December SMCKC Breakfast: Time Sensitive Social media | December 6th

Balancing formal protocol with receipt and immediate dissemination of important, timely information is a challenge all media practitioners face, particularly in the social media realm, and is one that is especially pronounced in the government and emergency response arenas.


Join us for breakfast on Monday, December 6 to hear from Amanda Bicknell and Michael Cappannari of our local FEMA department to learn how they navigate communications policies while fielding and sending significant and often life-saving information via social media. They'll discuss their personal experiences and will also share case studies that will surely leave you feeling inspired!


In addition, we're getting into the holiday spirit by working with Toys for Tots and Blair's Foster Socks to collect gifts at this breakfast - The toys and socks can be for girls or boys between the ages of 0-17, the only request from the organizations is that the donations be unwrapped.

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