  • Quark Studios

    8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.973747 -94.710472

  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.]
    For our August meetup, Kunjan Shah will talk about Apple's new programming language, Swift. Apple introduced Swift at WWDC 2014, and is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Swift works side by side with Objective C and is going to enable a new generation of developers write interactive, fun and concise apps for iOS and OS X. We will learn about Swift's syntax and learn about Xcode's new interactive Playground feature. We will explore differences between Swift and Objective C. We will see how Swift improves upon Objective C and how it interoperates with Objective C.
    Folks, we have limited seating at this location, so if you decide to not attend please update your RSVPs as soon as you can so that wait listed members can plan ahead. Also, if you are on the wait list, please reach out to me, and we can set up extra seating.
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the group know! Also, we have a new Linkedin Group to stay in touch out side of the meetup. You can join here:
    This month Quark Studios will be sponsoring food and drinks. Please update your RSVPs the morning of August 28th so that we can get proper quantity of food and drinks.
    Based in Kansas City, Quark Studios is leading the charge to help our clients integrate mobility within their organizations. Partnering with our clients, we passionately create solutions that increase productivity, effectively manage risk and improve customer satisfaction. Our clients have successfully made the transition to mobile and are leveraging new technologies to enhance their workflows and capitalize the fully immersive experience of the mobile future.
    Please note the meetup location - Enterprise Center of Johnson County 8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS 66214.
    6:00-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8:00 - Follow-up discussions with members.


    Tuesday, August 5, 2014

    5:00 PM

    Snow and Company

    1815 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Look for the friendly techies, probably on the couches to your right when you come in.
  • See the title.
    We don't have any preset plans. Just come, eat & drink, and meet people. Anyone is welcome even if he or she isn't in the tech field. We all were there once.


    Tuesday, August 5, 2014

    7:00 PM

    Johnny's Tavern North

    410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.978490 -95.235254

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Monday, August 4, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Snow & Company

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • 1815 Wyandotte St Kansas City, MO 64108
  • Have a civic project you want help with? Want to help improve your city?
    Join us Monday August 4th, at Snow & Co. and  join the conversation with other Kansas City Brigade members.  We will discuss recent activities, possible projects, and upcoming meetings!  Learn more about your fellow Brigade members.
    Your first drink is on the Brigade!
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade
    And join our Google+ community too!


    Saturday, August 9, 2014

    12:30 PM

  • Snow & Company

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • Look for the Geeks with Computers!
  • Join us for our August Session at Snow & Company!  Come for the geek! Come for the drinks!
    For those new to the group, welcome! We get together every month to talk about what we have learned, and how we can make ourselves better!
    Also for this month, I'm thinking we should talk about getting a group project together. It can be something new or a copy cat project. The only point of it is to learn and perfect our Rails abilities.


    Saturday, August 9, 2014

    12:30 PM
  • Snow & Company

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Look for the Geeks with Computers!
  • Join us for our August Session at Snow & Company!  Come for the geek! Come for the drinks!
    For those new to the group, welcome! We get together every month to talk about what we have learned, and how we can make ourselves better!
    Also for this month, I'm thinking we should talk about getting a group project together. It can be something new or a copy cat project. The only point of it is to learn and perfect our Rails abilities.


    This week! August Breakfast: Lessons in #OwningYourHashtag | August 1st at Grand Street Cafe

    Hashtags are not only fun and informative, they've become ubiquitous in the social media world and beyond. But when you're managing social media strategy, content creation and community engagement for a brand, how do you own your brand's hashtag? At our August breakfast we'll be joined by VML's Gatorade account team. They'll discuss best practices, lessons learned and expectations for the future they've compiled from their work owning Gatorade's #WinFromWithin hashtag.

    As usual, we'll have a hot breakfast buffet, so be sure to bring your appetite along with your questions. Doors open at 7:30 AM for networking and breakfast and the program will begin at 8 AM. Hope to see you there!


  • Johnson County Library, Central Resource Library

    9875 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.970081 -94.699364

  • We will be in the Oak Park Glass meeting room!
  • Come learn about the new Google Analytics interface along with some basics of report generation and data analysis.
    It's recommended to have a laptop for this one, but just a notepad will work, too!
    See you there!


