
Cerner Innovation Campus

10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • There are detailed directions under More>File>Cerner Innovation Map
  • Heterogeneous learning deals with data from complex real-world applications such as social networks, biological networks, internet of things, etc. Heterogeneity could be found in multi-task learning, multi-view learning, multi-label learning, and multi-instance learning. In this talk we will present our group’s recent progress in designing and implementing large-scale heterogeneous learning algorithms including multi-task learning and multi-view learning. The applications of this work in social network analysis and bioinformatics will be discussed as well.
    Dr. Jun (Luke) Huan is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas. At KU, he directs the Bioinformatics and Computational Life Sciences Laboratory at the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC).
    Dr. Huan works on data science, machine learning, data mining, big data, and interdisciplinary topics including bioinformatics. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers in leading conferences and journals and has graduated more than ten graduate students, including six Ph.Ds. Dr. Huan serves the editorial board of several international journals including the Springer Journal of Big Data, Elsevier Journal of Big Data Research, and the International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. He regularly serves the program committee of top-tier international conferences on machine learning, data mining, big data, and bioinformatics.
    Dr. Huan's research is recognized internationally. He was a recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award in 2009. His group won the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining in 2011 and the Best Paper Award (runner-up) at the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management in 2009. His work has appeared in mass media including Science Daily, R&D magazine, and EurekAlert (sponsored by AAAS). Dr. Huan's research was supported by NSF, NIH, DoD, and the University of Kansas.
    Our hosts, Cerner, have generously offered to provide pizza and soda! So please keep your RSVP up to date if your plans change!


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • I'm excited to announce our first formal meetup will be on Thursday, March 5th at the Sprint Accelerator Community Room from 6:30 - 8 p.m. I'll kick things off by presenting on using Web Map and Feature Service Requests (using GeoServer), and I'll post other topics here as they are formalized. So come to learn and meet other GeoSpatial professionals and Enthusiasts! See you then!


    Thursday, March 5, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Quay Coffee

    412 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will most likely be in the back room or hogging the large table in the corner.
  • In the spirit of holiday laid-backery, we will just pick a problem (any problem) and spend the time hacking on it.  The problem is likely to come either from HackerRank or project Euler, or some similar site.


    Thursday, March 12, 2015

    7:00 PM

    Plaza Public Library

    4801 Main St Ste 100, Kansas City, MO

    To get the most out of this Meetup, be ready and willing to discuss everything from price structure, providing quotes to clients, managing billing/invoicing, issues with clients, client acquisition, business resources, and everything else WordPress business related.
    If you run a business building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and/or offering WordPress services - This Meetup is for you!
    Come and discuss/share your experiences and ask questions of others who sell WordPress products and services.
    NOTE - If you simply run your business website using WordPress as the platform, this is likely not the right Meetup for you. Feel free to suggest one, though!


    Tuesday, March 17, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Barkley

    1740 Main St. K.C. MO 64108, Kansas City, MO (map)
  • We're switching it up this month and are planning a discussion panel. The focus of which is the front end framework: which to choose in what scenario and why. Since there is no one size fits all framework, no winner will be announced.
    Panel participants will receive a list of abbreviated speaking topics before the event, giving each a chance to prepare thorough answers. Questions and speaking topics are provided by you, the audience.
    The quality of this event is completely dependent on your submissions, so please give them thorough thought. An example of a good topic includes: "Please explain the flexibility of the dependency tree for your framework". A bad question sounds like: "Which front end framework is the best and why should I use it?". Submissions may target an issue surrounding a single or group of frameworks and do not need to apply to all panel participants. Submit questions on this thread.
    The deadline for questions is one week before the event - March 10th, 7pm.
    If you'd like to volunteer as a panel participant please say so in this thread. Our panel currently includes the following:
    • Durandal - Matt Hamilton
    • Ember - Justin Durkes
    • Angular - Jeremy Mason
    • Ampersand - Wyatt Preul
    • Backbone - Joe Post
    Looking forward to this friendly debate!


