  • Oak Park Library (Large Meeting Room)

    9500 Bluejacket St., Overland Park, KS (map)

    Nathan Walker recently release omg Tangram to Google Play. He will be sharing his journey with us and what he's learned along the way.
    This meetup will take place in the Large Glass meeting room.
    Hope to see you there!


    Thursday, April 9, 2015

    6:30 PM
  • Plaza Public Library

    4801 Main St Ste 100, Kansas City, MO (edit map)

    To get the most out of this Meetup, be ready and willing to discuss everything from price structure, providing quotes to clients, managing billing/invoicing, issues with clients, client acquisition, business resources, and everything else WordPress business related.
    If you run a business building WordPress websites, WordPress plugins, WordPress themes, and/or offering WordPress services - This Meetup is for you!
    Come and discuss/share your experiences and ask questions of others who sell WordPress products and services.
    NOTE - If you simply run your business website using WordPress as the platform, this is likely not the right Meetup for you. Feel free to suggest one, though!




    1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map) 

  • Garmin, North Lobby Entrance, Meeting in main auditorium
  • Come hear Garmin's Story: "Leaving Your Comfort Zone - Garmin and Cloud Foundry"
    Registration/Checkin starts at 6pm, Social hour and appetizers from 6 to 7pm, Talk starts at 7pm.
    2014 was another year of transition for Garmin.  Not only is the industry in flux with its devops and microservice methodologies, but so too is Garmin itself transitioning from a hardware company to a software company.  We will take you on our journey as we have lived it.  Our mistakes laid bare, our achievements held high, we will show you how we designed, architected and delivered Cloud Foundry to our production developers in under 2 weeks.

    Architectural Overview: A walkthrough of our attempt to do an active/active, multi-datacenter integration with two discrete Cloud Foundry installations using Akamai and F5 to seamlessly load balance for redundancy and high availability.  Next up?  Multiple availability zones per datacenter for even more redundancy.

    Integration and Implementation:  What do you do when your developers don’t want to change their code to fit the Cloud Foundry standard url convention?  Intercept and rewrite it, of course!  We’ll also show you one method of using both Cloud Foundry applications and legacy applications in one big Prod farm using the F5 Load balancer.

    Monitoring Cloud Foundry Components:  Alerting through Solarwinds and detailed metric analysis through VRealize Operations, we’ll walk you through our first attempt at understanding the internals of Cloud Foundry and how to make sure we have the tools necessary to troubleshoot when there is an issue as well as accurately scale and size our Cloud Foundry foundations for the future.

    Monitoring Cloud Foundry Applications:
    We’ll also discuss the challenges found applying an established AppDynamics monitoring process to Cloud Foundry and how we worked with both AppDynamics and Pivotal to overcome those issues.

    - Changes to how we feed logs into Splunk
    - Legacy apps are all file-based

    Service Bindings & Brokers:
    We’ll talk about our the considerations and conclusions we came to around service bindings. When/where User Provided Services make sense vs writing Custom Service Brokers

    CI/CD Current & Future State:
    Garmin has long been a CI shop. Our goal is to be fully CI/CD and we will talk about our roadmap to get there
    Green Field vs. Legacy Migration:
    We will discuss the factors we considered for an app to be eligible to run in the cloud.

    Jonathan Regehr - Application Development
    Bobby Hubbard - Enterprise Architecture
    Brandon Henry - Linux Systems Administration
    Alex Curtis - Production Management/Middleware


    Tuesday, April 21, 2015

    6:30 PM

  • Barkley

    1740 Main St. K.C. MO 64108, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We're going to try something new at the beginning of each meetup, Show & Tell! Jake LaCombe is our first volunteer and will be showcasing his project Budget Bucket.
    This meetup will feature 3 developers. Each will give a short presentation introducing their method of hybrid app development. Following the presentations, we'll do a Q&A panel with our 3 volunteers.
    • Ionic - Jeremy Mason
    • Native Script - Wyatt Preul
    • PhoneGap - Jake LaCombe
    Please post questions for our panelists on this thread.


