Saturday, March 12, 2016

11:00 AM

The Geekery

12616 W 62nd Terrace #117, Shawnee, KS (map)

  • In the tabletop gamer's area look for the table tents that say Role-players Guild of Kansas City.
  • Everyone is invited to attend monthly Game Days sponsored by the Role-players Guild of Kansas City. There are board games, card games, and role-playing games alike at each Game Day, the 2nd Saturday of each month. Come on out and bring a game to share! Slots starts at 11am, 2:30pm and 7pm.  Location rotates between area game store monthly, so check for details each month. =)
    The RPGKC is a proud sponsor of the Kansas City Geeks and Gamers Meetup Group. A nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing gaming in KC and the surrounding areas since 1990, they host games, monthly Game Days, and gaming conventions like the KC Game Fair. Members enjoy discounts at area conventions like KC Game Fair, KantCon, Borderwars, and Weekend in Rokugan. For more information or to become a member, visit or


    March Happy Hour
    No Other Pub
    March 9 | 5:30 p.m.
    Be one of the first #KC fans to experience Sporting KC's pub, No Other Pub. It’s a win-win because we’ll have plenty of space for you to also watch the start of the Big XII tourney from Social North and Social South spots at the pub. Your admission includes two drinks and appetizers, plus chances to win one of many great Sporting KC prizes.


    THIS FRIDAY: March Breakfast with the Kansas City Restaurant Week team
    March 4 | 7:30 a.m.
    Join us to hear from Katie Leas, Travis Joyal and Lydia Young about what they’ve learned, what’s coming next and how they pulled it off with a solid digital, social media and PR strategy. Tickets are going fast and we’re almost sold out. Please RSVP today to make sure you have a seat.
    Register Now


  • Oak Park Library (Large Meeting Room)

    9500 Bluejacket St., Overland Park, KS (map)


  • Panera Bread

    311 NE Englewood Rd, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Panera is slightly west of North Oak Trafficway and Englewood Road.
  • No agenda, no presentations, no expectations, no fee. . . just open work time with your peers and possibly a mentor or two. Cocktails co-Director Tamara Copple hosts at the Panera at Englewood and North Oak Trafficway in Nort Kansas City. This is an opportunity for you to work on your learning between sessions and get help. Mentors are welcome to come and work on your own projects too. - Want a tutorial on how to use Slack? Come check us out! - Want some dedicated time to work on Codecademy? Join us!- Want to mingle with your peers and compare notes? We're around!


    Tuesday, March 1, 2016

    7:00 PM
  • Centriq Training

    8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)

  • A "muse" is defined as "...the source of inspiration for a creative artist."
    In our March 2016 KCDesignCore meeting, we're going to inspire YOU as a creative artist with a presentation all about Adobe Muse CC 2015!
    Jim Hinds will show us how he's designed his own site with Muse, and point out the new responsive-design features baked in.
    He'll create a basic site and set it up for responsive design, setting up basic menus, and show some of the available widgets. He will then go online and show how he's used the slideshow widgets, page anchors, and scroll effects in his own site.
    If you're like me, you know of Muse's existence but may not have given it a serious look since its "technology preview." It's radically improved since then, and could now be considered a serious tool for designers.
    Come and find out what's new with Adobe Muse CC 2015 to start the month of March. See you then!


  • NIC

    25501 West Valley Pkwy #300, Olathe, KS (map)

  • Off of K10, take the Cedar Creek exit
  • Hey all!  It's been way too long, and that is totally my fault!! The Kansas City area deserves a thriving VR community. So, with the addition of some more passionate VR enthusiasts to the running of this Meetup, I hope that at the very least, we can start having regular monthly meetups. VR is a rapidly changing industry, and with so much changing so quickly, a more regular meeting schedule is necessary.
    For this upcoming meetup, we have guest speaker Steve Biegun, who is going to give a presentation summing up some of the coolest things he saw and heard at the Unity Vision Summit that just recently happened.
    We will have some VR gear to play with as well, 1 DK2, and 1 GearVR. If anyone has the newer GearVR for the S6, or S6 edge, please consider bringing it to show off!
    Again I apologize for my lack of regular meetups, this is something we are changing, and hopefully the KCVR meetup will grow to be a great resource for local developers, gamers, businesses, and enthusiasts.
    Take Care,
    -Andrew London


  • Wirestream

    521 Walnut, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • The Xamarin Platform and Ionic are two popular choices for making cross-platform mobile applications but which one is best for you and your development team? Mike Cerny will present the case for Ionic while Yair Segal will take the side of Xamarin.


