  • Lawrence Public Library

    707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.971147 -95.237180

  • Meeting Room B: Downstairs level, northeast corner of the building.
  • We're back, baby, we're back!
    The library is open, and we've reserved a space for a monthly show and tell meeting.
    • John Kary will share his recent adventures with Scratch, the visual programming language from MIT.
    • Philip Thompson will talk about Cassandra and distributed databases.
    • Chris Wolfe will share an intra-network file transfer program he's been developing in Python. 
    Lightning talks
    Got something you'd like to share? We'll have time for 5-to-15-minute lightning talks after the main presentations. Share what you're working on, a cool trick you've learned, or anything of interest.
    Join us for lunch and discussion after the Meetup at Dempsey's Burger Pub, a half-block south of the Library at 623 Vermont Street.
    We've got a couple of books to raffle, courtesy of O'Reilly Media. We've also got lots of discounts codes and other goodies to share with everyone.
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