    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Garmin International

    1200 E 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map)
  • Abstract
    We will discuss the basics of working with Java Config to configure the Application Context.
    Anand Natarajan is an Internet Architect at Garmin International. He has over 13 years of IT and product development experience. Anand started his career as C developer for a banking solution for the initial few years and developing in Java since then. He has completed the Spring Core training, but hasn't taken the certification exam. Anand has been using Spring in various ways to design and develop manageable, scalable applications within Garmin. He has a special interest and focus in Web Services development.
    Location Details 
    All guests to Garmin need to register (with Frank) upon entering the North Lobby. The doors will need to be locked at 6:55 so Frank can attend the meeting, therefore if you are late you will need to contact Frank directly via meetup. 
    Please park anywhere in the north lot and enter the doors there (North East Doors). Please ensure you park in valid parking spaces and not in the disabled parking stalls.
    Garmin's address is 1200 E 151st, Olathe, KS 66062
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with food provided by genesis10
    • 7pm - Presentation
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us at Austin’s Bar and Grill located at 2103 E 151st St, Olathe, KS 66062 for an informal social sponsored by genesis10. They will provide a beverage for all attendees and some appetizers. For directions, click here


    Tuesday, April 14, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Easy Websockets in Rails (Darren Cauthon)
    Rails and Ruby are so blasé!  We use them to build regular ol' web apps that receive web requests and send HTML and JSON responses.  Yawn!  There are other frameworks that allow instant notifications with their non-blocking IOs and their constant connections and lightning speed and their cool hats... maybe it's time to drop Ruby?
    We're going to show how a few lines of Ruby can turn a Sinatra or Rails application into a dynamic application.  I'll show how websockets can turn the tables on the browser => server relationship, allowing the same behaviors that the fancy kids do.  And you won't have to switch langs, frameworks, or re-architect your application.
    After this short presentation, you'll know how to go into any Ruby web app and:
    1.)  Send data from your server to your user's browser.
    2.)  See who is using your web application in real-time.  Yes, Real - Time.

    Workflow Showcases
    After our presentation, we'll open the floor to our KC Ruby members to share how they write Ruby every day.  We already have a couple volunteers... so if you're writing Ruby in a really productive way, why not share it with us?


    Saturday, April 4, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • BRGR Kitchen + Bar

    4038 W 83rd St, Prairie Village, KS (map)

  • Ryan Sumo, independent game artist (with Prison Architect and SpaceChem included in his portfolio), will be passing through KC and would like to hang out with local game developers. He regrets that he cannot make it to our regular meetup, so I'm looking to put together something on Saturday the 4th (time of day is tentative).
    The location is yet to be determined, but Ryan will be coming from the area around Prairie Village/East Overland Park/North Leawood, so I'm aiming for a good venue near there. I'm all ears if anyone has any suggestions for a good spots in the area, since I'm not too familiar with that part of town. It'll just be the usual informal arrangement; grab some drinks & food, chat about projects, debate design and business philosophies, et cetera. :-)


  • Oak Park Library (Large Meeting Room)

    9500 Bluejacket St., Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Note the change in time and location.
    Our beginner's sessions are intended to show topics of broad utility that are important to anyone, including those just getting started with R.
    Topics to be announced.



    Smarter SharePoint
    KC User Group


    March 31, 2015
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Add to Outlook


    Microsoft Office 
    Corporate Woods
    10801 Mastin Blvd 6th Floor
    Overland Park, KS, 66210


    Thursday, April 23, 2015

    6:00 PM

    DST Systems, 3rd Floor

    1055 Broadway St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • In-memory databases have been continuously evolving.
    Bob Wakefield will walk us through real time data delivery theory and challenges. He will also compare and contrast different in-memory databases and finally, nothing better than a demo to see how it all comes together!!
    Hadoop has a technology has arrived!
    Mike Pluta from DST will walk us through practical elements of securing data on Hadoop. There are many considerations and challenges but a lot is possible while managing risk properly.
    We will serve food and beverages as usual!!
    We will also talk about some future topics including the potential for some "working hack sessions" where we can maybe get hands on. 


