September 12th, 2016 Meeting
Our third meeting for 2016 will feature Roy Boxwell (SEGUS), Kai Stroh (UBS Hainer), and Jase Alpers (IBM).  During the lunch hour we will have an optional product demo by Ulf Heinrich – Director of Solutions Delivery at SEGUS.

Here is our agenda for the September 12th meeting:
8:00 to 8:30 am Check in and continental breakfast
8:30 to 8:45 am IBM
IBM Announcements – Shri Shrimali, IBM
8:45 to 10:00 am – Roy Boxwell, SEGUS
BIF/ICI Detection
10:00 to 10:15 am Break
10:15 to 11:30 am – Ulf Heinrich, SEGUS
SQL Audit
11:30 to 12:30 pm Lunch (sponsored by SEGUS)
Optional product demo by Ulf Heinrich, SEGUS
12:30 to 2:00 pm –  Kai Stroh, UBS Hainer
Test Data Management – Concepts and Methods
2:00 to 2:15 pm Break
2:15 to 3:30 pm – Jase Alpers, IBM
Runstats Challenges for Optimal Query Performance
3:30 to 3:35 pm Stefan Kolev, President
User Group Announcements

Speaker Bios:
Roy Boxwell has more than 28 years of DB2 experience – 25 of those acquired in MVS, OS/390 and z/OS environments. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning.  Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions and is currently involved in the development of new DB2 HealthCheck products.  He is also an active participant and contributor on the IDUG DB2 Listserve and sends out our monthly DB2 newsletter
Ulf Heinrich is the Director of Solutions Delivery at SEG. Ulf’s specialties are DB2 availability and performance, focusing on the growing requirement for 24×7 operations and cost reduction. As a consultant at large customer sites, he has implemented database maintenance procedures and recovery strategies, and also experienced the pitfalls of recovery scenarios under real world recovery pressure. Ulf’s activities cover EMEA, as well as North America through SE’s U.S. subsidiary, SEGUS Inc.
Kai Stroh earned a Computer Science degree from the University of Darmstadt and is a mainframe software developer specializing in DB2 utilities for z/OS. He designs and builds innovative DB2 applications and utilities often working onsite or remotely with UBS’ international clients. He easily navigates his way around DB2 dumps and knows how to move data and definitions across DB2 versions, and this includes the unique in-house DB2 subsystems which each have their own little technical adaptations. 

Jase Alpers is part of the DB2 for z/OS optimizer development team out of the IBM Silicon Valley Lab.  He is a frequent speaker on DB2 query optimization having presented at IOD as well as many DB2 user groups over the years.  Jase has more than 15 years experience with DB2 in application development, consulting, DB2 support, and DB2 optimizer development.  Prior to joining the DB2 optimizer team, Jase led the SQL performance and Relational Data Systems DB2 support teams.  Jase's work is focused on driving improvements to DB2 query optimization as well as deep dive analysis and resolution of SQL performance problems.  In the last several releases of DB2, Jase has designed and delivered enhancements to automate identification and management of which statistics to collect for optimal query performance.


BIF/ICI detection
Don’t let ICIs put your DB2 application in the ICU! - How to discover incompatible changes.
·         The what and why of ICIs
If you’ve been paying close attention, you will have noticed that over the course of the past couple releases of DB2 for z/OS, IBM has been making changes that can modify the behavior of your DB2 application programs. The number of incompatible changes being introduced by IBM started off slowly in DB2 9 but has grown to a significant number today. So much so that there are ways to trace incompatible changes (using IFCIDs and ICIs, or Incompatible Change Indicators), as well as methods to repress the changes, even if only for a period of time.
·         Ways to deal with incompatibilities
This session will discuss the incompatible changes, their potential impact on your applications, as well as provide guidance on how to tackle the whole experience. And you’ll also see how to make it easier to manage and control these incompatible changes. With all of this information at your disposal, you can make sure that your DB2 applications do not wind up in the ICU (intensive care unit)!
·         Customer experiences
Now that we all know everything about ICI’s, let us have a look at how you can find where the “bad guys” are and how to continuously check that everything is ok. This presentation will show how you can find out ICI details for static and dynamic SQL, and then we will show real customer results from a “BiF hunt”.

SQL Audit
Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking
Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill. There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what are the associated costs? This presentation introduces DB2 10/11 technology exploitation that delivers any DML, DDL, DCL being executed in a DB2 environment along with identification details. Learn how you can run Audit analytics against a longterm repository, pinpointing who executed a query, when and from where. Analyze your entire workload to understand access patterns and abnormalities.

Test Data Management - Concepts and Methods

We will discuss test data management and the issues that DBA's and staff must deal with to supply various DB2 environments with fresh data quickly, efficiently and in a way that saves resources, automates processes and improves data delivery times. Rapid data provisioning, data masking, and test data management topics with emphasis on DB2 z/OS will be addressed, as well as, supporting DB2 LUW, Oracle, SQL Server.

Runstats Challenges for Optimal Query Performance

Accurate and relevant statistics are the basis of reliable good query performance.  How do I identify the important statistics?  How do I manage statistics collection?  What new features does DB2 for z/OS provide to help with runstats challenges?  In this session, we'll answer these questions and more as we discuss various runstats challenges and misconceptions.

Member Fees
The membership fees for 2016 remain unchanged from 2015 and the breakdown is as follows:
2016 Fee Structure:
Annual Membership $180.00
Pay in Advance Single Event $ 55.00
Late Registration/Walk in Single Event $ 65.00

Please Note:  There are options to purchase annual memberships as well as individual meetings through the website.

Meeting Location
A reminder that our meetings are held at Kansas University -
Edwards Campus, Regnier Building at 127th and Quivira in Overland Park.
*** Please note this is the Regnier Building at KU-E, NOT the ***
*** Regnier Building at Johnson County Community College. ***
Kansas University - Edwards Campus
12600 Quivira Rd
Overland Park, KS 66213-2402
Maps and directions are available here:
The Regnier building is in the southeast corner of the complex, and you will find parking in front of that building off of 127th St. Our exact room will be posted on the information screen as you enter the building.
I hope to see you on September 12th!
Stefan Kolev
President, Heart of America DB2 Users Group

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