Smarter SharePoint KC User Group: Where Smart People Go To Talk About SharePoint

Smarter SharePoint
KC User Group
January 26, 2016
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
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Microsoft Office
Corporate Woods
10801 Mastin Blvd Ste. 620
Overland Park, KS, 66210
Linking Access and SharePoint Online
Karen will speak about connecting an Access web database in SharePoint Online, part of Office 365. She will discuss her experience creating such a connection to collect data from outside an office to an existing shared Access desktop database, which is on a network that has connectivity issues.
Karen Clough is Compliance Access Database Developer at AgriLogic Crop Insurance Services, an agricultural insurance firm. Her programming journey began in 1983 with the Kaypro II dual floppy CP/M- based computer and Perfect Filer database software. She started working in Microsoft Access in 1992, and her knowledge in SharePoint began in 2008 when she hosted websites that she designed and ran on her own servers for a multimillion dollar national market research firm. She now works mostly in Access desktop 2010 and is working to move some of those databases into the cloud. 

Location: Microsoft Office - 6th Floor | Pizza will be provided
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