Monday, October 6, 2014

6:00 PM

  • Snow & Company

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • Have a civic project you want help with? Want to help improve your city?
    Join us Monday October 6th, at Snow & Co. and  join the conversation with other Kansas City Brigade members.  We will discuss recent activities including the Code for America Summit, possible projects, and upcoming meetings!  Learn more about your fellow Brigade members.
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade site:
    And join our Google+ community too!


    When & Where


    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    3:00pm - 5:00pm


    Cerner Continuous Campus

    10200 Abilities Way

    Kansas City, KS

    Register Now  

    Is everyone ready for an exciting new HDI Heartland Chapter speaker?!

    Plan to attend our next HDI Heartland Chapter Event! We are excited to present Randall Locke, with CA Technologies. Randall's topic will be, "Bring Your Own Device: What does that REALLY Mean for Your Organization". Randall will speak on the trends in the industry around BYOD and how to manage your environment.

    Please come and join us for this very relevant topic to all Information Technology professionals!


    Register Now and add this event to your calendar. 


    October Happy Hour - SMCKC Town Hall
    We want to hear from you! Join us at Snow & Co for a town hall-style happy hour - The Board will be all ears as you share feedback on SMCKC activities to date, ideas for the future and what you're looking to get out of SMCKC. Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time for socializing and networking too!
    Thurs, Oct 23 - 5:30pm at Snow & Company


    October Lunch - An Agile Approach to Content Planning with Jeff Julian of AJi
    At this highly interactive event, Jeff will share how marketing teams he has led have employed sophisticated and agile techniques to deploy content that works.
    Thurs, Oct 30 - 11:30am at Corporate Woods


    October Breakfast - #TwetingTroopers
    THIS FRIDAY! How do you inform the community around you of important information on events, safety and breaking news? Hear from 3 members of local law enforcement as they talk about building their following from the ground up and how they've used social media to connect and inform.
    Fri, Oct 3 - 7:30 am at Grand St. Cafe 


  • Central Carmack Community Room

    9875 W. 87th St., Overland park, KS (map)
    38.970074 -94.699356

  • Its at the Central Library in the Carmack room


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)
  • Out of the social evolution of the web, emerged the mobile revolution . . . with devices that were originally designed to allow us to communicate. The social evolution didn't stop with Facebook and Twitter, it continued into apps like Snapchat, Instagram and Vine.
    Join us with IBMer Lisa Qualls, Founder and former President/Chairman of the Social Media Club of Kansas City and learn how to use your apps to help people connect and better communicate.


    Saturday, October 4, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Ok, well we have not upgraded to the Xbox 1 nor the PS4 so we are going to have to slum it on the XBox 360 but we always seem to have way too much fun no matter what we are playing on (maybe some Mario Kart). As usual there is a prize for the winner and the biggest loser!!! So even if you don't play come on out just to hang out and have fun. We will decide on the game when we all get here. BYOB and bring a snack to pass. 


  • Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer

    4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood, KS (map)
    38.917133 -94.640793

  • Topics to be announced. We're looking for volunteers to give short introductory talks about R (about 15 to 30 minutes) that are targeted to new R programmers.


    I wanted to share another AMAZING announcement with you regarding Compute Midwest (Nov 13th @ Kauffman Center)

    Today we're announcing ANOTHER *incredible* speaker to our world class lineup.
    Learn more:

    Have you heard of quantum computing? This powerful technology has the potential to solve some of humanity’s most complex problems.

    D-wave is the first company in the WORLD to have invented a commercial quantum computer. Google, NASA and Lockheed Martin were their first customers @ $10,000,000 per machine.

    We're excited to welcome Vern Brownell, CEO of D-Wave (& Former CTO of Goldman Sachs) as our LATEST speaker!! Learn more:

    Do you want to get inspired? Don't miss out - join us on Nov 13th & hear from world class innovators such as Intel's Chief Futurist, the founder of iRobot, CTO of IBM Watson (and many, many more)! Learn more & register today:

    Have an awesome weekend!

