Let's celebrate entrepreneurship in Kansas City.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

1:00 PM

Oak Park Library (Large Meeting Room)

9500 Bluejacket St., Overland Park, KS (map)

  • This is a beginner's workshop, which covers fundamental topics of general interest and which beginning R programmers should learn to become more effective with the language. Both beginning and advanced R programmers are welcome to attend. We have one topic and speaker already: Jared will be talking about recoding variables. I'd like to line up one or two more speakers. If you are willing to give a talk, send me an email ( or leave a message at


    Friday, June 5, 2015

    7:00 PM

    DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • DeVry University, Room 115, 11225 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO
  • Park out in front of campus and come in through the front doors.
    Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. will be our weekly open house, meeting, and project night. We may start a bit early for members that want to know what we are planning for upcoming events, board meetings, etc. but we will try to get it out of the way before the night officially begins at 7:00 p.m.
    Keep an eye on MeetUp to see what events will be coming up. We may be having movie nights, build nights, PPPRS team sign ups and building, community out reach events, and more. Don't forget Maker Faire is coming up and we'll start planning for that fun event!



    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Look for a note on the door for instructions and who to call.
  • We'll get an exciting preview of the new Johnson County Bike/Trail App built from BootGMap, a responsive Open Source Google Maps template and dig into how it was created!


    Thursday, June 4, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Lexmark Enterprise Software

    8900 Renner Road, Lenexa, KS (map)

  • Lexmark Enterprise Software (formerly Perceptive Software) 8900 Renner Road, Lenexa KS
  • Hey everyone!!! Sorry for the delay in scheduling!
    This time around Jordan will be walking through Phoenix ( ) and will demonstrate how to build web applications with this powerful framework.
    Pizza is served @ 6pm, with Jordan talking at 6:30pm. Look forward to seeing all of you again!



    DST Systems, 3rd Floor

    1055 Broadway St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • 3rd Floor of Broadway building, room 304 A
  • I am excited to bring a hands-on session for this meetup.
    Mani Raman, Technical Architect from DST, will lead with a setup on Amazon that the audience will be able to follow. We will spin up a few EC2 machines for everyone to use. It maybe two to a cluster, but more details will follow before the meetup.
    I would encourage you to invite anyone looking to get into Big Data implementations. 


    Tuesday, June 16, 2015

    6:30 PM

    Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

    Justin Durkes will be giving an introduction to Gulp (
    Joe Longstreet will show & tell with some D3 data visualizations.


    Mark your calendars!  September 16th -17th for the Big Data Summit KC 15!

    At the Historic Union Station.



    Garmin International

    1200 E 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map)

    Jeff Smith – Architect
    Jim McLaughlin  - Senior Architect

    An Outline of the Presentation:
    The outline of the presentation looks like this:
    · Background of YRC Technology
    · YRC Future Technology
    o SPA and REST
    o Angular/Bootstrap, NodeJS, Java Spring
    · Discuss REST and SPA (what they are and why we embrace them)
    · Discuss Angular
    · Discuss NodeJS
    · Discuss Spring
    · What else is in the future (Spring Boot?, Spring Batch?, etc…)

    Food will be provided by genesis10 and we will have a social event afterwards at Austin's.



    Level Five Solutions

    7301 W 133rd St, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • So sorry, I had to change the date. It was unavoidable. Thanks to Level Five Solutions for hosting this months meeting!
    What is a Customer Journey Map?
    A Customer Journey map is a visual or graphic interpretation of the overall story from an individual’s perspective of their relationship with an organization, service, product or brand, over time and across channels. Occasionally, a more narrative, text-based approach is needed to describe nuances and details associated with a customer experience.  The story is told from the customer’s perspective, but also emphasizes the important intersections between user expectations and business requirements.
    Inspired by user research, no two journey maps are alike, and regardless of format they allow organizations to consider interactions from their customers’ points of view, instead of taking an inside-out approach. They are one tool that can help organizations evolve from a transactional approach to one that focuses on long term relationships with customers built on respect, consistency and trust.
    Well, we are creating them on meeting night, with the help of Jason Whitney, who holds over 50 patents. Whenever you send a picture in text, you can thank Jason. He even has one specifically on the customer lifecycle.
    Come ready with a pen/pencil, some paper and be ready to team up and get our journey mapping on!


