Saturday, December 6, 2014

1:00 PM to
  • Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer

    4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood, KS (map)
    38.917133 -94.640793
  • No topics have been selected yet. The beginner's meeting is a chance to talk about basic tools available in R that you can use right away and that are fundamental to most application areas. At previous meetings, we discussed that good beginners topics might be on areas like data management, basic statistical analyses, and graphical methods.

    If you have a suggestion for a topic, please leave a message here on If you, yourself, want to present that topic, let us know that also. 


Thursday, December 4, 2014

6:00 PM

Quay Coffee

412 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will most likely be in the back room or hogging the large table in the corner.
  • In the spirit of holiday laid-backery, we will just pick a problem (any problem) and spend the time hacking on it.  The problem is likely to come either from HackerRank or project Euler, or some similar site.


    Thursday, December 4, 2014

    6:00 PM

    CremaLab, LLC

    1815 Central Street, Kansas City, MO (map)


    A refugee of the Soviet Union, Diana Kander entered America as an eight-year old resident of subsidized housing in Brooklyn, New York. By the time she was an American citizen, she had perfected her skills as a capitalist – selling flea market goods to grade school classmates at a markup.

    Today, Diana is a successful entrepreneur, having founded and sold a number of ventures, and a Senior Fellow at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the largest non-profit in the world dedicated to entrepreneurship and education. Diana draws on her experience as a founder, investor, and academic to design and implement curriculum in educational institutions and the private sector.

    A sought out public speaker and writer, Diana has advised startup founders and Fortune 500 executives on her methodology for customer-focused innovation.

    Diana lives in Columbia, Missouri with her high school sweetheart/husband, Jason, and their awesome son True.


    Wednesday, December 3, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Community Space on the First Floor
  • KC's PHP User Group at the Sprint Accelerator
    Join us on December 3rd to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new!  We will be meeting in the community space on the first floor.
    Our Evening Meeting Format
    We love Web Development, new development techniques and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we know evenings are precious so we will shoot for:
    6:00pm -Mingling / Meet and Greet 
    6:30pm - Lightning Talks / Presentation
    Eric Poe / John Kary - Live TDD workshop
    Dan Holmes - Automating DB changes with Phinx

    Interested in giving a lightning talk or presentation? Sign Up!
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious or just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something new and cool you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting and get signed up!



    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We've been away for a while...but we are back with two great topics! So please join us as we tour semantic web technologies and geospatial analysis. Read below for a short description of the topics and our tour guides!
    Yashwanth Dannamaneni will give us an introduction into the what the semantic web is, how it can be used in the field of data science, show some examples of using SPARQL and finish up describing how data modeling can be done with ontologies. Yes, this will be a wild ride!
    Yashwanth holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, Bangalore and Masters in Computer Science
    from University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). He is currently a Data Scientist at Pinsight Media+ (powered by Sprint). He is interested in the Semantic Web, Data Modeling, Big Data and Analytics.
    Piero Ferrante will be presenting a real use case for interactively exploring millions of users’ geospatial data over time. He will be utilizing the GeoPandas data analysis library in the IPython interactive computing environment while making use of several open city datasets. GeoPandas extends the popular Pandas library to work with geographic objects. File I/O, geometric operations, map projection transformations, and plotting are provided in a high level interface that makes use of other libraries including Shapely and Fiona without a need for complicated desktop GIS applications or spatial databases. IPython includes an architecture for interactive widgets that tie together Python code running in the kernel and JavaScript/HTML/CSS running in the browser. These widgets enable users to explore their code and data in a more interactive manner.
    Piero is a practicing data scientist with an extensive background in data mining and applied machine learning. He holds a M.S. in Predictive Analytics from Northwestern University, a B.S. in Finance and Management Information Systems from the University of Delaware, and is an adjunct professor of Data Mining and Text Analytics at Rockhurst University. Piero is currently a Data Scientist at Pinsight Media+ where he has developed several predictive models, analysis techniques, and recommendation systems that have given way to significant competitive advantages.
    While we know DSKC members never leave thirsting for knowledge...sometimes they are thirsty for a drink! So please join us a little early for a beer and some good conversation. Presentations will begin around 6:30pm.