    Mike Gelphman
    Founder/President, KCITP
    Founder - The Disruption Institute


    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    4:00 PM

  • Lathrop and Gage

    2345 Grand Blvd, 22nd Floor, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Join the Enterprise Center of Johnson County (ECJC), Mid-America Angels and the Women's Capital Connection for a look at the due diligence from both sides of the table. The event will feature cocktails, light appetizers, networking and panel discussion with a recently funded local entrepreneur and one of the lead angel investors active in his deal.
    To complete your registration for this event, you must register via Eventbrite.

    Who's the entrepreneur? You'll have to RSVP to find out!

    Thank you to Lathrop & Gage, LLP for their generous sponsorship of this event!


    BigDataSummitKC - Our Second Annual Big Data Event

    Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
    Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 8:30 AM
    - to -
    Friday, November 14, 2014 at 5:00 PM (CST)
    KC Convention Center/Bartle Hall
    301 W 13th St
    Kansas City, MO 64105

    View Map


    Wednesday, October 1, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Cerner Innovation Campus

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Check in at the West Gate and the guard will direct you to the parking lot. Matt Quinn (from Cerner) will help direct you to "The Lounge," a vintage video gaming themed room off the café. A map of the campus can be found at
  • Giving Spring some REST - by Spring in Action author Craig Walls
    NOTE: This talk will be given in person thanks to generous sponsorship of travel accommodations provided by NoFluff Just Stuff!
    In modern applications, there are a diverse array of clients consuming content from the web. Each of these clients has unique capabilities and limitations, therefore demanding presentation of the application to be tailored to each device. As a result, presentation logic is often pushed into the client itself, leaving the application to serve a common data-oriented lightweight API to be consumed by each client.
    In this presentation, we'll see how Spring is well-suited for developing that lightweight API, employing the RESTful features of Spring MVC. We'll also look at how to secure those APIs using Spring Security for OAuth and how to create self-describing REST APIs using Spring HATEOAS.
    Craig Walls is a senior engineer with Pivotal as the Spring Social project lead and is the author of Spring in Action. He's a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 2 birds and 3 dogs.
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with Pizza provided by Cerner
    • 7pm - Presentation
    Location Details
    You can find a Map of the Cerner Innovations Campus in the Meetup files (you must be a member of this group to view it). Please check in at the West Gate. You will be turn around if they arrive at the North Gate. Once you arrive, the Security guard will direct you to the parking lot. Once they enter the building, Matt Quinn from Cerner will greet you and direct you to “The Lounge,” a vintage video gaming themed room off the café.
    New Attendees
    All new attendees are welcome! The group is as much about socializing with other Spring Enthusiasts as it is learning about Spring.


    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    5:30 PM


    5750 W. 95th St., Suite 300, Overland Park, KS (map)
    Philip Thompson, Software Engineer at DataStax and contributor to the Apache Cassandra project, will be giving a high-level introduction to Apache Cassandra followed by an in depth look at Cassandra from an operator's perspective. 

  • ***Pizza and drinks will be provided.


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    12:00 PM
  • Black Dog Coffee House

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.970943 -94.734400

  • Pre-DreamForce get together.  Completely informal gathering.  Discuss DreamForce agendas, things to do while there.   We will also discuss new things that are going on with Salesforce in Winter 15.


    KCWebPros: SEPTEMBER Mtg. 9/24/2014.....FOR OUR 680+ MEMBERS!!!

    ITS FALL -- Start it with US! So, Let's Go to KC WEB PROS!

    6:30 PM, Wed, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: CJK Consulting at
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : CJK Consulting, In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to John K.( to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's presentation is:
    KCWebPros Website-Incubator Project Part 3

    (speaker: John K., President, KCWEBPROS & CEO of CJK Consulting; & various Members who are working on improving our KCWEBPROS website!)

    Facilitator/Presenter : John Krzysztow – Founder and President of KCWebPros and CEO of Cjk Consulting.

    This presentation will cover the group project undertaken by KCWebPros by Dianna Kuhlman and members of KCIncubator.
    We will discuss the issues & challenges in developing our new web site with a team of Web Professionals.