    Wednesday, June 3, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Stowers Institute

    1000 E 50th St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Park in a visitor space in the parking garage to the east. Enter the double doors and proceed to the security desk to ask directions for the PHP User Group.
  • KC's PHP User Group at the Stowers Institute

    Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new.
    Our Evening Meeting Format

    We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
    6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet
    6:15pm - Presentations
    Dan Holmes - Live demo writing a small application built with Lumen (Laravel microframework) and AngularJS
    Your topic here? Contact us to speak!
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    The awesome Kansas City Developer's Conference is June 24th - June 26th and early bird registration ends at the end of May, so tell your boss you need to get registered today!

    Check it out at - Kansas City's largest annual developers conference.


    Tuesday, June 23, 2015

    6:00 PM
    AJI Software
    415 Delaware Street, Suite 2W, Kansas City, MO (map)

    With KCDC Pre-Compilers starting the next day you won't want to miss this opportunity to meet some of the speakers and sync up with your fellow developers before conference starts.
    Sponsor: AJI Software


    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    7:00 PM

    Harris Kearney House

    4000 Baltimore, kansas city, MO (map)

    Continuing our tradition of helping a local non-profit organization with our Photo Walk assets, this year we are going to focus our evening (and lenses) on the Harris Kearney House (1855), home to the Westport Historical Society (WHS).
    This is an opportunity to capture some fascinating photography for WHS as they are in need of promotional photos for their web site and marketing materials. The house is home to a variety of beautiful "period" pieces from the 1800s, including an 1841 pianoforte -- the oldest residential piano in Kansas City -- and some beautiful paintings, old jewelry, a peace pipe used by Tecumseh, fully-furnished rooms, and the rich history that comes with this section of Old Westport. It's a fascinating look into the lives of its first residents and the formation of the Greater Kansas City area. The museum/house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Can you imagine what promotional opportunities exist with some great photography of what's inside? Objects, exteriors, architecture, closeups, paintings, wide name it!
    Alana Smith is the proprietor and our host for the evening. She will give us some very basic ground rules (a couple very old original portraits should not be hit with flash, for example). But she says the guidelines are very basic, and she welcomes the opportunity for us to descend upon the house (the rooms are all about 12x12' - so split up, please!). There will still be daylight, so take advantage of exterior opportunities as well.
    Don't forget we will draw for the Creative Cloud annual subscription in the raffle drawing and you must be present to win!
    Park in the Harris Kearney House parking lot - right outside the property at 4000 Baltimore. After the photo walk concludes, there are a variety of Westport establishments waiting to serve you food and beverages within a few blocks' walk.
    Alana and I have talked at length about their minimalist operating budget, conflicting with a great need to "get the word out" about the Westport Historical Society and its events and activities. This will be a great opportunity to have fun, learn about history, flex your creative talents, and give your work to an organization that will really use it.
    See you Tuesday night at 7:00 pm!
    Buck and Jim


    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    7:00 PM

    Johnny's Tavern North

    410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)

  • This information gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    7:00 PM

    Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen

    1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:
    • Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?
    • Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.
    • Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.
    Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.
    Looking forward to it!


    DATE/TIME: May 27th, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

    LOCATION: CENTRIQ (Across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    TITLE :: My New Northwind (MVC presentation)

    SPEAKER :: Carolyn Schroeder


    Carolyn's presentation will feature a demo online ordering system based on the Microsoft Northwind project. It is an MVC application that uses the Entity Framework to access a SQL Server backend.

    Mini-Bio :

    Carolyn Schroeder started her IT career programming a VB 6 application for a non-profit organization in 2002. She started working with .NET from version 1.0. As a .NET programmer, she went on to work at LabOne which later became ExamOne, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics. Carolyn got her start with MVC at NIC where she created a single MVC multi-tenant Vital Records application to house several smaller ASP.NET Vital Records web applications. She has worked with MVC at UMB and at Ericsson. Carolyn started Schroeder Consulting LLC in 2013 to return to meeting the needs of small business clients. Her open source project, Studio Management, which can be found on GitHub, uses MVC and Entity Framework to schedule yoga classes using a familiar calendar interface.

