Continuous Delivery Workshop

Event ID: 1032603209
Microsoft Office
10801 Mastin Blvd, Suite 629 Overland Park Kansas 66210 United States
Language(s): English.
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Azure.
Audience(s): Business Analyst, Developer Generalist, IT Decision Maker, IT Manager, Pro Dev/Programmer, Tech Influencing BDM and Tester.
We need to do more with less and we need to do it faster than ever before! Modern software development teams need to be agile – quickly responding to changes in the business. Users expect responsive and engaging user experiences across multiple platforms and devices. Although you won’t be getting additional money and manpower to accomplish all of this, it’s not all bad. As needs have arisen, so too have solutions. Today’s cloud-based services allow for major transformations of every company. We’ve also seen significant evolution of the web, mobile platforms, tools, and methodologies.
At this workshop, we want to introduce you to the value of Continuous Delivery. We will also give you some hands-on exercises to show you how to achieve some of these benefits. We want to help you identify the most common bottlenecks to target and ways to reduce or even eliminate them from your process!
Workshop Objective:
Ø  Educate attendees on the value of tightening release cycles
Ø  Provide hands-on experience with the tools necessary to succeed

Ø  A PC that is wireless internet-ready, so you can participate in the hands-on exercises.
Ø  A current MSDN subscription will be required for some parts of the hands-on exercises.
Ø  Ideally, you’ve activated your MSDN Azure benefits before the event, but we can provide assistance if necessary. We’ll also be setting up a Visual Studio online account (one of your MSDN benefits).

Event  Agenda:
What is Continuous Delivery?
15 min
The state of software today. What is Continuous Delivery? What about CI, Agile, and DevOps?
Continuous Delivery in Azure
15 min
What is Azure and how can Azure help me remove bottlenecks? Not only does Azure and its hybrid capabilities make dev/test environments possible, it also makes it a natural and fast part of your workflow.
Development to Deployment in Azure
Hands-On Lab
45 min
Attendees will:
·         Activate MSDN Azure account
·         Create a web site
·         Deploy to Azure Website
10 min
Maximizing Build Automation
Presentation / Demo
15 min
Automated builds are the EKG of software development. A build server can do much more than simply compile code. In Continuous Delivery, automated builds are probably the easiest way to get started and they’ll have dramatic impact on your release cycles.
VSO build and deploy to Azure
Hands-On Lab
40 min
Attendees will:
·         Create a VSO account
·         Check in source code
·         Create automated build to deploy to Azure
Release Pipeline / Management
Presentation / Demo
30 min
Application releases are milestone events. These may be releases to development for integration and collaboration, to QA for integration testing, or to production for use by your customers. These are all opportunities to practice, refine, and automate so that deployment can become a “non-event”.
10 min
Quality and Testing
Presentation / Demo
30 min
When it comes to reducing release cycles, you can’t just focus on the developer role. If the requirements aren’t consumable in small chunks, then you have an input problem. If your code quality is poor or QA team isn’t highly efficient, then you have an output problem.
Monitoring for Availability, Performance, and Usage
Presentation / Demo
15 min
Monitoring, logging, and troubleshooting are critical to success in operations, but often afterthoughts in development. These things don’t have to be so hard though.
Hands-On Lab
20 min
Attendees will:
·         Add Application Insights to their web app
·         Add feature usage instrumentation
·         Monitor usage

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