    If you are a business or educational institution and want to learn more about projects like these, please consider attending.
    If you are a developer and want to learn on what is expected working as a team member , please consider attending as well.

    One of the goals of this project is to give developers a real world project experience!!!

    Come and join the fun.


    John Krzysztow---President and Founder of KCWebpros and KCIncubator – Owner/CEO Cjk Software Consultants Inc. “We Finish What Other Companies Start” – Mentor/Facilitator/ Scrum Master is currently managing teams to maintain existing Legacy solutions, reverse engineer and rewrite legacy solutions on desktop, client-server, Internet and in the cloud. Keeping Companies in Business. Company has developed custom software for over 20 years in the Midwest and New England.



    Smarter SharePoint
    KC User Group


    September 30, 2014
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Add to Outlook


    7th Floor Meeting Room
    Corporate Woods
    10801 Mastin Blvd
    Ste 730
    Overland Park, KS, 66210


    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Snow and Company

    1815 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

  • Look for the friendly techies, probably at the tables to the left when you come in.
  • See the title.
    We don't have any preset plans. Just come, eat & drink, and meet people. Anyone is welcome even if he or she isn't in the tech field. We all were there once. It's very casual - as long as you're wearing clothes acceptable in public places, you're good with us!
    Please join the discussion on our facebook page too: 


    Monday, September 29, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Come meet and work with other civic-minded folks passionate about open government and civic tech! Hack Night is a weekly event hosted by Code for America, so come by and work on a civic project you have already started, start a new project, or collaborate with others on their projects.
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade site:


    This months Agile KC meeting will be held on Thursday September 25, 2014 at Centriq Training.  Please visit to register so we know how many people will be joining us for dinner.  


    Meeting Topic:  

    Get KanBan!


    Meeting Learning:

    This month, Troy Tuttle will lead the group in the Get KanBan game. This game teaches the basics of KanBan and is a great way to introduce the concepts of flow and WIP to your organization.


    Meeting Description:

    Kan Ban is a core tenant of Lean thinking.  When organizations and teams use it, they often realize a couple of benefits very quickly; the visualization of flow and identification of bottlenecks in their process.  Some other aspects of lean thinking also help further the benefits; cumulative flow diagrams and specialization vs. multi-functional skills.

    Join us at this month's meeting to get a better understanding of these concepts and how you might be able to recreate this discussion in your organization by using the Get KanBan game.


    Speaker Bio:

    Troy Tuttle is a Lean-Agile coach, software developer mentor, and consultant with almost a decade of experience working in Lean-Agile environments. He currently operates KanFlow, a consulting firm dedicated to helping software professionals, teams, and organizations improve by the study and application of Lean and Agile principles and practices. 


    Hope to see you there!


    Monday Geek Night at Tannin Wine Bar + Kitchen
    Monday, September 22 at 6:00pm at Tannin Winebar-Kitchen


  • Quark Studios

    8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.973747 -94.710472

  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.]
    For our September meetup, Amit Jain will talk about Rethinking User Experience in iOS. With iOS 7, and now 8, design paradigms for apps have changed significantly. The change goes much deeper than just aesthetics. It spans the entire app development process and requires a revision in how we plan for and build apps. We will talk about how to architect apps with a focus on interactions, sensible animations and great user experience. We will look at ways to prototype and implement animations, customizing iOS elements, and weaving everything together in storyboards and interface builder. Additionally, to get your apps ready for the larger iPhones, we will discuss size classes introduced in iOS 8 and how to adopt vectors resources in your UI.
    Folks, we have limited seating at this location, so if you decide to not attend please update your RSVPs as soon as you can so that wait listed members can plan ahead. Also, if you are on the wait list, please reach out to me, and we can set up extra seating.
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the group know! Also, we have a new Linkedin Group to stay in touch out side of the meetup. You can join here:
    This month RiverPoint will be sponsoring food and drinks. Please update your RSVPs the morning of September 25th so that they can get proper quantity of food and drinks.
    RiverPoint is an IT services firm offering a diverse career in consulting in a stable, career-oriented environment. We work with some of the most desirable clients in the Midwest where our employees are considered a key asset in their daily operations. Several of our clients have been recognized as "Best Place to Work" by a number of different organizations because they view employee engagement and satisfaction as much more than bullet points on a mission statement. Because of RiverPoint's commitment to our associates, and our amazing client base, we've been able to provide some great career opportunities to hundreds of our associates over the past twenty five years.
    Please note the meetup location - Enterprise Center of Johnson County 8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS 66214.
    6:00-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8:00 - Follow-up discussions with members.