    Sponsor: RiverPoint (food and door prizes will be provided by RiverPoint)

    Please RSVP to John Krzysztow for this meeting at so we have enough food and drink.


    Wednesday, June 24, 2015

    6:15 PM


    4210 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Fairway, KS (map)

  • While we are an IxDA user group, we are also sponsored by Adobe. Two times a year we do a demo night. What does that mean to me?
    Demo night for a UX group is a blast. Come share what you've done this year in UX. You can just show something, or you can use it as a critique. Something personal or your portfolio, your choice.
    Everyone who does a demo gets a chance to win a year's Creative Cloud subscription from Adobe. If you have been to another meeting, you double your chances.
    No, you don't have to participate in the demo's but it is lots of fun to see what everyone has been up to in the UX world.


    Tuesday, June 2, 2015

    7:00 PM
    We should have a final location to announce for the Photo Walk by Wednesday, May 27th, but I wanted to make sure you had it on your calendar!
    We'll gather on Tuesday, June 2 (place TBD!) at 7:00 p.m. for our annual Photo Walk and raffle prize of Creative Cloud.
    Please save the date and we'll see you next week - I'll forward the location details as soon as they are finalized!



    Scooter's Coffeehouse

    11106 Antioch Road, Overland Park, KS (map)

    A few of us can get together where we can sit have a morning drink and do a little coding.  Nothing formal, or to review, just hanging out, which is a good way to collaborate with peers.


    To register for this meeting or to get a map please visit

    Meeting Date and Time:  Thursday May 28, 2015 6:30 PM

    Meeting Location: Centriq Training


    Monitoring & Measuring Agile/Lean Processes


    No one really likes to be measured.  But if you do it the right way, it will contribute to better, consistent outcomes and a more supportive work culture.


    The only way we really know what’s happening with our Agile team is to measure it, but we need to measure the right things in the right ways at the right times — without getting in the way of the work we have to accomplish.  A successful Agile team monitors both the technical and human facets of the process, and those measurements allow for both rapid internal course corrections and easy external reporting.


    Measurement doesn’t have to be a burden.  Monitoring doesn’t have to be intrusive.  In fact, done well over time, it allows Agile teams to become far more effective, identifies strengths and optimal pathways, and can even be used to better plan and predict successful project outcomes.


    Join us this month to hear from Agile practitioner Kevin Payne about how he helps his clients understand how and what to measure.  Kevin's experience and educational background should provide for an interesting take on a challenging aspect that most companies struggle with.  




    Dr. Kevin J. Payne is a data scientist, and a social and behavioral scientist, with over two decades experience in making sense of human data for real world decisions.  A research methodologist by specialization, he has designed, implemented, consulted, supervised, and analyzed hundreds of data projects.  He has also trained thousands in how to make sense of human data.  A serial entrepreneur, he is currently Co-Founder & VP of Decision Science and Analytics at Teracrunch, LLC (, a Kansas City based big data predictive analytics company.  He consults, speaks and writes about issues related to making, implementing and monitoring better, practical data-driven decisions in your enterprise (  He is also a sometimes pirate.


  • Join us for a special "yack night" to talk about the projects and teams for the National Day of Civic Hacking, aka HackKC, hackathon June 6-7. If you're already planning to hack or are curious and want to know more, this is for you. Bring your laptop and a desire to code for a better community, and we'll help you get plugged in!
    Project Leaders are especially encouraged to attend this yack night to represent your work and connect with people looking to join a team
    More info about HackKC:
    Reserve your spot for HackKC here 
    Connect with Us:
    • Join our Code for KC email list.
    Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC
    • Register at the national Brigade site.
    Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham:
    Code for Kansas City has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For Kansas City presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy.



    Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer

    4700 Town Center Drive, Leawood, KS (map)

    We will be in the Large Meeting Room
  • In April, we got people signed up for a Johnson County Library card and a Treehouse account.
    Now that you've had time to work through many of the Beginner level Treehouse courses, join us for some Intermediate level courses.
    Recommended Beginner WordPress Courses
    • Getting Started with WordPress -
    • How to Make a Website with WordPress -
    •  WordPress for Business Owners (This is the course covered in April) -
    • WordPress Admin Settings -
    • The WordPress Codex -
    Join us as we work through a few of the intermediate level WordPress courses from
    Get a Library Card
    Sign up for a free Treehouse account using your library card
    NOTE - We have access to the meeting room beginning at 2:30pm, arrive at 2pm if you need to get a Johnson County Library card.



    Cerner Innovation Center

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

    Matt Stratton is a Solutions Architect at Chef. He is devoted to concepts like Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code. He is the creator and co-host of the popular "Arrested DevOps" podcast.
    When defining the configuration of a system, different domain experts in your organization can bring their own skills and knowledge together to create a delightful recipe for success.
    In this talk, Matt will demonstrate how to mix together the graham cracker of a sysadmin, the chocolate of an app dev, and the marshmallow of security to create a delicious treat that meets all the requirements for each discipline. With the use of Test Driven Infrastructure and a Delivery Pipeline, he'll show how each "chef" can add their portion of the camping delight, but still keep from dropping marshmallows into the campfire.
    **Pizza and Beverages will be provided.
    Please enter Cerner's campus through Marion Park Dr. You’ll follow Marion Park Drive bypassing Hickman Mills Drive until reaching the Security Gate. Remain in the left hand lane to stop at the Security office and notify them you are attending the DevOps Meetup. From there, you will be directed to park in the lot closest to The Lounge where the meetup will be held and myself or another organizer will be at the door to escort you to the meeting location. When leaving Cerner following the meetup, if the gate is down there is a button to push which will notify security to lift it and you should be able to get out with no problem



    Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Please RSVP here:
    **NOTE: Your RSVP on does not guarantee entry!**



    DST Systems Inc

    333 West 11th Street, Kansas City, MO (map)

    An example-driven tutorial on Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana using Kansas City Open Data
    Open data is wonderful but simply making the data available is not enough. News media, civic hackers, and advocacy groups have done a lot of great work to use open data to expose inefficiencies in government expenditures, highlight the role of SuperPACs on campaign financing and more. Unfortunately, a lot of this analysis requires knowing how to write code, from writing SQL queries to developing D3-based visualizations in Javascript. Open data should be accessible to people who don't know how to code. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED



    KU Edwards Campus - BEST Building, Room 235

    12600 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.] 
    For our May meetup, Bhadrik Patel from Quark Studios will present about how to get started with Apple Watch programing. Learn how to add Apple Watch capabilities to existing app. We will also cover capabilities and limitations of Apple Watch.
    6:00-6:30 - Networking and Socializing
    6:30-7:30 - Presentation
    7:30-8:00 - Follow-up discussions
    This month Experis will be sponsoring food and snacks. Please update your RSVPs if you don't plan on attending so that they can get the right amount of food.
    Experis accelerates business growth and careers by intensely attracting, assessing and placing specialized expertise in IT, Finance & Accounting, Engineering and other industries. We don't just find jobs. We give you the power to work the way you want, reach for new opportunities and achieve your goals. After 40-plus years matching professional talent to satisfying career paths, Experis knows that it's not only what you can do that's important, but what you want to do. What inspires you. What fits your personal workstyle. And what works with your personal lifestyle. You need options. Experis has them.
    Experis is a dedicated business unit of ManpowerGroup – a world leader in employment services for more than 60 years, and a recognized pioneer in the industry.
    KU Edwards Campus is graciously providing the location for this event.
    Ready for anything? What about a KU engineering degree?
    You can do so right in Overland Park. The KU Edwards Campus offers the following programs for individuals in technical fields:
    · Bachelor of Science in Information Technology · Master of Science in Information Technology · Master of Science in Engineering Management · Master of Science in Project Management · Master of Engineering in Project Management
    Missouri residents are eligible for in-state rates. Learn about all 30 degrees available at the KU Edwards Campus -- visit
    --- Present at the Mobile App Developers Meetup
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the us know!
    We have a new Linkedin Group to stay in touch out side of the meetup. You can join here:


    Thursday, May 28, 2015

    6:30 PM

    Red Nova Labs

    4830 Rainbow Blvd, Westwood, KS (map)

  • One feature of plugins that is often not addressed is the ability to extend the plugins without modifying the plugin. You can extend core using plugins, but what about being able to extend Plugins and Themes? I'm sure many of plugin and theme developers are aware of the filters and actions. The presentation will go into a summary of how to add filters and actions to your plugin and theme to allow others or yourself to develop additional plugins to provide additional functionality or customize the experience.

