Tuesday, May 3, 2016
7:00 PM

Back in the B.C. years (Before Computers), animators worked with pencils, paints and reams of overlays taking months and years creating their cartoons. Computers speeded up the process with digital puppets, but an animation still required millions of mouse clicks. Now, with Adobe Character Designer (included with After Effects CC), all you need is a properly layered digital puppet and your face to create (lip-synced!) animations.
Join us Tuesday night, May 3, as Adobe Senior Experience Designer Dave Werner shows us how this digital miracle works.
Fresh from NAB, Dave will join us live in a Connect session from 7 to 7:45. After his presentation we will go deeper into Character Designer with a few tutorials. We'll send you home with a link to an example file that you can play with on your own.
Come get animated with us on Tuesday, and bring a friend!
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