    Wednesday, December 3, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Garmin International

    1200 E 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map)

  • Building Reactive applications with Reactor - by Reactor Lead Jon Brisbin
    This session will introduce attendees to the Reactive Streams project, a new initiative between reactive software's heavy-hitters like Pivotal, Typesafe, Netflix, Twitter, and others. Since Pivotal's own Reactor framework implements this informal standard, we'll demonstrate how to build applications that can connect to other Reactive Streams implementations in a completely non-blocking way.
    NOTE: This talk will be given in person!
    Jon is Project Lead for Reactor but came on board with Spring in the initial days of the Spring Data project. He has been a contributor to Spring and Spring Data for three years and has trained hundreds of developers in the use of Spring Data and Cloud technologies. He speaks regularly at conferences in the U.S. and in Europe and is co-author of the O'Reilly publication "Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java".
    Prior to Pivotal, Jon developed private cloud architectures at the world's largest Pizza Hut franchisee, developed Lotus Domino, J2EE, PHP and even Perl CGI applications in BBEdit on an aged Mac, and got his start in web-based development 20 years ago, as an intelligence analyst for the US Air Force, when NCSA Mosaic 1.0 was cool.
    Location Details
    All guests to Garmin need to register (with Frank) upon entering the North Lobby. The doors will need to be locked at 6:55 so Frank can attend the meeting, therefore if you are late you will need to contact Frank directly via meetup. 
    Please park anywhere in the north lot and enter the doors there (North East Doors). Please ensure you park in valid parking spaces and not in the disabled parking stalls.
    Garmin's address is 1200 E 151st, Olathe, KS 66062
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with food provided by Adaptive Solutions Group
    • 7pm - Presentation
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us at Austin’s Bar and Grill located at 2103 E 151st St, Olathe, KS 66062 for an informal social sponsored by genesis10. They will provide a beverage for all attendees and some appetizers. For directions, click here.
    New Attendees
    All new attendees are welcome! The group is as much about socializing with other Spring Enthusiasts as it is learning about Spring.


    Wednesday, December 17, 2014

    6:30 PM

  • H&R Block

    One H&R Block Block Way, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Tell Security you are there for the UX meeting.
  • Twice a year we have a demo night and a give away for Adobe's Creative Cloud. You have to have been to at least 1 other meeting this year to qualify. You get another chance if you also do a demo of something you've done this year from a UX perspective. IA's, journey maps, case studies, anything user oriented, wireframes, and the like.
    I am also looking for someone to take over the group, so if you are interested, let me know.


    Tuesday, December 2, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.922878 -94.583649

  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Tuesday, December 2, 2014

    7:00 PM

    Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)

  • It's the chance to see others' work and to have the chance to win valuable prizes!
    We will spend the evening sharing a potluck dinner, seeing what everyone's been up to during the past year, and exploring new tools and techniques with Creative Cloud. This is our "annual demo night" and it also gives us the chance to give away a complete year's subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud to one lucky winner.
    When you RSVP, tell us what you're willing to show and tell.
    Here's how to get more chances to win...
    • Just by showing up, you'll receive a raffle ticket.
    • Having earned one for each meeting you've attended since June, those raffle tickets will be added to the pile.
    • If you bring at least one food item for the potluck, you'll receive an additional raffle ticket.
    • If you give a demo of something you've worked on, are currently learning, or just want to show off a technique or tool you've discovered, you'll receive an additional raffle ticket. Demos are limited to 10 minutes.
    • If you want to buy an additional raffle ticket, they are $10 each and the funds will be used to help pay Meetup costs for the group ($180/year) plus incidental expenses.
    This is always a fun meeting, and gives us the chance to look up from our computers and see what else is going on around us. Come prepared to eat, have fun, and win prizes!


