Thursday, February 5, 2015
Header: Nerds will give their time, talent and weekend of May 2-3 to help nonprofits do what they do - but better - online
• Join our Code for KC email list.
• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC
• Registering up at the national Brigade site.
• Joining our Google+ community.
Calling all those interested in GIS and Geospatial Development! This is a group for anyone interested in ALL aspects of Geographical Information Systems, including GIS software, development, systems and processes. All skills levels are welcome - come to learn, present, or just hang out with your fellow peers in or around the Kansas City area. I started this group to meet other GIS enthusiasts. Looking forward to exploring the many GIS possibilities with everyone.”
KCWebPros: JANUARY Mtg. 1/28/2015.....FOR OUR 700 MEMBERS!!! WELCOME BACK! ITS 2015! So, its Time for State of the KCWEBPROS Union Presentation! 6:30 PM, Wed, JANUARY 28, 2015 Centriq Training Center 8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS (West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall) Sponsor: CJK Consulting at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food and door prizes will be provided by : CJK Consulting, In order to ensure that we have enough food, please send an email to John K.( to indicate if you will be attending. Thanks very much ! This month's presentation is: KCWEBPROS & KCINCUBATOR: State of OUR Union - What's our Strategic Goals for 2015? What Presentations do we want to hear? What Projects would we like to develop? What Should KCWEBPROS & KCINCUBATOR look like in January 2016? (Main speakers/Facilitators: John K., President, KCWEBPROS & CEO of CJK Consulting; VP's Kurt W. Loudon(Data Systems Architect @ Shafer,Kline&Warren) & Ray Harris(employed at several places including Riverpoint)) Main Facilitator/Presenter : John Krzysztow. This presentation will be a panel-led discussion with KCWEBPROS(& KCIncubator) Members. We will discuss the goals, challenges, needs, wants of our Membership and how we might accomplish these items in 2015. Here is your chance to help set the strategic direction of KCWEBPROS & KCINCUBATOR! Maybe there is a Presentation that you haven't heard OR would like to hear again? Maybe there is a project you would like to build? Maybe a project you would like to sponsor and have KCINCUBATOR build it?....AND MORE! If you are a business or educational institution and want to learn more about how to get your project built by KCIncubator, please consider attending! If you are a developer and want to learn on what is expected, working as a team member, please consider attending as well. One of the goals of this meeting is to find developers a real world project experience. Come and join the fun. Mini-Bios - Check out our Profiles on LinkedIn: John K. Kurt Ray |
Monday Geek Night at Tannin Wine Bar + Kitchen | ||
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Join the Smarter SharePoint KC User Group to hear the latest on all things SharePoint, learn new skills, discuss your challenges and network with other SharePoint professionals.
Follow us on Twitter at @SharePointKC for more event info and SharePoint happenings!
LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas School of Architecture, Design & Planning’s second annual Design Week begins Thursday, Jan. 22, and will conclude Jan. 30.
"It’s an eight-day series of multidisciplinary events, lectures, workshops, and competitions," said event organizer and student Katie Whiteman. "We want them to appeal to students enrolled in any of the broad spectrum of majors offered at KU's School of Architecture, Design & Planning. However, all KU students are invited to participate in Design Week events.”
Besides architecture and urban planning, students who are studying in the Department of Design may specialize in visual communications, photo media, illustration, industrial design and environmental design.
Activities will include a movie night, a puzzle workshop, scavenger hunt, dollhouse challenge, paper-engineering workshop and a drop-cap-battle tennis match.
Participants may also spend an afternoon working in the design department’s letterpress lab; tour the Lawrence Public Library with the architects and graphic designers, and attend a discussion about the design process experts from Useagility, a user-experience design firm from Kansas City, Missouri.
Accompanying the event will be an exhibit of design student work opening Friday, Jan. 23, at the Kansas Union Gallery. A Design Week wrap party will take place Jan. 30 at Pachamamas, 800 New Hampshire St.
Organizers of Design Week have created a Facebook page2 with an extensive description of each event, its time and location. A brief video designed to promote the event can be viewed here3.
- See more at:
Next Speaker Series: Join us Monday, February 2nd at H&R Block for “Why Developers Hate You.” An interactive meeting, bridging the gap between UX and developers with Jeff Julian and John Alexander from AJI Software . Together they have over 30 years experience working with developers. TekSystems will be providing food and drinks. Get your tickets here.