    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • H&R Block

    One H&R Block Block Way, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • In the old office in the front. Tell security in parkng you are there for the UG meeting
  • We've done sketching, we've done brainstorming, now it is time to get down to something tangible you could test with. Win over your executives with. Something that makes sense to the developers who will make the app. The wireframe.
    As time gets closer we'll add more details about what you will need to bring.
    Sorry about July, I had a family member pass and there is just too much work as an only child. If anyone would like to be a co-manager of the group please contact me.


    Wednesday, August 20, 2014

    5:45 PM

  • Intersection of 98th and Metcalf, across the street from Home Depot
  • Meet and Greet : 5:45 to 6:15 pm - Pizza and beverages
    Lightning talks and speakers:
    1) Title: "Data Democratized"; 
    Speaker:  Ryan Brush, Senior Director and Distinguished Engineer at Cerner Corporation
    2) Title "Real time processing with Apache Storm";
         Speakers: Mahender Immadi, Senior Software Engineer, Cerner
                             Thirupathi Guduru, Senior Software Engineer, Cerner


  • Next Cloud Meetup.  We will be looking of speakers and a place to host this.
    Some Topics:

    Remember to fork  so you can upload presentations and to have local copies of presentations.
    As the time gets closer we will post the location, speakers, etc.


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    7:00 PM

    Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

    Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    6:30 PM

    4210 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Fairway, KS (map)

  • Clojure Concurrency Features - Dane Hammer
    One of Clojure's most interesting features is its approach to concurrency. For the seasoned Java programmer, the simple yet powerful state management features of Clojure can be astounding. And who better to exemplify Clojure's concurrency patterns than Rich Hickey himself? We'll be diving into his ant colony simulation and learning about the features of Clojure that it demonstrates.
    About the speaker
    Dane is a Software Architect at Cerner, where he's been hacking and developing for 7 years. Lately he's begun his adventure into functional programming, mostly with Clojure, although he believes his brief foray into Groovy and closures should count for something. He also loves learning about Kanban and other Agile methodologies, as well as building stuff with his hands.
    Can’t we agree on one thing?: Distributed Consensus and the Raft Algorithm - Seth Verrinder
    Getting multiple computers to agree on the value of a variable sounds deceptively simple but the history of the consensus problem, as it’s called, shows that this is actually quite difficult. This talk presents a brief overview of the consensus problem and Raft, the latest algorithm to solve it.
    Raft was designed to be understandable and there are open source implementations available in many different languages.
    About the speaker
    Seth Verrinder has spent the last 10 years writing software for small and medium businesses in industries including scientific training for professional athletes, printing press quality assurance, and point-of-sale.
    New Attendees
    Welcome! This is an easy meetup to get involved with. There are no functional programming experience expectations or prerequisites of any kind, though some talks are more advanced than others. These events are generally well suited to help infuse functional programming ideas into an existing programming skill set.
    Kansas City Women in Technology Pre-Meetup
    Michelle Brush will be hosting a pre-meetup for women starting 30 minutes before the event at C2FO to get to know other women attendees.  If you are interested, please let Michelle know here.
    Location Details 
    The address is 4210 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 400A.
    C2FO offices are on the top floor of the same building in which Fairway, KS City Hall is located. This building is right behind Stroud's restaurant and LLKC attendees should be able to gain entry from any door.
    Additional Notes 
    Cerner is sponsoring pizza, so come hungry!


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    5:30 PM

  • Red Nova Labs

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)
    39.039829 -94.612267

  • Michael is a Sr. Consulting Engineer with Chef, where he helps customers manage their infrastructure automation.
    Michael will be discussing the many different tools available to manage system configurations. He will cover the basics around Docker and Packer before diving into a full-stack example leveraging all three topics.
    Michael will also briefly discuss DevOps and what this means to him and the community.

    *Pizza and beverages will be provided.


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)
    38.969131 -94.609184

  • This summer Xamarin turned 3! And to celebrate our birthday we've released a lot of new features in Xamarin 3.0. Come learn about Xamarin and these new features (Xamarin Designer for iOS, improved code sharing, Xamarin.Forms, and more). We’ll build a couple simple apps and see how Xamarin can hep your company reach it’s mobile development goals.