  • Hammerspace

    440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO (map)

  • 1/2 block east of Oak St. on 63rd St.
  • Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.
    There is a concession stand and kids playroom available, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.
    Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.


  • Hammerspace

    440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Price: $30.00 /per person

  • If you've ever wanted to get into 3D printing, but don't quite know how to get started, then this is the class for you! 3D Printing & Design class, going on every other Saturday at Hammerspace. Learn how to design objects to be printed, as well as how to operate a 3D printer. No prior knowledge required. Bring your laptop so you can get set up to get started on designing your first 3D creation. FYI: There are two ONI 3D printer set up in the HammerSpace 'Big Room' available to members of HammerSpace. 
     CLASS TIME 3:00 PM - 6 PM 
    CLASS COST $30
    FOR AGES: 12-120 years old


    Saturday, March 12, 2016

    11:00 AM

  • Hammerspace

    440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Price: $30.00 /per person

  • This is a 3D Printer Build/Repair Clinic for those who need assistance building or repairing their 3D printer. Tom Newell, local inventor and distributor of ONI 3D printers will be walking you through the build or repair of your ONI 3D printer or any other brand of 3D printer you bring in with you. Spare parts for ONI printers will be on hand for sale during this clinic.


  • Needs a location

  • Barley's Brewhaus - 11924 W 119th St, Overland Park, KS 66213
  • First meeting is designed just to get people together and get the conversation going.  No idea how we are funding drinks and food yet, so everyone will be on their own for the first meeting.


  • VML

    250 Richards Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Join us for our monthly coding series, Coding & Cocktails. Women are invited to attend sessions to get an introduction to website building in a fun, laid-back atmosphere.
    We'll discuss version control basics, why we need it and how to use Git and GitHub along with practicing with support from awesome mentors!
    No coding experience necessary
    Wifi-enabled laptop is required (don't have one? Borrow one of ours)
    Must be at least 21 to attend
    Cocktails, non-alcoholic beverages and light appetizers served
    Please familiarize yourself with Kansas City Women in Technology's Code of Conduct
    You MUST register on Eventbrite. RSVP to Meetup alone does not reserve a spot:


  • Panera Bread

    311 NE Englewood Rd, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Panera is slightly west of North Oak Trafficway and Englewood Road.
  • No agenda, no presentations, no expectations, no fee. . . just open work time with your peers and possibly a mentor or two. Cocktails co-Director Tamara Copple hosts at the Panera at Englewood and North Oak Trafficway in Nort Kansas City. This is an opportunity for you to work on your learning between sessions and get help. Mentors are welcome to come and work on your own projects too. - Want a tutorial on how to use Slack? Come check us out! - Want some dedicated time to work on Codecademy? Join us!- Want to mingle with your peers and compare notes? We're around!


    We're a grassroots organization trying to grow the number of women in technology careers in Kansas City.


    This group is designed to help connect high end, information technology sales professional in the Kansas City Metro Area. The goal is provide a monthly forum for professional networking, discuss trends in IT, and generally connect the community of IT Sales Professionals.