    Monday, December 1, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, MO (map)
    0.000000 0.000000

  • Come meet and work with other civic-minded folks passionate about open government and civic tech! Hack Night is a weekly event hosted by Code for America, so come by and work on a civic project you have already started, start a new project, or collaborate with others on their projects.
    Join our Code for KC email list:
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade site:
    And join our Google+ community too!


    Wednesday, December 10, 2014

    7:00 PM


  • 9800 Metcalf Overland Park KS
  • We will be bringing management consulting group SavvyGRC in to talk about security and governance in the enterprise.
    More details to come!


  • Codero

    5750 W. 95th St., Suite 300, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and hang out. Bring your own project or work on one of the suggested projects below. We'll have members available to help beginning Python programmers with language basics and practice.
    Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.
    Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop and power cord
    Sessions On Demand (SOD): These demand-based sessions will have facilitators available.
    Beginners Boostrap: Just getting started with Python? We'll help you get everything you need to learn Python installed on your computer. Here are some good resources for learning Python:
    The official Python tutorial:
    Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist:
    An introduction to Python through writing games:
    Learn Python the Hard Way:
    Python coding exercises:
    Django Jam: A session for discussing all things Django.
    Tools & Tips: A session about the practical aspects of Python programming. Editor or IDE? MySQL, PostgreSQL or NoSQL? virtualenv or virtual machine?
    Build Your Own Session (BYOS): Don't like any of these sessions? How about facilitating one of your own? It's always nice to hear new voices and viewpoints.


    When & Where
    Thursday, December 4
    6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
     2501 Southwest Blvd
    Kansas City, MO 64108

    Don't miss this special chapter event where we will be recognizing our local Analyst of the Year Finalist during a social event at the Boulevard Brewery
    This event will include pizza, drinks, a tour of the brewery, and networking with your peers. There is limited space, so don't wait to register!

    We look forward to seeing you there!
    HDI Heartland Chapter


    Part of the national Lync User Group. We will discuss all things Lync including Enterprise Voice, SDN, SBC's, PBX integration, Lync Online and more!


    It was good to see several of you at the PASS Summit this year, hopefully you got your fill of all things SQL at least until our next user group meeting.  
    Speaking of which, we will be rescheduling the November meeting to December 18th.
    December 18th:
    Presenter: Bill Fellows is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and a Business Intelligence professional in Kansas City, Missouri. He’s been focused on data integration, database design, and development since 1999. He is the organizer of the Kansas City SQL Saturdays and a regular speaker at SQL Server community events.
    Topic:Understanding of the R language and how it can be used to perform basic statistical observations with data from SQL Server
    Interested in getting started with the popular statistical analysis language R? This is the session for you. Learn what software you need, how to connect to a data base and perform basic analysis on your data.

    January 15th - User Group Meeting
    Presenter and Sponsor: Scott Shaw from Hortonworks

    February 19th - User Group Meeting
    Presenter and Sponsor: Glenn Berry from SQL Skills
    Dr. DMV's Troubleshooting Toolkit
    Dynamic Management Views and functions allow you to easily see exactly what is happening inside your SQL Server instances and databases with a high level of detail. You can discover your top wait types, most CPU intensive stored procedures, find missing indexes, and identify unused indexes, to name just a few examples. This session presents, demonstrates and explains numerous DMV queries that you can quickly and easily use to detect and diagnose configuration and performance issues in your SQL Server instances and databases.

    April 16th - User Group Meeting
    Presenter and Sponsor: Paul Randal from SQL Skills
    Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait Statistics
    One of the first things you should check when investigating performance issues are wait statistics - as these can often point you in the direction for further analysis. Unfortunately many people misinterpret what SQL Server is telling them and jump to conclusions about how to solve the problem - what is often called 'knee-jerk performance tuning'. In this session, you will learn what waits are, how to analyze them, and potential solutions to common problem patterns.