    The presentation also touches on using interfaces to build contracts for designing plugins that accept a bit more extensions than just using filters and actions. Several design patterns will be referenced (Registry and Singleton). A brief summary of what interfaces are and how to use them to design a plugin that allows other plugins to replace default functionality.
    Presentation begins at 7pm, but come at 6:30 to mingle!


    Friday, May 29, 2015

    7:00 PM

    DeVry University

    11224 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

    DeVry University, Room 115, 11225 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO
  • Park out in front of campus and come in through the front doors.
    Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. will be our weekly open house, meeting, and project night. We may start a bit early for members that want to know what we are planning for upcoming events, board meetings, etc. but we will try to get it out of the way before the night officially begins at 7:00 p.m.
    Keep an eye on MeetUp to see what events will be coming up. We may be having movie nights, build nights, PPPRS team sign ups and building, community out reach events, and more. Don't forget Maker Faire is coming up and we'll start planning for that fun event!


    There is no hack night this Monday, May 25. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend. Maybe take in a local event. Definitely sure to remember the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
    See you June 1!
    Join us at Hack KC to celebrate the National Day of Civic Hacking -


    Win A $500 Best Buy Gift Card!

    Early-bird pricing ends June 1st! Sign up before early-bird pricing ends , and be entered for a chance to win a $500 Best Buy Gift Card!

    Register Today! 


    Tuesday, May 26, 2015

    7:00 PM

  • Penton Inc

    9800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS (map)

  • 1st floor cafeteria
  • Brenna Hawley is going to be speaking about the transition from being a Liberal Arts major to working in Technology. She is a consultant for Digital Evolutions group. She has been working in IT for the past few years as a project coordinator and Business Analytics. 


    Tuesday, May 26, 2015

    6:00 PM

    Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)

  • Get excited to see something cool from Build. What will it be? So many cool things were at build, who knows what John will cover. You'll have to come to find out!
    Speaker: John Alexander
    John Alexander loves making customers happy and has a passion for process.  Whether it’s finding the right software solution to support their business vision—or simply making a suggestion on a new approach—he enjoys helping them find exactly what they need to achieve their goals. 
    As Managing Partner at AJi Software, John spends a great part of his time analyzing customer requirements and directing the project team to meet those requirements, even when they change on the fly.  The agile process that AJi uses is an area he spends considerable time on as well.
    “I like teaching, training, consulting, and mentoring,” John said.  “It’s a wonderful experience when someone finally understands a concept, and has that ‘Aha!’ moment.”
    John is a nationally recognized consultant, trainer, author, coach, and system architect, specializing in Team Foundation Server, for which he received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award. He has served as the Microsoft Regional Director for the Kansas City area for the last 15 years. In addition, John was the lead architect and coach of a software development team that was directly responsible for placing that organization on CIO Magazine's Agile 100 List.
    A widely respected speaker and writer on Microsoft .NET applications, he co-authored two bestselling books on .NET development, as well as a bestselling book on Microsoft SharePoint development.  He routinely speaks at industry conferences such as VS Live! and DevConnections,
    “What excites me?” John asked.  “Giving our customers a world-class service experience through a collaborative and transparent process.”
    John is an avid baseball fan.  His favorite team is the St. Louis Cardinals.  John loves spending time with his wife and 3 children, drawing and painting, and swimming.

    Food Sponsor: Power IT


    DATE/TIME: May 27th, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

    LOCATION: CENTRIQ (Across from Ward Parkway Mall)

    TITLE :: My New Northwind (MVC presentation)

    SPEAKER :: Carolyn Schroeder


    Carolyn's presentation will feature a demo online ordering system based on the Microsoft Northwind project. It is an MVC application that uses the Entity Framework to access a SQL Server backend.