  • Enterprise Center of Johnson County

    8527 Bluejacket St, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Save the Date

    More info to follow....


    Time is running out to purchase tickets and receive the early bird discount to the 2014 BigDataSummitKC Event.
    Early Bird Tickets will remain on sale through 11:59 pm tonight.
    The Big Data Summit is the second annual convergence of software, systems, tools and techniques for managing, manipulating and interpreting data, big and small. This year’s Summit will bring together over 500 vendors, users, developers, thinkers and tinkerers from all areas of Big Data. From hardware to Hadoop, algorithms to analytics, virtualization to visualization, and data scientists to social scientists will all unite for 3 days in Kansas City to discuss the motivation and means to advance the art of Big Data and to explore the reasons why Big Data is such a big story. This year’s hackathon will blow all hackathons away. Major cash prizes, world-class tools and well-designed projects should spark the gathering of the area’s best and brightest minds.



    Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11:00 AM

    WEBEX: VMAX3 Overview


    Thursday, September 25, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Alight Analytics

    510 Walnut St # 301, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Many thanks to Caleb and Alight Analytics for hosting this month's Meetup.
    Looking for presenters.


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • North face of the building, West Door.
    Details to be announced.


    Thursday, September 25, 2014

    6:30 PM

  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We'll be in the Community Space, so park on the South side of the building and someone will be there to let you in.
  • Join us this month for a look at using ServerPress to create and manage your development environment. If you've never user ServerPress, this topic is for you!
    This month will be an interactive, computer-heavy event, so come ready to learn!


    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Central Carmack Community Room

    9875 W. 87th St., Overland park, KS (map)

  • Its at the Central Library in the Carmack room
  • Agenda
    Meet and Greet
    Meeting logistics
    Server 2012 and Hyper V presentation - 20-30 minutes
    Schedule for next meeting


  • DST Systems: block 89 building

    333 W. 11th St., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will kick off this meeting with any new solutions to last month's Matrix challenge.

    After the presentations, we will be choosing a new challenge to work on.  Our challenges come from  There is no obligation, but if you are inspired, please feel free to peruse the challenges on the site and have a suggestion or two to bring to the meetup.

    The rest of the meetup will be spent eating pizza and writing code.

    There will be cheese pizza for vegetarians and gluten free pizza for those with gluten issues (like me).


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Tuesday, September 23, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.094872 -94.582489

  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.090324 -94.586769

  • Brian McSpadden of Redhat will be speaking with us at the Sprint Accelerator downtown.  


    Tuesday, September 23, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)
    38.969131 -94.609184

  • The .NET framework has a long history of supporting asynchronous and parallel programming techniques. Let's explore that evolution and establish an understanding of the latest abstractions: the TPL, PLINQ, Parallel Data Structures, the Reactive Framework and the async features of C# 5. These abstractions make parallel programming more accessible than ever before. But, the abstractions don't negate the need for care. We'll talk about when to use them, when not to, readability, testability, partitioning work and how to achieve long term, maintainable applications. You'll walk away with the foundations to start applying these techniques in your own work.
    Presented By: Wes McClure
    Wes McClure is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He’s had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Wes launched Full City Tech to leverage his expertise to help companies rapidly deliver high quality software to delight customers.
    Sponsored By: KForce Technology Staffing


    When & Where


    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    3:00pm - 5:00pm


    Cerner Continuous Campus

    10200 Abilities Way

    Kansas City, KS

    Register Now  

    Is everyone ready for an exciting new HDI Heartland Chapter speaker?!

