This month's meeting will be hosted by Cerner and should be of interest to a lot of people; Automated Testing.

Visit to get a map and to register for this event.  Cerner will be providing dinner, so registration is required to give them an accurate count.

Meeting Topic: 
Automated Testing An Experience Report and How to Get Started in Your Organization
Meeting Description:
Ever wondered how to begin automation on an Agile team?  Looking for a process to automate existing or new tests?   

Few things slow down a team more than technical debt and a large manual testing process.  In fact most organizations define how fast they can deliver value to their customers by how frequently they can run their manual regression testing.  This becomes even more critical when your team is working with other teams across an enterprise and you aren't leveraging automated testing.  At some point your code base will become so burdensome to maintain and test that the significant portion of the organization efforts and money will be focused on supporting existing code vs. delivering new value to its customers.

If this sound familiar to you, do yourself a favor and grab some teammates and come to this month's AglieKC meeting.  Tina Lockwood and Aimee DeWitt of Cerner will share their experiences, lessons learned and best practices with leveraging automated testing at scale.  

Automated testing is too important to neglect, yet because most organizations don't know how to start, they continue to suffer.  This session may be the catalyst your organization needs! 

About the Speakers:
Tina Lockwood is a Solution Manager for the Automation Development team.  She has been at Cerner for 18 years and the last 10 years focused on automated testing and design for our internally developed automation solution.  Her team has been successful in Agile using automation for 5 years. 

Aimee DeWitt is a Sr. Test Analyst at Cerner Corporation working on a new Web Application.  She has been at Cerner for 7 years and been a part of the Agile process for 5 years.  She has experience in working with automation on multiple platforms. 

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