  • TranSystems Corporation

    2400 Pershing Rd Ste 400, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • See Directions below...
  • Hi GeoDev's!
    In our next meeting we will take a look at Alteryx, which is workflow-based software that enables you to blend data using multiple data sets from flat files to SQL and non-SQL databases and perform multiple types of analytics – predictive, statistical and spatial – using the same intuitive user interface. Frankly the one thing that empresses me the most about Alteryx is its speed and its ability to take processes that may take days to run on other software platforms and complete them in a fraction of the time. Whether you are curious want to learn more, a new user or currently an existing user, come take a look at this impressive software.
    See you then!
    Travel to TranSystems in Crown Center, Just park in the parking lot at 2400 Pershing Road. The parking lot entrance is on the north side. Just go in front of the West Crown Center hotel, keep going east to McGee Street. McGee runs into the parking garage.
    Go in to parking garage, take a ticket if you have to (don't forget to get it validated by the TranSystem's Receptionist!), but parking is free after 6pm.
    Then park on either the GOLD or ORANGE level. Just look for the big 2400 white numbers on the GOLD wall or ORANGE wall. Next to the 2400 Numbers are the elevators.
    Take the elevators to the 4th floor.
    That is TranSystems front desk, our meeting in behind the front desk in the Union Station Conference Room. 
    This will be an interesting meetup, see you there!


    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    6:30 PM


    8700 State Line Rd. Suite 200, Leawood, KS (map)

  • Gregory Carey will be discussing the ASP.NET Web API.

     Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. 
    Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

    About Gregory Carey:
    Gregg has been working in the software support and development industry for 3 years at businesses ranging in size from single office web development firms to publicly traded, global corporations. In that time, he has worked in web development with HTML, CSS, Javascript, ASP.NET and the Umbraco CMS framework. He also has experience supporting Winform clients and SQL Server Databases. He is currently a Software Engineer at Valorem Consulting working with Office 365 and Microsoft Azure. He enjoys writing software, that feeling you get when you figure something out, coffee, running, kettlebells and is looking forward to driving the his first Sports Car Club of America race later this year.



    Stowers Institute

    1000 E 50th St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will have two talks tonight that are previews for talks being given at PHP conferences by fellow KCPHPUG members!
    John Kary will give a presentation on replacing loops with functional features in PHP. This is the talk that he will be giving at Midwest PHP and at Lone Star PHP.
    Joseph Maxwell will give a preview of his OAuth2 talk that he will be giving versions of at Lone Star PHP and php[tek].
    Light refreshments will be provided. Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new. 
    Our Evening Meeting Format
    We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
    6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet
    6:15pm - Lightning Talk: Last Month in PHP
    6:30pm - Talk: Demystifying OAuth2: 
    Need to interface with Google, Facebook, and GitHub, but Open Authentication Version 2 (OAuth2) sounds like too much to implement? In this important session geared for anyone who has not implemented OAuth2, I’ll delve into how OAuth2 works, going through a live example of connecting to Google Drive. See how simple it can be once you understand the concepts. I’ll begin with running simple HTTP commands to help you understand the basics, and then we’ll look at the frameworks that are available. Join me today to become comfortable with adding OAuth2 to your application.
    7:00pm - Talk: Rethinking Loops:
    You likely learned about loop constructs very early in your programming career and use them every day--so often you don’t think twice! The problem is for() and foreach() are so fundamental developers use them for everything! Even worse almost every developer will use them differently to accomplish the same goal. So what would intention-revealing PHP code look like without using for() and foreach()? Let’s explore some functional programming concepts and find out!
    Knowing basic functional programming concepts will improve your PHP code. Your new mindset will favor writing code with better separation of concerns and decreased complexity: clean code. We will explore some poor examples of using loops to process data, then ease into learning functional concepts like map, reduce, filter and collection pipelining. We'll then use our newfound knowledge to refactor a large foreach() loop to use the new techniques. Lastly we’ll explore some existing libraries and even experimental PHP RFC features to make our code even more concise. Beware: after this talk you'll never look at for() and foreach() loops the same again!
    Your topic here? Contact us to speak! 
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    6:00 PM

    Garmin International

    1200 E 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map)

  • See invite for detailed instructions
  • Abstract
    Many organizations today are developing RESTful services to serve as backends for SPAs or mobile applications. REST has become an extremely popular technology because it’s lightweight, statelessness allows for easy scaling, and using the HTTP verbs allows for a level of self-documentation. This talk will cover how using HATEOAS can more your REST  beyond just GETing data or allowing a user to PUT data on your server.
    HATEOAS, or, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, allows servers to communicate the state of the application to clients keeping business logic located on the server and allowing clients to become thinner and more focused on how to present the UI to the user and not enforcing the state the application should be in.
    Topics to be covered during this presentation
    • Principles behind REST and HATEOAS
    • Real world use case of HATEOAS
    • frameworks/tools that make the process of implementing HATEOAS easier

