Please plan on joining us for a working session of Kansas City area professionals as we consider the benefits and challenges of scaling agile practices to the enterprise.  


To register for this event please visit: 

Over the last five years, there has been a significant change in the marketplace to utilize the benefits of Lean | Agile principles and practices (originally relegated to small teams) across the enterprise.  Today, many companies are using different frameworks to help them scale.  In this session we'll take a closer look at the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe, discuss some of the challenges, pitfalls and benefits associated with these endeavors, and conduct an open space to address questions, thoughts and experiences the community at large may have.


  • 0830 - 0900 Opening \ Networking
  • 0900 - 1015 Scaled Agile Framework Overview 
    • We'll take a closer look at SAFe (, how it is designed, and discuss some of the aspects of its successful adoption 
  • 1015 - 1130 Open Space / Experience Reports
    • We'll shift to your questions, the collective wisdom of the group and hear from attendees about what has worked and what has not
  • 1130 - 1200 Closing and Knowledge Sharing

We'll close with a recap of the morning and determine if there are any next steps the group would like to take


Some Frequently Asked Questions Include:

Who should plan on attending?

Business leaders, managers and those with organizational\delivery responsibility within their company. 

Are there any costs to attend?

No.  We do ask that you register so we can get an accurate count and if your situation should change that you cancel your reservation.

Do I have to attend the entire session?

No, but the conversations tend to build on each other and those that can attend for the duration typically leave with a deeper learning and understanding of the topics.

What do I need to bring?

Your peers, your questions, your experiences and a willingness to share.


If you have any other questions, please contact Martin Olson at

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