  • Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1814 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • This month GDG Kansas City is kicking off a new initiative here in Kansas City that features women of the Kansas City metro area who have influenced the KC technology community and how you can become involved!
    At this meet up:
    • Introductions
    • Building a Technology Community - Rachel Merlo
    •  Why women in technology should pay attention to Virtual Reality - Sarah Hill
    • Lightning talks
    Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
    Transit and parking info: Parking is limited and first come first serve at the Google Fiber Space - 1814 Westport Road. Street parking is available on nearby side streets (Bell St, Genessee St, Wyoming St) as well on Westport Road. We ask you do not park in the church lot to the east, adjacent lot to the Google Fiber parking space. Thanks!
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