    Billy Korando is a software consultant with Keyhole Software and currently working on-site with YRC. Billy has over eight years of experience in software development and has worked in the exciting industries like insurance, shipping, and healthcare.
    Location Details 
    Garmin's address is 1200 E 151st, Olathe, KS 66062 
    For your convenience, navigate to point B on this map of Garmin's campus. You will enter where the red marker is.
    • When you reach 151st and Maffie Cir you can find our location by finding the tallest building at Garmin. Due to construction do NOT use Ridgeview.
    • You will be able to enter through the left most door until 6:55 pm when the doors will be locked (image).
    NOTE: The regular lot is under construction. Please park in the garage (near the entrance). You will need enter the North East Doors as usual.
    All guests to Garmin need to register (with Frank) upon entering the North Lobby. The doors will need to be locked at 6:55 so Frank can attend the meeting, therefore if you are late you will need to contact Frank directly via meetup.  
    • 6 - 7pm - Social Hour with food provided by genesis10
    • 7pm - Presentation
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us at Austin’s Bar and Grill located at 2103 E 151st St, Olathe, KS 66062 for an informal social sponsored by genesis10. They will provide a beverage for all attendees and some appetizers. For directions, click here


  • Hammerspace

    440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO (map)

  • 1/2 block east of Oak St. on 63rd St.
  • Art Jam is a chance for art loving members of HammerSpace to spend some time socializing and working on art related projects in the company of other artist members. Multi-talented instructors, air brushing equipment, and other random, useful materials will be available.
    Art Jam is for HammerSpace members only, unless we are offering a group activity or class during the event.
    If you have an idea for an artistic technique you want to learn, or you're interested in TEACHING the group (and get paid for your time), send us an email and let us know! hammerspacehobby @ gmail


    Tuesday, March 1, 2016

    7:00 PM

    Johnny's Tavern North

    410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)

  • This informal gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions and networking happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Interested in helping the Kansas City area?  Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.
    Meeting Format
    6:00 - Social / Introductions 6:10 - New Member Orientation 6:20 - Project Pitches
    See if there are any updates on projects
    See if anyone has a new project they would like to work on Pitch existing projects to work on
    6:30 - Work on projects (7:00 ~ Pizza arrives -- first Mondays only)  7:45 - Wrap up - get project updates

    Location: Community Room on the South side of the building.
    Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.
    Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!
    Bring a laptop: If you intend on getting some hands-on hacking done (it’s ok if you can’t but it definitely helps to have one).
    On first Mondays, there will be pizza! We'll be getting some 'za from Sizzle Pie, so there will be a vegetarian option.
    If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.
    Code for Kansas City has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone.
    Connect with Us:
    • Join our Code for KC email list.
    Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC
    • Join us on Slack:
    Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham:
    Code For Kansas City presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy.


    Your Organizer, Duane, sent the following message to some members of KC .NET User Group:

    Heather will be unable to attend tonight, so I'll be doing the presentation. The topic has changed to "Branded for Success".
    Everyone has a personal brand, whether or not it is being actively cultivated. What does your personal brand say about you? Are you a CocaCola or a Pepsi? Let's take a look at the relevance of a personal brand in today's developer market and what you can do to take control of yours.
    Hope to see you all there!


    KC SQL Server User Group - Building your ETL Framework with BIML


    Tuesday, February 23, 2016 from 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

    The meeting tomorrow has been rescheduled for next Tuesday (2/23) at 2:30pm, and will be held at the Centriq building off of Stateline Road.  

    Meagan Longoria will be presenting: Building your ETL Framework with BIML

    Topic: BIML makes SSIS development faster and creates reusable modules that help you apply a consistent ETL framework across solutions. In this session, we will write BIML and use it to build an SSIS package. You'll see how BIML allows you to avoid corrupted metadata and the tedious repetition of implementing simple SSIS patterns, freeing you up to take on new and interesting ETL challenges. Then we will review how to use it to create an extensible ETL framework.  