    The Kansas City Network Programmability Meetup Group is a monthly meetup to learn about the latest technology trends around network programmability. The world of network is changing quickly, and a new skill set is needed. The Network Programmability Meetup Group is a community built around learning and sharing to help people get started with these new technology trends. We will be working closely with other Network Programmability groups to help get as much information out to our members as we can. For more information:


  • Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will be discussing Lesson 4b/c of the course "Developing Android Apps" from Udacity. Bring your laptops along with your questions and/or helpful hints for others!
    Don't forget you must attend in-person to get your weekly prizes!


    Tuesday, March 10, 2015

    6:30 PM

  • Hint

    1906 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • 6:30 pm - Doors open, mingle.
    6:40 pm - Introduction to Meteor presentation and demo for any one new to Meteor.
    7:00 pm - TBD


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.090324 -94.586769

  • Enter from the North doors (behind the building off the street). We're in the upstairs presentation area.
  • What is this event?
    Come learn one-on-one from other developers as you're randomly assigned a new learning partner every 40 minutes! You and a partner will take turns mentoring each other on something you know about web development or programming your partner does not. What you and your partner discuss is fully up to you, but this is a programming user group :)
    Attendees should be both willing to learn and willing to teach someone else. We understand you may not think you know something worth teaching, but don't kid yourself--you have at least something you can discuss!
    6:00-6:20 - Greetings and explain event
    6:20-7:00 - First learning session
    7:00-7:10 - First recap
    7:10-7:50 - Second learning session
    7:50-8:00 - Second recap
    OK, I'm still interested, tell me more!
    Presentations are intriguing but some people learn better by doing and getting their hands dirty. This event lets you sit down with someone and explore a new topic while looking over their shoulder and asking questions.
    Every one of us knows something other developers don't. From code-specific things, to any facet of development. Anything related to tech or development is up for discussion.
    What to expect:
    When you show up we'll have you write out 5 things (or more) that you know a thing or two about that you wouldn't mind teaching to another person. This list won't limit you in any way, it's just a starting point to give your partner a quick snapshot of what your strengths are. Each partner can pick one topic from the other's list (or discuss and come up with your own) to learn from the other during that session.
    We will run two 40-minute sessions where you will be RANDOMLY paired with another attendee (so there's no awkwardness.) You and your partner will exchange lists of strengths and decide what to talk about. Then however you and your partner decide to divide up the rest of the time and what to talk about is up to you--but you only have 40 minutes to collaborate.
    After each session we'll gather and discuss as a group what different people talked about and what you learned.
    What to bring:
    * Laptop (optional but encouraged)
    * Ideas on what you could teach someone
    * Ideas you're curious about learning
    Some possible development ideas to get you thinking about what you could teach or learn about:
    * Building command-line programs
    * In-browser debugging tools
    * Tips and tricks in your favorite CMS or framework
    * Dependency injection
    * Editors / IDE tricks
    * Designing REST APIs
    * MVC 
    * Database management tools
    * Explore together the source code of a popular open-source library
    * Composer
    * git
    * Customizing terminal $PS1
    * Server administration
    * Estimating
    * Date and time processing
    * Development environments
    * Benchmark different approaches to the same problem
    * Refactoring
    * Photo processing
    * Writing tests
    * Programming in other languages
    What's provided:
    Wireless internet, power outlets, tables and chairs.


