• Oak Park Library (Large Meeting Room)

    9500 Bluejacket St., Overland ParkKS (map)
  • Topics include: 
    (1) An Introduction to Apache Spark and SparkR. 
    (2) social network analysis in R, using iGraph and Statnet.


  • Centriq

    8700 State Line Rd. Suite 200, LeawoodKS (map)
  • We will be discussing Virtual Machine options and how to use the virtual machines for a development environment or a test environment.


Welcome to the Machine Learning Kansas City meetup! We discuss all things machine learning! Some of the topics we discuss are learning theory, computer vision, natural language processing, data mining, and computer audition. We welcome all levels of experience so come join us!




We will regularly discuss capabilities and feature sets of Kentico: an up-and-coming fully integrated ASP.NET CMS, E-commerce, and Online Marketing platform. Speakers will include current Kentico clients, certified developers, and certified marketers. All Kansas City area marketers, developers, and CMS enthusiasts would benefit from becoming more knowledgeable about this great company and the opportunities its products present.


  • Needs a location

  • This is a chance for *everyone* (yes, yourself included) to talk for a few minutes about what you're doing, or learning, in Elixir. Working on a cool project? Facing a problem you can't seem to fix? Just learning? Share your experience and [newly acquired] knowledge with others!


  • Wirestream

    521 Walnut, Kansas CityMO (map)
  • Have an app? Check! 
    Can it save data locally? Check!
    Can it synchronize its data with the cloud?
    If you didn't answer yes to that last question then join the KC Mobile .NET Developers Group to learn about data architectures for mobile applications. We'll dive into working with the Azure Web API with Xamarin.Form.
    (And even if you did answer yes come join the meetup as we'll also be talking a bit about this fall's Xamarin Dev Days)
    Speaker: Yair Segal (Founder, Peach Software) 
    Sponsor: TBD
    Location: Wirestream
    Parking: the lot across Walnut from Planters is available for parking for free after 6:00 PM


  •  to 
  • Hammerspace

    440 E 63rd St , Kansas CityMO (map)
  • 1/2 block east of Oak St. on 63rd St.
  • Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.
    There is a concession stand and kids playroom available, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.
    Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.


Kansas City

Saturday, October 1, 2016

KU Edwards Campus BEST Conference Center, 12600 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS 66213




NEJS CONF is a Single day,   single track conference    dedicated to Web Development   and JavaScript.



Friday, August 26, 2016


The Durham Museum – Omaha, NE USA



Conference passes include:

  • Free Museum Admission for the day
  • Midday meal (a.k.a. Lunch)
  • Snacks
  • Evening meal (a.k.a. Dinner and Drinks at the after party)
  • Old fashioned soda fountain at the after party!


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

7:00 PM

  • BalancePoint

    9201 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Details to follow.


  • Google Fiber Space Lounge

    1820 Westport Road, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Hello Friends!
    We're back in action for the monthly meetup event on August 16 6:30pm-9pm. This month, we'll be at the Google Fiber space in Westport (1820 Westport Rd, Kansas City MO 64111) where we recently hosted the first KCVR Hackathon!
    Come hang out, network, hear about news and updates, and try out some demos for VR games that you may have heard of! Talk to local developers and entrepreneurs about upcoming projects and business ideas.
    If you have any work that you would like to show off, please bring it along! We love to promote our group's work and help each other improve.
    Let Steve or Drew know if you have any questions!


  • Garmin International

    1200 E 151st Street, Olathe, KS (map)

  • Abstract:
    Spring Data provides several different ways to access backing datastores, all of which are an improvement over traditional boilerplate extensive methods. This talk will start with data access using pure JDBC and transition through various methods using the Spring Data project. Also, time permitting, there will also be a touch of Spring Data REST
    Doug is a software engineer for Garmin International, working primarily with web services supporting customer data.