    Presentation and Naming standards from the meeting last month can be found here:
    Powerpoint slides
    Naming standards doc

    We will also be holding elections at this meeting, if you would like a more involved in the user group and would like to help shape how it goes forward, this is a great opportunity to get involved!   If you'd like to run, please let me know, we still have a couple of spots no one has volunteered to fill.  I look forward to seeing everyone there!  

    8700 State Line Road
    Suite 200
    Leawood, KS 66206


    Next AgileKC Meeting

    The next meeting of AgileKC will take place on Thursday February 25, 2016  -- 6:30 PM at:
    Centriq Training Center

    8700 State Line Road
    Suite 200
    Leawood, KS 66206
    Registration: This will be a sponsor supported event.  In order to help our sponsor plan accordingly and know how many guests to expect, please register for this meeting at Eventbrite
    Meeting Topic:   Retrospective on Being an Internal Agile Coach
    Meeting Learning:
    As we’ve discussed numerous times over the years, getting organizations to change is difficult.  Often times the changes aren’t fully understood and many different issues and impediments arise along the way.  The role of the ‘Coach’ has often times been assumed to be the one to help deal with these challenges.  This coach might be an internal W2 employee of the organization or they may be an external consultant.  Each perspective has its unique strengths and challenges.  
    This month the Agile KC group is going to look at the role of the internal coach.  Are they a change agent responsible for driving the change? Are they a truth teller responsible for keeping the organization transparent?  Are they responsible for ensuring alignment across the enterprise? 
    Meeting Description:
    Join us as Scott Bird shares his thoughts on being and internal coach.  In Scott’s words,
    “I’ve been doing agile for over 10 years now, and a full-time internal coach for the past 4 years. In those 4 years, I’ve had my share of annual reviews, but I’m not sure my boss quite knew what to do with me, as I’m the only coach in the building. But I never remember doing a true agile retrospective on being a coach. So in the spirit of being agile, this presentation will be a retrospective of my work over the last four years. What did I do well? What could I have done better? What will I commit do doing better in the future? And along the way, I think my observations will be able to help coaches, teams, and managers navigate their own agile journeys.
    Bring your questions and experiences to share.
    Speakers Bio:
    Scott Bird is the Process Excellence Leader for se2, responsible for process definition, training, and coaching for teams and projects at se2. He also contributes to a variety of process improvement projects and helps teams facilitate dynamic, productive, and valuable meetings and planning sessions. He has over 10 years of agile and agile implementation experience and over 20 years of traditional project management experience. He has a bunch of alphabet soup behind his name, but bottom line it’s really all about the collaboration and communication between teams in the organization.
    Hope to see you there!
    If your organization would like to sponsor a meeting, please contact Martin Olson and and let him know. The Agile KC group is made up of a variety of participants from through the meto-KC area. Our members range from developers to QA to consultants to executives.  By sponsoring a meeting, you will be able to direct your message to the group at large and participate in the collaboration that makes Agile KC so successful.
    * 6:30 Networking
    * 7:00-8:00 Presentation
    * 8:00-8:30 Open forum.




    9201 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Wes Garrison - ActionCable
    Doors will open at 6:30 and presentations will begin around 7:00.
    Catch up on twitter, IRC, or Slack:
    #kcruby IRC channel on freenode
    kcruby on Slack (contact us about access or reach out on twitter)


    Just a friendly reminder that this Tuesday at 6:30pm is the February 2016
    OWASP-KC Chapter Meeting!  We'll be meeting at the same location as last
    time, the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, in the Brookside room.

    We don't have a guest speaker this month (though I do already have March's
    speaker lined up!), but I'm putting together a presentation that I think
    will be a lot of fun, and am really looking forward to presenting it.

    If you haven't already registered at the Eventbrite, we'd appreciate it if
    you did, just so we know how many to expect!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


    Thursday, February 25, 2016

    6:30 PM
  • iModules Software, Inc.