    KC SQL Server User Group web site:


  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
  • Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


    Tuesday, November 25, 2014

    7:00 PM

  • Johnny's Tavern West

    721 Wakarusa Drive, Lawrence, KS (map)
    38.971630 -95.306804

  • This informal gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Tuesday, November 25, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Snow and Company

    1815 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Look for the friendly techies, probably at the tables to the left when you come in.
  • See the title.
    We don't have any preset plans. Just come, eat & drink, and meet people. Anyone is welcome even if he or she isn't in the tech field. We all were there once. It's very casual - as long as you're wearing clothes acceptable in public places, you're good with us!
    Please join the discussion on our facebook page too: 


    Digging into Bootstrap: Intense Bootstrap CSS Theming! - Part 2, scheduled to occur on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 6:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.

    Unfortunately, I have been facing random dizzy spells throughout the day and have chosen to cancel the event stay in.

    If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.


    Thursday, December 18, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Quay Coffee

    412 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • if we are not hogging the largest table in Quay Coffee (in the back corner), check the back room.
  • We will pick a problem for the meeting to work on.  It will likely come from HackerRank or project Euler, or some similar sort of site.


  • Meet other MeteorJS enthusiasts. If you are an expert Web Developer or a newbie, MeteorJS has lot to offer. Learn more at the meetup.
    If you've built a Meteor app before, we would love to see it. This could be any project large or small, whether that’s a complex production app or just something you threw together in a weekend. Drop us a line in the comments if you have a Meteor app you could show.
    6:30 pm - Doors open, mingle. 
    7:00 pm - Quick over-view for any new people.
    7:15 pm - Demo's (if some one has a Meteor project they would like to show)
    7:30 pm - Coding and any questions. I plan on deploying the Meteor Meetup app provided by the Meteor Vegas team to Kansas City. Seen here:


    Monday, November 24, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, MO (map)
    0.000000 0.000000

  • Come meet and work with other civic-minded folks passionate about open government and civic tech! Hack Night is a weekly event hosted by Code for America, so come by and work on a civic project you have already started, start a new project, or collaborate with others on their projects.
    Join our Code for KC email list:
    Be sure and sign up at the national Brigade site:


  • Cerner Innovation Center

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943122 -94.530841

  • Jérôme Petazzoni, Engineer at Docker, will be joining us to give a brief introduction to Docker, explaining what it is, what it's for; featuring a few short demos. Then, he'll move in to a more advanced talk "Life Without SSH". *Pizza and beverages will be provided.


    We're canceling this week and changing the time for next Tuesday. Sorry for the late notice.


    HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, November 19, 2014, at JCCC, Regnier Center - 3rd Floor, RC 355

    Presentation:  Building a Database Interface: Customizing the Navigation Pane, Building Dialog Boxes, and Creating Navigation Forms

    Presenter:   Lisa Friedrichsen
    Description:   Your database application is almost complete but now you need to make it easy for others to use.  Come to this meeting to learn about different approaches to your database interface.

    Presenter Bio: Lisa is a Professor at Johnson County Community College in the area of database and Access applications.

    Q&A Session:  Get answers to your Access questions from the experts

    Access 2013:  Absolute Beginner's Guide by Alison Balter.
    Make the most of Access 2013 -- without becoming a technical expert!  This book is the fastest way to master Access and use it to build powerful, useful databases of all kinds -- even web application databases.
    Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.