    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    6:00 PM

  • Town Pavilion

    1100 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • NOTE:  We are trying out a new, more central location this month!
    It's 2015. Most of us get the various motivations behind microservices. We want to be truly agile, and ship every iteration. We want our software to map to our organization. We want independent deployability. We want small, two pizza-box teams that control their own technological destiny, choosing the best tools for their focused job. We want polyglot, language-agnostic services and well-defined module boundaries. Decomposing applications into a set of microservices delivers all of this and more, but introduces additional complexity intrinsic intrinsic in the interactions between the services.
    Join Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long for at how Spring Cloud, which builds on Spring Boot and the Netflix OSS stack, can eliminate these complexity problems.
    Attendees will emerge having learnt:
    • basic drivers for microservices
    • 12-factor app style configuration with the Spring Cloud configuration service
    • service registration and discovery with Spring Cloud and Eureka
    • preventing failure cascades with Spring Cloud and Hystrix and the Hystrix Dashboard
    • building robust edge services or API gateways with Spring Cloud and Zuul
    • client-side load-balancing with Spring Cloud and Ribbon
    Josh Long is a Spring developer advocate at Pivotal.
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with food provided at the Town Pavilion
    • 7pm - Presentation at the Town Pavilion
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us for an informal, sponsored social at the Flying Saucer located at 101 E 13th St Kansas City, MO 64106 (google maps)
    Location Details
    • You can park for free at the Town Pavilion parking garage located at 1253 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO (google maps). I have attached a picture of the front entrance of the garage.
    • You will then walk about a block to the Town Pavilion located at 1100 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO (google maps). I have attached a picture of the front of the building.
    • You will be further assisted once you enter the building.
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us for an informal, sponsored social at the Flying Saucer located at 101 E 13th St Kansas City, MO 64106 (google maps)


    Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)
    38.969131 -94.609184

  • Part of your Creative Cloud experience is a number of free mobile apps. Last month Russell Viers gave us a short demo on the Color (formerly "Kuler") mobile app and how it connects through the cloud to other Adobe products. For our March meeting, Art Swalwell will be demonstrating the Lightroom mobile app and showing a little bit of how the Adobe Ink and Slide work with a few more as time allows. 
    All of the apps are free downloads and, through the cloud, connect with some of each other and some of the desktop Adobe products. More info can be found at
    As always, we'll have a night of learning and we'll benefit from Art's experience as an avid Lightroom Mobile user. See you then!
    By the way, Lightroom Mobile was just updated on the App Store this week. Check out the update at:


    Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    7:00 PM

    Johnny's Tavern North

    410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Tuesday, March 3, 2015

    6:30 PM

    DST Systems |

    333 W11th, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Park in the folly garage at 333 W11th (Parking is Free)
  • Building "Bootiful" Applications with Spring Boot Abstract
    Alright, so maybe "bootiful" won't ever work, but I tried, and it was worth it too because you're reading this. Spring Boot, the new convention-over-configuration centric framework from the Spring team at Pivotal, marries Spring's flexibility with conventional, common sense defaults to make application development not just fly, but pleasant!
    Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) for a look at what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads (at the likes of Netflix and Ticketmaster), why you should consider it for your next application (REST, web, batch, big-data, integration, whatever!) and how to get started.
    Attendees will emerge having learnt:
    • how to get started with Spring Boot ("Bootcamp"! that will *never* get old)
    • how to interface with datastores like MongoDB
    • how to standup a REST service
    • how to handle web application templating and concerns
    • how to operationalize your application (wouldn't it be nice to not get the stink eye from your ops team, just once?)
    • how Spring Boot does its magic and how you can extend it
    RSVP: Java folks (developers, architects, etc RSVP here)  Employees and Recruiters please contact Fred Bloom or David Templeman.
    Parking / Directions:
    • Park in the folly garage at 333 W11th (Parking is Free).
    • You will need to go to the lobby & walk across the street to the 1055 building.
    • Attendees will sign in with the guard and proceed to the 3rd floor conference center.
    Sponsor: DST Systems & RiverPoint / David Templeman :
    DST is a place of collaboration, respect, and diversity of thought and culture that leverages the potential of all associates. We encourage our associates to find smarter ways of doing business to the benefit of our customers and ourselves. Ours is a culture of innovation and collaboration that spans across key solution areas around the globe. Our heritage of providing industry-leading solutions is based on people’s willingness to constantly challenge the status quo to find real-world solutions to real-world problems.
    RiverPoint has been helping IT professionals advance their careers at some of the best places to work in Kansas City. Their clients are local, national, and international leaders in digital marketing, insurance, retail, financial, and several other industries. This diverse client base has been a source of professional advancement for hundreds of our associates over the past 25 years.


