  • IBM

    11200 Lakeview Ave, Lenexa, KS (map)
    38.925255 -94.770462

  • 2nd building South of College and West of Lakeview. Parking is on the west side of the building.
  • We had an overwhelming response and participation for the first meetup in May. While we are a little delayed in the follow-up, we are ready for our second meetup.
    We will be adding more topics to this meetup on July/29, as we get closer to the event. Currently, these are 2 topics -
    * Topic: Arduino-llagio Fountain by Kevin Mayfield
    Kevin will share his lessons learned while taking an Arduino project that blinked a single LED on a bread board, to his six pump, 4ft x 10ft outdoor fountain.

    * Topic: Heart to Spark by Lance Feagan
    Lance will discuss the need for Spark, and how it can be used along with IoT to solve important healthcare issues
    Please RSVP soon as possible and respond to the questions in the invite, so we can plan for future meetups.
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