    Plan to attend our next HDI Heartland Chapter Event! We are excited to present Randall Locke, with CA Technologies. Randall's topic will be, "Bring Your Own Device: What does that REALLY Mean for Your Organization". Randall will speak on the trends in the industry around BYOD and how to manage your environment.

    Please come and join us for this very relevant topic to all Information Technology professionals!


    Register Now and add this event to your calendar. 


    Tuesday, September 30, 2014

    12:00 PM

  • Needs a location

  • Anyone interested in doing a pre-DreamForce get together.  Completely informal gathering.  Discuss DreamForce agendas, things to do while there.   We will also discuss new things that are going on with Salesforce.
    Thinking either meeting at BlackDog Coffee or Scooters @ Legends.  Unless we can get a conference room, then we can do Dominoes or something simple.
    Will also do a post dream force meeting. 


    Monday, September 22, 2014

    6:00 PM


  • Come and help David LaCrone of the KCMO Library create a "Hack the Library" event.  This will start with an overview of the library and its purpose in the region, and result in ways that the library experience can be improved for the digital age.  
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade
    And join our Google+ community too!


    Saturday, September 20, 2014

    2:30 PM

  • Black Dog Coffee House

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.970943 -94.734400

  • Big room in back, or maybe the patio
  • Come join us at Blackdog Coffeehouse for our regular third-Saturday get-together.
    Whether you have development question you want answers to, want to be a fly on the wall or just need some face time with other developers, you're encouraged to bring your laptop maybe get a bite at this informal meetup!
    Our Saturday Meeting Format
    Our Saturday meetings are free-formed and the attendees bring up topics that interest them or that they want feedback on. Our rough meeting structure follows this format:
    * Introductions / meet and greet new members
    Open group discussion on any development topic, concern or question; discussing any new happenings that interest the group
    * S
    etting up your development environment, reviewing code written by others, quick demos, etc. (time permitting)
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand PHP developers come from all backgrounds, many doing work as developers using other languages than just PHP, while many others are from a system administration background.
    Our attendees range in all skill levels from beginner, to weekend warrior, to development professionals and experts. Whether you're curious about PHP and just starting out, or work with PHP for a living, our goal is that you will learn something new, useful and thought provoking during one of our meetings.

    Regular attendees of our meetings are knowledgeable about and use the following PHP frameworks/libraries: Symfony, Zend Framework, Laravel, Composer, Silex, Slim, CakePHP, WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, just to name the most popular.
    Interested in giving a more formal presentation to the group, or demoing something new and exciting you're working on? Contact one of our organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting and tell us your ideas!


  • Mediware Information Systems Inc

    11711 W 79th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.985580 -94.721069

  • Price: $30.00/per person

  • Come learn the basics of Git and GitHub! 
    Class cost: $30
    In this workshop we will go over the following:
    • Configuring Git for the first time
    • Tracking changes in a local repo
    • Examining history
    • Branching and merging
    • Sharing your code on GitHub
    • Working together on GitHub
    Before attending class please be sure that you have installed Git on your computer and have set up a account. For instructions on how to install Git, check out these instructions from GitHub:
    If you have trouble setting up Git, please show up to class a few minutes early so we can help you get set up.
    Please bring your laptop and charger. This will be a hands on workshop!

    Many thanks to our sponsor Mediware for the wonderful space.  Mediware is also providing food and beverages for the class.
    We expect all participants of our events to follow our code of conduct.


    Do you want to get inspired about what’s next in technology? Join us at Compute Midwest ( on November 13th at the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts.

    Hear the stories of innovators & pioneers who are building companies that change our life, our work & our business.

    At Compute Midwest, you’ll hear from world class innovators and pioneers about the future of:
              - 3D Printing
              - Cognitive Computing
              - Robotics
              - Personal Space Travel
              - Human/Computer Interfaces (like The Minority Report movie)
            …and more

    This year we have an incredible speaker lineup, including the founder of iRobot, CTO of IBM Watson & more!

    Ready to imagine the future? Go to to learn more & get registered!

    FYI We also have a hackathon on Nov 15th - 16th.


    Blog Archive