    5101 College Blvd, Leawood, KS (map)

  • See what is coming in Meteor 1.3 with ES2015 module support and React testing with Enzyme

    6:30 Show up and chat. About 6:45 we will get started.


    Thursday, February 25, 2016

    6:00 PM

  • Keyhole Software

    8900 State Line Rd., Ste 455, Leawood , KS (map)

  • New Location: Keyhole Software 8900 State Line Rd., Ste 455, Leawood, KS 66206
  • Minimum Viable Platforms (MVP): either you have one or you’re building one. Over the years I’ve observed six high-level characteristics common to production environments which are operationally mature. This talk will explain in detail the six capabilities in an operationally mature production environment. There will also be a demo of these capabilities live.
    Speaker: Casey West
    Bio: Working in Internet infrastructure, web app security, and design has taught Casey to be a paranoid, UX-oriented, problem solving Internet plumber; his earliest contributions to Perl live to this day on your Mac. Casey’s speaking and writing ranges from open source communities and culture to technical architecture and automation tips and tricks. Casey West wears the mantle of Principal Technologist focused on Pivotal’s Cloud Foundry Platform and lives in Pittsburgh raising three children.
    6-7pm: Checkin and Social Hour
    7-830pm: Presentation, Demo  & Q/A


  • Sprint Accelerator - Community Space

    210 W. 19th Terrace, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Enter via that door on 19th Terrace to access the Community Space.
  • [If you are a recruiter or an employer, and wishing to attend, please RSVP directly to Kunjan Shah.]   
    For our February meetup Doug Hohulin will talk about how IoT impacts Mobile Development. The talk will overview the different type of IoT devices and radio technologies and consider the future of radio technology – both licensed and unlicensed.  The first internet connection took place in 1969 and up until the 1990s the internet was relatively simple, mainly computers connecting to computers, then there was an explosion of number of devices and type of devices.  This is similar to the biological Cambrian explosion where life was simple and then an explosion of diversity and life got very interesting.  There are estimates that there could be 10 Trillion IoT devices in the world by 2040 – IoT is about to get very interesting. 
    Doug Hohulin is a Strategy and Business Development Manager at Nokia working to develop next generation 4G and 5G cellular technology for the IoT.   He has spoken to various groups (including the Trillion Sensors Summit. ) on the future of radio technology, the Information Age, A.I., and the IoT.  He worked at Motorola as a cellular telecommunication engineer deploying cellular telephone systems around the world on 4 continents.  He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Electrical Engineering.  He has a passion for leveraging the power of smartphones, sensors, IoT, and wearables to improve the health and wellness of society. 
    Please note the meetup date and location.
    6:00-6:30 - Socializing and meeting other members.
    6:30-7:30 - Presentations from members
    7:30-8 - Follow-up discussions with members.
    Present at the Mobile App Developers Meetup
    If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about for future meetups, please contact us. If you would like to hear about any specific topic in any future meetups, please feel free to let the us know!


    This group is for anyone interested in Google Apps, Google Maps, and Google Earth. My name is Scott and I am a Google Earth Outreach Trainer. I will post my public workshops on this site. I will invite guests with various skills to also host and conduct training workshops on a wide variety of applications. Apps and social media outside of Google are also welcome. This group is about learning and maximizing how to use technology. All skill levels welcome. Power users welcome. Nonprofits, business, education, and government interest are all welcome. Everyone who wants to learn more about how to use the latest technology in apps are all welcome.