    Mini-Bio :

    Carolyn Schroeder started her IT career programming a VB 6 application for a non-profit organization in 2002. She started working with .NET from version 1.0. As a .NET programmer, she went on to work at LabOne which later became ExamOne, a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics. Carolyn got her start with MVC at NIC where she created a single MVC multi-tenant Vital Records application to house several smaller ASP.NET Vital Records web applications. She has worked with MVC at UMB and at Ericsson. Carolyn started Schroeder Consulting LLC in 2013 to return to meeting the needs of small business clients. Her open source project, Studio Management, which can be found on GitHub, uses MVC and Entity Framework to schedule yoga classes using a familiar calendar interface.

    Sponsor: RiverPoint (food and door prizes will be provided by RiverPoint)

    Please RSVP to John Krzysztow for this meeting at so we have enough food and drink.


    *** Update, I had a copy/paste/user error in the last newsletter, the address was correct, but we will be at Cerner Headquarters, not Riverport***
    The meeting tomorrow (May 21st) is sponsored by Cerner  
    Please RSVP for free here (please be sure to register if you're reasonably sure you can make it, as we use this list for food and door prizes):
    Topic:   Using SQLIO to Test Your Disk Subsystem
    Disk performance is a key metric in Sql Server performance. Is your storage performing its best? How do you know? This session will review different methodologies for testing your disk subsystem. We'll use Microsoft's SQLIO tool to determine the I/O capacity of a given configuration. By understanding the maximum capabilities of your disks, you'll better understand the performance capacity of your storage subsystem. 
    Please note, this will be an evening meeting at the Cerner Headquarters, drinks and food will be available.
    Meeting Schedule for Thursday, May 21st, 2015:

    • 6:00 - 6:10 - Greeting and Housekeeping
    • 6:10 - 7:30 - Presentation
    • 7:30 - Door Prizes and wrap up
      We look forward to seeing you all soon!

      2702 Rockcreek Parkway
      Kansas City, MO  64117
      The location is again at the Cerner headquarters this month, not Riverport.  This facility is only about 3 miles West of Riverport off of 210.  The new address is: 
      The exterior doors will be locked, but the room we're in (Cowboy) is on the first floor just to the right of the front door.  If someone is not waiting at the door to let you in, you should be able to easily flag someone down in the room to open it for you.  If you can't find the building or can't get in for some reason, please give me a call.  816-607-1337


      Oct 26th - 30th -       PASS Summit 2015
      Save $150 on summit registration and benefit your local chapter using code: LC15CCJ3

      KC SQL Server User Group web site:


      Thursday, June 4, 2015

      6:00 PM

      Lexmark Enterprise Software

      8900 Renner Road, Lenexa, KS (map)

    • Lexmark Enterprise Software (formerly Perceptive Software) 8900 Renner Road, Lenexa KS
    • Hey everyone!!! Sorry for the delay in scheduling!
      This time around Jordan will be walking through Phoenix ( ) and will demonstrate how to build web applications with this powerful framework.
      Pizza is served @ 6pm, with Jordan talking at 6:30pm. Look forward to seeing all of you again!


      Monday, May 25, 2015

      6:00 PM

      Westport Coffeehouse

      4010 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO (map)

    • We'll probably be either scattered about the coffeehouse or in the back room if it's not reserved
    • This is very informal and is just meant to set a time and place so that we can meet-up and help each other out with our projects.


      Smarter SharePoint
      KC User Group
      May 26, 2015
      11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
      Add to Outlook
      Microsoft Office
      Corporate Woods
      10801 Mastin Blvd 6th Floor
      Overland Park, KS, 66210

      No Code Workflows vs Code Workflows
      At this month's Smarter SharePoint, Josh Allen and Jordan Anderson will review differences between workflows in 2010 vs 2013. They will explain how to configure 2013 workflows on a 2013 environment and what its benefits can be vs using a 2010 workflow that is set as the default.  Examples of code and no-code workflows will be presented.
      Josh is technical architect at DEG. He worked in development and portal architect capacities at AMC for 6 years and Cerner for 5 years and  has implemented workflows for various clients. Jordan is a SharePoint Engineer at DEG. He has worked with SharePoint for the past 10 years as both an administrator and a developer. He has implemented different types of workflows, including out-of -the-box implementations and custom Visual Studio workflows and activities.
       Location: Microsoft Office - 6th floor
       Pizza will be provided
       Please register for this event at:  ht tps://


