sufficient materials for 15-20 people)


    Thursday, September 19, 2013
    11:30 AM to

  • 10801 Mastin Street #130, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.932846 -94.702248

  • You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
    Format: Lean Coffee topical format
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
    This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
    Starbucks coffee is provided!


    Thursday, September 19, 2013
    7:00 PM

  • 440 E 63 ST, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.013630 -94.582695

    Come through the main door
  • We currently meet every Thursday in our new shared work space.  Meetings start at 7pm and are open to all those interested. If your interested in seeing what we're all about, come on a Thursday to see all the current projects. When you get here just give us a call and we'll come let you in. The number down in the cave is (202) 621-2252.


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, September 18, 2013, at JCCC, Regnier Center - 3rd Floor, RC 353


    Beginning Presentation:

    Title: Lookup Wizard 101

    Presenter: Lisa Friedrichsen


    Description: In this session we'll examine the Lookup Wizard to see how it provides a drop-down list of values for a field. We'll examine all of the Lookup Wizard options to see how they modify corresponding field Lookup properties. We'll also examine how the Lookup Wizard can be used to create a one-to-many relationship between two tables with referential integrity.


    Lisa is a JCCC Professor in the Computer Sciences department and also an Access textbook author. She thinks it is fun to "break down" confusing features in Access (such as the Lookup Wizard) so that they make better sense.



    Advanced Presentation:

    Title: VB code to handle importing CSV files into Access.

    Presenter: Janet Geisinger


    Description: If you have an ongoing need to import CSV files into Access tables, Visual Basic code can be used to automate the process. This presentation will explain the process and the VB code used.


    Janet Gelsinger has worked at Hallmark Cards for 22 years, currently as a Data Analyst in Hallmark Digital, designing the databases for new Hallmark.com projects. For nine years prior to this recent job change, Janet was a Teradata DBA working on Hallmark’s Enterprise Data Warehouse.




    Access 2013 on Demand by Steve Johnson, Perspection, Inc. Need answers quickly? Access 2013 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.


    Give-away drawing for HUG members only. Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.


    Mark your calendars: next meeting will be November 14, speaker TBA.


    GDG Kansas City Launch Party

    GDG Kansas City

    Thursday, September 26, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (CDT)



    Monday, September 16, 2013
    5:30 PM

  • 115 W. 18th St., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091625 -94.585350

    We're on Floor 3 of the Bauer Building on 18th. We will try to have the front door open. If locked, please look us up on the phone box and we'll buzz you in.
  • Due to a scheduling conflict with the Mayor's Challenge Cabinet tonight, our regularly scheduled biweekly meeting is being moved back a week. Join us at the new Luminopolis HQ in a crazy old building down in the Crossroads. Drinks & snacks furnished.

    Hack Night in the New Lumi HQ. Let's start prioritizing and mapping out project teams.


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