    Thursday, April 2, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Quay Coffee

    412 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will most likely be in the back room or hogging the large table in the corner.
  • In the spirit of holiday laid-backery, we will just pick a problem (any problem) and spend the time hacking on it.  The problem is likely to come either from HackerRank or project Euler, or some similar site.


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Dan W. will be demo'ing and discussing Tableau.


  • Stowers Institute

    1000 E 50th St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Park on the main level of the parking garage in a "Visitor" space. Follow signs to "Visitor's Entrance" and the security desk, who will direct you to our room. If you're lost txt 785-845-1902.
  • KC's PHP User Group at the Stowers Institute (Plaza)
    While the TechStars program is in full swing at the Sprint Accelerator, our friends at the Stowers Institute will be hosting us!  Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new.  
    Our Evening Meeting Format
    We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
    6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet 
    6:15pm - Modern Debugging Strategies 
    or, what to do when your code plays tricks on you
    Dan Holmes will present some debugging strategies available today: tools built into PHP, service websites, toolbars, exception handlers and xdebug.
    John Kary will present on, the new and easiest tool for profiling your PHP application from BOTH the web browser and command-line.
    Your topic here? Contact us to speak!
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    Wednesday, April 1, 2015

    6:00 PM
  • Town Pavilion

    1100 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Spring Web Flow is a spring project that allows the development of wizard like web applications with conversation scope, flow "transactions", subflow modules and serialized state management.  We will be exploring the following topics:
    • What is Web Flow and when should I use it or not?
    • Configuring Web Flow and integrating it into a Spring web application context with JSP and Tiles.
    • Real world business problems and their web flow solutions 
    • Purchasing Insurance Online and Insurance Licensing Online.
    • A new kind of IOC, Inversion of the Controller.  The Web Flow XML.
    • Planning a flow - flow variables, flow scopes, linking a flow to a service instance and a great big flow state object.
    • Passing control to a subflow and back.
    • Staying on the page with two kinds of AJAX
    • Advanced topics will include: A Web Flow "Transaction", shutting off the back button, listening to a flow, and getting flow information from outside the flow.

    Craig Fulton is a software architect at the NIPR helping to license insurance agents across America.  He has been in the Software Development business for over 25 years.  Starting out in San Francisco during the “Boom” and staying on the west coast until the “Bust” he has plied his trade in Ireland, India, Italy and points around the US.
    He has been using Spring and Java since virtually the 1.0 of each and has used Web Flow to create solutions in the Insurance, Insurance Licensing and Tax Deferred Cash Management industries.
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with food provided at the Town Pavilion
    • 7pm - Presentation at the Town Pavilion
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us for an informal, sponsored social at the Flying Saucer located at 101 E 13th St Kansas City, MO 64106 (google maps)
    Location Details
    • You can park for free at the Town Pavilion parking garage located at 1253 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO (google maps). I have attached a picture of the front entrance of the garage.
    • You will then walk about a block to the Town Pavilion located at 1100 Walnut St, Kansas City, MO (google maps). I have attached a picture of the front of the building.
    • You will be further assisted once you enter the building.
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us for an informal, sponsored social at the Flying Saucer located at 101 E 13th St Kansas City, MO 64106 (google maps)


    Wednesday, April 1, 2015

    5:30 PM

  • DST Systems Inc

    333 West 11th Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Same time, same place
  • Okay, I know this is a week later than I had announced but I've been working to line-up the prize package for you all. And, I can say with some certainty, the package will be rich!
    This night teams will be formed and rules on evidence, witnesses, and legal themes will be laid-out.
    If you're not already on a team, come and we will get you on one.
    Finally, the fantasy datasets can no longer be downloaded. I've got them and anyone who needs them please email me at and I will get you a link to the Dropbox folder where they reside.