    Presented By: Mike Berlin
    Mike is a Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist who works at Xamarin as a Customer Success Engineer. And he is currently in the process of relocating to San Francisco. Before joining Xamarin he worked at a variety of digital marketing/advertising shops in Kansas City including: Bernstein-Rein, VML, Barkley, Salva O'Renick, and SMG. In his spare time, Mike can be found working on his golf game and hoping the Royals won’t break his heart this season (again).
    Sponsored By: LRS Consulting Services


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    5:30 PM

  • DST Systems Inc

    333 West 11th Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.100530 -94.587900

  • Parking as before on 12th and Broadway
  • Socrata ( will discuss access to government and NGO open data and what opportunities that opens up. The discussion will be followed by training on how to access and implement the API. It's recommended that you bring your laptop if you wish to work along with the trainer.


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Enter DeVry University campus and we are located in room 115. We look forward to meeting you!
  • *** OPEN HOUSE at 5:30 pm on July 29 ***
    NOTE:  July 29 we are opening early starting at 5:30 pm we are having our Grand Opening and will be having a cookout out back and then additional food inside. We will have a robot demo, 3D Printer demos, among other projects. Come join us and find out what CCCKC is all about!
    Our weekly open house information follows:
    CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!
    If you have any questions, you can get ahold of the 2014 President by emailing


    Speaker Series: Fictional User Interfaces with Bryan Kearney

    August 4 @ 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm

    Fictional User Interfaces (FUIs) – summer blockbusters are loaded with ‘em. From Jarvis in Iron Man to the iconic HUD of Minority Report, we’ll investigate the secret world behind well-known, bizarre, and often inspirational cinematic FUIs. You’ll be surprised just how much thought, design, and effort goes into mere moments on the big screen.
    Bryan Kearney is a grad of the Kansas City Art Institute and UX Designer at Firemon Security. Bryan has several years of experience working in television and printing but happily landed on the side of the angles in web design and UX. He lives in Brookside with his wife Stacy, daughter Hannah, and basset hound Angus.
    Key Details:
    • Free for students and Global Sustaining/Associate members of UXPA (join today) or $5 for everyone else– all funds support UXPA KC event and operating fees (and additional donations are, of course, heartily welcomed).
    • RSVP now
    • Mingling starts at 5:45 PM, speaker starts around 6:30 PM, with a possible after-party nearby starting around 8 PM.
    If you have venue leads, or want to participate as a panelist or speaker, let us know!
    Experience design at UXPA KC – first Mondays, monthly!


    At the Microsoft Office in Overland Park

    11:30 am to 1:00pm


    Monday, August 11, 2014

    5:30 PM

  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.090324 -94.586769

  • Join us and Derek Bereit from to understand more about how companies are using mobile healthcare to improve their lives as well as the lives of their families.  What is
    A Better Way to Better Health! is a clinically validated symptom tracking platform for insurers, doctors, and patients, to reduce the costs of chronic illness.


    This month's presentation is: KCWebPros Website-Incubator Project (speaker: John K., President, KCWEBPROS & CEO of CJK Consulting; & various Members who are working on improving our KCWEBPROS website!)

    Facilitator/Presenter : John Krzysztow – Founder and President of KCWebPros and CEO of Cjk Consulting.
    This presentation will cover the group project undertaken by KCWebPros by Dianna Kuhlman and members of KCIncubator. We will discuss the process, goals, and challenges in developing web sites with a team of Web Professionals.

    If you are a business or educational institution and want to learn more about projects like these, please consider attending.

    If you are a developer and want to learn on what is expected working as a team member , please consider attending as well.


    Please RSVP..for food and refreshments ordering.


    If you want to unsubscribe to this list please reply with Unsubscribe in the Subject line.


    John J Krzysztow "John K"

    "We Finish What Other Companies Start"

    President/CEO Cjk Software Consultants, Inc.


  • This location is shown only to members

  • Socrata ( which runs on will discuss access to government and NGO open data and what opportunities that opens up. The discussion will be followed by training on how to access and implement the API. It's recommended that you bring your laptop if you wish to work along with the trainer.
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade site:


  • Plaza Public Library

    4801 Main St Ste 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.039219 -94.586914

  • This is a working Meetup, designed for WordPress professionals and WordPress website owners to collaborate to solve specific issues or problems with WordPress websites.
    As well, we will have a discussion topic. All attendees are asked to be ready to contribute with resources, suggestions, questions and/or experiences pertaining to the weekly topic.
    This Meetup is at Kansas City Public Library - Plaza Branch in the Large Meeting Room. Space is limited to 30 attendees.
    If you cannot join us at 6pm, just come whenever you can
    Discussion Topic - Advanced Custom Fields - - We mention it all the time, so lets get a little deeper.
    If you're coming to the Meetup, install the plugin and play around with it a little.