    • Sprint Accelerator

      210 W 19th Ter, Kansas City, MO (map)
    • Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and hang out. Bring your own project or work on one of the suggested projects below. We'll have members available to help beginning Python programmers with language basics and practice.
      Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.
      Things to bring: a wireless-enabled laptop and power cord
      Sessions On Demand (SOD): These demand-based sessions will have facilitators available.
      Beginners Boostrap: Just getting started with Python? We'll help you get everything you need to learn Python installed on your computer. Here are some good resources for learning Python:
      The official Python tutorial:
      Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
      An introduction to Python through writing games:
      Learn Python the Hard Way
      Python coding exercises:
      Django Jam: A session for discussing all things Django.
      Tools & Tips: A session about the practical aspects of Python programming. Editor or IDE? MySQL, PostgreSQL or NoSQL? virtualenv or virtual machine?
      Build Your Own Session (BYOS): Don't like any of these sessions? How about facilitating one of your own? It's always nice to hear new voices and viewpoints.


      June Happy Hour, Thursday, June 18, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Waldo Pizza, 7433 Broadway St., Kansas City, MO 
      Kick off the summer with us at Waldo Pizza for our June Happy Hour. Our candidates for board positions will be in attendance, networking and learning what it takes to make smckc the best it can be. Enjoy some pizza and mingle with friends new and old. Your first drink is included!

      RSVP soon to save your spot! 


      June Breakfast: Turning the Choir Into Preachers: How to Empower Others to Sing Your Praises, Friday, June 5, 7:30 am - 9 am, Grand St. Cafe, 4740 Grand Ave., Kansas City, MO 
      Whether your social media team is an ensemble cast or a solo show, we often overlook ways to amplify our messages and reach a larger audience. By tapping into internal stakeholders’ expertise and external advocates’ enthusiasm, you not only reach more fans and followers – you reach different fans and followers. Whether it’s convincing your skeptical CEO to tweet, keeping your overzealous HR recruiters on the same page or engaging your business partners to become brand champions, this discussion will share insights and spark ideas that can translate to companies and nonprofits of all sizes and specialties.

      @JakesJournal, Senior Manager, Public Relations at @ChildrensMercy will be presenting.



      Sprint Accelerator

      210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO (map)

      Look for a note on the door for instructions and who to call.
    • We'll get an exciting preview of the new Johnson County Bike/Trail App built from BootGMap, a responsive Open Source Google Maps template and dig into how it was created!



      Cerner Innovation Campus

      10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

      Price: $25.00/per person

    • Not sure what web development means?
      Want to build a cool website, but can’t decide what language to use?
      Tired of techies throwing around acronyms that make your head spin?
      In this class, we will walk through the fundamentals of web development in layman terms. We won't be writing code, this is intended as a lecture to take you through various components of the web and how they work together.
      Cost: $25
      Date: Monday, June 15, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
      Location: Cerner Innovation Campus
      10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO .
      If you want to learn how to communicate better with your technical team or friends, this course is for you. Topics include but are not limited to:
      • What is a web stack?
      • What's the difference between web development and web design?
      • Where are web site files generally stored?
      • What is the difference between a client and a server? Which programming languages are compiled on a server and which are compiled in a web browser?
      • What do you need to know before building a web site? What language should you use and what are the differences?
      • What tools do you need to develop a web site?
      • Who does what on a typical web development team?
      • What is the Cloud?
      This class is for people with little to no technical experience. Bring a notepad, tablet or laptop to take notes and come prepared with questions.
      Many thanks to our sponsor Cerner for the wonderful space. 
      We expect all participants of our events to follow our code of conduct.


      Your Organizer, Breht Burri, sent the following message to some members of Kansas City Web Analytics & Marketing Metrics:

      Analytics Group Memembers,
      This month's meetup is cancelled but we'll meet next month at normal date and time.
      Web & Google Analytics Monthly Meeting, scheduled to occur on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 6:30 PM has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly.
      If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.


      Blog Archive