  • Snow and Company

    1815 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.091278 -94.585899

  • We should be easy to spot, but just in case, my cell is 816 730 4091. When I arrive, I will post a rough description of where we are sitting.
  • Hi!
    Let's get together and discuss all things IT, including web design, systems administration, application development, UX/UI, Linux and open source solutions, development methodologies, etc. etc.
    Topics to consider:
    - Versioning systems
    - Docker
    - Favorite IDEs
    - Favorite language(s) to work with
    - Professional certifications: valuable or valueless?
    - Android vs. iOS
    - Apache vs Nginx
    - Advice for newcomers
    - At what point does "dev" become "DevOps"
    - Worst/best job interview experience
    As always, our discussions will be informal and open format, but I thought this time I would bring a list of questions to prompt or facilitate discussion.
    While I primarily think o f myself as a web developer, these days I have been working with .Net and win32, with a focus on backup applications. I'd like to hear what projects you're working on, both professionally and for fun.
    On Twitter, I'm at @aljensen7. Note that if you have any IT project / group you'd like me to tweet / promote via my  Twitter account or various Facebook groups (gonzoprogrammers), be sure and tell me about them. Let's work together to promote the KC area tech scene.
    Oh, and please feel free to bring a friend or coworker!


  • Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Show off your final projects that you have/will submit to Udacity for grading and to receive your certificate! All students who completed the course will receive a StudyJam certificate of completion (this is not the same certificate as the paid one from Udacity).

    We will also have our regular monthly meeting. Topic(s) TBD.

    Bring your laptops along with your questions and/or helpful hints for others!


  • Penton Inc

    9800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.951416 -94.668274

  • We are going to discuss the role of Dev Ops in the website cycle. Jason Ford and Greg Smith  are two perspectives of the Dev OPs relationship and how to properly implement it in your environment.

    We will be providing food and drink! Hope to see you there!


    UXPAKC Interactive Series: Monday April 6th “Designers and Content Creators:  Make Love Not War.”  Click here to get your tickets.  We’ll be at Garmin for this event!  Presented by Jon Kohrs and Christine Cawthorne.  They’ll dive into the tension between designers and copywriters and help us interactively assess the problems we face and work to resolve the arguments. We’ll find a way to build digital experiences together that are right for the user.


    9 KC IT Symposium (Kansas City)

  • 11-15 SANS 2015 - (Orlando, FL) 
  • 12-17 MobileDev + Test - (San Diego)
  • 12-14 .Net Fringe - (Portland)
  • 18-22 ALM Summit -
  • 13-19 TechWeek -  (Detroit)
  • 29-5/1 Microsoft Build (San Fran)
  • 20-22 Clojure West (Portland, OR)
  • 20-22 SQL PASS Business Analytics (Santa Clara, CA)
  • 20-24 RSA Security Conference - (San Fran)
  • 27-5/1 Cloud Connect
  • 24-5/1 Security Operations Summit (Washington DC)
  • 29-5/1 Microsoft Build (San Fran)


    .NET Fringe is a new conference focused on .NET developers who are breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries. The .NET platform is more interesting today than it ever has been! The old Microsoft that was at odds with Open Source has been replaced with one that is actively contributing to OSS and hosts a huge number of important projects on GitHub! The .NET OSS community has been collaborating and creating new, really exciting, interesting, and innovative projects which are changing the landscape. They are defining the future!
    Come be a part of this fantastic gathering of open source .NET developers!!!