    Tuesday, July 29, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • CoWork Waldo

    7449 Broadway, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Hey guys!
    Looking to start getting some meetings going again.  Weekdays work best for most in the group.  So please let me know if this date and time work for you.

    Please bring computers.  We can work on current projects, share interesting information and news and help one another so that we can all become successful.


  • Helzberg School of Management

    Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.032722 -94.570190

  • Enabling Advanced Analytics: A Guided Tour of the Hadoop Ecosystem. Bob Wakefield will be walking through the individual Apache Hadoop projects and how to piece them together to create a modern data architecture that opens up new opportunities for analyst. This presentation is an outgrowth of his NoSQL presentation from a few months ago.
    Bob is an IT mercenary with over two decades in industry doing everything from crawling in dark dirty parts of buildings running CAT 5 to helping craft data strategy.

    Matt Habiger will talk about a collection of ideas on how to get predictive models from sandbox to production. Many PA projects fail (or are inefficient) because model builders are unable to actually implement what they've built. Matt will discuss several examples of implementation including how DonorBureau, his employer, has prepared itself to scale for future business growth.


    Thursday, July 24, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Salva O'Renick

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996

  • We are still looking for presenters for this month's Meetup. If you have something you'd be willing to present, please post to this Meetup's page as soon as possible.
    Chip Warden will review some recent Python book releases.


  • Codero Hosting

    5750 W. 95th St. Suite 300, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • A chat about what the group would like to learn about, Talks that might be of interest, and an a small little get together to meet everyone.
    Food and Beverages will be provided.


    KCWebPros: JULY Mtg. 7/23/2014.....FOR OUR 680+ MEMBERS!!!

    ITS the 4th Wednesday Nite of the Month! So, Let's Go to KC WEB PROS!

    6:30 PM, Wed, JULY 23, 2014

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: CJK Consulting at
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : CJK Consulting, In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to John K.( to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's presentation is:
    KCWebPros Website-Incubator Project

    (speaker: John K., President, KCWEBPROS & CEO of CJK Consulting; & various Members who are working on improving our KCWEBPROS website!)

    Facilitator/Presenter : John Krzysztow – Founder and President of KCWebPros and CEO of Cjk Consulting.

    This presentation will cover the group project undertaken by KCWebPros by Dianna Kuhlman and members of KCIncubator.
    We will discuss the process, goals, and challenges in developing web sites with a team of Web Professionals.

    If you are a business or educational institution and want to learn more about projects like these, please consider attending.
    If you are a developer and want to learn on what is expected working as a team member , please consider attending as well.

    One of the goals of this project is to give developers a real world project experience.

    Come and join the fun.


    John Krzysztow---President and Founder of KCWebpros and KCIncubator – Owner/CEO Cjk Software Consultants Inc. “We Finish What Other Companies Start” – Mentor/Facilitator/ Scrum Master is currently managing teams to maintain existing Legacy solutions, reverse engineer and rewrite legacy solutions on desktop, client-server, Internet and in the cloud. Keeping Companies in Business. Company has developed custom software for over 20 years in the Midwest and New England.


    Thursday, July 24, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Salva O'Renick

    1810 Cherry St # 100, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091053 -94.576996

  • We are still looking for presenters for this month's Meetup. If you have something you'd be willing to present, please post to this Meetup's page as soon as possible.


    Monday Geek Night at Tannin Wine Bar + Kitchen
    Monday, July 21 at 6:00pm at Tannin Winebar-Kitchen


    Speaker Series: Fictional User Interfaces with Bryan Kearney

    August 4 @ 5:45 pm - 7:45 pm

    Fictional User Interfaces (FUIs) – summer blockbusters are loaded with ‘em. From Jarvis in Iron Man to the iconic HUD of Minority Report, we’ll investigate the secret world behind well-known, bizarre, and often inspirational cinematic FUIs. You’ll be surprised just how much thought, design, and effort goes into mere moments on the big screen.
    Bryan Kearney is a grad of the Kansas City Art Institute and UX Designer at Firemon Security. Bryan has several years of experience working in television and printing but happily landed on the side of the angles in web design and UX. He lives in Brookside with his wife Stacy, daughter Hannah, and basset hound Angus.
    Key Details:
    • Free for students and Global Sustaining/Associate members of UXPA (join today) or $5 for everyone else– all funds support UXPA KC event and operating fees (and additional donations are, of course, heartily welcomed).
    • RSVP now
    • Mingling starts at 5:45 PM, speaker starts around 6:30 PM, with a possible after-party nearby starting around 8 PM.
    If you have venue leads, or want to participate as a panelist or speaker, let us know!
    Experience design at UXPA KC – first Mondays, monthly!


