
DeVry University

11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Members and guests are welcome to attend our weekly Open House meeting at our current location, DeVry University on Holmes Road in room 115.
  • ***NOTE: NEW DAY of the week for Open House starting the week of January 18, 2015*** FRIDAY NIGHTS at 7:00 pm
    Our first Friday night, January 23, 2015 is a sci-fi movie night with hot dogs for 75 cents each or 2 for $1 ... come watch a movie, share your projects and find out what types of things we have planned for 2015. Of course we are interested in what you would like to participate in as well.
    Members start gathering around 6:30 or a little after, and the business meeting (if there is one for that night) is at 7:00 pm.
    Bring your projects! We want to see what you're working on, collaborate, or even help out!  Keep an eye on Meet Up to find out about upcoming workshops, Maker Faire event, and more!
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