  • Stowers Institute

    1000 E 50th St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • We will have two talks tonight that are previews for talks being given at PHP conferences by fellow KCPHPUG members!
    John Kary will give a presentation on replacing loops with functional features in PHP. This is the talk that he will be giving at Midwest PHP and at Lone Star PHP.
    Joseph Maxwell will give a preview of his OAuth2 talk that he will be giving versions of at Lone Star PHP and php[tek].
    Light refreshments will be provided. Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new. 
    Our Evening Meeting Format
    We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
    6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet
    6:15pm - Lightning Talk: Last Month in PHP
    6:30pm - Talk: Demystifying OAuth2: 
    Need to interface with Google, Facebook, and GitHub, but Open Authentication Version 2 (OAuth2) sounds like too much to implement? In this important session geared for anyone who has not implemented OAuth2, I’ll delve into how OAuth2 works, going through a live example of connecting to Google Drive. See how simple it can be once you understand the concepts. I’ll begin with running simple HTTP commands to help you understand the basics, and then we’ll look at the frameworks that are available. Join me today to become comfortable with adding OAuth2 to your application.
    7:00pm - Talk: Rethinking Loops:
    You likely learned about loop constructs very early in your programming career and use them every day--so often you don’t think twice! The problem is for() and foreach() are so fundamental developers use them for everything! Even worse almost every developer will use them differently to accomplish the same goal. So what would intention-revealing PHP code look like without using for() and foreach()? Let’s explore some functional programming concepts and find out!
    Knowing basic functional programming concepts will improve your PHP code. Your new mindset will favor writing code with better separation of concerns and decreased complexity: clean code. We will explore some poor examples of using loops to process data, then ease into learning functional concepts like map, reduce, filter and collection pipelining. We'll then use our newfound knowledge to refactor a large foreach() loop to use the new techniques. Lastly we’ll explore some existing libraries and even experimental PHP RFC features to make our code even more concise. Beware: after this talk you'll never look at for() and foreach() loops the same again!
    Your topic here? Contact us to speak! 
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, FuelPHP, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    Kansas City Apache Spark Meetup

    Apache Spark is the new purple! Spark is Big Data's new in memory high speed cluster programming framework. This meetup is for all those who are interested in learning and hearing about Apache Spark and it's use cases? But why stop there - we will also talk about Apache Spark ecosystem projects like Spark Streaming, Spark SQL and GraphX!


    March 14th, 2016 Meeting
    Our first meeting for 2016 is coming up on Monday March 14th and we have three outstanding speakers.  Susan Lawson, YLA, will present in the morning.  In the afternoon we will open up with Frank Fillmore, Founder and President of the Fillmore Group, Inc.  We will finish up with Kevin Harrison, Senior Software Engineer, IBM Silicon Valley Lab.
    Here is our agenda for the March 14th meeting:
    8:00 to 8:30 am Check in and continental breakfast
    8:30 to 8:45 am IBM
    IBM Announcements – Shri Shrimali, IBM
    8:45 to 10:00 am – Susan Lawson - Part 1
    DB2 11 Performance and Availability Features: What Can I Take Advantage Of?
    10:00 to 10:15 am Break
    10:15 to 11:30 am – Susan Lawson - Part 2
    DB2 11 Performance and Availability Features: What Can I Take Advantage Of?
    11:30 to 12:30 pm Lunch
    12:30 to 2:00 pm –  Frank Fillmore
    Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP)
    2:00 to 2:15 pm Break
    2:15 to 3:30 pm – Kevin Harrison
    DB2 Version 11 Migration Experiences from the Field
    3:30 to 3:45 pm Stefan Kolev, President
    User Group Announcements