    Location Details 

    Garmin's address is 1200 E 151st, Olathe, KS 66062  
    Our garage is completely open and access from Ridgeview is North of where it used to be, it is now closer to Sheridan Bridge Lane.
    Construction Update - The southern Ridgeview entrance is closed but a new one has been created just north of the original (image).
    • You will be able to enter through the left most door until 6:20 pm when the doors will be locked (image).
    All guests to Garmin need to register upon entering the North Lobby. The doors will need to be locked at 6:20 pm.   
    • 5:30 - 6:30pm - Social Hour with food provided by 
    • 6:30pm - Presentation
    • Afterwards anyone who is interested is invited to join us at Austin’s Bar and Grill located at 2103 E 151st St, Olathe, KS 66062 for an informal social. Drinks and appetizers will be sponsored by , click here


    Wednesday, August 3, 2016

    11:00 AM

  • Brewbakers

    9482 Renner Blvd, Lenexa, KS (map)
  • IT Architects, Change Agents, Progressive leaders


    Tuesday, September 27, 2016

    10:30 AM

  • Cerner Continuous Campus

    10200 Abilities Way, Kansas City, KS (map)

  • Lessons from capacity planning a Java enterprise application: how to keep capacity predictions on target and cut CPU usage by 5x  - CMG 2015 Best Paper
    Paper by Stefano Domini,  presented by Renato Bonomini
    Java applications are ubiquitous in mission-critical enterprise and online settings. Java automatic memory management brings safety and development efficiency benefits, however at the same time adds complexity for the capacity manager in terms of how to effectively predict the capacity and manage the efficiency of such environments. We describe actionable methodologies and key metrics that enabled us to highlight the hidden bottleneck of many Java applications; devise a business-oriented capacity model that represents Java memory bottlenecks; detect poor memory usage patterns and anticipate memory leaks; determine that the garbage collector drives the CPU usage of your servers; and show how the garbage collector might be your first scalability bottleneck.
    Renato's Bio
    Renato was a data scientist before it became cool to be one.  His goal is to help companies understand how to use data to provide insight and actionable intelligence by leveraging Moviri software solutions and consulting services.  Renato is currently the Director of Business Development for Moviri. 


    Wednesday, August 3, 2016

    6:00 PM

  • Stowers Institute

    1000 E 50th St, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Park in the garage and enter the main building to the west of the garage. Follow the signs and turn right at the security desk.
  • Please join us for an evening of looking at the exciting past month of PHP news and hacking on open source projects. If you would like some help on your own project, bring it in!
    Light refreshments will be provided. Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new. 
    Our Evening Meeting Format
    We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
    6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet
    6:15pm - Lightning Talk: Last Month in PHP
    6:30pm - Hack on open source projects!
    Rate the talks! 
    Your topic here? Contact us to speak!
    All Developers Welcome!
    We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, Laravel, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
    Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    August 22-23 2016

    Kansas City, MO

    Midwest.io is a two-day conference in the heart of the US, bringing together developers for an eclectic collection of talks covering the latest trends, best practices, and research in the field of computing.
    Registration is available!  Register now.
    Group tickets are now available! Receive 10% off 5 or more tickets or 15% off 10 or more tickets. Email team@midwest.io for more information


    Jeff Burtoft will be a keynote speaker at the AIM Heartland Developers Conference. Jeff is the principal program manager for Web Apps at Microsoft. His keynote will explore how different technologies are influencing the web, and why developers should be paying attention to this "web of the future."

    View all the speakers at HDC on September 7 - 9 at aimhdc2016.sched.org.


    Tuesday, August 2, 2016

    7:00 PM

  • Johnny's Tavern North

    410 N Second, Lawrence, KS (map)

  • This informal gathering is for designers and developers to get together, grab some food and/or drinks, and talk shop. A lot of great discussions and networking happen organically at these meetings, don't miss out!


    Tuesday, August 2, 2016

    7:00 PM

  • Think Big Coworking

    1712 Main St. 2nd Floor, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.092918 -94.583893

  • Please use the back enterence and the door by the elevator.
  • James has offered to give a presentation this month on Open Source Imaging Tools. Here is his pitch:
    "BEYOND GIMP: The Full Suite of Open Source Imaging Tools
    Looking to retouch your summer photos? You've probably heard of GIMP, but what other tools exist? A look at Darktable, and a sprinkling of useful commands from the ImageMagick tool set."


    August Happy Hour at Julep KC
    August 18 | 5:30 p.m.

    Take a break from the summer heat and mingle with your SMCKC friends at our August Happy Hour at Julep! Admission gets you a free drink and shared appetizers! (Food and drinks are 25% off until 6 p.m., so come early!).
    We are working to have new board placements in attendance so you can meet them.