    ISSA-Kansas City
    Chapter Event
    March 26, 2015

    Please join ISSA-KC Chapter members and other security professionals at Hereford house.
    You can also read the March ISSA-KC Newsletter soon at

    Topic:  Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Executive Order 13636: Impacts to Audit and Risk Management
    Summary:  This presentation will be an overview of the executive order and how the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is developing into a common standard across the federal government and private sector.
    Speaker Bio:  Dave Nelson is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with 20 years of experience and a Fellow with the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). He has lead technology organizations in both the public and private sector.  Prior to founding Integrity, he most recently was the Chief Information Security Officer for a leading health informatics company.  He also managed an information security group for a top 5 U.S. banking organization, was the CIO for a higher education institution and served as the information security officer for one of the largest municipal governments on the east coast.  Dave received his Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Computer Information Systems from Excelsior College.  He has also taught and developed information technology curriculum at the post-secondary level, is a published author and speaker at national conferences.

    Date:  Thursday, March 26th, 2015 from 11:30 PM to 1:30 PM
    11:30 AM  -  12:00 PM - Registration
    Hereford House 5001 Town Center Drive
    (Near W 117th St and Roe Ave)
    Leawood, KS 66211

    12:00 PM  -  1:00 PM - Meeting & Presentation

    1:00 PM  -  1:30 PM - Questions, Answers & Networking

    Lunch Menu: Choice of Beef, Chicken, or Salmon includes Salad, Potato, Vegetable, and Drink

    Vegetarian option available, please inquire upon registration for the event.
    $20.00 for ISSA Members,
    $30.00 for Guests/Non-Members    
    Thank you for your attention and response, and we look forward to seeing you at the event.
    If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please email our RSVP email, or contact the venue for directions.


    Hello Everyone ! We hope to see you at tomorrow's meeting.

    Topic: Build Your IT Contracting Business

    When: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, March 25, 2015

    Location: Centriq Training Facility, 8700 State Line Rd, Suite 200 (West side of Ward Parkway, across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    Presenter: Elizabeth Usovicz, White Space Consulting

    Presentation Details:

    If you’re thinking about becoming an IT contractor, you’re not alone: according to a study by Intuit, an estimated 60 million people will be freelance/contractors within five years.

    Join KCWebPros for a lively, informative presentation on what it takes to develop a successful contracting business. Topics will include:
    -- The skills you need and how to assess whether you’ve got them
    -- The steps to take to start the process
    -- Ideas for finding prospects and turning them into clients

    About the Presenter:

    Elizabeth Usovicz is a top line revenue strategist focusing on strategic sales and marketing, business development and business growth. She has more than 20 years of progressive leadership experience in consulting, corporate and entrepreneurial environments. She is a frequent keynote speaker on leadership and business development, and is a web columnist for Thinking Bigger Business Media, Inc, on topics such as sales development and growth strategy for high-growth potential companies. Elizabeth is Past President of the Kansas City Direct Marketing Association and is current President of the KCDMA Educational Foundation. She was awarded KCDMA’s Direct Marketer of the Year for 2013. You can check out her blog and website at and her LinkedIn profile and blog at

    Please RSVP by emailing John Krzysztow at if you will be attending - so that we have enough food for everyone.

    See you there !



    Smarter SharePoint
    KC User Group


    March 31, 2015
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Add to Outlook


    Microsoft Office 
    Corporate Woods
    10801 Mastin Blvd 6th Floor
    Overland Park, KS, 66210


    SMCKC Happy Hour with the Nelson-Atkins' Young Friends of the Art! Friday, April 10, 6 pm - 8 pm, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 4525 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO
    For our April Happy Hour we are teaming up with Nelson-Atkins' Young Friends of Art and crashing their monthly happy hour! Join us on Friday, April 10 in the Bloch Lobby of the museum to meet and mingle with YFA members and fellow smckc friends. There will be a cash bar at the event, with $5 drinks for current YFA members and $8 for everyone else. If you join YFA during the event, you get a free drink!