    Special this month - for JCCC Students only.
    Microsoft Access VBA Programming for the absolute beginner, Fourth Edition by Michael Vine.
    In this book, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts of computer programming with Microsoft Access 2010 VBA, including variables, conditions, loops, arrays, procedures and functions.
    Sponsored by: Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc
    This drawing for HUG Members only

    Upcoming Meeting:
    December 17, 2014
    January 21, 2015      


    The next Agile KC meeting will be a breakfast meeting at the KC Federal Reserve.   If you plan on attending please visit to register.
    You will need to register to attend.   Space is limited for this meeting, so if you plans change, please cancel your reservation via Eventbrite.

    Friday December 5, 2014 from 8:30 - 10:30 AM

    KC Federal Reserve 
    1 Memorial Drive
    KCMO 64198

    Meeting Topic:  
    Tactics for merging an Agile process in a waterfall business environment

    Meeting Learning:  
    The introduction and incorporation of Agile practices in an organization that has been utilizing waterfall practices, can often lead to a variety of challenges.  This session will help call out some of the challenges that members of the group have experienced and also how they were addressed

    Meeting Description:  
    The benefits of agile development are widely documented and have been witnessed in seemingly every market sector and organization size, from startups to Fortune 50.  Faster time to market, maximized value delivery, better alignment, and happier people are only a few of the noted outcomes of a well-functioning agile process.

    However, as just about everyone that has been through an agile transformation can attest, the benefits don’t come without some cost and effort.  The shift to focusing on self-directed teams is often at odds with a system that has been built to manage specific roles in independent silos.  The necessary daily collaboration between business and IT is another challenge that has to be addressed.  There are countless others.

    Join us at the Federal Reserve to hear some experience reports and best practices about utilizing and Agile approach in a waterfall business environment, share your thoughts and experiences with the group, and do some brainstorming on how you might further the journey in your organization.

    Speaker's Bios:
    Scott Robinson is an Agile Coach and Change Agent with Silicon Prairie Solutions.  Scott has extensive experience working with large and small organizations; helping them introduce Agile|Lean practices and evolve their culture. 

    Paul is an Agile Coach and Scrum Trainer for Commerce Bank.  Paul is an Agile enthusiast with a passion for transforming  teams and growing agility within the enterprise.  He teaches the following workshops:  Agile Scrum Boot Camp, Product Visioning and Story Mapping.  He has had over 400 attendees through these courses.  He is married with 6 children (a nice size scrum team with a 9 month old impediment) and enjoys roller coasters and water parks.

    Steve Toalson is an Agile Coach at Hallmark Cards.  Involved in their first experimental Agile project, Steve has fully embraced the agile principles and continues to spread the good word of Agile at Hallmark.   Steve has worked with several different teams on their Agile journey and is also one of two Hallmark Agile Trainers.

    Tami Flowers is a Senior Project Manager at the Sunflower Group. She has held a variety of technical roles including developer, project manager and enterprise architect. She is a PMP, Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), and Certified Scrum Master. After a particularly painful 4-year long, multi-million dollar project with multiple restarts, Tami helped transition the organization from Waterfall to Agile and in doing so was an Agile coach, active participant, and Scrum Master. She believes Agile practices, kept lightweight and tailored for the organization, can help deliver quality technical solutions that provide customer value.


    All KC Marketing Club Happy Hour
    Wed, Dec 3 - 5-8pm at McFadden's 

    Let's start December off right with all the KC marketing/communications associations getting together for one big holiday blowout!

    Your $5 registration above gets you your first drink free.
    Participating organizations include:

    Freelance Exchange, KCDMA​, KCIABC​,
    KCIMA​, KCSEM​, Media Mix, PRSA-KC​
    See you there and Happy Holidays!


    Pizza Pie & Tippin's Pie Happy Hour -
    THURS! Nov 20 - 5:30-7:30p at Waldo Pizza
    Kick off the holiday season with us as we gather for a pie-themed happy hour! We'll have pizza pies and other food from Waldo Pizza as well as a spread of pies of the dessert variety from Tippin's and your first drink is on us. You won't want to miss this festive celebration, so RSVP today!


    Global Entrepreneurship Week - KC

    Celebrate KC entrepreneurs, best in the world!