    Register Now


    August Breakfast
    Engaging Influencers on Behalf of Your Brand
    August 5 | 7:30 a.m.

    Join us as members of the FleishmanHillard team map out best practices for identifying and engaging the right influencer mix for your brand.
    At this session, we will be sharing:
    • Best practices for identifying the right influencer mix for your brand
    • Case studies highlighting our favorite social influencer do’s and don’ts
    • How  we leverage different types of influencers and navigate across various social platforms
    • FTC guidelines
    • How to measure impact


  • The Nerdery

    100 E 7 St Suite #401, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • Join us on August 2nd for another excellent meet up of your Kansas City Google Developer Group (GDG) hosted by The Nerdery!

    At this meet up: 
    We are excited to have partnered with our friends at GDG Twin Cities for a live-stream presentation of the excellent Dan Lew for an introduction to Android Development. 

    Tentative Schedule:
    6:00 - Food and networking* 
    6:20 - Welcome and announcements 
    6:30 - What to expect when you're expecting to write an Android app 
    8:00 - Adjourn / Go dig into Android development 

    *please show up as close to on time as possible. The Nerdery is generous with their space after business hours. 

    What to expect when you're expecting to write an Android app 
    Are you thinking about starting on the journey to writing an Android app, but don't know where to get started? I'm here to help! The Android ecosystem is large and scary, but with a few tips you should be able to navigate your first steps.
    In this talk I'll go over beginner resources for learning Android, some initial considerations you should make about your app, what tools you should get for the job, and some rookie mistakes you should avoid. 

    Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

    Transit and parking info:
    Parking is located on the NW corner of 7th and Walnut, directly west of The Nerdery. If the parking lot fills up, street parking is available and free after 6pm.


  • Sprint Accelerator

    210 W. 19th Terr., Kansas City, MO, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • http://codeforkc.org/
  • Interested in helping the Kansas City area?  Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.
    Meeting Format
    6:00 - Social / Introductions 6:10 - New Member Orientation 6:20 - Project Pitches
    See if there are any updates on projects
    See if anyone has a new project they would like to work on Pitch existing projects to work on
    6:30 - Work on projects (7:00 ~ Pizza arrives -- first Mondays only)  7:45 - Wrap up - get project updates

    Location: Community Room on the South side of the building.
    Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.
    Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!
    Bring a laptop: If you intend on getting some hands-on hacking done (it’s ok if you can’t but it definitely helps to have one).
    On first Mondays, there will be pizza! We'll be getting some 'za from Sizzle Pie, so there will be a vegetarian option.
    If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.
    Code for Kansas City has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone.
    Connect with Us:
    • Join our Code for KC email list.
    Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC
    • Join us on Slack: slackinvite.me/to/codeforkc
    Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: captain@codeforkc.org.
    Code For Kansas City presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy.


    Monday, August 1, 2016

    6:30 PM
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

    1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)

  • (you will receive specific instructions on navigating the Federal Reserve Bank parking and security requirements after you register).
    For the KCDesignCore August meeting, we'll be combining with the UXPA (User Experience Professionals Association - KC Chapter) and will have the opportunity to attend the August 1 premiere of DESIGN DISRUPTORS, a documentary produced by InVision. Please note, this is ONE NIGHT EARLIER than our normal meeting night, and it is the replacement for our August meeting.
    DESIGN DISRUPTORS will premiere in major cities around the world on August 1, and we're pleased to be on top of it as we join with UXPA for this one-night-only event, held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, for registered/ticketed attendees.
    If the success of Apple has seen the rise of the product designer, then the fact that several billion dollar companies were started by designers confirms that design is driving innovation across the world. People who are aware of this new phenomenon might start to wonder: what gives design its power to disrupt the world? The new documentary film, Design Disruptors, invites us to take an intimate look into the processes, perspectives and approaches of the leaders at the world’s foremost technology firms.
    Among them is Airbnb, Coursera, Dropbox, Etsy, Eventbrite, Evernote, Facebook, Google Ventures, HubSpot, MailChimp, Netflix, Pinterest, Salesforce, Spotify, Twitter, Xero, Zendesk, whose combined valuation is worth more than one trillion dollars.
    Trailer #1:

    Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uxpakc-sponsored-screening-design-disruptors-tickets-26507709272 (*be sure to choose "Adobe KC Groups" as your ticket type to obtain free admission.
    Trailer #2:

    Today’s most disruptive companies have a new guiding principle: a fierce focus on customer-centric product design. DESIGN DISRUPTORS features an elite group of 15 disruptive companies who share the perspectives and sacrifices necessary to upend age-old industries and disrupt the status quo.
    Join the UXPAKC for an exclusive screening of the InVision-produced documentary DESIGN DISRUPTORS and explore a never-before-seen perspective on the design approaches of the some of the world's industry-toppling companies.
    Snacks and drinks will be provided (but eat dinner on your own first!). We're meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (just south of the World War I museum and Liberty Memorial; approximately 29th and Main). Bank security requires advance registration, so don't wait until the last minute!
    Be the first to see the film and reserve your seat today. Registration will close July 31 due to the KC Federal Reserve Bank security requirements.
    Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uxpakc-sponsored-screening-design-disruptors-tickets-26507709272 (*be sure to choose "Adobe KC Groups" as your ticket type to obtain free admission.
    We look forward to seeing you at the UXPA meeting and will resume our normal schedule in September.



  • Stanford's Comedy Club
    7328 W 119th St, Overland Park, KS (map)
    38.913002 -94.671272

  • 119th & Metcalf. Same corner as Price Chopper.
  • Security is a serious business. Therefore, we are going to have our first meeting of Summer 2016 at Stanford's Comedy Club. We will meet at the patio where you can order food & drinks (or not order anything at all if you are on diet).
    Here is how we are going to do it. Each attendee will share how he or she practices personal cyber security. Then, the host Alex Aye will elaborate or moderate.
    [ Keywords: identity theft protection, email security, fool the data miners, stop using public WiFi, banking security, data encryption, online privacy. ]
    Attendees are free to discuss as much as they want, or nothing at all. Meeting will last one hour. At the end, attendees can go home, or enjoy Stanford's Open Mic night where servers from a popular chicken wing joint will show off their pole-dancing and joke-telling skills. There is no cover charge for our MeetUp members.
    We'll see you there.


    • Black Dog Coffee House

      12815 W 87th St, LenexaKS (map)
    • Hopefully the big room in back--look for the group with laptops
    • Saturday Meeting Format 
      Our Saturday meetings are free-formed. Attendees bring up topics that interest them or that they want feedback on. Attendees are welcome to participate or just kick back and soak in the discussions. There are also no dumb questions! If you're just starting out this is a great opportunity to ask questions.
      The meeting structure usually follows this format:
      * Introductions / meet and greet new members
      Open group discussion on any development topic, concern or question; discussing any new happenings that interest the group
      * Get help s
      etting up your development environment, looking at code, quick demos, etc. (time permitting)
      All levels welcome!
      Maybe you have been using using PHP for a week or even a decade--we all have things to learn and share. If you enjoy working with PHP, or want to learn more about it this meeting is for you.
      Get Involved
      If you're looking for a presentation-focused event with talks and demos, check out our weeknight meetups. We would also love to have you present! Please contact an organizer through Meetup or talk after a meeting to tell us more about your topic.


    • Stowers Institute

      1000 E 50th St, Kansas CityMO (map)
    • Park in the garage and enter the main building to the west of the garage. Follow the signs and turn right at the security desk.
    • Please join us for an evening of looking at the exciting past month of PHP news and hacking on open source projects. If you would like some help on your own project, bring it in! 
      Light refreshments will be provided. Join us to meet new people, discuss PHP, and learn something new. 
      Our Evening Meeting Format
      We love Web Development and all things PHP. Our meetings are often a little free-formed, but we shoot for this schedule:
      6:00pm - Mingling / Meet and Greet
      6:15pm - Lightning Talk: Last Month in PHP
      6:30pm - Hack on open source projects!
      Rate the talks! 
      Your topic here? Contact us to speak! 
      All Developers Welcome!
      We understand Web Developers often come from all backgrounds, and many work in more languages than PHP. Whether you're curious and just starting out, dabble in PHP on the weekends, write custom PHP on a daily basis, work in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Silex, Slim, Laravel, CakePHP or customize CMS products like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; our goal is that you will find something new, useful and thought provoking.
      Interested in giving a presentation to the group, or demoing something you're working on? Contact one of the organizers through Meetup or talk after a monthly meeting to sign up!


    Blog Archive