    Tuesday, July 22, 2014

    5:00 PM

  • Snow and Company

    1815 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

  • Look for the friendly techies, probably on the couches to your right when you come in.
  • See the title.
    We don't have any preset plans. Just come, eat & drink, and meet people. Anyone is welcome even if he or she isn't in the tech field. We all were there once.


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Guest Speaker - Michael Goetz - Chef


      • Michael is a Sr. Consulting Engineer with Chef, where he helps customers manage their infrastructure automation.
        Michael will be discussing the many different tools available to manage system configurations. He will cover the basics around Docker and Packer before diving into a full-stack example leveraging all three topics.
        Michael will also briefly discuss DevOps and what this means to him and the community.


      Thursday Bill Graziano will be presenting:    Concurrency and Asynchronous Processing in SQL Server

      Please RSVP for free here (please be sure to register if you're reasonably sure you can make it, as we use this list for food and door prizes):
      The fastest way to process large amounts of data in SQL Server is using set-based operations. That is if you can stand the blocking. This session walks through different ways to think about applications when transaction blocking becomes your biggest problem. It covers specific T-SQL suggestions to minimize the rows locked, application architectures to maximize concurrency and reporting solutions to reduce impact on the production database. And always lots of demos and spirited discussion.
      About Bill:
      Bill Graziano is a SQL Server consultant specializing in high-throughput transaction environments using SQL Server. He spends his days counting the milliseconds behind credit card swipes. Bill is the former President of PASS and runs a web site for SQL Server developers and administrators at

      Please note, this will be an afternoon meeting at the Microsoft office, drinks and snacks will be available.
      Meeting Schedule for Thursday, April 17th, 2014:
      • 2:30 - 2:40 - Greeting and Housekeeping
      • 2:40 - 3:40 - Presentation
      • 3:40 - 4:00 - Door Prizes and wrap up
      We look forward to seeing you all soon!
      Microsoft Office
      10801 Mastin Blvd.
      Suite 620
      Overland Park, KS  66210

      September 13th   -    Kansas City SQL Saturday
      A full day of free SQL Server training right here in Kansas City, plus a great lunch for only $10.
      November 4-7 - PASS Summit 2014


      iKC is a unique blend of Q&A, interactive presentations and an open-format agenda where YOU decide the session topics you want to attend. We heard rave reviews last year and also listened to you for how to make it even better. This year, attend breakout sessions that are relevant to you, while also getting the chance hear from industry leader keynotes and panels.

      iKC only works when investors, entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators show up, speak up and challenge the status quo. If you want to grow your business, start something meaningful, change something that needs changed or make a difference in Kansas City, this conference is for you.


      HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, July 16, 2014, at JCCC, Regnier Center - 3rd Floor, RC 353

      Beginning Presentation:

      Title: How to incorporate graphs within Access

      Description:   The beginner topic for July will be an overview of how to incorporate graphs within Access, presented by Silvia Siren. This topic will demonstrate how to use Access to present data as a visual image!!  There are times in which data needs to be grouped by day of the week or hour of the day and graphs allow for a quick assessment of the underlying data.

      Silvia works at Olathe Medical Center and uses Access for different projects within the Laboratory.

      Advanced Presentation:

      Title:  Database Design & Performance; How to keep a database healthy?

      Description:  Have you ever had a slow database drag you down? Learn how to design a relational database.  Explore how to tune your database for better performance.

      Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. Jim has been developing solutions for clients since Access was introduced in 1992. HCCS is a 22 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.


      One $10 Gift Certificates from Amazon.   Sponsored by: Heartland User's Group

      Book: Access 2013 on Demand by Steve Johnson, Perspection, Inc.

      Need answers quickly?  Access 2013 on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

      Give-away drawing for HUG members only.  Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

      Arlene Watkins | President/CEO
      Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.
      10104 W 105th St.
      Overland Park, KS 66212      


    • Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer

      4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood, KS (map)
      38.917133 -94.640793

    • This is a chance to talk about some of the advanced topics in R. Everyone is welcome of course and even if you are a beginner, you might get a feel of some of the more powerful aspects of the R programming language.
      Steve Simon will talk about BUGS (Bayes Using Gibbs Sampling) and R. This is the talk he had planned for the last advanced topics meeting, but we ran out of time.
      I'm working on a second speaker, but we need you to share your knowledge with R as well. If you can talk about something in R at any level, please contact me by email or leave a comment below.