    6:00 PM
  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.090324 -94.586769

  • Enter from the North doors (behind the building off the street). We're in the upstairs presentation area.
  • What is this event?
    Come learn one-on-one from other developers as you're randomly assigned a new learning partner every 40 minutes! You and a partner will take turns mentoring each other on something you know about web development or programming your partner does not. What you and your partner discuss is fully up to you, but this is a programming user group :)
    Attendees should be both willing to learn and willing to teach someone else. We understand you may not think you know something worth teaching, but don't kid yourself--you have at least something you can discuss!
    6:00-6:20 - Greetings and explain event
    6:20-7:00 - First learning session
    7:00-7:10 - First recap
    7:10-7:50 - Second learning session
    7:50-8:00 - Second recap
    OK, I'm still interested, tell me more!
    Presentations are intriguing but some people learn better by doing and getting their hands dirty. This event lets you sit down with someone and explore a new topic while looking over their shoulder and asking questions.
    Every one of us knows something other developers don't. From code-specific things, to any facet of development. Anything related to tech or development is up for discussion.
    What to expect:
    When you show up we'll have you write out 5 things (or more) that you know a thing or two about that you wouldn't mind teaching to another person. This list won't limit you in any way, it's just a starting point to give your partner a quick snapshot of what your strengths are. Each partner can pick one topic from the other's list (or discuss and come up with your own) to learn from the other during that session.
    We will run two 40-minute sessions where you will be RANDOMLY paired with another attendee (so there's no awkwardness.) You and your partner will exchange lists of strengths and decide what to talk about. Then however you and your partner decide to divide up the rest of the time and what to talk about is up to you--but you only have 40 minutes to collaborate.
    After each session we'll gather and discuss as a group what different people talked about and what you learned.
    What to bring:
    * Laptop (optional but encouraged)
    * Ideas on what you could teach someone
    * Ideas you're curious about learning
    Some possible development ideas to get you thinking about what you could teach or learn about:
    * Building command-line programs
    * In-browser debugging tools
    * Tips and tricks in your favorite CMS or framework
    * Dependency injection
    * Editors / IDE tricks
    * Designing REST APIs
    * MVC 
    * Database management tools
    * Explore together the source code of a popular open-source library
    * Composer
    * git
    * Customizing terminal $PS1
    * Server administration
    * Estimating
    * Date and time processing
    * Development environments
    * Benchmark different approaches to the same problem
    * Refactoring
    * Photo processing
    * Writing tests
    * Programming in other languages


    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    12:30 PM

  • Look for the Laptops!
  • Let's have another study session lunch! Essentially, it's just a low key event where you bring your computers, and come with any questions you may have or Rails. It's also a great time and place just to hang out and hack on stuff.


  • Snow & Company

    1815 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091248 -94.585709

  • Interested in helping the Kansas City area?  Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hackery to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.
    Come meet and work with other civic-minded folks passionate about open government and civic tech!
    Yack night is the chance to socialize with Brigade members and other interested parties and find out about the work Code for KC is doing in the community. We probably won't be doing any civic hacking -- but that's not to say it's not possible!

    If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

    Code for Kansas City has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone.

    Small Print
    • Join our Code for KC email list.
    Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC
    • Registering up at the national Brigade site.
    • Joining our Google+ community.