    SMCKC Content on the Fly with Great Plains SPCA - SMCKC April Breakfast, Friday, April 3, 7:30 - 9 am, Grand Street Cafe, 4740 Grand Ave., Kansas City, MO
    Great Plains SPCA is the Kansas City Metro’s most unique and comprehensive No Kill animal welfare organization, serving more than 35,000 needy pets annually. Not affiliated with national organizations such as The Humane Society of the United States or the ASPCA, all marketing efforts are created in-house, allowing their marketing team creative freedom in responding to local events.
    During the Royals’ unforgettable post-season run, Great Plains SPCA’s marketing team jumped into the electric feeling gripping Kansas City with creative tactics that made national news and ultimately placed more dogs and cats into loving forever homes. They will share what went into their campaign, what they learned and how you can take advantage of current events – plus provide puppy therapy at the April SMCKC breakfast.


    SMCKC Pro Lunch: How Can Brands Use Social to Tell Their Stories & Will Millennials Listen? Thursday, March 26, 11:30 am - 1 pm, Barkley, 1740 Main Street, Kansas City, MO
    It's no longer enough for brands to simply have Twitter and Facebook profiles. To win with tech-savvy Millennials, brands must give them reasons to engage. This panel, made up of social media experts Joe Cox (@joenormal), Zena Weist (@zenaweist), Katie McCurry (@kuirishgirlie) & Shelly Kramer (@ShellyKramer), will teach you how to create a social media strategy that will help you connect with customers to turn them into loyal fans and brand advocates. #millennialmarketing


    Lightning Talks for Cloud, scheduled to occur on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:00 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.
    Really sorry about this, there were one too many calendar conflicts around this date.  I will be pushing this meeting forward, so look for a new date and time.  Same place though!!!!


    Friday, March 27, 2015

    7:00 PM

    DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • DeVry University, Room 115, 11225 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO
  • Welcome to our Big Bang Theory or Dress Like a Geek Party!
    Bring a snack (larger than snack size) to share and receive a free Bazinga key fob. *
    Dress up like a geek or Big Bang Theory and be registered for the chance for a small prize.
    Play Big Bang Theory CLUE or a game of Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock dice game and watch a few episodes while munching on snacks.
    * While supplies last.

    Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. will be our weekly open house, meeting, and project night. We may start a bit early for members that want to know what we are planning for upcoming events, board meetings, etc. but we will try to get it out of the way before the night officially begins at 7:00 p.m.
    Keep an eye on MeetUp to see what events will be coming up. We may be having movie nights, build nights, PPPRS team sign ups and building, community out reach events, and more. Don't forget Maker Faire is coming up and we'll start planning for that fun event!


    Meeting Date and Time
    Thursday March 26, 2014 6:30 – 8:30 PM

    This will be a sponsored event.  To ensure our sponsor gets an accurate count for dinner, please visit the to register.

    Centriq Training. Visit for a map.

    Meeting Topic:  
    Value Stream Mapping

    Meeting Learning:
    One of the key tenants of Lean System Thinking is the understanding of the value stream in which the work is done.  This is really the visualization and understanding of how an organization, team or group of people work and deliver value. 

    Meeting Description:
    Having been involved with numerous agile adoptions and transformations there is a key shift that organizations, especially the leaders and managers of the organizations, need to understand and embrace to fully leverage the benefit of a self-directed agile team.  That shift is that the leadership is no longer responsible for the team’s output.   That responsibility is owned by the team.  In an Agile | Lean space leadership is responsible for the system in which the team operates.    I admit that this can sound a little ‘consultant-esque’, but it is a critical shift in thinking that Lean leaders must embrace

    So how does an organization understand and visualize this system?  What are leaders supposed to do to ‘own’ it?  Why does it matter?

    Join us at this month’s Agile KC meeting and Martin Olson of Silicon Prairie Solutions will lead a discussion about Value Stream Mapping.  We’ll get an understanding on what a value stream map is, how they are captured and why they are so useful to every aspect of the business.  In addition we’ll save some time so you can take a stab at capturing the value stream map that you are currently operating in (whether you know it or not.)  