    More Information:
    Speaker Bios:
    Susan Lawson is an internationally recognized consultant and lecturer with a background in system and database administration. She currently works with several large clients to help develop, implement and tune some of the worlds’ largest and most complex DB2 databases and applications. She also performs Performance and Availability Audits for many clients to help reduce costs through proper performance tuning and to help ensure availability. Her other activities include authoring articles and white papers, presenting at user group meetings, and teaching a variety of DB2 courses. She is an IBM GOLD Consultant for DB2, and an IBM Champion and has authored the IBM 'DB2 11 for z/OS Database Certification Review Guide', the IBM ‘DB2 for z/OS V8 DBA Certification Guide’ and the IBM ‘DB2 for z/OS V7 Application Programming Certification Guide’. She is also the co-author of several DB2 books including the IBM ‘DB2 10 for z/OS DBA Certification Guide’, IBM ‘DB2 9 for z/OS DBA Certification Guide’, ‘DB2 High Performance Design and Tuning’ and ‘DB2 Answers’. She is also a SME(Subject Matter Expert) for the IBM Certification exams for DB2 z/OS Database and System Administration assisting with writing and verifying questions for the exams.
    DB2 Gold Consultant and IBM Champion Frank C. Fillmore, Jr. is the Founder and President of The Fillmore Group, Inc., a Premier IBM Business Partner that specializes in IBM Analytics software sales, consulting, and training. Frank has been providing IBM Information Management solutions to government, industry, and not-for-profit enterprises as varied as The World Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Northrop Grumman, and the FBI for over 28 years. Frank’s current practice centers on Hybrid Transaction and Analytic Processing (HTAP) and Oracle to DB2 migrations as well as information governance and integration. Frank kayaks and cheers for the Baltimore Orioles.
     Kevin Harrison holds an IBM professional certification as a Certified Senior I/T Architect with broad experience in application development, database management systems, architecture development, technical infrastructures, and system integration. He is a Senior Software Engineer with DB2 for z/OS Development at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab and a member of a worldwide DB2 SWAT team for DB2 on z/OS. Kevin draws on a wide range of experience from 30+ years of involvement with DB2 on large systems, with 26 of those years at IBM as a DB2 technical specialist in various organizations within IBM. Kevin has served as a DB2 educator, DB2 Redbook author, DB2 user group liaison and speaker, led many DB2 design/implementation reviews, and DB2 performance and tuning engagements. Kevin is certified in several disciplines for DB2 on z/OS and currently is a member of the IBM North American I/T Architect Certification board, and Open Group Master IT Architects. Kevin supports and consults with a variety of customers in multiple industries as an advocate from the DB2 Silicon Valley Lab.
    DB2 11 Performance and Availability Features: What Can I Take Advantage Of?
    There are several features in DB2 11 focusing on opportunities for improved performance. Many of those features will be in the form of internal processing improvements and will be automatically available as we migrate into DB2 11. But for those of us who want to take advantage of other new features we need to look at what is available, determine if it applies to our environment, how to implement it, what the expectations are, and what are the pros and cons. This presentation will look at some of the new features in DB2 11 focused on performance and availability and provide a discussion on usage and expectations.
    • Discuss overall performance improvements and goals in DB2 11
    • Discuss features for improved application and database performance
    • Discuss usage potential for new features and any required changes
    • Discuss implementation and expectations of these new features
    Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP)
    The concept of Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) was coined by Gartner.  IBM implements HTAP in two ways:
    •         IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) - DB2 for z/OS (using Netezza hardware)
    •         DB2 BLU Acceleration – DB2 for Linux, Unix, Windows (a software-only implementation)
    See how customers are using HTAP to eliminate analytic latency and data synchronization issues and transform and simplify information management infrastructure.
    DB2 Version 11 Migration Experiences from the Field

    Because the initial response to DB2 11 has been very positive, with significant CPU savings, more and more IBM clients are making the move to DB2 11. Upgrading to the latest release of this critical software can bring valuable rewards – if you know how to take advantage of it.
    This discussion will touch on moving forward to migration planning from DB2 10 to DB2 11. You will learn about some surprises, pitfalls to be aware of and lessons learned from those who have already migrated. The discussion includes hints and tips, enabling fast start, as well as the latest news about migrations and issues we have observed during customer migrations.
    Member Fees
    The membership fees for 2016 remain unchanged from 2015 and the breakdown is as follows:
    2016 Fee Structure:
    Annual Membership $180.00
    Pay in Advance Single Event $ 55.00
    Late Registration/Walk in Single Event $ 65.00
    Please Note:  There are options to purchase annual memberships as well as individual meetings through the website.
    Meeting Location
    A reminder that our meetings are held at Kansas University -
    Edwards Campus, Regnier Building at 127th and Quivira in Overland Park.
    *** Please note this is the Regnier Building at KU-E, NOT the ***
    *** Regnier Building at Johnson County Community College. ***
    Kansas University - Edwards Campus
    12600 Quivira Rd
    Overland Park, KS 66213-2402
    Maps and directions are available here:
    The Regnier building is in the southeast corner of the complex, and you will find parking in front of that building off of 127th St. Our exact room will be posted on the information screen as you enter the building.


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