  • Cerner Innovation Campus

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943123 -94.530838

  • There are detailed directions under More>File>Cerner Innovation Map
  • Heterogeneous learning deals with data from complex real-world applications such as social networks, biological networks, internet of things, etc. Heterogeneity could be found in multi-task learning, multi-view learning, multi-label learning, and multi-instance learning. In this talk we will present our group’s recent progress in designing and implementing large-scale heterogeneous learning algorithms including multi-task learning and multi-view learning. The applications of this work in social network analysis and bioinformatics will be discussed as well.
    Dr. Jun (Luke) Huan is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Kansas. At KU, he directs the Bioinformatics and Computational Life Sciences Laboratory at the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC).
    Dr. Huan works on data science, machine learning, data mining, big data, and interdisciplinary topics including bioinformatics. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed papers in leading conferences and journals and has graduated more than ten graduate students, including six Ph.Ds. Dr. Huan serves the editorial board of several international journals including the Springer Journal of Big Data, Elsevier Journal of Big Data Research, and the International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. He regularly serves the program committee of top-tier international conferences on machine learning, data mining, big data, and bioinformatics.
    Dr. Huan's research is recognized internationally. He was a recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award in 2009. His group won the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining in 2011 and the Best Paper Award (runner-up) at the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management in 2009. His work has appeared in mass media including Science Daily, R&D magazine, and EurekAlert (sponsored by AAAS). Dr. Huan's research was supported by NSF, NIH, DoD, and the University of Kansas.
    Our hosts, Cerner, have generously offered to provide pizza and soda! So please keep your RSVP up to date if your plans change!


     Yearly Open Source (Free/Libre Open Source Software) and Open Knowledge Festival for Kansas


    Celebrate KC Design Week 2015 (KCDW15) March 26th - April 4th.  Tickets and full schedule here.  Ready to look at the world a little differently? Experience a week of powerful events that will shift the way you think, feel, and do.  Kansas City is one of the most unique places in the world. It's a place that’s constantly changing perceptions, sharing ideas, and coming together to make things beautiful and functional. Kansas City Design Week is presented by the new Center for Architecture & Design.


    UXPAKC Panel Discussion:  Next Monday March 2nd “Women in Design.”  Click here to get your tickets.  You’ll hear a panel of local Kansas City women speak about their professional journeys and give advice to the next generation.  Everyone can benefit from what these professionals are sharing.  Join us at the Sprint Accelerator.  Food is being provided by Useagility.


    This months meeting will be held on Thursday February 26, 2015 at Centriq training.  Please visit to register and get a map if you need one.


    Meeting Topic: The Importance of Facilitation for the Agile Practitioner


    Meeting Learning:  Individuals and interactions can be difficult at times.   Getting the right people to have the right conversations often times takes deliberate planning and facilitation.  This month’s months meeting will help attendees better understand the critical role of facilitation in Agile|Lean environments.


    Meeting Description:

    This month’s Agile KC meeting is being done in conjunction with the upcoming ‘Agile Facilitator’ training  Agile KC and Agilehood KC are helping bring to the Kansas City metropolitan area.    The Agile Facilitator class will be held on March 19 – 20, 2015.  This class will be presented by The Coaching Institute and should not be missed if your or anyone in your organization is starting to get a handle on the interpersonal communication skills necessary to be effective in an Agile environment.  You can learn more and register for the class by visiting this link.


    Kay Harper will some of the facets of facilitation with the group and why they matter.  Like any other personal proficiency facilitation is something that one must work at to get more proficient.  A natural born facilitator is akin to Bigfoot.  Some people swear they have seen one, but physical proof is always lacking.   So if you’re looking to make a positive change in your organization and\your personal sphere of control, it is highly recommended that you join us on Thursday February 26, 2015 and sign up for the upcoming class.  Agile KC and Agilehood KC were very fortunate to persuade the Agile Coaching ( to offer their classes here, so it is highly advised that you take advantage of this opportunity.


    Speaker Bio:

    Kay has an extensive background in project and product management, business analysis, consulting, mentoring and coaching. She has 20 years’ experience working with mergers/acquisitions, large-scale software implementations, system conversions, organizational change management and company startups. When she started utilizing Agile principles and practices in 2008, she quickly determined that Agile and Lean principles, when wholly implemented, give organizations a competitive advantage in the new, Information Age. As a change agent, she is excited to bring the principles and practices of Lean and Agile to assist organizations in their transformations. Kay’s focus is working with management and delivery teams to enhance collaboration, transparency and delivery. She values opportunities to teach and coach others to success.