    November 17-23, 2014 

    Global Entrepreneurship Week - GEWIn 2013, Kansas City celebrated its biggest Global Entrepreneurship Week. A total of 62 activities were held across the metropolitan area, hosted by 100+ organizations and drawing more than 5,500 participants. Preparations are under way for more outstanding results this November 17-23 when Global Entrepreneurship Week marks its seventh year.
    Global Entrepreneurship Week — founded by the Kauffman Foundation — is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare. Kansas City consistently has been among the leading cities for GEW events and this year looks to be bigger and better than ever!
    With more than 70 activities planned by local organizations throughout metropolitan Kansas City, there’s something for everyone. The wide variety of education, networking and collaborative events give aspiring entrepreneurs and experienced business people an opportunity to share in the spirit of entrepreneurship in Kansas City.



  • Digital Evolution Group

    10801 Mastin Street #130, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • You’re invited to join us for lunch and great conversation on Lean software and Kanban.
    Format: Lean Coffee topical format
    Where: Digital Evolution Group Coffee Shop, 10801 Mastin Street, Overland Park, KS
    This is a BYOL (bring your own lunch) event.
    Starbucks coffee is provided!


    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    6:30 PM

    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Join Lisa Homstad as she takes us through the basics of PHP. You won't be able to build your own site after this, but you will be able to get some burning questions answered!
    Lisa Homstad, Web Developer/Owner of Four Lights Web Development, earned a B.S. in Computer Science from Iowa State University and has been a professional web developer since 2003. She is fluent in multiple web languages and technologies including PHP, WordPress, Javascript/jQuery and HTML/CSS. She has served as Web Director for The Freelance Exchange of Kansas City, is a member of Kansas City Women in Technology, and a regular at Kansas City’s PHP User Group.


    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • DST Systems: block 89 building

    333 W. 11th St., Kansas City, MO (map)
    0.000000 0.000000

  • We will be in room 303. You will need to check in at the security desk.
  • Our midway collaboration meetups are very simple.  They are designed to encourage collaboration on code and social coding, so bring your laptop and plan on some hacking!


    Don't miss this special chapter event where we will be recognizing our local Analyst of the Year Finalist during a social event at the Boulevard Brewery
    This event will include pizza, drinks, a tour of the brewery, and networking with your peers. There is limited space, so don't wait to register!

    We look forward to seeing you there!
    HDI Heartland Chapter


    KCWebPros: Oct Mtg. NOW NOVEMBER Mtg.....FOR OUR 680+ MEMBERS!!!

    Those darn ROYALS - We now are having our OCT. Mtg in NOVEMBER due to World Series! Somebody shoot Madison Bumgardner! Only kidding!

    6:30 PM, Wed, NOVEMBER 19, 2014

    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

    (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Sponsor: TBD
    Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD, In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to John K.( to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

    This month's presentation is:
    Stackify Products & Devops!

    Presenter : Matt Watson – Founder & CEO, Stackify

    This presentation will cover Stackify products and Devops.


    Matt Watson founded Stackify in 2012 and as CEO provides the vision and leadership for the direction of the company. Prior to founding Stackify, he was the founder and CTO of VinSolutions. VinSolutions’ innovative product offering led to rapid company growth and was even featured on the Inc. 500 (#447) in 2010. Matt is an entrepreneur at heart and excels at product and software development.

    Matt studied Computer Information Systems at DeVry University. He started programming when he was in middle school to automate playing video games while he was at school. He hasn’t stopped programming since and loves anything technology related. Other hobbies include working too much, travel, movies, golf, cars, and of course his family.



    Mabee Library at MidAmerica Nazarene University

    2030 E. College Way , Olathe, KS (map)

  • We will be in the main public space on the 1st floor.
  • In following with the KCOHG's continued mission of Open Source awareness and education we are proud to announce our first meetup in partnership with Mabee Library at MidAmerica Nazarene University. 

