Friday, May 6, 2016

6:00 PM
The Farmhouse
300 Delaware Street, Kansas City, MO

Are you learning to code? Come on out to get social, get some advice, get some support, and have some fun at this casual RailsConf after-party. :-D 
^ Attendance at RailsConf not required!
This Meetup will take place a short walk from the Kansas Convention Center after the last keynote and there will be some snacks and drinks, courtesy of Flatiron School
RailsConf | KC speaker Jess Rudder (engineer @ Flatiron School) will be hosting! She's excited to meet everyone, answer questions about learning to code (and learning to code online!), and even get technical if anyone wants to find out more about her RailsConf talk, "Will It Inject? A Look at SQL Injection and ActiveRecord."

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