    Friday, February 27, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • DeVry University, Room 115, 11225 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO
  • Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. will be our weekly open house, meeting, and project night. We may start a bit early for members that want to know what we are planning for upcoming events, board meetings, etc. but we will try to get it out of the way before the night officially begins at 7:00 p.m.
    Keep an eye on MeetUp to see what events will be coming up. We may be having movie nights, build nights, PPPRS team sign ups and building, community out reach events, and more. Don't forget Maker Faire is coming up and we'll start planning for that fun event!


    Sunday, March 15, 2015

    1:00 PM

    Black Dog Coffee House

    12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)

  • Let's meet up at the Black Dog coffee house to kick off this group over espresso, cappuccino, and coffee cake.


  • C2FO

    4210 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Fairway, KS (map)

  • Matthew Denny has kindly offered to supply pizza and soda for our meeting!
    Asynchronous Flask with D3.js: Caleb will demonstrate techniques for adding async server calls to static Flask routes for data polling. 


  • Penton Inc

    9800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.951416 -94.668274

  • We will discussing how Virtualization has/is changing the landscape of the computer infrastructure. We will be providing food and beverage. See you there!



    Quark Studios

    8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS (map)

  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.]
    For our February meetup, member Kevin Peck will help us demystify the Android res folder. What are all those directories under res? Why would I use the dimens.xml file? How many drawable folders do I need? Time to unwrap the mysteries of the res directory and increase your Android programming power.
    Folks, we have limited seating at this location, so if you decide to not attend please update your RSVPs as soon as you can so that wait listed members can plan ahead. Also, if you are on the wait list, please reach out to me, and we can set up extra seating.
    Present at the Mobile App Developers Meetup
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the us know!
    We have a new Linkedin Group to stay in touch out side of the meetup. You can join here:
    Please note the meetup location - Enterprise Center of Johnson County 8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS 66214.
    6:00-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8:00 - Follow-up discussions with members.


  • Cisco office

    7400 College Blvd Suite 400, Overland Park, KS (map)
  • The meetup will be on the 4th Floor (when you exit the elevator, you should see the Cisco sign)
  • Happy 2015 data enthusiasts! I hope everybody had a good start to 2105. Personally I was hit with the flu that lasted throughout the holidays and into the first week , so I was left a little "deflated", if you know what I mean :-)
    But in 2015 , the Internet Of Things is set to take off and it's all about data , of course!
    Our speaker will be Darin Tracy from IBM!
    Cisco is sponsoring the location!
    As always Pizza and beverages will be served! So please RSVP!


    Due in part to the upcoming bad weather in addition to items outside of our control; we must postpose this months Make-a-Build-A-Thon which was due to be held on Saturday Feb 21 at the NMU Mabee Library.

    This was not a choice made lightly nonetheless it was a choice that had to be made. On behalf of KCOHG we apologize to all our members who had been anxiously waiting for this day, and especially to those who have signed up for the build portion of the event, would like to personally apologize for the cancellation.

    We have tentatively selected, April 18th as the new date and once we have confirmed this we will send out confirmation to group.

    All purchased tickets and team entry fees will be refunded via Eventbrite and for any questions or concerns please feel free to email me directly at

    Hal F. Gottfried
    Cofounder KC Open Hardware Group


    Must Attend  -- Azure and Web development – Microsoft
    This month's presentation is:
    Microsoft AZURE: Development & Test in the Cloud
    Centriq Training Center 06:30 – 08:30PM 8700 State Line Rd.

    (speaker: Jeff Fattic, Developer Technology Specialist @ Microsoft)

    Jeff is most passionate about helping software development teams become more efficient. So, come see how you can be developing & testing your code in the CLOUD!


    Jeff Fattic has been in computer-related roles since he graduated from Mizzou in '97. He is most passionate about helping software development teams become more efficient. Jeff now works at Microsoft as a Developer Technology Specialist - which really means he's focused on Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server, and Azure.
    LinkedIn Profile:


    Thursday, March 5, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Quay Coffee

    412 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will most likely be in the back room or hogging the large table in the corner.
  • In the spirit of holiday laid-backery, we will just pick a problem (any problem) and spend the time hacking on it.  The problem is likely to come either from HackerRank or project Euler, or some similar site.