    Speaker's Bio:
    Martin Olson is an agile transformation consultant with Silicon Prairie Solutions.  He has been active in the Agile space for over a decade and started the Agile KC group in 2003.  He is a SAFe Certified Consultant Trainer (SPCT) and has clients throughout the Midwest.  You can reach Martin at


    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Cisco office

    7400 College Blvd Suite 400, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Rodger Harbaugh, Cisco' s Business Development lead talks about Cisco's data virtualization solution:
     - Overview of the Cisco's Data Virtualization solution
     - What problems this solution is intended to solve?
     - What's different about Cisco's solution
     - Customer use cases
     - Getting started

    Scott Kahler, Community Engineer at Pivotal, gives us an overview of the recently announced Open Data Platform, a vendor consortium managed Hadoop core. Scott talks about what led to the formation of this consortium, the benefits of a managed core for Hadoop, the key components of the distribution and getting started.
    Pizza and beverages as usual !!


    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    6:30 PM

    Red Nova Labs

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)

  • **Red Nova is at Rainbow and 49th St, slightly West of the Plaza. Park in the lot across 49th St then head through the door and down the stairs!**
    We're going to try out a slightly different format this month. We will get together and watch a video from WPTV about the basics of intellectual property legislation. After we've watched it, we will have some time for discussion and follow up. If there seems to be a lot of information that we all still need, then we will schedule another session with a local person who can help get into the nitty gritty of it all.
    6:30pm - 7pm - Networking/Meet and Greet 
    7pm - 7:45pm - Presentation and Q&A 7:45pm - 8:15 - Hang out, talk, ask more questions
    Join us for this new format (and don't forget to tell us how it works)!


    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • BATS

    8050 Marshall Dr. Suite #120, Lenexa, KS (map)

  • Thanks to BATS for hosting this meeting.
    Naseer A. Dari: Multiprocessing in Python
    Floobits Demonstration


    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Inter Urban Art House

    8001 Consor Suite 290, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • Lower Level - No elevator access.
  • This month we will have the KC Urban Potters sharing their Kickstarter experience.   We will also have Matt Trammell  sharing his new project for his Mushroom Farm that went live this week on Kickstarter -


  • Quark Studios

    8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.973747 -94.710472

  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.]
    For our March meetup, member Amit Jain discuss Swift Development. Swift has seen a meteoric rise in usage and the iOS community has been "swiftly" adopting it to write production code. It's a good time to be a Cocoa developer. This Meetup will be about how to write Swift day-to-day to make better and less buggy iOS apps. We will talk about:
    - How common design patterns from Objective-C translate to Swift
    - How to use open-source third party libraries in Swift projects
    - How to be friends with the strict type-checking system; aka how to field optionals while working with Cocoa classes.
    - Things that Swift enables which weren't trivially doable or possible at all in Objective-C which can help you write more concise and simpler code.
    - How simple ideas from functional programming and immutable value types in swift make writing concurrent code easier and app architecture free of dependencies.
    Also, if you have faced any issues or have questions from your own Swift endeavors, please feel free to bring them in.
    Folks, we have limited seating at this location, so if you decide to not attend please update your RSVPs as soon as you can so that wait listed members can plan ahead. Also, if you are on the wait list, please reach out to me, and we can set up extra seating.
    Present at the Mobile App Developers Meetup
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the us know!
    We have a new Linkedin Group to stay in touch out side of the meetup. You can join here:
    Please note the meetup location - Enterprise Center of Johnson County 8527 Bluejacket Street, Lenexa, KS 66214.
    6:00-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8:00 - Follow-up discussions with members.



    Smarter SharePoint
    KC User Group


    March 24, 2015
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


    Microsoft Office 
    Corporate Woods
    10801 Mastin Blvd 6th Floor
    Overland Park, KS, 66210


    Blog Archive