    This casual event will be focused on 3D printing technology along side demonstations of members prints, printers and designs. 

    3D Printing, also known as Additive Manufacturing, is an exciting technology that has dramatically altered the way products are designed, manufactured, distributed and financed. It all begins with a standard digital file (.stl) of an object, created by either Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software of some sort or a 3D scanner, which is then processed by “slicing” the design into G-Code which when understood by the machine builds the object layer-upon-layer in a material such as plastic, metal or ceramic. 

    As a group KCOHG provides a forum for members and the community, to discuss various types of Open Source Hardware, with events such as this one centered around a primary technology or build to increase awareness, socialize and most importantly learn how Open Source technology will touch everyone lives. 

    If you need help getting your new printer dialed in, learn more about how to design 3d objects, or just to meet other like minded people, we look forward to seeing you !

    The simplest way we've found is
    • 143rd ST going West until Lindenwood Drive
    • Turn RIGHT on Lindenwood Drive
    • Follow the road past two parking lit entrances.
    • Make a RIGHT turn at the third parking lot, and follow it EAST (straight), it should enter a second lot on the South East corner. (You will pass the Cook Center on your right and living area on the left).
    • Follow this parking lot to the far end (South East) and park. The library should be directly in front of you.


    Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    6:00 PM

    Codero Hosting

    5750 W. 95th St. Suite 300, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Let's discuss the outline for 2015 as well as talk about the previous meetups that we have had.
    What did we like?
    What are things that we can do to improve the meetups?
    If anyone would like to give a presentation on cloud please feel free to let me know and we can get it scheduled for this meeting as well.



    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • North face of the building, West Door.
    We will be picking up where we left off.
    If you need to catch up, you can start will lesson-2's code on github, and the follow screencast #2 for the last meetup.
    Let me know if you need any help. I am available on Slack 24/7 or on LinkedIn at:
    Hope to see you all there!


  • Penton Inc

    9800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS (map)
  • Andy Grohe from Pentaho Professional services will talk about how ETL with Hadoop can be done using ETL Platforms such as Pentaho.
    Tim Jumps from Penton will talk about Penton's adoption fo Pentaho and the workload processing through Pentaho.


    Saturday, November 15, 2014

    2:30 PM

    Black Dog Coffee House

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)

  • Maybe big room in back--look for the laptops and O'Reilly books
  • Come join us at Blackdog Coffeehouse for our regular third-Saturday get-together.
    It's going to be COOOLD out there, so come inside, get something warm to drink and let's talk shop!  Bring your questions, code, books, or anything else PHP and share with the group. 
    Our Saturday Meeting Format
    Our Saturday meetings are free-formed and the attendees bring up topics that interest them or that they want feedback on. Our rough meeting structure follows this format:
    * Introductions / meet and greet new members
    Open group discussion on any development topic, concern or question; discussing any new happenings that interest the group
    * S
    etting up your development environment, reviewing code written by others, quick demos, etc. (time permitting)
    Anyone interested in PHP welcome!
    Interested in giving a more formal presentation to the group, or demoing something new and exciting you're working on? Contact one of our organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting and tell us your ideas!



    DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

    Come through the front or back door. If arriving after 8:30, you'll need to text somebody to let you in.
  • CCCKC Weekly Open House Meeting
    Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road. We are located in room 115, the "Bookstore" room. Enter through the front or back doors (the room is closest to the back). Doors get locked at 8:30 pm so if you need someone to let you in, text the phone number below.
    Members start gathering around 6:30, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 8:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!


  • Johnson County Library, Central Resource Library @ the Paretsky & Parks meeting room

    9875 West 87th Street, Overland Park, KS, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.969990 -94.699478

  • Welcome to Learn IT, Kansas City
    Cameron Carroll will be discussing the role of a Business Analyst in the software development environment.


    Blog Archive