    Thursday, February 26, 2015

    6:30 PM

    Red Nova Labs

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)

    Red Nova is at Rainbow and 49th St, slightly West of the Plaza. Park in the lot across 49th, come in the door, and head downstairs.
  • Join us for a look at how to diagnose common problems in WordPress and discuss the best online resources for all your troubleshooting needs!


  • Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1820 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)


    Working in sound production for nearly two decades, schooled at The School of Audio Engineering in Amsterdam, Joshua Browning will be joining us to discuss all aspects of sound gathering for video and film. Joshua will cover sound gathering techniques, equipment decisions, and the dos and don’ts of interacting with your sound department on set. The talk will almost certainly include production nightmares, like trying to do an interview with a very annoyed professional wrestler at the end of a Las Vegas airport runway, and production triumphs like working with Fox Sports and ESPN 30 for 30 during the 2014 MLB post-season.

    Check out Josh's work here:

    The usual schedule for our meetings is:

    6:00 - Social Time

    6:30 - Nick & Kyle introduce group, discuss industry news & events, etc.

    6:45/7:00ish - Presentation

    8:15ish - Giveaways

    Must be out the door by 9:00pm!

    Hope to see you there! 


    We’re proud to celebrate entrepreneurs and we offer our dedicated partnership in bringing your ideas to life.
    All attendees can get 10% off all software and 5% off everything else in the store.*
    BizSpark Breakfast
    Please join us to learn how the Microsoft BizSpark program provides technology, support, visibility and community to promising startups developing software or apps.
    Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2015
    Time: 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM
    To view all of our events, please visit:
    Questions?  Email Lindsey Huckeby:
    We hope to see you soon!
    Lindsey Huckeby


  • Cerner Innovation Center

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Join us for Hacknight! No formal agenda, no presentations, just come and hack on whatever you choose. At the end of the night we will vote on the best hack of the evening!
     ** Pizza and drinks will be provided. ____________________________________________
    Please enter Cerner's campus through Marion Park Dr. You’ll follow Marion Park Drive bypassing Hickman Mills Drive until reaching the Security Gate. Remain in the left hand lane to stop at the Security office and notify them you are attending the DevOps Meetup. From there, you will be directed to park in the lot closest to where the meetup will be held and myself or another organizer will be at the door to escort you to The Lounge where Hacknight will be held. When leaving Cerner following the meetup, if the gate is down there is a button to push which will notify security to lift it and you should be able to get out with no problem.



  • Since the launch of Salesforce1 Lightning at Dreamforce, we have been eagerly preparing to get this new technology in the hands of our developer community. The introduction of Lightning technology to the Salesforce1 Platform signifies another revolutionary shift in enterprise app development. Lightning provides a component framework and a new set of tools for developers and users to build apps, integrating data, and automating business processes faster than ever before.

    Go Lightning fast with the Salesforce1 Platform
    Salesforce1 Lightning is a ground-breaking release of the platform that lets anyone build apps, fast and easy. Lightning does this by delivering a component framework and a new set of tools for developers and business analysts to make building apps, integrating data, and automating business processes lightning fast. We want everyone to get a chance to get hands-on with Lightning. So to make this happen, we are thrilled to announce Lightning Developer Week – a week of meetups around the world starting March 9th.


    Thursday, February 26, 2015

    6:30 pm - Doors open, mingle.
    6:40 pm - Introduction to Meteor presentation and demo for any one new to Meteor.
    7:00 pm - Performance / Scaling Meteor
    (This will be more discussion than a presentation. I have done a little research on this and will share all I have learned, but have not had any experience scaling a node app. Will be looking forward to hear what others have done.)
    7:30 pm - Demo's (if some one has a Meteor project they would like to show) / Give away 2 (since I forgot last month) WebStorm Licenses.

    Meet other MeteorJS enthusiasts. If you are an expert Web Developer or a newbie, MeteorJS has lot to offer. Learn more at the meetup.

