Tuesday, March 15, 2016
6:30 PM
Learn the fundamentals of data visualization and communicating visually with data. Starting with SVG, we will dive deep into d3 including topics such as quantitative scales, axis, plots, color schemes, events and force directed graph drawings.
C2FO will be providing food and drinks for everyone to enjoy.
Speaker Bios
Justin Wright is a Senior Software Engineer at FireMon, LLC in Overland Park, KS, designing software to capture, manage and visualize firewall configurations. Justin's experience with data visualizations come from everything from creating charts to network diagrams for the advertising, financial, insurance and infosec industries.
David Rinck is a Senior Software Engineer at HOMER Energy in Boulder, Colorado, designing software to model electric microgrids. David's research and professional experience in data visualization range from projects in energy analytics to critical care medical devices.
Sponsor Info
C2F0 - 4210 Shawnee Mission Pkwy #400A, Fairway, KS 66205
Getting There
Visual Queues: The building immediately west of Stroud's on Shawnee Mission Parkway. Micro-directions: When you get to the building, there is a parking garage on the back side with an entrance to the 3rd floor. Directly after walking through the double doors immediately turn left and walk towards the 2nd suite on your left
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