      Tuesday, July 29, 2014

      6:00 PM

    • Centriq Training

      8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)
      38.969131 -94.609184

    • This summer Xamarin turned 3! And to celebrate our birthday we've released a lot of new features in Xamarin 3.0. Come learn about Xamarin and these new features (Xamarin Designer for iOS, improved code sharing, Xamarin.Forms, and more). We’ll build a couple simple apps and see how Xamarin can hep your company reach it’s mobile development goals.

      Presented By: Mike Berlin
      Mike is a Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist who works at Xamarin as a Customer Success Engineer. And he is currently in the process of relocating to San Francisco. Before joining Xamarin he worked at a variety of digital marketing/advertising shops in Kansas City including: Bernstein-Rein, VML, Barkley, Salva O'Renick, and SMG. In his spare time, Mike can be found working on his golf game and hoping the Royals won’t break his heart this season (again).
      Sponsored By: LRS Consulting Services


      Meeting Date and Time
      Thursday July 17, 2014 at 6:30 PM.  This will be a joint Agile KC \ KC IIBA meeting.  To ensure our sponsor gets an accurate count for dinner, please visit the to register.

      Centriq Training 8700 State Line Rd. Suite 200 Leawood KC 66206

      Meeting Topic:
      Using Personas for creating User Stories

      Meeting Learning
      Personas provide Agile teams a tool for discovering and defining User Stories.  In this session we’ll conduct and exercise to refine some personas and derive User Stories from them.  The goal is to help provide attendees a better understanding of what personas are and how they might be useful in their day to day work. 

      Meeting Description
      This will be a joint Agile KC and IIBA meeting.  In the past these events have been well attended so make sure you register if you’re planning on attending. 

      As anyone that has worked with User Stories can tell you, writing and refining good User Stories is a skill that is developed over time.  Each project is unique and each team has different nuances that make them dynamic.  Complicating things even more is often the need to leverage a proxy for the voice of the business or customer.   One way of helping the team in these situations is the user of Persona’s.  

      Join Martin Olson of Silicon Prairie Solutions on July 17 and we’ll discuss what a persona is, what makes a good persona and how teams can use them to define valuable features.

      Speaker’s Bio
      Martin Olson is a Principal Agile|Lean coach with Silicon Prairie Solutions.  He helps organizations of all sizes at the team, program and portfolio level understand and leverage Agile|Lean practices so that they can provide value in a more efficient and predictable manner.  Silicon Prairie Solutions’ is a local company with clients throughout the US.  

      Martin Olson is a founder of the Agile KC group and a founder of the Agilehood KC group (  


    • Centriq Training & Centriq's TechSmart KC Program

      8700 State Line Road #200, Leawood, KS (map)
      38.969131 -94.609184

    • Presenter: Roger O'Dell
      Presentation will begin with slides and transition to a demo. This is part 2 (Please come if you missed part 1 - this will be a great presentation) of Roger's focus on devices from Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) to 4.43 (KitKat). This demo will be similar in scope than Part 1. It will be a Master/Detail application that will utilize the compatibility library. Just like Part 1, the demo will contain Fragments. What makes this demo different will be the use of the Action Bar Compat to give the older devices the same look and feel of a modern applications. Instead of using JSON data like Part 1, this application will use a SQLite database. This application will be built using Eclipse and will be hosted on Github. At a later time, an Android Studio version will also be completed and added to Github. To add some additional complexity, the data will be completely different and include some high res images instead of simple images.
      Meeting Sponsor: RiverPoint


      Tuesday, July 29, 2014

      5:30 PM

    • DST Systems Inc

      333 West 11th Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
      39.100529 -94.587898

    • Parking as before on 12th and Broadway
    • Socrata ( will discuss access to government and NGO open data and what opportunities that opens up. The discussion will be followed by training on how to access and implement the API. It's recommended that you bring your laptop if you wish to work along with the trainer.


    • Digital Evolution Group

      10801 Mastin Street #130, Overland Park, KS (map)
      38.932846 -94.702248

    • You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
      Format: Lean Coffee topical format
      Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
      This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
      Starbucks coffee is provided!


      Blog Archive