    If you've built a Meteor app before, we would love to see it. This could be any project large or small, whether that’s a complex production app or just something you threw together in a weekend. Drop us a line in the comments if you have a Meteor app you could show.


    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)
  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


    Tuesday, February 24, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)

    Presented By: Doug Carpenter
    Doug is a .net Developer for the financial industry. He has been developing since the early 1980s and has been working in .net since 2007.
    Hosted By: QC Holdings Inc


    The location has changed to the Cerner headquarters for this month and possibly ongoing for the evening meetings.  This facility is only about 3 miles West of Riverport off of 210.  The new address is: 
    2702 Rockcreek Parkway
    Kansas City, MO  64117
    The exterior doors will be locked, but the room we're in (Cowboy) is on the first floor just to the right of the front door.  If someone is not waiting at the door to let you in, you should be able to easily flag someone down in the room to open it for you.  If you can't find the building or can't get in for some reason, please give me a call.  816-607-1337
    The meeting tomorrow evening (February 19th) is sponsored by Cerner  
    We're trying something a little different will be having SQL Server MVP, Glenn Berry, present for the group remotely to Cerner
    Please RSVP for free here (please be sure to register if you're reasonably sure you can make it, as we use this list for food and door prizes):
    Presenter: Glenn is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP. He has worked as a SQL Server professional for many years in a variety of roles, including stints with NewsGator and Avalara. His expertise includes DMVs, high availability, hardware selection and configuration, and performance tuning. He is also an Adjunct Faculty member at University College – University of Denver, where has been teaching since 2000. Glenn is heavily involved in the SQL Server community, and is a frequent speaker at user groups, SQL Saturdays, and the PASS Community Summit. He is the author of the book SQL Server Hardware, and he wrote chapters for SQL Server MVP Deep Dives and SQL Server MVP Deep Dives Volume 2 books.
    Topic: Dr. DMV's Troubleshooting Toolkit
    Dynamic Management Views and functions allow you to easily see exactly what is happening inside your SQL Server instances and databases with a high level of detail. You can discover your top wait types, most CPU intensive stored procedures, find missing indexes, and identify unused indexes, to name just a few examples. This session presents, demonstrates and explains numerous DMV queries that you can quickly and easily use to detect and diagnose configuration and performance issues in your SQL Server instances and databases.
    Please note, this will be an evening meeting at the Cerner Riverport Campus, drinks and food will be available.
    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, February 19th, 2015:

    • 6:00 - 6:10 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 6:10 - 7:30 - Presentation
    • 7:30 - Door Prizes and wrap up
      We look forward to seeing you all soon!

      Cerner Riverport Campus
      6177 NE Birmingham
      Kansas City, MO  64117

      March 19th - User Group Meeting
      Presenter: Tristan Wilson
      Using SQLIO to Test Your Disk Subsystem
      Disk performance is a key metric in Sql Server performance. Is your storage performing its best? How do you know? This session will review different methodologies for testing your disk subsystem. We'll use Microsoft's SQLIO tool to determine the I/O capacity of a given configuration. By understanding the maximum capabilities of your disks, you'll better understand the performance capacity of your storage subsystem. 
      April 16th  - User Group Meeting
      Presenter and Sponsor: Paul Randal from SQL Skills
      Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait Statistics
      One of the first things you should check when investigating performance issues are wait statistics - as these can often point you in the direction for further analysis. Unfortunately many people misinterpret what SQL Server is telling them and jump to conclusions about how to solve the problem - what is often called 'knee-jerk performance tuning'. In this session, you will learn what waits are, how to analyze them, and potential solutions to common problem patterns.

      If you are planning to attend the PASS BAC conference this year, use the following code for a $300 discount on advance pricing.

      Lastly, congratulations to Nathan Heaivilin on winning the Jambox from the meeting last month, We're working on getting the site moved to a new easier to use template and will have the slides from last month and this available there as soon as we do.  I'll will keep you all posted here when we do.

      KC SQL Server User Group web site:


      Blog Archive
